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Machine © Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads = CL LTEIILTTTTTTTTII 15.1 INTRODUCTION Static and Dynamic Loads Foundations are subjecied to either static or dynamic loads or a combination of both. The word static implies thatthe loads are imposed slowly and gradually on the foundations in such a way as to avoid any vibration of the foundation-soil ystem; whereas the load is said to be dynamic ifthe load coming on the foundation leads to vibration of the whole system. In both the cases, stresses and strains are induced into the foundation-soil system. Soil Mechanics, as it is normally understood, deals with static loads only. The design of foundations subjected to static loads have been dealt with in the earlier chapters. The sources of dynamic loads are many. The most of the violent types of dynamic loads are due to earth quakes and bomb blasts. Farthquakes produce random ground motions which would lead to violent vibration of the foundation-soil system if the structures lie close to the epicenters of ‘earthquakes. As a result of such vibrations, footings may settle and structures may collapse. The damage to the structures would be all the more severe ifthey are founded on saturated sandy strata, Under violent vibrations the sandy strata may liquefy loosing its strength to support structures. Foundations may also be subjected to vibrations due to driving of piles in the vicinity, due to landing of aircrafts, wind and water action on the structures, etc, ‘The vibrations due to the above causes are transient and intense, Itis not within the scope of this ‘book to analyse these causes and design the foundations. Dynamic Loads due to Vibrating Machines “The vibrations that are of interest in this chapter are the ones due tothe operation of machines such as reciprocating and rotary types and hammers. The vibrations caused to the foundation soil system. by these machines can be analysed based on the principle of harmonic motion. The behaviour ofthe system can be predicted by reducing the foundation-soil system to an idealised lumped parameters. “The sitplest system isthe classical single-degree of fredom system with viscous damping consisting ofamass, spring anda dashpot, Experience has indicated that this concept provides a very satisfactory ‘model with which fo make a dynamic analysis, even though the real system may not physically resemble the mathematical model. The analysis of the lumped-parameter system is based on the 610 Advanced Foundation Engineering —__— assumption thatthe vibrations induced into the foundation-soil system by the operation of a machinery follow a simple-harmonic motion with one degree of freedom. (The degree of freedom of a system depends on the number of independent coordinates necessary to describe the motion of system). For some systems a single-degree of fréedom model will not represent accurately the dynamic soil response. In these cases a model having two or more degrees-of-freedom may be required. The analysis then becomes considerably more complicated and the use ofa digital or analog computer becomes necessary. Fortunately, the major part ofthe foundation problems arising from vibrating ‘machinery can be analysed by assuming a simple harmonic application of force. Methods of Analysis In this chapter the following methods of analysis of machine foundation vibratory problems are discussed, 1, The classical single-degree-of freedom-system with viscous damping comprising of a mass, spring and a dashpot, 2. The dynamic response of machine foundation resting on elastic half-space. ‘The principal difficulty which currently exists in vibration analysis consists in determining the necessary soil parameters which serve as inputs into the differential equation describing the vibratory motion. A brief review of the methods of determining soil parameters are also presented in this chapter. The end product of the design procedure is the determination of a foundation-soil-system which satisfactorily supports equipments or machinery. The supported unit may be the source of dynamic loads applied to the system or it may require isolation from external excitation. In each case, the criteria for satisfactory operation of the unit dictate the design requirements, A brief discussion on the design criteria is presented When two or more vibrating machineries are close to each other or machineries lying close to the walls ofthe building structure, there is every possibility ofthe vibration of one machinery interfering with the vibration of the adjoining machinery or affecting the foundation of the building structure, A brief discussion on the methods to be followed for screening of one from the other is also presented 15.2 BASIC THEORIES OF VIBRATION The lumped parameter analysis of foundation vibratory problems represented by a mass, spring and a dashpot can be better understood by studying the problem under the following headings. 1. Free vibrations ofa mass-and-spring system without damping, 2. Free vibrations of a mass-and-spring system with damping. 3. Forced vibrations of mass-and-spring system without damping. 4, Forced vibrations of mass-and-spring system with damping, Before taking up the study of the basic theories vibrations, itis better to understand first the properties of simple harmonic motion. 15.3. SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION Graphical Representation of Equation of Displacement ‘The simplest form of periodic motion is harmonic motion. Simple harmonic motion is defined as the motion of a point in a straight line, such that the acceleration of the point is proportional ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to DynamicLoads 611 to the distance of the point from some fixed origin. An example is the motion of a weight suspended by a spring [Fig. 15.1 (b)] and set into vertical oscillation by being pulled down beyond the static position [Fig. 15.1 ()] and released. If the spring is frictionless and weightless, the weight IF oscillates about he static position, OO, undamped. The maximum displacement, Zags With respect to OO is termed as the amplitude 4. The total displacement at the extreme Positions of the weight W is 24 sometimes referred to as double amplitude (Fig. 15.1 (e), the 4displacement at any position of the weight may be called as z (The displacements are measured ‘with respect to a point p marked above the weight). A graphical method of representing the motion of the weight, oscillating with simple harmonic ‘motion, is shown in [Fig. 15.1 (g)}. The actual line of oscillation of the point p in the vertical direction may be taken as the projection on the vertical line of the point « rotating at uniform velocity along a circle having its centre at O. The displacement-time curve is also shown in Fig, 15.1 (@) Gi) weal Froc-body diagram (We ke) =k, +2) ° 42 Static equilibrium position @ © Toon ° Gi (g) Graphical representation of simple harmonic motion Fig. 15.1 Principles of tree-vibration without damping: (a) Unstretched spring, (b) static position ‘with weight on spring, (c) weight in motion, (d) weight in a maximum downward position, (@) weight in maximum upward position, ()free-body diagram, (g) representation of harmonic ‘motion, (i) actual path of p moving in simple harmonic motion, (i) p determined from projection of ‘equivalent circular motion, (i) time-displacement curve for motion of p 612 Advanced Foundation Engineering —— ‘The equation of motion is a sine function represented by the equation £8 Asinor (asa) where, © = circular frequency in radians per unit of time. With reference to [Fig. 15.1 (g)], the angular speed of the point « around the circle is represented by «. Since the function repeats itself after 2x: radians, a cycle of motion is completed when er an or rere (15.2) where, Tis referred to as the period of motion. The number of oscillation in terms of cycles per unit, of time is given by (15.3) ‘The units of cycles per second are also called as Hertz (Hz), Vector Representation of Harmonic Motion ‘The use of rotating vectors to represent the harmonic motion helps to have a physical insight fo the ‘mechanism of vibration. Consider the displacement equation Eq, (15.1) sinor By successive differentiation of Eq. (15.1), we get the equations of velocity and acceleration as a velocity, 7 tad 0s ct = ond sin (ws + 5/2) (15.4a) az acceleration, <= = #=-@%A sin a= @ dt sin (orn) (asa) tis clear from the above equations, that velocity leads the displacement by 90° and acceleration leads displacement by 180°, Ia vector of length 4 is rotated counterclockwise about the origin as shown in Fig, 15.2 (a) its projection on to the vertical axis would be equal to 4 sin @t which is exactly the expression for Aisplacement given in Ea. (15.1) It follows thatthe velocity-can be represented by the vertical projection ofa vector of length ad positioned 90° ahead of displacement vector, Likewise acceleration ‘can be represented by a vector of length @?4 located 180° ahead of the displacement vector. A plot ‘of all the three quantities is showin in Fig. 15.2 b). 