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Prepared for:
American Advertising Team, Mcgarrybowen Paris

Prepared by:
Emily Dvorchak, Global Chief Strategy Officer, Mcgarrybowen

26 March 2015

Introductory Note to Readers

Bonjour! If you are reading this report, you will travel to Mcgarrybowens new Paris office in
the near future. I expect you feel excited and eager to start working abroad, as you should.
However, please remember that with each global venture, our agency encounters new challenges.
The components of this report will help you manage these challenges and will ease your
transition as you travel to Mcgarrybowen Paris.
To start, I have provided extensive background information on France. Please use this section to
familiarize yourself with the country. While in France, you will collaborate with French
employees and clients who have learned English as a second, third, or fourth language.
Throughout the following report, I will refer to this audience as international readers. To
communicate with these international readers, you will need to write using International English
style. The report will help you with this task as well, as I have provided four examples of written
pieces that you might create while working in Paris. Specifically, you will find a brochure,
meeting agenda, print ad, and e-mail. Prior to each document, I will explain how it uses
International English. Please review this material and let me know if you have any questions or
comments. Bonne route!
Bonjour = Hello
Bonne route = Have a good trip

Located in Western Europe, France is approximately
the size of Texas, although slightly smaller. As shown
in Figure 1, France borders various European
countries and bodies of water. Its capital, Paris, lies in
the northern part of the country, on the River Seine.
France features diverse terrain including rolling
countryside, beaches and coastlines, vineyards and
valleys, and even the Swiss Alps. With so much
beauty and variation, the country remains the worlds
most visited tourist destination. France also owns
overseas territory throughout the world, in areas
including South America, the Caribbean, Antarctica,
and the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans.
Figure 1: Map of France

France originated in the 10th century, and a monarchy ruled the country for many years. Former
French royals, like Louis XIV, are famous even today for their extravagance and wealth. When
the French Revolution took place in 1789, political power shifted to the state. The French Empire
expanded during this Napoleonic Era, and architects built the famous Arc de Triomphe in Paris
to celebrate the French revolutionaries (Figure 2). Germany has invaded France twice, in 1914
and 1940, but a democratic republic re-emerged after liberation at the end of World War II.
Today, France marks its Fifth Republic, established in 1959.

Figure 2: Arc de Triomphe in Paris

France has a rich history of culture and ambiance, drawing approximately 84 million tourists
every year. However, it also has a troublesome history of terrorist violence. The term terrorism
actually originated in France when the government launched a violent campaign against counterrevolutionaries in the early 1800s. Most recently, in January 2015, gunmen killed 12 people in a
terrorist attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine based in Paris. Clearly,
terrorism remains an issue for France.
Political Climate
Since 1958, France has followed a hybrid presidentialparliamentary governing system. French citizens vote for a
president (currently Franois Hollande, Figure 3) to serve
a five-year term. The President then appoints a Prime
Minister (currently Manuel Valls). The President and
Prime Minister collaborate to appoint a Council of
Ministers, or cabinet, consisting of 34 people.
Collectively, this group determines policy and presents
new legislation to parliament in the form of bills.

Figure 3: Franois Hollande,

President of France

Parliament consists of a national assembly (Assemble

Nationale) and Senate (Snat). French citizens elect
members of the National Assembly in a general election
every five years. Grand electors, consisting mostly of
other locally elected representatives, elect the Senate.

France has more political parties than does the United States or Britain. Currently, the Socialist
party, or PS (Parti Socialiste), governs France. This party represents the left side of political
views, while the Popular Union Movement, or UMP (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire),
represents the right side. Parties also exist in the so-called center. These include the New
Centre, the Union of Democrats and Independents, and The Democratic Movement.
Cultural and Social Climate
Throughout the world, people regard the city of
Paris as a rich cultural center of cuisine,
architecture, art, and fashion. Every year,
tourists visit popular museums, cathedrals,
shops, and the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris
(Figure 4). Although life in France varies by
region and not every French city resembles
Paris, some cultural and social norms hold true
for people across the country.
First, the French value their nation and its
heritage. Usually, they take offense when
Figure 4: Eiffel Tower in Paris

tourists voice negative comments about France or its government. Foreigners, particularly
Americans, often mistake this pride for rudeness.
Similarly, the French take pride in their
language and try to protect it from English
influence. Recently, heated debates have
arisen in France regarding whether
universities should teach more classes in
English, and people take offense if not
provided a French translation for English

