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WAP TE 9 COMPLEX NUMBERS the Symbol / ‘The square root of a negative number is called an imaginary number, e.g. 4, V-9, V-64, ¥=100 are imaginary numbers. Imaginary numbers cannot be represented by a real number, as there is no real number whos is a negative number. ‘To overcome this problem, the leer ii introduced to represent V1. se square i-Va ‘All imaginary numbers can now be expressed in terms of i, for example: ¥=26 = V36 x -1 =V36V-1 = 61 750 = V50x =i =¥25 x 2x1 =V25 V2 V1 = 52 Integer Powers of i Every integer power of i is a member of the set {1,—1, ii} ite? P=CDCD=1 Simplify: @ Gi) i? Solution: Ora Gg i” di) 7 4 i =MOOODE i (DCD 1 Alternatively, Alternatively, pai” Dei? yi? 1?) Complex Numbers 'A.complex number has two parts, areal part and an imaginary part ‘Some examples are 3+4i, 2~5i, ~6+04, 0-1 Consider the complex number 4+ 3i: 4 is called the real part, 3 is called th Note: 3i is not the imaginary part. Complex number = (Real Part) + (Imaginary Part) i ‘The set of complex numbers is denoted by C. ‘The letter z is usually used to represent a complex number, &-8- ye2+3, 9 e2-h tae Ifz=a+bi, then: (@ ais called the real part of z and is written Re(@) =a i) bis called the imaginary part of z and is written Im(z)=b. Write down the real and imaginary parts of each of the following complex numbers: (5-4) di) 3427 Gil) 6 iv) -Si. Solution: Real Part Imaginary Part @ 5-4i 5 “4 (i) 3421 3 2 Gil) 6=6 +07 6 0 (iv) -Si=0-5i 0 <5 Notes: i mever appears in the imaginary part. then z is a real number. then z is a purely imaginary number. Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers ‘To add or subtract complex numbers do the following: ‘Add or subtract the real and the imaginary parts separately. For example: (+5)-@-39 22-1431) -30 +47 4+51-243i= 1485 2461-3-12i=-5-6i Multiplication of Complex Numbers Multiplication of complex numbers is performed using the usual algebraic method, except that: i? is replaced with -1. For example: (B= 2-4 + Si) =3(-4 +5) 214+ 51) =-12+ 15i+8i-10i 12+ 151+ 81-101) @=A) 2-124 15/+8i+10 =-24231 If.z,=3+2i and z,=-145i, express in the form a+bi, a, beR: @ 22,-iz, i) zc, ai) Solution: @ 2-iz, i) zz =2(3 + 2/)-i(-1+5i) = +2145) 4+ 45+ i- Si? =3(-1 451) +2iC1 +51) +4i4i45 34 15i—2i+ 107? (2-1) 2-34 15i-2i-10 @=-1) 145i 2-134 137 Gi) = (342i)? 3 +213 +21) £3(3+2i) +23 +2) + 61+ 61+ 41? + 61461-4 (@=-1) =5+12i TE Given that z= 1 -¥3i, find the real number k such that 2? +kz is: (@ real ii)_purely imaginary. Solution: ze1-Vai ake, 2=(-%39? 1-80 -¥39, 2° wai + KE N39 211-13) -Y3ia V3) ~ Bis kA =1-¥3i—¥3i4 37? 2+k)+ C23 - NBDE =1-¥3i-¥3i-3 (Group real and imaginary parts together) — 3 () IF 2?+4z is real, then the imaginary (i) If z2+kz is imaginary, then the real partis zero, partis zero, -2V3- 03-0 5 =2+k=0 kod Note: V3iis often writen as iV3 to avoid the error V3i Express each of the following in the form ai, where aeN: va 2. V-25 3. V-49 4.Va00 5. V6 6. Va ni 8.09, a0 VIG TG 12, V8 Express each of the following in the form abi, a, beN and b is prime: | 13. ¥-8 14.0015, V8 16. 50a. 8018, V8 Express each of the following as an element of the set (1,-1, ,~i) | 19. i6 20, i? 21. i 22, 53 23, 24, i? 30.7 25, 127 26, i an 28, i? 29.7 31. Write down the real part and imaginary parts of zif: @ 292453 (i) =-3-4i Gi) =-7-%33 (iv) 2-7 Express each of the following in the forma+bi, a, beR and i?