15.4 FREE VIBRATION OF A MASS-AND-SPRING SYSTEM WITHOUT DAMPING Figure 15.1 gives the different positions of the oscillating system under free vibration: (a) Position of spring without the weight 1” being attached; (6) represents the position of the spring with weight under static equilibrium condition. With the weight IV acting, the spring gets stretched vertically @ distance 2, under static condition which can be related to a spring constant k as ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 613 @ Bae 2 (b) Fig. 15.2 Vector method of representing harmonic motion: (a) Vector representation of harmonic ‘motion, (b) vector representation of harmonic displacement, velocity and acceleration pt ass) which is expressed as a static force per unit deflection of the spring. ‘The differential equation of motion is obtained from Newton's second saw which states that the net unbalanced force on a constant mass system is equal to the mass of the system multiplied by its, acceleration, Ifthe system shown in Fig. 15.1 is displaced a distance z [Fig. 15.1 (c)] from the at rest position (¢ = 0), the force in the spring will be equal to (IV + kz) [Fig. 15.1 (£). Equilibrium of the system requires that 614 Advanced Foundation Engineering ZF = me where, ZF = sum of the vertical forces, -m = mass of the system, a ~ acceleration = > Therefore, (Wk) +H az zp or =o as.6) & ‘The value of z that satisfies Eg, (15.6) must be a function of ¢ whose second derivative with respect to is equal to the original function multiplied by A/m. The general solution of Eq, (15.6) ‘may be written as ce gin[E ve as.) ‘where, C, and C, are arbitrary constants which can be evaluated from the initial conditions of the system. The quantity Jf 7m corresponds tothe undamped natural circular frequency of the system, designated as z @, = f= rad/see (ass) ‘and the undamped natural frequency is E {E cycles/see (13) The time required for one complete cycle (one revolution) is called as the natural period which By substituting 17/g for m, and 2, for 11k, we have from Eq. (15.9) get an Vz 1 z nd T= 22 15.12) a r= 5 non |e (15.12) where, g = acceleration due to gravity = 981 cm/sec”, (say) Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 615 It is clear from the above equations that for free vibration of an undamped single-degree of freedom system, the motion is harmonic and occurs at a natural frequency of f,. The amplitude of ‘motion is determined from the initial conditions. We may write, atr=0, z=zpandi=vy (15.13) Substituting these conditions in Eg, (15.7), and writing JE7m = wy, we have cas.tay ‘Now Eq, (15.7) may be expressed as w z= snot 2 1% €08 yf ( Example ‘A mass supported by a spring gives a static deflection of 1.50 mm. Determine its natural frequency of oscillation. Solution From Eq, (15.11), we have a 1 Dai x10 n> 3g Vz, ~ Dead VS 1c = 12,89 Hz. = 12.89 cycles) 15.5 FREE VIBRATIONS WITH VISCOUS DAMPING Figure 15.3 (a) shown a schematic arrangement of mass-spring-dashpot system under free vibration. ‘The simplest mathematical element isthe viscous damper or otherwise called as dashpor. The force inthe dashpot under dynamic loading is directly proportional tothe velocity of the oscillating mass. (An example of viscous damping is a hydraulic shock absorber). The dashpot exerts @ force which acts to oppose the motion of the mass. The free-body diagram of the mass is given in Fig, 15.3 (a) The equation of motion is SF = mi or = (W+ ke) - ae de where, ¢ = the coefficient of viscous damping expressed as force per unit velocity (FLT), ‘The differential equation for free vibration with viscous damping is ve at (15.16) Let the solution to Eq, (15.16) be in the form 616 Advanced Foundation Engineering — $$ eo as.17) which satisfies the Eq. (15.16), where 2. is a constant to be determined, and e the base of Naperian logarithm, Substituting & for z in Eq, (15.16), we have (2 +5a+4) eo as.18) k whicheve, + Lae boo «asis) ‘The solution of 9. may now be written as (2) -# (15.208) c cl & meen gh- (3) = (45.200) “Three possible types of damping arises from the roots of Eq, (15.20). They are: 2 (ey k Case 1: Roots real if) (5) ah cy _k ‘Case 2: Roots equal if SQ 7 c)_k coe (2) > se 1 ¥e For this case, the two roots of Eq. (15.19) are real as well as negative, The general solution to Eq, (15.16) may be expressed as = C) exp (yt) + Cy exp (hr!) «a5.21) InCase 1, since’, and. are both negative, z will ecrease exponentially without change in sign as shown in Fig. 15.3 (b). In this ease no oscillation will occur and the system is said to be overdamped. 2 ; eye cose2vien(:2)° ‘The roots are equal. This is similar to overdamped case except that it is possible for the sign to change once as shown in Fig. 15.3 (b). The value of ¢ required to satisfy the above condition is c)_k ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 617 = 6¢=2 Jim (15228) As per Ea. (15.8), k= 03m. Substituting for kin Eq, (15.228), we have = Imo (15.220) case 3: When (2) <4 ase sien (35) < For systems with damping less than the critical damping, the roots of Eq. (15.19) will be complex conjugates. By introducing the relationship for cg, the roots 2 and 2.3 become hy=, [-o21i=0") (sam) 2z* @ [-D-i¥t=d") (15.230) where, D= \ called as the damping factor. Substituting Eq, (15.23) into Eq (15.21) and simplifying, the general solution then becomes, ontop) snor{nDF reno iad") 0829 where, C; and C, are arbitrary constants Equation (15.24) indicates thatthe motion willbe oscillating and the decay in amplitude will be proportional to exp (~©, dt) as shown by the dashed curve in Fig, 153 (c). Examination of Eq. (15.24) indicates thatthe frequency offre vibrations is less than that undamped natural circular frequency and that as D —> 1, the frequency approaches zero, The natural frequency for damped “oscillation in terms of undamped natural frequency is given by Dp (15.25) fy = Oy ‘where, «4, = damped natural frequency. Figure 15.3 (c) indicates that there is a decrement in the successive peak amplinudes. By making use of Eq. (15.24), itis possible to write an equation forthe ratio ofthe successive peak amplitudes, as follows, Letz; and , are the amplitude of two successive peaks at times and, respectively as shown in Fig. 15.3 (¢). The ratios of peak amplitudes is given by \ 2 -ap (eas) (15.26) The logarithmic decrement is defined a 618 Advanced Foundation Engineering $$$ aD me 2A 1527 a Jeor (5.27) when D is small It can be seen from Eq, (15.27) that one of the properties of viscous damping is that the decay of vibrations is such thatthe ratios of amplitudes of any two successive peaks is a constant, Thus, the logarithmic decrement can be obtained from any two peak amplitudes z, and 2, , , from the relationship. (15.28) Static : kim condition Overdamped Wee 1 iv, ‘ 7 ob (camy'> Wm —Criealy damped [Lp pastor edzldt he Free-body © diagram @ (2 my 1 As per Eq, (15,48), the maximum magnification factor Mis Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 635 3 7 7 T —— Hale-space theory (4= 1/3) - Simplified analog ae } Or Oe So AGAMA WO, Magnification factor, 0s 1 15 2 Dimensionless frequency, a, @ mAme 20| 10 B= (1-1) mit pr Magnification factor, M, 1 2 3 4 Dimensionless frequency, a, ©) Fig. 15.10 Response curves of rigid circular footings subjected to vertical oscilation by elastic, half-space theory and analog: (a) Response of rigid circular footing to vertical force developed by constant force excitation (Irom Lysmer and Richart, 1988), (b) response of rigid eirular footing {0 vertical force developed by rotating mass exciter (2, = mea) (Lysmor and Richart, 1968) (15.76) [Now substituting for D from Eq, (15.73), and the value of M in Ea. (5.69) the maximum amplitude of displacement 4, for constant force amplitude Qy is 636 Advanced Foundation Engineering 50 40 3.0 (= W mi4pr. 2B, 10 15 5.0 40 excitation | Aag=(1—W) OM AG, Rotating mass excitation A,,= meM,Jm | = 0:36 o 10 20 30 Magnification factor M, or My, » Fig. 15.11 Vertical oscilation of rigid circular footing on elastic halt-space: (a) Mass ratio vs. ‘dimensionless frequency at resonance, (b) mass ratio vs. magnification factor at resonance. (Richart ot al, 1970) 2o(1-») 3B Agy = SE 15.778) om 4Gry 0.85 JB, 0.18 (5.710) Inthe same way, dy for rotating-mass excitation is me __2: fon = TS SSIS asm Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 637 The phase angle 6 is determined from (15.78) ‘The angle method for the vibration analysis of footings under sliding mode was developed by Hall (1967) based on the theoretical half-space theory of Bycroft (1956) ‘The various dynamic parameters developed by him for the sliding mode are as follows. The footing here is considered to be in sliding oscillation mode in the X-direction. Spring constant, (15.79) wai) Danpingcomin, 6, = SHY 2 pg (580) um Masato, p= 2B ass) 30-W) ord Frequency factor as per Eq. (15.65) (15.65) Critical damping (15.82) Damping factor (15.83) Be ‘The maximum amplitudes of displacement, 4,,, may be obtained from the following expressions. For constant-force amplitude, Oy (15.84) Foroating-mass type excitation, og = TE Ba (585) where, Mey ~ maximum value of magnification factor that can be established from curves giving the relationship between ay and M, asa function of B, for constant force amplitude Qp, Morn = #aximmumn value of magnification factor ftom the curves showing the relationship ‘between cp and My a8 a function of 8, forthe rotating-mass type excitation. 638 Advanced Foundation Engineering ‘The curves in Figs 15.12 have been developed in the same way the curves are developed for vertical oscillation and shown in Fig. 15.11. The curves in Fig, 15.12. are useful for computing the resonant frequencies and the corresponding maximum amplitudes for the sliding mode of vibration of rigid circular footings. 8 T 7 1 \ «| -———\— o- 0.8 B= (7~ 84) mi32 (1-1) pr, 3 Rotating mass — excitation Constant force 1 ‘excitation Re ° 10 20 @ 8 + - 7 | Ang =(1~81) OM/32 (0-1) Or, Se con fe xcation 2 i is | e Aug = MEM yl EAP Porrotaing mass excitation | 7% —}————| 73 | B? oy 1 4 oe 1 boo | ° Y 2 3 4 3 My Mon (b) Fig. 15.12 Slicing oscillation of rigid circular disk on elastic half-space: (a) Mass ratio vs. dimensionless frequency at resonance, (b) mass ratio vs, magnification factor at resonance (Richart etal, 1970) ——————————— Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 639 Rocking Mode of Vibrations Hall (1962) developed the analog method for computing resonant frequencies and the corresponding ‘maximum amplitudes of displacements under the rocking mode based on the elastic half-space theory of Bycroft (1956). The various parameters developed for the solution of the problem are given below. 