The Cat and The Cake

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The Cat and The Cake

Read the situation below about a problem at a guest house. Work in pairs to imagine a conversation between
the guest house owner and the chef. Use the prompts given below and the guidance for the interaction.
You are waiting for a group of ten guests that should arrive in 2 hours. They requested a surprise cake for one of
their friends birthday party. You have all the necessary ingredients, except the eggs, which have just been broken by
the cat. Discuss the situation together with the chef, weigh your options and come to a decision about what to do.


your options
and possible


1. Check the barn for fresh


Not enough eggs

2. Borrow them from another

guest house

Too far / Takes too long

3. Order the eggs from a


Not ecological

4. Skip the cake surprise

Risk of upsetting /
disappointing the customers

5. Change the cake recipe

Different ingredients

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Guidance for the interaction

A. In order to fulfil this task, you should

cover all the aspects mentioned in the instructions

actively involve your partner

make reasonable suggestions

appreciate what your partner has said

provide new ideas if appropriate

compare and contrast these suggestions and their consequences

agree on one feasible course of action that both of you find suitable.

B. Your own statements should

be clearly organised

relate to what your partner has said

contribute positively to the discussion

C. During the discussion, you should use expressions from the box below in order to enhance your dialogue:

make suggestions ( e.g. What about?; Why dont we?; Lets)

(dis-)agree (e.g. That would never work; Thats a great idea!)
express possibilities ( e.g. It would set off, if we do this..)
express preferences (e.g. Id rather; It would be better to.)
state necessities (e.g. we have/ need to; it is essential that)
make a decision(e.g. OK! Lets go for that! Thats the best way to .)

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