=-1: 32. (3+2i)-2(5-4i) 33. 22-3)-32-79 34, (2431-3 +41) 35. G+i-2-5i) 36. 3421344) -i 37, -2+5i)-5(-1+2) 38. (3-SI(4+9, 39. 4i(2-31(-2-41) 40. (1+2H?-26 -3i) 41. (14V32-VECN3 +2, 42, If z= 1~3i, where i=-1, evaluate z?~ 32. 43. If z,=5—2i, 22=-2-3i, express in the form a+ bi, a, beRand i?=-1: @r2 Gz Gz, GW) z2 44, If w=2+3i, show that w>—dw+ 13=0. 45. Find the value of k e R if (1 ~3/)(k+2i) is real, where i 46. Find the value of k € R if (2+ i)(K—Si) is purely imaginary, where i? 47. Given that z= 1 +3i, find the real number k such that 2? +kz is real 48. Given that z= 1 +12i, find the real number f such that 27+ 12 is: (@ real Gi) purely imaginary. 49, Given that 2=(-1 +5), find the real number k such that 2?—ke +V5i @ real purely imaginary. Conjugate and Division Conjugate of a Complex Number ‘Two complex numbers which differ only in the sign of their imaginary parts are called conjugate com- plex numbers, cach being the conjugate of the other. ‘Thus 3+4i and 3~4i are conjugates, and —2 ~3/ is the conjugate of -2+3i and vice versa. In general, a+bi and a— bi are conjugates. If z=a+bi, then its conjugate, a—bi, is denoted by Z. zeatbi => Zaa-bi ‘To find the conjugate, simply change the sign of the imaginary part only. 6~Sithen 2=-6+5i. For example, if A,simplify:@ z+2 Gi) 2-2 ii) 2. —5i (change sign of the imaginary part only). di) zz (3+50(-3-5), 3-3 =: 6 (areal number) 9 + fi 1fi- 251? 29425 =34 (areal number) 5345143451 =107 (a purely imaginary number) Note: If a complex number is added to, or multiplied by, its conjugate the imaginary parts cancel and the result will always be a real number. Ifz=a+-bi, then: +bi)+(a-bi)=a+bita~bi=2a (areal number) -a?+b? (areal number) Lzt 2, 28=(a+bi)(a~bi)=a*—abi + abi- bi Division by a Complex Number Multiply the top and bottom by the conjugate of the bottom. ‘This will convert the complex number on the bottom into a real number, The division is then performed by dividing the real number on the bottom into each part on the top. Qi Tens Solution: First write < in the form a+bi: find the real part of z. + (ees ee Nena the conjugate of 1—i Qe disiri one 242i te aeererrs Geo 133) (divide the bottom into each part on top) ‘Thus, the real part of z is + (Eazy ~ a AT 443i 443i\ i 3-4)” Simplify and, hence, evaluate ( 443i 344i 73a 344i 12+ 161+ 91+ 1217 =OMen 1 a5, (a1) Express each of the following in the form a+ bi, where a, b ¢ R and i?=—1 324i T+4i LsSi 7-1 3 332i # . find the value of @ and the value of b, a, beR. eR, evaluate p?+q?. 411. Given that (4+ 3iz= 1 +7i, express the complex number z in the form a+ bi. 12. (i) Express (1 ~2i)? in the form a+ bi. (i) Hence, find the real part of 5° 1 Aap? i purely imaginary number and write down the imaginary par. 13, Show that of 14, Evaluate: (oz 2+i a+ 15, () Evaluate + Pt where a, b eR and i? = ai Hence, or otherwise, evaluate: 542i\* 344i\! ay (<3 w (5) ay (3) ) ( -. Evaluate each ofthe following: é 8-4i)? ~6+8i\8 2-31) 121) , 18, . “(e) Ca) Ge) ™ Ger) 20. k is a real number such that 254 Find 3 -Si Equality of Complex Numbers If two complex numbers are equal then: their real parts are equal and their imaginary parts are also equal. For