8673 Springconstant, hy = 37 (15.86) 0.8r§ fG Damping constant, oe Ce 5.87) Mass ratio, (15.88) Tee damping ato, D,~ «ass Maximum magnification factor 1 Mon Spy (15.90) The maximum amplitudes of displacements aré expressed as below, For constant force amplitude, Qp Mon sen) (1592) where, [, = mass moment of intertie ofthe footing about the axis of rotation, Ty = extemal rocking moment, = vertical distance above point 0 [Fig. 15.13 (@)] of a horizontally oscillating force As in the other modes of vibration, Fig. 15.13 (a) gives relationships between dgy and By, and Fig, 15.13 (b) B08. Mem OF Myr Torsional Oscillation Reissner (1937) and Reissner and Sagoci (1944) presented analytical solutions for the torsional oscillation ofa circular footing resting on the surface of elastic half-space. Based on the theoretical solution, an analog method was developed. The various parameters used in the solution are given below, Spring constant, ky = “> Gr} (1593) 640 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3.1 -w sor, B= 3.(1~w) WySpr, Be y) Constant force excitation =3 (1-H) AM, /8Gr, Rotating mass excitation 4 Mle o 2 4 10 Myf Mya oy Fig. 15.13 Rocking of rigid circular footings on olastic half-space: (a) Mass ratio vs. dimensionless frequency at resonance, (b) mass ratio vs. magnification factor at resonance (Richart et al, 1970) Mass ratio, Damping ratio, «as.94) (15.95) ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 641 The amplitudes of vibration areas follows. For constant force amplitude 3 Ty 16 Gre Ayn Mom (15.968) For rotating mass-type excitation Aum “TE Mam (15.966) mex (15.960) Where, Ty ~ the exciting torque, ¥ = horizontal moment arm of unbalanced weight from the axis of rotation As in the other modes of vibration, Fig. 15.14 (a) and (b) give values of dm, My 404 Myy 85 functions of By Mass-and-Damping Ratios The variation of damping ratio D with mass ratio B for the various modes of vibration are shown in Fig. 15.15. The expressions for B., B,, By and By are given by Eqs (15.66), (15:81), (15.88) and (15.94) respectively. It is clear from Fig. 15.15, appreciable damping is associated with translational mode of vibration, On the other hand, damping is quite low for rotational modes of vibration, particularly for values By > 2 in torsional oscillation, and for B, > 1 in rocking Effect of Foundation Shape ‘The analog method considered only circular rigid footings for the computation of the various parameters. Solutions for strip foundation were presented by Quinlan (1953) for vertical vibrations, and by Awojobi and Grootenhuis (1965) for vertical and rocking vibrations. Rectangular footings ‘were considered by Elorduy, Nieto and Szekely (1967). The vertical, sliding, rocking and torsional modes of vibration applicable to rectangular foundation were dealt with by Kobori, Minai Suzuki and Kusakabe (1966). However, Whitman and Richart (1967) presented a solution for rectangular foundation which is simple in form and can be used asa first estimate. This can be accompanied by converting the rectangular base into equivalent circular base having a radius r, Ifthe dimensions of «a rectangular footing is 2b x 2/, the expressions for ry for the various modes of vibration are: abi Fortranslation, ry = J (asg7a) For rocking, nef (15.976) rene 7 Te (15.97¢) where, 2b = width of foundation (along the axis of rotation for the case of rocking) and 21 isthe length ofthe foundation (in the plane of rotation for rocking). Model tests (Chac, 1969) have indicated thatthe use of Eq, (15.97) would lead to conservative evaluation of the amplitudes of vibration. For torsion, % 642 Advanced Foundation Engineering 10 Oscillating torque 8 “gs 2 4 ror = |__| 4 T,=mexat ‘ Réiating mass L excitation o 123 4 5 67 8 9 10 Me OF Mey (6) Fig. 15.14 Tosional oscilation of rigid circular footing on elastic half-space: (a) Mass ratio vs. 0.6), 3230(2.97 g= PRR2-F (ays Tne (15.990) Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 645 in. which G and of are expressed in kPa, Hardin and Black (1968) have indicated that Eq, (15.990) {s also reasonable approximation for the shear modulus of normally consolidated clays. Typical values of G for preliminary design are given in Table 15.1 (Bowles, 1988) Table 15.1. Representative values of shear modulus G Type of soil Gara) Clean dense quarez sand 12-20 Micaceous fine sand 16 Loemy sand 17-24 Dense sand gravel 0 Wet soft silty clay 9-15 Dry soft silty clay 2 Deysilty clay 25-35 Medium clay 12-30 Sandy Clay 12-30 Table 15,2 Velocity, v, of shear waves ‘Soil vemisce Moist clay 150 Loess at natural rieisture content 260 Dense sand and gravel 250 Fine grained sand Ho ‘Medium grained sand 160 Medium-sized gravel 180 Formulae for Spring Constants Theory of elasticity can provide useful formulae for spring constants k for footings of simple shapes. Eqs (15.67), (15.79), (15.86) and (15.93) give formulae for circular footings for vertical, horizontal, rocking and torsion modes of vibration respectively. The spring constants for rectangular footings for vertical horizontal and rocking modes of vibration are also available as given in Table 15.. ‘Table 15.3 Spring constants for rigid rectangular footing on olastic half-space Motion ‘Spring constant Reference G Vertical Barkan (1962) Horizontal Barkan (1962) 86 in Rocking Bee TS where, 2b = width of foundation along the axis of rotation 21 = length of foundation perpendicular to the axis of rotation Band By = funetions of 1/0 Fig. 15.16 (0)] 646 Advanced Foundation Engineering —————— 15.12 ELASTIC SOIL-SPRING METHOD OF VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF FOUNDATIONS (BARKAN, 1962) Elastic Soil-Spring Constants Barkan (1962), by making use of the concept of subgrade reaction, developed the following elastic soil-spring constants for the various modes of vibration of footings, 1. Coefficient of elastic uniform compression of soil G, for vertical mode of vibration, expressed inunits of FL"? 2. Coefficient of elastic non-uniform compression of soil, Cy, for rocking mode of vibration, expressed in units of FL? 3. Coefficient of elastic uniform shear of soil C, for translational mode of vibration, expressed im units of FL* 4, Coefficient of elastic non-uniform shear of soil, Cy for torsional mode of vibration, expressed inunits of FL”? int of elastic uniform compression of soil ‘The value of C, can be obtained by conducting either a cyclic vertical plate load test or a block resonance test, Figure 15.11 (a) represents atypical graph ofthe results of a plate load test performed by Barkan (1962). The area of the plate used for the test was 1.40 m?, The test was conducted on loess soil. The maximum stress transferred to the soil was increased in each loop. The difference between the total settlement and the residual settlement (at zero load) gives the elastic settlement 168 144 120 96 72 48 24 g i 3 0 0 051.01520 253.035 4.0455.05.5 6.065 7.07.5 Settlement, mm. @ Pressure, kg/cm’ 0 014 028 042 056 070 084 098 1.12 ° Tp a | ~ Basie setlement ) Fig. 15.17 Cyclic plate load test for determining elastic uniform compression of soll: (a) Results ‘of load test of a 1.4 m® plate on loess, (b) pressure vs. elastic settlements (Barkan, 1962) Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 647 (rebound) for each stress level of the loop. The maximum stress of each loop is plotted against the corresponding elastic settlement in Fig. 15.17 (6) which gives a linear relationship, The vertical reaction pressure p, may now be expressed as Pe CSc (15.1003) Pe or G, (15.1000) where, C,, = coefficient of proportionality called as the coeflicient of elastic uniform compression of the sol, elastic settlement of the bearing plate due to the external pressure Further investigations (Barkan, 1962) revealed that C, is a function of the area of bearing for the ‘same soil. The expression given for C, is we (15.101) ew Va where, E = Young’s modulus of soil, = Poisson’s ratio, A = Bearing area of footing. Table 15.4 gives the probable values of E for various types of soil (Barkan, 1962). Table 18.4 Values of E for different types of soll Dype of soil E hglem? Plastic silty clay with sand and organic silt 310 Brown saturated silty lay with sand 440 Dense silty clay with some sand 2950 Medium moist sand 540 Gray sand with gravel 340 Fine saturated sand 850 Medium sand 830 Loess 1900-1300 If C,y and C,» are the coefficients of elastic uniform compressions for foundations of areas 4) and A, respectively, they are related by the formula [a i Cy fe 15.102} a Cale (15.102) Cu thas been found by investigation that the value of C, decreases with the increase in the area of ‘he foundation base. The decrease from computation hasbeen found to be greater than the experimental values, Barkan (1962) therefore, recommends that a standard area of 10 m* may be used for computing C, for areas greater than 10 m? ‘The vertical spring constant k, may be expressed by the relationship 648 Advanced Foundation Engineering $$$ k= a= (15.103) Now the relationship between C, and the natural frequency /,, for vertical mode of vibration may be expressed as (From Eq, 15.9) uA (15.104) where, m= mass of footing and the machinery. Ifa block resonance testis conducted, C, can be determined from the known experimental resonant frequency of the system f,,. Asan alternative C, can be found out from a cyclic plate load tests. The resonant frequency of the system can be determined from Eq. (15,104) from the known value C,, Table 15.5 gives probable values of C, (Barkan, 1962) for the different types of soil for a preliminary design of foundation vibrating system. Table 15.5 Rocommonded design values of C, (Barkan, 1962) for A= 10 m? Category ‘Soil ype permissible state C, halon? load kgfem? [Weak soils (lays and sity clays with sand, in plstie state; clayey and silty sands; aso soil of category If nd IT with Teminae of ganic silt peat upols wp 1030 0 Soils of medium strength (clays and silty clays with sand close tothe plastic limit; sand) 13.35 30-50 HL Strong soils (clays and silty clays with sand of hhard consistency; gravels and gravelly sands; loess and loessal soils) 3550 50-100 v Rocks >50 > 100 Coefficient of elastic nonuniform compression of soil, C, Rocking of 2 footing about X or Y-axis produces on the base nonuniform base pressure. The rotation angle is designated as 4. The corresponding static spring constant ky is expressed as k= Cyl (15.105) where, I, ~ moment of inertia ofthe base contact rea about the horizontal axis (Xo Y) normal to the plan of rocking and passing trough the centroid of the contact area, ig = coefficient of elastic nonuniform compression of soil. The relationship between C, and C, is expressed as Barkan, 1962) y= 2G, (15.106) ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 649 Coefficient of elastic uniform shear of soil, C, ‘When a footing is in a translational mode parallel o either Yor Y-axis, shearing resistance will be developed at the base of contact area, The elastic spring constant for the sliding mode may be expressed as k, (ork) = CA (as.107) where, C, = coefficient of elastic uniform shear of soil, A = base contact area The relationship between C, and C, is expressed as C.