Figure 5: The Pont Des Arts or Lock Bridge in

Paris shows how the French value romance.
Couples profess their love to one another on the
bridge and seal it with a personalized lock.

Despite these issues, younger generations

in France seem to maintain a more liberal
attitude toward foreign languages, and
many acknowledge the need to learn
English in order to succeed internationally.
Indicative of this, many French people
speak at least some English, even though
French is the dominant language.

The French also value leisure, romance, and sexual freedom, three concepts that manifest
themselves in cultural and social practices (Figure 5). Specifically:

People often eat long meals, as they consider them an important time for socializing.
After initial meetings, the French greet one another with a kiss on each cheek.
Many beaches permit topless sunbathing.
Many people have lenient attitudes toward sex outside marriage.

Finally, Frances motto, "Libert, Egalit, Fraternit," translates to liberty, equality, fraternity.
Some French women have risen to more important roles in business over the past decade, as this
motto suggests they should. However, many still consider France a male-dominated culture.
Most French people (83-88% of the
population) identify as Roman Catholics.
The country features many famous Catholic
places of worship, including the worldfamous Notre Dame Cathedral and Basilica
de Sacr Couer in Paris (Figure 6). France
has a modest population of Muslims as well,
at 5-10% of the population. Finally, a very
small percentage of people identify as
unaffiliated (4%), Protestants (2%) or Jews
Figure 6: Basilica de Sacr Couer in Paris

Business Practices
In France, err on the side of formality when
conducting international business. Also, stay
aware of some important business customs.
Specifically, keep the following points in

French businesspeople address

colleagues by saying Madame,
Monsieur, Professeur, or Docteur,
followed by the persons surname.
People dress conservatively in the
working world (Figure 7).
The French generally schedule advance
appointments for formal business
Figure 7: French businesspeople dress
conservatively, as in the above photo.
Office hours occur from 9:00am12:00pm and 2:00pm-6:00pm Monday-Friday.
Avoid scheduling business in August, since many Parisians go on holiday (vacation) at
that time of year.
When speaking French, only use the informal word for you (tu) after the other person
has begun to use this informal pronoun. Until then, use the formal vous.
When you leave an event, make sure to say goodbye to each person individually.
Otherwise, the French will accuse you of leaving the English way, which carries a
negative connotation.
Do not expect a direct approach to solving business problems. Customarily, the French
make small talk about politics and culture before addressing business matters in meetings.
Once the meeting eventually shifts to business talk, prepare to use firmness, but not
rudeness, in your interactions.

With this advice in mind, you should succeed in French business matters.
Media and Advertising
France practices freedom of the press. Over 100 newspapers circulate daily including popular
titles Le Monde, Libration, France-Soir, Le Parisien and Le Figaro. English-language
newspapers circulate as well, and the state broadcasts a radio station called Radio France for
domestic, overseas, and foreign audiences.
In advertisements, French companies attempt to seduce their audiences (Figure 8, next page).
However, this often differs from the way Americans translate the word, seduce. In France,
seduction suggests not only a sexual temptation, but also a general attempt to fascinate or charm
others. So, French advertisements focus less on persuading and informing their viewers with
product function, and more on enticing them with romantic notions, humor, or lavish sights and
attractions. These tactics reflect French cultural norms.

Figure 8: Example of a French print ad, published in a

magazine, that uses seduction to appeal to its audience.