example, if a+bi=c+di, then a=c and b=d. ‘This definition is very useful when dealing with equations involving complex numbers. Equations involving complex numbers are usually solved with the following steps: 1, Remove the brackets, 2, Putan R under the real parts and an J under the imaginary parts to identify them. 43 Let the real parts equal the real parts and the imaginary parts equal the imaginary parts, 4. Solve these resultant equations (usually simultaneous equations). Note: If one side of the equation does not contain a real part or an imaginary part, it should be replaced with 0 oF Oi, respectively: 217 4-2i, 2,=-2-61.Fz,-pzy=gi,_p,qeR, find p and. Solution: z-pe=gi ‘The right-hand side has no real part, hence a 0, representing the real part, should be placed on the right-hand side. Now the equation is za pz,=0+gi (put 0 in for real part) (-2-6i)—pl4—21)=0 + gi (substitute for z, and z,) -2-61-4p+2pi=0+gi (remove the brackets) Reg R 1 RT (identify real and imaginary parts) Real parts = Real parts Imaginary parts = Imaginary parts =2- 4p =0 smsunrrane D ~6+2p=4 ® Solve between the equations D and @: -2-4p=0 @ Substitute p=-J into equation @: ~6+2p=q ® 642) =9 w=a-+bi is a complex number such that: wi—2iw=17-6i. Find the two possible values of w. Solution: weatbi Wea-bi Given: wit 2iw = 17-64 (a+ bi(a—bi)-2ia+ bi) =17 -64 ois aBi— b°i2— Dai 2bi?=17 61 (remove brackets) @+b?-2ai+2b= 17-61 @=-) ROD WR RI, (identify real and imaginary parts) Real parts =Real parts Imaginary parts = Imaginary parts a?+b?42b=17 @ -ta=-6 @ Solve between equations @ and @: -2a=-6 @ a?+b2+2b=17 2a=6 94b?42b=17 (a=3) a=3 b?4+2b-8=0 (b+4b-2)=0 ba-4 or b=2 weatbi ‘Thus, w=3-4i or w=3+2i. Exercise 2.3 ] Solve for x, y eR: 1, x44) +92-3: 3, 3x-ilx + y+ 5)=(143i)i+26-y) 4. (x+y) -Gi- 5. If 2(h-2)-k+i=i2k—M), find hand k, hi, keR. 2, 13-2’) 4yG-2)=5-4i 3+2i)?-Ti 6. If 2p—q+i(7i+3)=2(2i-q)—ilp +34), find p and g, p,geR. , 2,2 5(1 +0. Ifz, +124, find rand k, 4 kER. 7. u=4- B 2j=54 Ti, 2,=3~ i MERE, +29)= 16+ (442); find rand k, 1, KER. 9, ge2-3i. z+i+3at bi)=iz-S, find a and b, a,b ER. =3i. If le, —z2=hi, find Vand & ke R. 10. 2,=2+3i,29 Lh, 2,=6-8i, 29=4~3i. If pi=z,+ le find p and J, where z,~z)=22 and p, LER. Express z in the form a + bi if: 12. ie=23-9) 13, 2(1+3i)-5(1 +3i)=22 14, z= a+ i is a complex number such that 2+2=8 and cé=25. Find two values of 2. 15. w=a +biis a complex number such that wi? 3iw=5(7-3)). Find two values of w. =11-3i. 16. z=p+qi is a complex number such that z2— Find two values of z. 17. Ifa(a+i)—bi3+bi)= 1001 +i), find a,b, a, beR. 18, If a?+2abi--b?=—15 + 8i, find the values of a,b, a, beR. ‘An Argand diagram is used to plot complex numbers. It is very similar to the x- and y-axes used in coordinate geometry, except that the horizontal axis is called the real axis (Re) and the vertical axis jg called the imaginary axis (Im). It is also called the complex plane. To represent a complex number on an Argand diagram, it must be ‘written in the form a+ bi. ‘The complex number «+ bi is represented by the point with coordinates (a,b). If2,=2-3i and z,=6~5i, represent on an Argand diagram: @% 2-2 Solution: @ 2122-31 2,2243% (i) 2z;-22 =2(2-3i)-(6-5i) =4-61-6+5i a-2-i Modulus of a Complex Number ‘The modulus of a complex number is the distance from the origin to the point representing the complex number on the ‘Argand diagram, If z=a+bi, then the modulus of zis written |z| or |a+bi|- ‘The point z represents the complex number a-+ bi. ‘The modulus of z is the distance from the origin, o, to the complex number a+ bi. Using the theorem of Pythagoras, |z| =Va?