* 08¢, (15.108) Coefficient of nonuniform shear of soil, Cy, fa foundation is acted upon by a moment with respect to the vertical axis, it will rotate about this axis. Tests show thatthe angle of rotation, y of foundation is proportional to the external moment and the resistance offered by the soil atthe base, We may therefore, write Mo Coley (15.108) where, M; = extemal moment, 1, ~ polar moment of inertia of contact base area of foundation, y= angle of rotation in radians. The rotational (or torsional) spring constant ky may now be expressed as (1s.110) The relationship between C,, and C, is y= 1S C,= 0.756, asin) Basic Assumptions in the Theory of Vibration Barkan (1962) found solution to the problem of vibrating machine foundation purely based on the concept of subgrade reaction. He assumed that the foundation vibrations as a problem of a solid body resting on weightless springs, the latter serving as a model for the soil. As a result of this concept, it is assumed that there is a linear relationship between the soil reacting on a vibrating foundation and the displacement of the foundation. Thus the relationship between the displacements and the reactions will be determined in terms ofthe coefficients of elastic uniform and nonuniform compressions, as well as elastic shear. The analysis also assumed thatthe soil underlying the foundation docs not have inertial properties as described by the coefficients, ‘The foundation under machines with a steady regime of work are usually designed in such a way that there isa significant difference between the frequency « of the machine and the resonant frequency (©, of the foundation soil system. For low frequency machines, the ratio ov, < 0.5 and for high frequency machines oi, 1.5. The damping effect is negligible for machines which fall within this regime and as such can be ignored, Neglecting of damping inthe analysis of vibration of foundations ‘would lead to conservative results, 650 Advanced Foundation Engineering Analysis of Foundations Subjected to Vertical Mode of Vibration The analysis of foundation soil system in the vertical mode of vibration is based on the principle of ‘mass-and-spring analogy without the effect of damping, Figure 15.18 (a) shows a foundation block subjected to vertical vibration under constant amplitude force as = Qsin ox «as.112 acting through the centre of gravity of the block. The differential equation of motion is Qp sin ox asia) The maximum amplitude of motion as per Eq. (15.33) is ee, sia (15,1140) Footings Subjected to Purely Translational Mode of Vibration Figure 15.18 (b) shows a foundation subjected horizontal exciting force. The force is assumed to act parallel to any one of the axes X or ¥ in the plane of the axis passing through the centroid of the foundation. The equations of force and forced vibrations will be analogous to the equations of vertical vibrations ofa foundation, in which C, is used instead of C,, thus the equation of forced horizontal vibration willbe (acting in the direction of X-axis) i+ kx = Q,sin or as.iis) where, x = horizontal displacement of the centre of gravity of the foundation. From Eq, (15.115), we have (15.1168) or (15.1166) The amplitude A, is (as.i7) Where, fy, = natural fequeney ofthe foundation sol system for pure sling Foundation Subjected to Pure Rocking Mode of Vibration (Rotational mode) Figure 15.18 (¢) shows a foundation block subjected to pure rocking by extemal periodic moment AM, (2 about Y-axis in the X-Z plane, where ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 651 Q,sinor (@) Vertical mode () Sliding mode Dy Mesinor=M, LOE - LU ju ae ay @ wi) (©) Rocking mode | CG| x Az Apanddy ba w ( Types of foundation vibrations Fig. 15.18 Analysis of uncoupled and coupled vibrations by elastic solspring method M, (0) = Mp sino, (as.nig) ‘The position of foundation is determined by one independent variable 6, the angle of rotation of the foundation about the axis rotation. Figure 15.18 (c). Atany instant when the angle of rotation is ‘>, the equation of motion will be . Iyb = 2M wher, Iyp = mass moment of neta of the foiation sbout te axis of rotation O, EM = sum ofall external moments with respect to the same axis, 652 Advanced Foundation Engineering ~ angular acceleration ofthe block. Let 1 = weight of foundation acting through the centre of gravity ofthe block, Jig = height of centre of gravity ofthe block above the axis of rotation O at the base Moment due to weight of block ‘Now, the external moment due to weight IF with respect tothe axis of rotation at any instant of time ‘and angle of rotation @ is M, Who Moment due to soil reaction Let dA = an element of foundation area in contact withthe soil ata distance. from the axis of rotation O (Fig. 15.17 (c)), R= soil reaction over this area = xbCydA, where, Cj = the coefficient of elastic nonuniform compression of sol, x = displacement of the centre of area dA. ‘The moment of dt about Ois dM, = ~xdR =~ Cy? bla Assuming that there is no tension atthe base, the total reactive moment M, may be expressed as M, cya fet = coe as.t19) where, f, = moment of inertia of the base in contact with the soil with respect to the axis of rotation of the foundation. Now, summing up the moments we have, Iydh = Whob— Cyl + M, sin ot OF Myob'+ (Clg Why) 6 = M, sin ox (13.120) ‘The equation for free-rocking vibration with respect to Y-axis may be obtained by equating M, to ze Iyeb* (Col Wh > = 0 (san ‘The solution for natural circular frequency «ois given by (15.1228) (15.1226) ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 653 or (15.1226) Since (1s.12a where, B= width and L~ length of side of foundation (The width is parallel tothe axis of rotation), The expression for maximum angular amplitude is as.123), Itis clear from Eq, (15.224) thatthe length of the side of the foundation base in contact with the soil and perpendicular to the axis of rotation has considerable effect on the natural frequency of rocking vibrations of the foundation. The natural frequency and the amplitude of motion change ‘with the change in length whereas the width parallel to the axis of rotation has little effect on these values. FL is the length of the foundation perpendicular to the axis of rotation, then the maximum, vertical amplitude A of vibration along the edge B ofthe foundation is 1 ok A= 314 as.i24) 2 TT Tote Rocking vibrations occur mostly where unbalanced horizontal components of exciting forces ‘and moments occur due to the machine being installed on the tops of high foundation blocks. Foundations Subjected to Torsional Vibrations Inaddition tothe types of vibrations discussed above, vibrations in shear may have a form of rotational vibration with respect to the vertical axis passing through the centre of gravity of the foundation and the centroid of the area ofits base [Fig, 15.18 (@)]. The equation of motion for a foundation subjected ‘o periodic torsional moments in the horizontal plane normal to the vertical axis may be expressed as Iyoit Cy lay = M, sin a (15.125) where, Jy, = mass moment of inertia of foundation block and machine about the vertical axis of rotation, polar moment of inertia of the base area, angle of torsion of the foundation, coefficient of elastic non-uniform shear of motion, 654 Advanced Foundation Engineering ————— (15.126) (15.127) (15.128) 15.13 VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF FOUNDATIONS SUBJECTED TO SIMULTANEOUS VERTICAL, SLIDING AND ROCKING OSCILLATIONS BY ELASTIC SOIL-SPRING METHOD (BARKAN, 1962) The foregoing sections were concerned with the uncoupled modes of vibrations of foundations Normally a rocking vibration about ¥ or X-axis is associated with translation mode of vibration ‘along the X or Y-axis respectively. The vibration inthe vertical direction (Z-axis) is independent of the other two types of vibrations. Ifa foundation is acted by exciting loads having no vertical components, then no vertical vibration ofthe foundation develops. In this case the foundation will, undergo rotation about the Y-axis (or X-axis) and horizontal displacement inthe direction of X-axis (or Y-axis). Such vibrations are called as coupled vibrations. “The fact that vertical vibrations of foundations are independent of vibrations inthe directions of X (or Y) leads to the conclusion that we kave to investigate the effect of the coupled vibration together on the response of foundation-soil-system. The effect of vertical vibration on the system can be analysed independently as dealt with in Section 15.12. Let the foundation block in Fig. 15.18 (¢) be acted upon by exciting forces Q, (1) and M, (0). Under the action ofthese forces, the foundation will undergo a two dimensional motion determined by the values of two independent parameters, that is