April 14

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Diocese of Nottingham

Derbyshire Education Committee

St Annes Catholic Primary School

Mrs. C. V. Sierotko B.A.(Hons) PGCE CCRS
Tel: (01298) 23589
Fax: (01298) 74130

Lightwood Road
SK17 7AN

Dear Parents,
I hope that you all had a very Happy Easter!
We return with a few changes in the school. We welcome back Miss Hadfield, following her maternity
leave. Miss Hadfield will be working five mornings a week. As you are already aware Mrs. Trotter is on
maternity leave, I am delighted to announce that she had a little boy at the beginning of the school
holiday. I am sure that you will join me in congratulating her and her husband on the safe arrival of their
Mrs. Balfe has now returned following her sick leave and is feeling much better. I would like to thank
Mrs. Ashby who covered for Mrs. Balfe while she was absent. She did an amazing job and we really
appreciate her commitment while she was covering this role.
On Friday, we will be having school photographs. Any Parents requiring family photographs with
siblings below school age will need to arrive at school at 8.30am, via the main entrance.
The Easter mass, led by pupils in Mr. Winstons class will be held this Friday at 1.45pm. You are all
welcome to join us for this celebration.
May I remind parents of year 6 pupils that the KS2 SATS testing will take place during the week
beginning 11th May. Please avoid making any dental or medical appointments for your child during this
The Assembly and Mass rota for this half term is set out below. These can also be found on the school
We look forward to a happy and productive half term.
Friday 17thApril - Mr. Winstons Easter Mass 1.45pm.
Friday 1st May - Mrs Howards Assembly (Crowning of Mary) .
Friday 8th May - Miss Masons Assembly.
Thursday 14th May - Mrs. Wiggins (Ascension Thursday Mass).
Friday 22nd May - Mrs. Carrs Assembly.
Yours Faithfully.

Mrs. C. Sierotko.

Email: enquiries@st-annesrc.derbyshire.sch.uk
Website: www.st-annesrc.derbyshire.sch.uk

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