+b*. Ifz=a+bi then [zl=|a+bi|=Var+b® 1, inever appears when the modulus formula is used. 2, The modulus of a complex number is always positive. 3. Before using the formula a complex number must be in the form a+ bi, For example, if z=~2+ Si, then: Jel=1-2+5i] =¥E2)?+ Gy? =V4+25. V9 w|, find two values of, ke R, lel=lwl e [k= 1)+7i|=|8-i] Vik— 2+)? =VB82+ C1)? (\a+oi|=Va+0?) (k= 12+ ()2= 8741)? (Square both sides) K2-2k+ 1449 = 6441 RA 2k= 1 (k-S\k+3)=0 k=5. or For questions 1-11, construct an Argand diagram from6 to 6 on the real axis and -Si to Si on the imaginary axis. If c=1+i and w=~6 + 4i, represent each of the following on an Argand diagram: Lz wz aw aw 5. 2Z+w 6. few 12 g, 23 7 w. % z z+1 s z IL, Let w=9+7i and w 3 Represent on an Argand diagram: © w ai W-A(u-1) @u Gi) Zr ii) aaa Hence, evaluate | 12. Evaluate each of the followin; @ | 12-i| Gi) |-3-Si] ity [V2+i] (ivy [1-%33] © [2-83i]| i) |-2-3i1 (ip [$+ Bi] vty | Hl 13, Let w= 422! 2+ (Express w in the form a+ bi, where a, b€R, (li) Evaluate | G 1431 15, Let z= 147i and w=-1 +i. Express — in the form a+ i, a, be Rand i?= lal Il kw + 161. 14, Let 2=4~3i and w Evaluate: (i) KI i | z w Verify that: () |z| .|w|=[2w| Solve, for real hand ke he= || 16, If |8+ki]=10, keR, find two possible values of k, 17. If|a+ai|=|1-Til, @eR, find two possible values of a 18, Let z=(k-1)-Si and w=-2+11i. If |z| =|], find two possible values of keR. 19, Let z=a+bi, where a,b eR. Wz-Z+|z|=17 + 16i, find two values of z. 20, Let w=a+bi, Find the complex number w such that V3|w| +iw=2+V2i. Quadratic Equations with Complex Roots ‘The equation az?+bz+c=0 has roots given by: ~b+Vo7—4ac_ 2a If b?—4ac<0, then the number under the square root sign will be negative, and so the solutions will be complex numbers. Solve the equations: (i) z*-4z+13=0 (il) 2z7+2z+1 Solution: @ 2-42+13-0 (i) 22+ 224120 az? +bz4+e=0 az*+bz+e=0 |, ba-4, c=13 G=2, bed, ‘=i =b+Vb?-4ac oe -b2Vb?=4ac 2a 2a SAVER? =4ad) 27-4) 20) 2@) 42VI6—52 —24V4-8 Sermo 4 42V36 24-4 2 q gee pet ne q 22243) ahi the roots are 2+3i and 2-31. the roots are-}+i and -}-4i. Note: Notice that in both solutions the roots occur in conjugate pairs. If one root of a quadratic equa- tion, with real coefficients, is a complex number, then the other root must also be complex and the conjugate of the first. ie. if 3-4i isaroot,then 344i — is also a root; if -2—5i is aroot,then -2+5i is also a root; if a+bi isaroot,then abi isalso aroot. Conjugate Roots Theorem, {fall the coefficients of a polynomial equation are real, then all complex roots occur as conjugate pairs. In other words, if one root is a complex number, then its conjugate is also a root. The Conjugate Roots ‘Theorem can be used only ifall the coefficients in the equation are real. If even one coefficient is non- real (contains an i), then the Conjugate Roots Theorem cannot be used The roots of the equation z?~2z+10=0 are 1 +3é and 1-31. ‘The complex roots occur as conjugate pairs, since all the coefficients, 1,~2 and 10, are real. The roots of the equation z?