the projection ofx displacements of foundation centre of gravity on the X-axis and the angle of rotation with respect to Y-axis which passes through the centre of gravity ofthe foundation and machine, perpendicular tothe plane of vibrations. By projecting al the force sat any time t acting onthe foundation on the X-axis and adding on the same axis the intertial forces, the equations of motion may be written as mi = 3X, (15.129) gb = 2M, where, — m = mass of foundation with machinery, gg ~ moment of inertia ofthe mass with respect tothe Y-axis passing through the centre of gravity ofthe mass, = angle of rotation of the vertical axis passing through the centre of gravity of the EX; = the sum of the s-components of all the external forces, EM, = the sum of the moments of all forces about the Y-axis, Let = weight of the foundation, Xo ® displacement of the centroid of the base contact area at time f, — Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 655 x = the corresponding displacement ofthe centre of gravity ofthe mass in the X-direction, 4 contact area of foundation, C, = coefficient of elastic uniform shear of soil, 11, = moment of inertia of foundation base with respect to the axis passing through the centroid of the area and perpendicular tothe plane of vibration, go ® moment of inertia ofthe mass about an axis parallel to the Y-axis and passing through the centroid of the base area, and perpendicular to the plane of vibration, 1h, = height of centre of gravity of mass from the base. 1. Horizontal reaction of elastic resistance of soit Due to displacement x, of foundation in the positive direction of X-axis. Figure 15.18 (e), there will be a reaction X;, at the base in the opposite direction which is expressed as X= - CAs (15.1308) From Fig, 15.18 (¢),%» =x fg, therefore, X) == CAG hy) (15.1306) The moment of this force about the Y-axis is My = C,Ahy (x~ hyd) (15.1312) which acts in the clockwise direction and hence positive. 2. Reactive resistance of soil induced by rotation of foundation base area As per Eg, (15.119), the resisting moment My is M, =~ Coby (as.a3ity 3. Moment due tothe weight W of foundation My = Whe (15.131) where, x= h,@, eccentricity of foundation weight IV. Now substituting the respective forces in Eq, (15.129), we have mi + C,Ax~ C, Ah, = Q, sin or Iygh — Cp Altg x + (Cyly— Why + C_ AR) 6=M, sineot (15.132) ‘The equations of motion Faq, (15.132) give rise to two natural frequencies o,, and @,2. These ‘natural frequencies can be obtained by solving Eq. (15.132) after putting the RHS~ 0. Since the details of solution are quite involved, only the final equation for natural frequencies is given here as oly +08 By +0, ots Sette a2, Ore ton (15.1338) 7 7 ‘The roots of Eq, 15.133 (a) may be written as f 1 2.4 b [ote +a%,+ ffod, +08] —anodod, oha> 3y [orem (oy + 0% nx | (15.1336) 656 Advanced Foundation Engineering log where, Too h~ oh, = Hea om Ba. (15.120), Tho > GA oo}, = <5 from Ea, (15.116). Itcan be shown that the smaller of the two natural frequencies «, and «yo (for example @,) is smaller than the smallest ofthe two limiting frequencies, and o,, andthe larger natural frequency 4) is always larger than ayy ad Oy, ‘Amplitudes of motion ‘The amplitudes of motion from Eq. (15.132) be found out in two steps 1. Consider only Q, sin ois acting and M, sin ox = 0. 2. Consider Q, sin or=0 and only M, sin is acting. ‘The procedure is quite involved and as such not given here, The final solution for the amplitudes ‘of motion are as given below (when both Q, and M, acting) (CARE + Clo ~ Whe ~ Mpg 0") Oc +(CeAho) M, Aye 7 (15.134) ate’) —mo?| . heh (151135) where, A (0) = mlog (03, ~ 0°) (02 - 0°). ‘The amplitudes of motion when only Q, or My (t) is acting may be expressed as follows: 1, When Q, (#)~ 0 and only a, (0) acting (Coahe) My by ve (15.136) fo) (15.137) 2. When, (()= 0 and only 0, () ating (oak + Gish, ~ 400") 0. wee eS (15.138) (15.139) ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 657 ‘There are four possible types of foundation vibrations which can be found out as follows, The ratios of the amplitudes of motion for the case Q, (0) = 0, Eq, (15.136) and (15.137), may be expressed as Ar Clg Oi he 3 (5.140) Pp 4 Gdome? ” oo 1. Ifthe frequency of excitation «is smaller than «,,, then p~/,, that is the axis of rotation lies: along the vertical axis passing through the centroid of the base area. The foundation undergoes only rocking, and sliding is absent. 2, The value of p (Eq, (15.140)] increases with the decrease in the value of denominator of Eq. (15.140). This happens when @ increases, In such cases the foundation undergoes simultaneous rocking and sliding vibrations Fig. 15.18 (fl). The two motions are in phase with each other 3. The value of p tends to infinity ifthe operating frequency « is closer toy. Tn such case, the foundation will undergo only sliding and rocking vibrations will be absent 4, Ifthe operating frequency a is greater than «yp will be negative, Then the amplitudes of motion A, and ly will be out of phase by 180° Fig, 15.18 (2) f the vibration of footing is as per Case 2 mentioned above, the centre of rotation will lie at a depth p, below the centre of gravity of the mass. When the amplitudes of motion , and Ay are out ‘of phase by 180°, the foundation vibrates around a point which lies higher than the centre of gravity and at a distance p; determined from Eq, (15.140). 15.14 MACHINE FOUNDATIONS SUBJECTED TO IMPACT LOADS (BARKAN, 1962) Introduction ‘The forge hammer foundations are subjected to repeated impact loads. The various components of 2 forge hammer foundation with the machinery is shown in Fig. 15.19 (a).Itconsists of ade kept on an anvil which will be forged to the desired shapes by repeated blows of a falling hammer. The side frame of the hammer is normally connected to the steel anvil, Oak-timber or plywood serve as clastic pads for the anvil. ‘The reinforcement below the pad consists 2 to 4 horizontal grillages formed by 8 to 12 mm bars and spaced 10 to 20 em apart. Near the foundation surface in contact with soil, the reinforcement consists of 1 of 2 horizontal grillages formed by 12 to 20 mm bars and spaced 15 to 30.em apart. Distances between the grillages are 10 to 15 em in the part ofthe foundation under the anvil and 15 to 30 cm near the foundation contact surface. Spring pads are placed between the anvil and the foundation to absorb shocks of impact Hammer The weight ofthe hammer includes the weight of ram, side frames which guide the rm, ram cylinder with anchor plate et., but excluding the anvil weight. The anvil weight may be taken as equal to 15 020 times the weight ofthe ram. The total weight ofthe hammer and anvil s taken to be 25 0 30 times the weight of the ram. The ratio between he weight of the foundation andthe hammer is normally very high as an example, for cach 10 KN of dropping weight, the foundation weight may 20 up 1 400 KN (Barkan, 1962). The hammers used for forging might be drop hammers or pneumatic hammers. The modem forging practice mostly employs double-acting hammers. In these hammers, steam oF compressed air acts on the ram not only while itis being lifted but also during its drop. Therefore, the velocity 658 Advanced Foundation Engineering and kinetic energy are considerably larger atthe moment of impact ofthe ram against the workpiece In single-acting hammers, the ram which i rigidly tied to the piston by means ofa rod, is lifted by the pressure of steam released through a valve located under the piston and opened when the later isin its extreme low position. After the piston is raised tothe height desired, the access ofthe steam to the cylinder under the piston is stopped, the valve opens, and the steam or compressed air escapes ‘The piston together with the ram drops at increasing speed. After the access of steam is discontinued and the exhaust valve opens, the steam cannot escape fom the space in the cylinder under the piston, Therefore, a counterpressure against the ram drop is created, resulting ina loss both in the ram velocity and the kinetic energy ofits drop. Velocity of Hammer Fall before and after Impact Velocity of hammer before impact ‘Single acting hammers and the like are called as hammers with an unrestricted drop. The pneumatic. double-acting hammers are called as hammers with restricted ram drop. ‘The velocity v of the ram drop under the action of unrestricted motion equals eh as.4n) where, g = acceleration of gravity, ‘h = height of ram drop, a. = coefficient which takes into account counter pressure and friction forces, ‘The value of «has been found to be about 0.90, but for all practical purposes ai ~ 1 may be used (Barkan, 1962) The velocity of forced motion of ram under the action of its own weight and the steady steam or air pressure p may be expressed as (Wa +a) h y (as.142) where, a = area of piston, (p= pressure on piston, W7 ~ total weight of dropping parts, a= correction coefficient. The correction coefficient a has been found to lie within a range of 0.45 to 0.80, but an average value of 0.65 has been recommended (Barkan, 1962) Velocity of Hammer and Anvil after Impact In the dynamic response of foundations subjected to repeated impact dynamic loads, it is necessary to know the velocity of anvil after impact Let, yj = velocity of ram before impact, vp = rebound velocity of ram after impact, ¥, ~ velocity of anvil after impact It may be noted here that the foundation is motionless before the impact and as such its velocity before the impact is zero, ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 659 ‘The principle of impact between ram and the anvil is that the momentum of colliding bodies before and after impact is constant, Therefore, we may write mg yy = mart Ma%e (15.143) where, my = mass of the dropping weight, ‘m, = mass of anvil including the weight of frame (if mounted on i). In Eq, (15.143) there are two unknowns vp and v,. We require therefore another