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Statement of Informed Beliefs

Staci Carter
Dr. Evin Fox
EDUC 204: Families, Communities and Culture
Online, Spring 2015


Statement of Informed Beliefs

I started a path to become a teacher a long time ago. This was due in part to having an
amazing government teacher in high school that not only taught us, but how he cared for each
one of us and how we developed as students. He wanted us to apply what we learned, and even
how we learned the material into everyday life. After having children of my own I am back on
my path to becoming an elementary educator. Since I can remember, Ive had the innate passion
to help kids out, and now its time for me to follow my generativity. I want to take
accountability for how kids learn, adapt, and grow throughout school and when my students
look back I want them to remember Mrs. Carter.
Each child is unique in growth and learning abilities. Every learning style varies from
child to child. Other factors such as disabilities, handicaps, or even cultural barriers could
hinder a childs performance in school and ability to learn. It is my job as a teacher to take my
own values and beliefs such as strength, courage, hard work, and having fun along with all the
fundamentals from my schooling to provide the best classroom environment and learning
experience possible for each individual child.
Students Ability to Learn
Every student has the ability to learn, yet the ability to do so can become difficult due to
health or mental disabilities, problems at home, problems with peers, and much more. It is my
job as an educator to access the childs mastery motivation, assimilate and accommodate it,
and help the child become a better learner.


Creating an environment that is comfortable and suitable for students is key. After a
well-balanced environment has been created, I then can provide my expectations as the students
teacher to set goals and boundaries. A set of norms must be established to hold each child
accountable for along with discipline rules when the norms arent followed. If I participate and
follow the norms, I then act as a role model to my students. I want the ecology of my classroom
to be strong, as if we were a family. I plan to help my students to relate to one another so they
can help each other facilitate the learning process.
Using teacher-directed and learner-directed curriculums in the classroom can be
beneficial to the students depending on subject matter and strategies to help the children learn
what is being taught. Utilizing a teacher-directed curriculum during math and reading could
create better scores along with allowing the students to work independently. A learner-directed
curriculum is great for learning cooperation within a group, is more hands-on, and can create
great problem solving skills. The curriculum must be of developmental appropriateness for
best results per each individual.
Students Social Ecology Theory
I want each child to take what they learn and apply it in life. This is affected by the
development of each individual, as discussed by Erik Erikson (Berns, page 37). Every group of
children are in a stage of social development. An example could be school age kids are in the
industry versus inferiority stage. As an elementary educator I need to understand this stage to
become a better teacher. If a child is showing difficulties in this stage of development I should
be able to look back at previous developmental stages and discover why and help that child
build. As a parent, I understand that each child is very different through behaviorisms, learning
abilities, and cognitive development. Using the knowledge I have obtained on cognitive


development along with social development, I can better accommodate future students with
growth and development.
It is important to have an understanding that each childs family and family system are
distinct from one another. Some children may have a dysfunctional family or no parental
support. This could possibly create behavior and attitude problems at school. I hope to provide
guidance for each individual to each child adapt and grow. My classroom will consist of values
and morals my own family have and practice. I want the children to become hard workers, take
pride in what they do, be responsible, and all around amazing individuals. I also want to be
involved with each childs family. It is essential to me that the parents be involved in the childs
learning process. A communication system must be established and utilized to promote a better
education for the child.
Status in the community and variance in cultures are other social ecology factors that
could affect a students ability to learn along with that childs cognitive development. Each child
has a place within the community and inclusion should be enforced to provide an equal
opportunity for that child. As a teacher I will equally include each child in my classroom setting.
Doing so can help my students understand how to cooperatively work with one another so
everyone can then work cooperatively within the community. If a child stands out because of
cultural differences I would like to create fun ways to help the other children learn about culture
so the children are more apt to include that child. I want a balance in my classroom, and plan on
creating that with equality.
Cultural Diversity Instruction
Cultural diversity is evident in our communities, along within classroom settings. Again,
I want to demonstrate a mutual acceptance and understanding of each childs culture.


Understanding we are all unique yet can co-exist equally is extremely important. In the
classroom we need to honor each other as individuals and all that makes us that amazing
I will help encourage children learn about one another and differences of ethnicity.
Creating a classroom project including each students family origin can be helpful in creating a
better understanding of how each of us are different. I feel strong that this can be a fun learning
experience when it comes to showing differences in ethnicity and culture, and it could help
create better relationships in future circumstances. Having a hand in this learning process excites
me and encourages me to study more ways to diversify my teaching and learning styles.
Curriculum for All Learners
Each child is not only unique because of learning styles, social development stages, or
cultural. Every single child has his or her own intelligence. According to Howard Gardner
there are eight different intelligences we should adapt our curriculum to (Berns, page 230). I will
administer fun worksheets or activities at the beginning of the year to learn about each child and
about the students preferred learning style. With having a better understanding of each student I
can establish a curriculum that is versatile, and one that can help provide the best learning
experience for the class as a whole.
To ensure the best way to teach my students and create an appropriate curriculum, I will
also need to be aware of each students zone of proximal development. Knowing a students
ZPD I can develop a range for potential development, and guidance I can help each child
approach or surpass this potential range. Combining this into my curriculum is vital.
Looking at my own children and watching them grow, I can clearly see that children are
both learner-directed and teacher-directed. Being able to witness my own children experience


learning abilities in different ways, I feel as I will have a better understanding of each childs
learning ability. This knowledge and understanding can benefit the classroom and students in
creating different types of instruction. If something doesnt seem to be working out proficiently,
I can make adjustments to better suit the class and curriculum.
My favorite part about being a teacher is knowing I am responsible to help each aspiring
mind grow. It will be rewarding to watch each student understand, learn, and grow from the
curriculum and classroom activities I present. This reward is what we all need to work towards.
To stay on track with this goal throughout the year I need to stop and evaluate myself. Is what
Im doing working? What do I need to improve upon? How can I make this experience better
for the children? Using scores, feedback, a reflective look onto the classroom, and more I can
always provide a great learning experience and wonderful classroom for the future students that
will be a part of it.
Becoming a teacher has been a long time dream for me. Now that I am quickly
approaching that goal it is becoming more exciting than ever. With the knowledge I now possess
and can expand on when it comes to how children learn along with other factors such as
intelligence levels, disabilities, sustainability, and more I know I can create a great learning
experience and become a teacher these kids will always love and remember.



Berns, R. (2013). Child, family, school, community: Socialization and support (9th ed.).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning

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