+ (/-2)z+(3=i)=0 are 1+i and 1—2i. ‘The complex roots do not occur as conjugate pairs, because the coefficients, 1, i-2 and 3~i are not all real numbers. Solve 2? (2-i)z+7~i=0. Explain why the roots do not occur in conjugate pairs. Solution: g-(2-dz+T-i80 24(2+iz+(7-)=0 (write in the form az?+bz+e=0) -b Vb? 4ac oS _ 2+) NC2+ 47-0) = 20) 2nd! [4—4i-1-28 +45 z 2-14 V-25 2 2-i+5i_2+4i 2 51 Thus, the roots are 1+2/ and = 1—3i. They are not complex conjugates because not all the coefficients are real. ‘The results concerning the roots of a quadratic equation also hold for quadratic equations that contain complex roots. If and f are the roots of the equation az?+bz+c=0, then: b c expe and apa £ ‘The quadratic equation can be written: 2-(atp)z+ap=0 or 23—-(sum of the roots)z + (product of the roots) =0. Example If-2+5iis a root of the equation z?+pc+q=0, p,qeR, write down the other root and, hence, find the value of p and the value of g. Solution: All the coefficients are real (given). Thus we can use the Conjugate Root Theorem. ‘Therefore, as~2+ 5i is a root, then -2 ~5i is also a root. -z2— (sum of the roots)z + (product of the roots) =0 22 (-4)z429=0 244z429-0 aun ch hens Compare to: - 10(u-+3i) +29 =0. 23, Ize = a+ bi, find the value of a and the value of b, a, beR. 24, Show that 2+ / is a root of the equation z?— 3(1 +i)z+5i: 25. Find the value of ke R if 1 +2/ is a root of the equation z2+kz+7+4i=0. 26. One root of the equation 27+ (—1 + pi)z + q(2~ i) =0 is ~Ti. Find: (i) the value of p and the value of q i) the other root. 27. One root of the equation z?—(p + z+ gi=0 is 2+3i. Find the value of p, the value of g and the other root. 28. One root of the equation z*~ (a+ 2i)z+b(1 +) =0 is 2-i, where a, beR. Find the value of a, the value of b and the other root, 29. The equation z?-2(1 ~i)z-+2(2—i) =0 has roots a and B. Evaluate: @) a+f GD op ii) 0+ Construct a quadratic equation with roots a+ i and +i. Square Roots and Quadratic Equations with i Complex Roots { In some problems we have to find the square root of a complex number in order to find the roots of a quadratic equation, (@ Express V5+12i in the forma+bi, a,beR. (ii) Hence, determine the two roots of the equation z?~ (1 +4i)z-5—i Solution: @ — Letasbi=V54Ii, a, beR. (a+bi)?= (5+ 124)? {square both sides) a+ 2abi~b?=5+ 124 {remove brackets) Roo Re Re T (identify seal and imaginary parts} Real parts = Real parts Imaginary parts= Imaginary parts 2-525 @ db=12 @ Solve between equations © and @: 2ab=12 @ apa5 ab=6 @-(f)'-s [rpceo win S| s(é : ‘ a 36 pput this into equation ® (a?-9)(a?+4)=0 a?-9=0 or a?+4=0 Asa, beR, the result a= 2/ is rejected. Thus, V5+12i=3+2i or V5+12i=-3-2i fie. £6420] @) — 7-(1+4z-5- 224C1-4iz+5-i [write in the form az*+bz-+c=0] —-b+Vb?—4ac 2a (1-4) 2 Vela ADCS =D 20) 1+4i+V1+8i-16+20+4i 2 wl tdi! 5 +121 Ste. ActyG+0 [putin (3 +2 for ¥S+ 121 L44is 42) 14die342 4460 a w L2Sie3 421 446 oy Bee z gyebtdin@429 _Ledin3=21 | =2421 2! z ‘Thus the roots of z*~(1+4iz~5-i=0 are 243i and -1 +i. ‘Note: It makes no difference if we substitute 3 +2i or -3-2i for V5+ 121 -1+i Note: Another way of asking for ¥5+ 12: to be expressed in the form a+ bi is: 1, If (a+bi)?=5 + 124, find the values of a and d, a, beR. 2. If z?