equation for solving for v3 and v, In order to derive a second equation, Newton’s hypothesis concerning the restitution of impact is used. According to this hypothesis, ifthere occurs an impact berween two bodies, moving in relation to each other, the relative velocity after the impact is proportional tothe relative velocity before the impact. The ratio between these two depends only on the material of the bodies which undergo the impact. The foundation was motionless before the impact as such the relative velocity of the ram is, 4, After impact, the rebound velocity of ram vg and that ofthe anvil with the frame (if attached) is ‘vg. The relative velocity after impact is equal to (v, ~v2). The coefficient of elastic restitution e may now be writen as (15.144) (1.148) where, m= me me For perfectly elastic bodies e = 1, and e= 0 for the impact of a rigid body (ram) against a plastic ‘one (when the le is at a very high temperature), For real bodies the value of les within the range of030 3104 Dynamic Analysis The hammer-anvil-pad foundation sol system is assumed to have two-degrees of freedom. The pad between the anvil and the foundation is assumed to be an elastic body with a spring constant and the soil below the foundation another elastic body witha spring constant ky The computation set-up is therefore, reduced to a system of three bodies, namely, the ram which is the striking body, the anvil whichis separated by the foundation by an elastic connection (spring constant k) and the foundation on an elastic base (with a spring constant fy) a8 shown schematically in Fig. 15.19 (b). The free-body diagram is also shown by the side. There are two equations of motion for the whole system. Consider the free-body diagram shown in Fig. 15.19 (b) The line a and BB represent the static equilibrium positions for he anvil andthe foundation respectively before the impact. After the impact at any instant of time ¢, the anvil undergoes a displacement :, with reference to 44, and the foundation undergoes a displacement 2, with reference tothe line BB. Due to these displacements, the spring fgets compressed by an amount equal to; but the spring k gets compressed by an amount equal to (23~2;), (where 2) >). Asa result of these displacements, the following differential equation can be writen. m2, +ky21 ky @~2))=0 (5.1478) kya) (15.1476) where, m, = mass of foundation, Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 661 ‘Fa = Spring pads @ smpression of spring hem h-(h- 442) = G2) Compression of spring kan o Fig. 15.19 (a) Forge Hammer foundation, (b) two-spring system and free-body of analysis my = mass of anvil, ky ~ soil spring constant = C4, contact area of foundation, coefficient of rigidity (equivalent spring constant) of the pad between the anvil and the foundation = (E11), E = Young's modulus of material of pad, 1 = thickness of po, ‘Ay = base area of pad, 24.22 ~ displacement of foundation and anvil respectively from equilibrium postion. ‘The development of solutions to Eq, (15.147) is quite involved and as such not given here. From the differential equations Eq, (15.147), itis possible to develop a frequency equation of the fourth degree as given below. of-(1+™) (03, + 03) of + 1+) 02, 03,=0 (15.148) 662 Advanced Foundation Engineering wie, w= 7 qq ~ the limiting natural frequency for the anvil resting on the elastic pad expressed as 6, = (15.1496) ‘a1 = limiting natural frequency for the whole foundation soil system expressed as a m+ my nt (15.149¢) Here (is the natural frequency of vibration of anvil on a motionless foundation, Whereas, W, is the natural frequency of the entire installation by assuming the pad below the anvil is infinitely rigid. The natural frequencies w, and @,9 are determined as roots of Eq. (15.148). The roots may be expressed as [ir+a9fode +03] « [emer] The amplitudes =; and z, are obtained by solving Eq. (15.147). The details of solutions are not given here. The final solutions may be expressed as -oh)(o8 -0) oleh -o8) 4 (14 ay(o% 0%) (15.150) innit _sin@nt | (a5.151a) a On ©n2 ‘Barkan (1962) showed from field observations that vibrations occurred at lower frequency only and as such, it may be assumed that the amplitude of vibrations for sin @,,¢ (Where ©, > @,2) equals zero. Then the approximate expressions for dynamic displacement of the foundation and anvil will be as follows. alo. Mg SiN Oya f (15.1528) nt ~ 2) On? vg Sin O49 f (15.152) ‘The maximum amplitudes of motion occurs when sin cn,t= 1. The expressions for maximum amplirudes are, 664 Advanced Foundation Engineering Tentative determination of base area (Barkan, 1962) ‘The equation proposed is 20(1+¢) a (is.s7) where, a= base area per unit of dropping weight, a = allowable bearing pressure of soi ‘The total base area for a dropping weight IV, may be found from Ws (15.158) 15.15 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR MACHINE FOUNDATIONS Stability of a Foundation A foundation in general should satisfy two basic requirements, They are: 1. It should be stable against shear failure. 2. The settlement must be within permissible limits Based on the two criteria mentioned above, the safe bearing pressure of a foundation has to be ‘worked out for a satisfactory functioning of the foundation. These criteria should be satisfied first for static loads, and then for dynamic loads. Under dynamic loads there should not be further ‘compaction of the soil beyond permissible elastic limits ‘Types of Machine Foundations and Machines ‘The foundations for a machine should be designed to sui its particular requirements keeping in view the stability of the foundation and the cost structure. The foundations can be of box type or block type, or any other type according to the type of machinery to be installed. Foundations are required for the following types of machines, 1, Rotary type engines or generators with imperfectly balanced rotating parts. 2. Reciprocating engines. 3. Impact Machines. ‘Steam turbines, motor generators and centrifugal pumps come under the frst category. Air or gas compressors and reciprocating pumps represent the second type. Forge hammers and the like which impart repeated blows come under the last category of machines, The rotary machines are classified on the basis oftheir speed as follows. Low frequency up to 1500 rpm ‘Medium frequency 1500 to 3000 pm High frequency Greater than 3000 rpm. Reciprocating machines run at operating speeds less than 600 rpm; Rotary machines like ‘urbogenerators and compressors may have speeds more than 3000 spm and even go up to 10,000 pm, There are motor generators which operate at much lower speeds than turbogenerators. Their speeds may range from 300 to 400 rpm (Barkan, 1962) Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 663 for foundation soil system (15.153a) for amplitude of anvil (15.1536) «as.is4) Tentative Determination of Foundation Weight and Base Area For preliminary calculations, the foundation weight per unit of dropping weight may be calculated by Barkan, 1962) as ny = 8.0 (1+ e)¥—g (as.155) where, ny foundation weight per unt of dropping weight= IF 17, W, = weight of foundation with backfill, Wy = weight of dropping parts, ‘¢ = the Coefficient of restitution, v= velocity of dropping weight just before impact, weight ofanvil and frame Wa, "e~ ctual weight of dropping parts ~ Wa Wy, = weight of anvil and frame. Some numerical values of hammer coefficients are given Table 15.7. ‘The total weight of foundation (including the backfill) is Wy = nypWy (15.156) Table 15.7 Values of some Hammer coefficients (Barkan 1962) De of Hammer vw mise ¢ D ™ ‘Stamping Hammers: Double-acting (tamping of stel pieces) 65 as 30 4“ Unrestricted Hammer: stamping of sel pieces 45 os 20 M Stamping of nonferrous metals 45 00 - 16 Forge hammers prope: Double acting 6s 02s 30 38 Unrestricted 45 0.25 20 25 666 Advanced Foundation Engineering — —$—_—__—______— ol 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.002 Displacement amplitude, A, (in) 0.001 0.0005 0.0002 0.0001 |__.__ 100 200 © 5001000 2000 00010000 Frequency, cpm Fig. 15.20 General limits of displacement amplitude for a particular frequency of vibration (Pichart, 1982) ‘The design criteria for impact machine foundations has been discussed in Section 15.14 15.16 SCREENING VIBRATIONS A machine foundation which isa source of vibration may transit vibrations to adjoining foundations of machines or structures. If the vibration at the source is excessive, that is if the amplitude of motion is beyond the permissible limits, then the transmitted vibrations to adjoining foundations may adversely affect its satisfactory performance. In such cases there are two remedial measures. They are: 1 Reduce the vibration at the source by providing spring pads within the system itself 2, Isolate the source of vibration from the adjoining structures by providing around the source screening trenches, ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 665 Permissible Amplitudes for Rotary Type Machines (Barkan, 1962) Type of machine Amplitude (mm) (@) For medium frequency machines Vertical vibration 0.06 t0 0.04 Horizontal vibration 0.09 t0 0.07 (8) For High frequency machines Vertical vibration 0.03 to 0.02 Horizontal vibration 0.05 10 0.04 (©) For low frequency machines 0.02 (less than 500 rpm) The permissible amplitudes for impact type machines are given in Section 15.14. Weight of Machine Foundation The use of heavy foundations to eliminate excessive vibrations have been in use from early times. Manufacturers of machines invariably recommend the weight and size of the foundation suitable for their equipments. As a thumb rule, the weight of foundation for rotary type machines may range from 2 to 2.5 times the weight of the engine, Design Criteria ‘The end product ofthe design procedure is the determination of a foundation soil system which satisfactorily supports equipment or machinery. The design criteria should satisfy the following, 