=5+12i or z= V5 + 12i, find all the values of z. 1. Find two complex numbers a+bi such that (a+bi)=-15+8i, a, beR. Express each of the following in the form a+bi, a, beR and i2=-1 2, V-3=4i 3. V8-6 4, V54 12 8. VIS-8i 6. V=21+201 1 NT-i 8.¥-9-40i 9. NRE 10, Express V—3+4i in the form a+i, a, be Rand i?=—1. Hence, solve the equation ?—32-+(3—i)=0. 11. Express V-24+10i in the form a+bi, a, beR and i? Hence, solve the equation z?-3(1 + i)2+23 +i) =0. 12, Express VI5+8i in the form p+gi, _p,geR. Hence, show that one of the roots of the equation z?+(2+i)z~(3 +i) =0 is real and the other is complex. 13, Express ¥3+4i in the form a+bi, a, be R and i? Hence, show that one root of the equation z? + (2~z~2i=0 is real and the other is complex. 14, Determine real numbers x and y such that (x+-yi)?=5~ 12i. Hence, determine the two roots of the equations: @ 22+z+Gi-D=0 i) 27-21 +i)z+50.-21)=0. 15. If z2=2~2N3i, express z in the form a+bi, a, be R and i?= Cubic Equations with Complex Roots ‘The Conjugate Root Theorem also applies to cubic equations. Conjugate Root Theorem If all the coefficients of a polynomial equation are real, then all complex roots occur as conjugate pairs. In other words, if one root is a complex number then its conjugate is also a root, provided all the co- efficients are real. ‘Example ~~ Solution: Pat in (-1 +21) for z 23-222 3¢-20 (1429 3-2(-1+29?- 31 +2/)-20 1-2) -2(-3-4i)-3(-1+2)-20 = 11-2/46+87+3-61-20 ~20 + 81-81 -14+2i is a root. ‘We now construct the quadratic factor using: 23— (sum of the roots)z + (product of the roots) (1425-1 - 2 z+ (1 + 21-1 -21) z242245 Dividing 2?-2z?—32—20 by z?+22+5 gives 2-4. «s the third factor is 2—4. Letz-4=0 z=4 ‘Thus, the other two roots are -1-2i and 4. ‘Show that -1 +2/is a root of z’~2z?—3z—20 =0 and find the other two roots. C1429 =(-1420(-142), =-3-41 Ci20? =(-142)%-1 +23) (-3-49(-1 +21) =11-21 +: =1=2tis also a root (roots occur in conjugate pairs, as all the coefficients are real). Division: 4 2242245129-2c?— 32-20 234227452 Note: We did not have to use long division to get the third factor. Let the third factor be 2+k. (@+hY@?+ 2245) =27-227— 32-20 Comparing constants on both sides, we get: ‘Thus, the third factor is z~4. One root of the equation z*+a2?+bz-52=0, a, beRis 2-3i. Find the value of a and the value of b. Solution: Method 1: (2-30?= 2-3i)(2- 3) =-5~ 121 (2-3i)*= (2 3i)%(2 - 31) = C5 - 121)(2 - 31) =-46-98 e4az?+be~52=0 (2-313+ a(2-3i)?+6(2-3)-52=0 (putin (2-31) for 2) (46-91) + a(-5~ 121) +b(2~3/)-52=0 46 - 91 -Sa-12ai +26 -3bi-52=0 (Sa 42b-98)+@12a-3b-9)i=0 (group real and imaginary parts together) -Sa+2b-98=0 ® and -12a-36-9=0 @ Solving the simultaneous equations ® and@ givesa=-8 and 6=29, Method 2: 12-37 is a root, then 2+3i is also a root. (Roots occur in conjugate pairs as all the coefficients are real.) The quadratic factor is given by: z?—(sum of the Toots)z + (product of the roots) 22-(2~3i42+3iz+(2-3)2 +3) 242413 « Let the third factor be 24-4, (24k)? 424 13) =2(2?—42 + 13) +2? 42413) s2)-de?4 134k? dhe + 13k a4 C44 z?+(13—4R)e4 13k 2+ C44 Re? (13 4k) 4 13k=29 + az? +be-52 ‘Equating coefficients of like terms: -4tkea © 13-4k=b 13k=-52 @ Bk=-52 @ K=--4 (replace k with—4 in D and ®). -4¢k=a @ B-4k=b @ ~4-4ea 13-4-4)=b “Bea 134+16=b 29=b Thus,a=-8 and b=29.

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