1. The settlement and bearing pressure of Foundation must be within permissible limits under static loads 2. Under the action of dynamic loads the following criteria should be satisfied (a) The operating frequency of machine should not be close to the natural frequency of the foundation-soil system to avoid resonance. (®) For low speed machines and high speed machines the ratio ofthe operating frequency and natural frequency ofthe system («/@,) should comply the following. Low speed w/e, <0. High speed w/e, > 15. (6) The amplitudes of motion at operating frequencies should not exceed the permissible limits (@) The vibrations generated by a machine should not cause adverse effects on adjoining ‘machines or structures. (e) The vibrations should not cause annoyance to persons standing close by. The design criteria most often encountered relate to the dynamic response of the foundation-soil system, These are expressed in terms of the limiting amplitudes of vibration ata particular frequency ‘oa limiting value of a peak velocity or acceleration, Figure 15,20 indicates the order of magnitudes ‘which may be involved in the criteria for dynamic response. Five curves limit the zones of different sensitivities of response by persons ranging from not noticeable to severe, The envelope described by the shaded line as limit for machines and machine foundations indicates the limit for safety and not a limit for satisfactory operation of mackines. Below 2000 cycles/min, this limit represents peak velocity of 1.0 inch per second, and above 2000 cycles per minute, it corresponds to acceleration of 05 g, 668 Advanced Foundation Engineering 15.17 EXAMPLES Example 15.1 Example of footing subjected to steady state vertical oscillation by Elastic-Analog method. (Richart et al, 1970) Given Soil atthe site = Silty Clay (CL). Unit weight of soil 117 Bei Velocity of shear wave, v, = 460 fusec. Shear modulus, G = 5340 bln’ Poisson’s Ratio p. = 0385. Diameter of footing = 62 inches. ‘Weight of eccentric mass - Eccentric setting Total weight of footing + 4-mass oscillator 30970 Ib Required (a) Resonant frequency fy (®) The amplitude of motion A,» Solution =nom ion Ww Tope 4 ye From Eq, (15.66), > 10355 30970 4 117(2.583) where, r= 31,0 ins = 2.583 f. Now from Fig. 15.11 (a), for B, = 2.48, dq = 0.67. The resonant natural frequency fy, may be expressed as From. (1565), oy = S22 da, __ 0.6460 Substituting, fy 19 cycle/sec = 19 Hz Dey” Dx314 2.585 ‘The value of f,, can also be obtained from Eq, (15.75) [—09- 460 B,- 085 ~ Te314x2583 | = 189 He ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 667 The built in isolators in the first-case may be rubber or composite pads, springs or spring- damper systems, and pneumatic springs. Cork is also used as a satisfactory spring material so long, it does not get wet and start rotting. Asbestos fibres have also been found to be an effective isolator. In the second case trenches of suitable width and depth are dug around the source of vibration and filled with bentonite slurry. This arrangement has been found to be effective in certain cases. This type of isolation at the source is called as active isolation as shown in schematically in Fig. 15.21 (@) this type of arrangement reduces the amount of energy radiated away from the source In another case the source of vibration might be due to passing of traffic adjoining a sensitive instrument factory which needs to be protected from the incoming vibrations. In these cases also trenches may be dug around the machinery to be protected from vibrations and filled with bentonite slurry. Such types of isolation (sereening away from the source) is known as passive isolation shown schematically in Fig. 15.21 (b) Amplitude of surface scillating force displacement Oveiting 1 1. Footing TR 7 TR ve Circular, open trench of radius R, and depth i H F [= @ Aroplitude of Sensitive surface instrument Gisplacement | 3¢|1) = or tool tA J ( ye~ Footing eT | Incoming rayleigh wave Fe straight, open trench of depth Hand length © Fig. 18.21 Scroening of vibrations (from Woods, 1968): (a) Schematic of vibration isolation using a circular trench surrounding the source of vibrations —active isolation, (b) schematic of vibration isolation using a straight trench to create a quiescent zone—passive isolation 670 Advanced Foundation Engineering (1-H) Qo 2 AG, = 0.002 ins. (10.33) «11,400 45.14,000 0.02 or ne 67.9 inches ot 5.66 8 ‘Assume r, = 6 ft for which the ase area A= 113 £7, For the compressor, use a rectangular foundation block of 17 * 7 ft which gives = 119 ft, Let the height of block = 3 ft. Assuming unit, ‘weight of concrete y, = 150 Ib/ft’, ‘The weight of the foundation block W, Wy = 16 «7x3 x 150 = 50,400 Ib Total weight W = $0,400 + 10,900 = 61,300 Ib ‘Then for the equivalent circular footing of r, = 6 f. ky 32)61300 _ 4 ag 4 yn 4x100x6 From Fig. 15.15 the damping ratio D, = 0.6 for B, = 0.473. The natural frequency fi, for the system depends upon the oscillating mass and spring constant. From Eq, (15.67), we have _ 4Gre _ 4 «14,000 x72 Toe TT aay 7 6048 108 ln Then from Eq, (159) a 1 6,048 x 10° «386 Ii” 39 2x34 61,300 = Bl eyelesisee or fg = 1864 cycles per minute 04s The damping ratio D, = 2725 trom Ea. (15.73) ping. Be Eq, (15.73) 04s - =0 0.473 6 ef. 40 The frequency ratio = ji > i864 = 0.24 4 For 0124, D,= 0.6, the magnification factor M= 1.02 fom Fig. 15.5 (@) or M= = = 1.02 or A, = 1.02 * 2,= 1.02 * ,002 = 0.002 ins. This value of motion satisfies the design criteria. Example 15.3 Analysis of a Rocking Machine Foundation by Elastic half-space Analog, ———_——————— Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 669 ‘The amplitude of vertical oscillation depends on B, and the magnitude of the exciting force. From Fig. 15.10 (b), the magnification factor M,, is equal to 1.86 for B, = 2.48, From Eq. (15.70), Aan = Ma Substituting, 1356 x 0.105 Ag, ~ PSB H ONS 1 865 6 in, tom ~ 30,970 0.0086 Alternately the value of Aj, can also be calculated from Eq. (15.77b) meeb, eg = m= 7 (085) YB, O18 , eB v" Am W088) JB, 018 Substituting, sg, = 1356 0.105248 =m 30970 x 0.85 f 2.48 -0.18 0.0088 in. Example 15.2 Design of Foundation size for a Vertical Single-Cylinder Compressor by Elastic-half space analog method. Given Operating frequency of compressor = 450 mpm, Constant amplitude force of excitation Q, ~ 10, 900 Ib. Soil Silty clay, Shear wave Velocity », = 806 fVsec. Shear modulus, @ 14000 Ibi. Poisson's ratio, 033. Unit weight of soil = 100 thin’ Permissible amplitude 0.0020 ins Required (@) The size of foundation block to keep the amplitude within the permissible limits. (®) The natural frequeney of the system, Solution ‘The first approximation for the foundation plan dimensions may be obtained from the base area required to limit the static displacement caused by Q, = 11,400 Ib to a value of 0.002 in, The equivalent rigid circular footing will be used in both the static and dynamic analysis, although a rectangular foundation plan is required. The static deflection, z,, can be calculated from Eq, (15.69) by putting the magnitude factor Af= 1 for static condition and equating to =, = 0.002 ins 672 Advanced Foundation Engineering From Fig. 15.11 (b) the magnification M,, for B, = 0.58 is 1.1 and from Fig, 15.15 the damping ratio D ~ 0.56, This indicates that the vertical motion is highly damped and from Fig. 15.5 (@), the vertical motion willbe only slightly greater than the static displacement produced by the input force, and as such the vertical vibration need not be considered in the analysis. Rocking Vibration For rocking vibration excited by the horizontal component of the machine forces, the equivalent radius of an equivalent base area is required to be calculated by using Eq. (15.97) 4 _ [21a (34x? “Ve *\pan) where, 2 34, 2b=8 8 Then from Eq, (15.88), the mass ratio B, is where I, ‘mass moment of inertia in rocking about point O at the centroid of the base of the footing. From Fig, Ex. 15.3 W © uyitin fm agg UHR he 272100 272100 : (8? + 187.92) + 1: x2 Dg 447x107 = £4710 gy, g 2.25 447x107 Therefore, - 8" 110(655) Figure 15.13 (b) indicates that dynamic magnification factor Mya for By = 9:50 is grester than 100. The actual value can be caleulated from Eq, (15.90) and (15.88) as follows: ois Dy= 7 — = 0.0087 a) From Bq, (15.90), 1 1 Mom ™ Zp, ~ De.0047 106 With this low value of damping ratio, or high magnification factor, the peak of the amplitude frequency response curve will occur ata frequency almost identical with the natural frequency. Resonant frequency From Eq, (15.65), the dimensionless frequency at maximum amplitude may be written as ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 674 Given Figure Ex. 15.3 gives the plan and elevation ofa proposed foundation to support rotating machinery. ‘The upper slab is atthe first floor level, and the lower slab rests directly on the soil at a depth 1.5 ft below the top of the basement slab. G~ 12,300 Ibfin?, v, = 720 ft/sec, w= 0.25 and y = 110 Ibi Total weight of the foundation including the machinery HV = 272,100 Ib. Height of centre of gravity above Point O= 11.2 ft Fig. Ex. 153. Required The dynamic-response of the foundation soil system for the horizontal and vertical forces generated by rotating machinery. solution The foundations restngalir Theaiea nox i awd i Vertical oscil ‘The mass ratio from Eq. (15.66) is 0.75 «272,100 4% 100%(9.3)° Machine Y f 8" e aw t 133" we | 0 o 0 (@) Plan () Elevation Fig. Ex. 15.3 674 Advanced Foundation Engineering Dynamic amplitude of each compressor. = 3 T. Phase difference = 8/2. Distance e/e of cylinders 13m, Distance between compressor and motor = 2.3m. Working load level of motor and compressor above foundation top surface = 08m, Dimensions, m — Fig. Ex. 15.4 Required ‘Tho amplitudes of motion for the simultancous vertical, horizontal and rotational modes of vibrations, Solution (a) Centre of gravity ofthe system Assume the coordinate axes as shown in Fig, Ex. 15.4. Let, and z are the coordinates 0 of the centre of gravity ofthe system expressed as Ems Xm | Ems Bo Yo FO where, m= masses of single elements of a system, Coordinates of the centres of gravity of single elements with respect to axes, Spyjand z ‘m © mass of the system, ‘Table Ex. 15.4 gives the details ofthe results of computation of static moments of single elements of the system, where A = Dimensions of elements, metre, (B) Mass of element, Ts C= Coordinates, D = Static moment T-sec? Using the data in Table Ex. 15.4, we have 10.35 20.49 %e= gap 7 NS myo= Sop =297m, = 22 L109 70” G51 ™ The coordinates of O are shown in Fig, Ex. 15.4. Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 673 2 fata OF fy From Fig. 15.13 (a), for By .5, the value of aom-~ 0.30. 0,30 720 2x3 14x 655 ‘Therefore Sa 25 eycles/sec = 315 cycle per minute. Alternate method Asa check, the resonant frequency for the lamped-mass system can be evaluated through Eq, (15.9). If we consider the foundation as a rectangular foundation, the formula for ke from Table 13.3 is 8G 812300 x 0.4 x17 x4? 075 Bybl? = # = 2.055 * 109 ft lb/radian, 34 8 where, b= ITH I= 74, 14 B= 04 from Fig. 15.16 (b) for 5 = 75 = 0.24, 7 21 = length perpendicular to the axis of rotation and, 2b = width parallel to the axis of rotation ‘Then from Eq, (15.9) 1 fie 1 [2055107 32.2 I> 2g VT, Dead AAT x10" 5.9 ps = 354 cpm. ‘The resonant frequencies obtained by both the method compare very well. It is evident that the foundation would experience a severe rocking oscillation ata frequency in the range 320-350 rpm. ‘The foundation requires re-design to resist rocking. One way of doing this is to reduce the height and increase the width of the block, Example 15.4 Design of Foundation for a Two-Cylinder Vertical Compressor by the use of Elastic Soil-Spring, Constants. Given Design Data ‘The design diagram of foundation is given in Fig. Ex. 15.4. The other details are given below, The foundation is to be founded on silty clay soil having the spring constants. G,= 5% 10? Tim’, C, = 10 x 10° Tim? and C, = 2.5 « 10° Tim? Weight of compressor =2T Weight of motor <4 Operating speed = 480 rp. Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 675 ‘Table Ex. 15.4 Computation for determining the centre of gravity of the system Hlenents of stem 7 2 c > a Fondaiondid <3 ~~~ CORSO 025-303 G05 O55 Umer par of| foxstion 3 48 10 3281S 3010485 9.75 325 Compressor = = 1s oats 23 185 268 282 Motor oa 154523 184090 Teal 691 1038 2049752 From the figure, we can calculate the eccentricities in the x and y directions as follows. 30-297 2 = =0, * 100 = 0.79% Since the values are quite small, it can be ignored in the computation. Now we have the total weight IV ofthe system, W = mg = 6.91 * 9.81 = 67.5 tonnes. Contact area A= 6x3=18m’, stat FSS os 91m? =038 kglen? Wepressure, py = = Se = 3.8 Ti lem (b) Possible forms of Foundation Vibrations and design values of exciting loads Let Q,y and Q> represen the periodic forces ofeach ofthe compressors the vertical direction expressed as 3.0 sin ar Qu ‘The resultant vertical component of the disturbing forces equals 0.608 et, 2, 008 of ~ Qin sin ot (60s ox ~ sin ex) = 4.2 cos (wt + m/4) ‘The design value of the vertical component ofthe exciting loads will be aT ‘This load will induce vertical forced vibrations of the foundation Let J, ~ distance between eylinder axes = 1.3 m, 1, = distance between the second cylinder and the centre of gravity of complete system 0.2m. Due to the asymmetric position ofthe compressor, the foundation will be subjected to the action of the disturbing moment M, with respect to the x-axis. The magnitude of this moment is Mz = O21 Ue*4)* Qraly Substituting M, = 3.0(1.3 + 0.2) cos ay ~3.0 « 0.2 sin ow = 4.6 cos (or + n/a) ‘The design value of the disturbing moment should equal to its greatest magnitude, that is, 676 Advanced Foundation Engineering -M,(ax) = 4,6 Tm Vibration takes place in the plane parallel to yz under the action of this moment. They willbe | accompanied by a simultaneous sliding ofthe foundation inthe direction ofthe y-axis anda rotation of the foundation with respect to an axis parallel to the x-axis and passing through the centre of _ravity of the system, (0) Vertical amplitude of motion and natural frequency of the system From Eq, (15.1144) 18.17 eps. or qq = M14 rad ee. From Eq, (15.114a) 42107 6.91[ (014)? ~(16n)7] = 0.058 mm 480x 2 0 where, © = operating frequency = 16x radians/see. (A) Base and mass Moments of Inertia 1, Base moment of inertia parallel to the X-axis passing through the centroid of the base 3x6? 2 =S4m! 2. Mass moments of inertia with respect to the axis as in (1) above. () Compressor Ugg ~ my (0.85? +232) = 1,23 « 6.01 = 7.4 Tm see?, (i) Motor Tym = ig (1S? + 2.32) = 041 * 7.55 = 3.1 Tr see (i) Foundation sab (1) mo »_ 202 . 2 iy = Th tay tmit= 2S +054) +202 ~ 028 6.1 Tm sect ‘where, hy = vertical distance between the centre of gravity of mat 1 and the foundation contact area Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 677 Upper part of foundation slab 3.28 ya = FP GP 102) + 3.25 x 12.0= 9,8 Tm sec ‘Total moment of inertia of the mass of the whole system with respect tothe axis atthe base is Tyg = T4* 3.1 46.1 + 9.8 = 26.4 Te see ‘The moment of Inertia ofthe whole system with respect tothe axis passing through the centre of, travity ofthe whole system and perpendicular to the plane of vibration is Ing = Io mh = 264-691 1209 = 183 Tin sect (©) Amplitudes of motion and Natural frequency. Natural frequencies 9, and Oy ‘The limiting natural frequencies are: For rocking mode, From Eq. (15.1228) [Gte= Whe _ [10108 x $4 ~ 67.5 «1.09 nb oY 264 143.28 rad/see or 20.5 * 108 see? “The limiting frequency of vibration in shea fom Eq, (15.116a) is CA _ 25%103 x18 2, = C4. BSH IB 65 193 gee? 3 = IB = 65 «10 se “The frequency equation forthe foundation Eq. (15.1330) is 2 +02 2 ot 4 Sete 2, eho, - a <0 on 7 on " Substituting, we have of 205265) x10% |, 205%65 10° a 069 " 0.69 or of ~ 392 « 1040} +193 « 10°=0 0 By solving this equation, we have 33:4 « 10° sec"? or @,; = 183 rad/see 5.8 * 10° sec* oF «2 = 76 rad/sec Amplitudes of motion A, and Ay From fq, (15.136) and (15.137) 678 Advanced Foundation Engineering (C.Ah,) M, = Cth) Me ale’) A (0) © mlyg (05 07) (05-07) = 6.91 * 18,2 (33.4 ~ 2.5) (5.8 = 2.5) « 10° = 13.8 10° _ 25x10? x18 «1.09 Tesi? 7.016 * 10> m= 0.016 mm (25x10? x18-681x25«10')46 ym a Tex10 = 0.009 » 10°? radians ‘The maximum horizontal displacement ofthe foundation op surface inthe plane yz is A= Ay + hyAy= (0.016 + 041 009) 10> m 0.020 « 10-?m = 0.02 mm Example 15.5 Design of Hammer Foundation by making use of elastic soi-spring constants Given {A foundation is required to be designed fora double-acting stamping hammer withthe folowing specifications Soil at the site: Clay soil mixed with some sand and silt The static allowable bearing pressure g, = 20 Tim Elastic uniform compression of sil with the correction applied 6, = 36,= 12* 10° Tin? Weight of dropping parts y= 3.57 Height of drop, = 100 em, Piston area @=0.15 m? Steatn pressure p = 80 Tin. Base area of anvil, y= 4.75 mr. Thickness of pad under anvil ¢= 60 em. ‘Modulus of elastic of pad = $0 * 10° Tm”, Required (2) Amplitude of vibration ofthe foundation and anvil (@) Amplitude of vibration ofthe anvil together withthe frame (6) The dynamic stress in the pad under the anvil. Solution 1. Velocity of dropping weight ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 679 From Eq, (15.142), [2a yea ee Wa Assuming «= 0.65, we have v= 065 = 6.1 m/sec. 2. Foundation weight; for preliminary computation Assume coefficient of restitution e= 0.5 From Eq, (15.1538) where, = Raos7 Now, nyp= 80(1405) 6125.7 =473 ‘The required foundation weight H, (together with backfill) is, W= ny W= 47.3 *3.5=166T ‘Contact area required for the foundation, from Eq. (15.154a), and (15.154b) Ap> Waay _ 201+9v _ 20(1+05)61 oe = 9.2m? Ap#35*92=32.2 m? 3. Preliminary dimensions of foundation as per the data given in (2) above. The preliminary dimensions of foundation are given in Fig. Ex. 15.5, As per this design, 4 04, fad [38°24 —| Ta] Dimensions, m { 1 4_—~ 65x55 ———+| Fig. Ex. 18.5 680 Advanced Foundation Engineering Total weight of foundation with backfill = 161.4 T Contact area Ay= 6,5 * 5,5 =35.7 m? 4. Amplitudes of foundation vibration Pad under the anvit 50 = 10° Tim? = 0.60 m; Ay = 4.75 mi? 50% 10° x 4.75 060) be = 395 «108 Tim Therefore . Mass of hammer = m= Sai From Eq, (15.149), the limiting frequency of natural vibrations of the anvil on the timber pad is kz _ 305x108 3 eee? Fe ag TH 10? see constant k of soil below the base is The spri 1 = CyA= 12 109 «35,7 = 43.8 « 104 Tim “The mass of foundation Wis Wye 16a 2, wf = 8S 16.5 Ts0ctim = 981 @ The limiting frequeney of natural vibrations ofthe whole system, from Fg, (15.149) is kh. 28x10! soa OT Tem ~ 1654918 ~ 167 * 10" see ma 948 From Eg 51059, = TE = 2B -oss7 Now as per Eq. (15.148), we have, cof (1+ 0.557) (43 « 10? + 16.7 x 103) 03 + (1+ 0.557) x43 « 103 « 16.7 x 10° =0 or of -92.5 «10% + 1115 « 105=0 Solving this equation we obtain, 0}; = 78.5% 10° seo"? of ey, = 280 see! 8, = 14.1 «10° 502°? oF oy. = 119 se Amplitudes of vibration of foundation Velocity of motion of the anvil with the frame from Eq. (15.145) is v(t) 90 swhere'y, = 6.1 m/sec, n= Fo =25.71 Ten ‘Machine Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loads 681 6.10140) Therefore, 142571 = 0342 misee From Eq, (15.151a) sel: |fots ei) eblei-ey (180%10> 1415109) [13010785109 3x10 R510? 14110] «0342 = 1.07 mm Amplitude of vibration of Anvil From Bq, (15.151b) 735x10°)038 Sa 1.6 10° = 1.6 ma fasei0? amo) ‘The computed amplitude of vibration is within the permissible limit as per Table 15.6 Dynamic stress in the pad From Eq, (15.152), we have ales +23) a 39,5 «10 (1.07 x10"? +1.6 x10 475 = 222° Tim? TThe stress in the pad is also within the permissible limit,

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