In general, the French have adopted a stricter approach to advertising, and regulation impacts the
industry in many ways:

Since 1963, the French have considered false or misleading advertising a criminal offense.
French companies rarely use comparative advertising, since it became legal only recently.
The government forbids or heavily restricts advertising of certain products altogether,
including tobacco, alcohol, and contraceptives.
Certain industries may not advertise on television in France, including distributors of
films, books, newspapers, and magazines. This decision results from the desire to protect
French culture and taste.
Government-owned TV stations can air no more than 12 minutes of commercials per hour,
resulting in far less advertising clutter than in the United States.

An organization called Le Bureau de Vrification de la Publicit (The Audit Bureau of

Advertising) helps regulate advertising in France. Its website would serve as an excellent
resource for more information on this topic.
International English
As mentioned, the French try to protect their language from English influence. Many French
people who speak English have learned it as a second, third, or fourth language. Therefore, when
we create English documents for international readers, we must format them in International
English. To learn more, please refer to the following documents.

The following brochure resembles one you might create while working at Mcgarrybowens Paris
office. It addresses an audience of prospective clients. The brochure uses International English
by minimizing the amount of body copy in the document. The Capacits section, for example,
uses a bulleted list rather than paragraphs to clearly and concisely express its points. Notice how
the bulleted points use full sentences written in subject-verb-object order, rather than fragmented
phrases. This allows international readers to easily understand and follow the message.
Additionally, the words campaign, market, and direct marketing are defined in a glossary,
since they each possess multiple meanings and could potentially confuse international readers.
From a design perspective, the brochure includes visuals and white space so as not to overwhelm
readers with written content. Further, in France the colors red and yellow represent jealousy.
Notice how the brochure avoids these colors. Finally, certain words and headings are written in
French, rather than English, to demonstrate respect for the countrys language and customs.
These words and phrases translate as follows:
Clients potentiels = Potential clients
Tlphone = Telephone
propos de nous = About us
Nos travaux an antrieurs = Our previous work
Capacits = Capabilities
Bureaux = Offices
Etats-Unis = United States
Royaume-Uni = United Kingdom
Chine = China
Brsil = Brazil

Please read this list of companies
that we helped in the past.










Clients Potentiels







Mcgarrybowen Paris
18 Rue de la Forge Royale
75011 Paris, France
Tlphone 55 82 02 93



















If you want to watch these videos, or if you

want to see more examples of our work,
please go to



The following document shows a meeting agenda similar to those you will write in Paris. This
agenda outlines a meeting with LOreal, one of Mcgarrybowens new French clients. Meetings
in France typically follow a rigid schedule, and French people value attention to detail. For this
reason, the agenda lists the precise timing budgeted for each topic of discussion. Remember that
French people prefer to engage in small talk before discussing important business issues. Based
on this, you will notice that 5 minutes of introductions precede the discussion of the meetings
main purpose. Remember that French people usually desire a thorough understanding of the
logic behind ideas, and often ask direct and probing questions. Notice how the agenda designates
10 minutes for questions and discussion.
The agenda uses International English so that international readers can easily understand it.
Specifically, it uses the simple verb tenses of past, present, and future, and avoids contractions.
Where possible, the sentences avoid pronouns and repeat nouns instead. The agenda lists times
and dates in the French format. Lastly, the French appreciate when foreigners demonstrate effort
to use their language. So, the agenda uses the following French words and phrases:
Runion Dinformation = Meeting Information
Prparation = Preparation
Ordre du Jour = Agenda
Dautres Informations = Other Information

Meeting Agenda
First Meeting with LOreal
Runion Dinformation
The purpose of this meeting is to introduce LOreals employees to the
employees at Mcgarrybowen. These Mcgarrybowen employees will create a
campaign for LOreal. The Mcgarrybowen employees will discuss the agencys
history and capabilities. The LOreal employees will discuss their objectives for
the advertising campaign. We will also create a timeline for the campaign.
20 May 2015
Time-manager: Sarah Benoit
Sarah Benoit
Mcgarrybowen Attendees:
Emily Dvorchak
Sarah Benoit
Thomas Archer
Mark Calione

Meeting Duration:
Type of Meeting:
Meeting Leader:
LOreal Attendees:

Conference Room 1
50-55 minutes
First Meeting
Emily Dvorchak
Henry Sauvagnat
Charlotte Allard
Clare Lyon
Hugh Moreau

Please Read: Agenda
Please Bring: Pen and paper, or a laptop computer, to write notes

Ordre du Jour


All Attendees

Time Allotted
5 minutes

Purpose of Meeting

Emily Dvorchak

3 minutes

Questions and
LOreal Introduction
and Objectives
Questions and
Create a timeline

All Attendees

5-10 minutes

LOreal Attendees

15 minutes

All Attendees

5 minutes

Emily Dvorchak

10 minutes

Emily Dvorchak

2 minutes


Conclude, and
schedule next meeting

5 minutes

Dautres Informations
This meeting will establish a respectful relationship between the agency
and the client. We will concentrate on long-term objectives, and we will make
sure all attendees understand the logic of the objectives.



The following document depicts a print ad you might create in Paris. The ad promotes
Longchamp, one of our new French clients. It uses International English in several ways. First,
the body copy includes full sentences. Normally, full sentences would seem unnecessary in a
print ad, but here they help ease comprehension for international readers. Next, each word has
only one meaning, thus decreasing the risk of misinterpretation. Finally, the ad reflects respect
for the French language. The phone number and street address are written in French, as well as
the headline, which translates as follows:
Rpondre vos dsirs = Meet your desires
As mentioned in the background information on France, French companies prefer ads that entice
and tempt viewers, rather than informing and persuading them. The picture reflects this
preference, because it shows an attractive woman holding a Longchamp handbag. You will also
notice how the headline and body copy do not focus on product function, but rather on
temptation, to attract the audiences attention.

Rpondre vos dsirs




The new Longchamp handbag collection will surprise and entice you
with its seasonal styles.
The bright colors represent ultimate sophistication, so that you will travel
fashionably along the streets of Paris.
The new handbag collection is available in stores now.

404 Rue Saint Honor

Paris, France
43 16 00 16

The following document shows a typical e-mail you will write in Paris. The content of this
message involves the Disneyland Paris First Annual Half-Marathon. Since our agency already
works with Disney in the United States, we have agreed to help plan this event in France. This
task will involve sending e-mails to French people like Nathalie Roche who request additional
information on Disneys website.
This document uses International English in several ways. First, each word has only one
meaning. For example, the e-mail uses the word may instead of the word can. Next, the email avoids the passive voice, which eliminates ing verbs that may confuse international
readers. The language is simple and straightforward, and does not include jargon or buzzwords.
Finally, the document reflects the country by using French measurements, dates, times, and
currencies. It also uses a French greeting and closing to demonstrate respect for the French
language. These words translate as follows:
Chre = Dear
Je vous adresse mon trs amical souvenir = Kindest regards

Nathalie Roche <>
Henry Simon <>
Subject: Disneyland Paris First Annual Half-Marathon
Chre Nathalie,
We are proud to announce that Disneyland Paris will coordinate a new half-marathon event
in 2016. You indicated that you want to learn more about this exciting opportunity. We
will provide you with some helpful information.
The half-marathon is
scheduled to occur on
24 September 2016. The
course is 21.08
kilometers, and the course
is inside Disneyland Park.
Disney characters will
encourage you during the
race. You may
photograph the characters
or the beautiful scenery
while you run. Medical
professionals will attend
the half-marathon, in case
there is an emergency. We will include six locations on the course where you may stop and
relax if you feel tired.
Runners of all ages may participate, but we hope to register adults who will think about
their childhood dreams, and remember the magic of Disney while they run. To register,
please use the website, Registration will cost !92, and you
cannot receive a re-fund once you register. If you think of any questions, please telephone
87 55 82 35 to speak with an employee at Disney.
We are eager to receive your registration information.
Je vous adresse mon trs amical souvenir,
Henry Simon
Director of Marketing
Disneyland Paris!

A Primer on French Advertising. Paraphrased for
Media and Advertising section of country report. I also referred to this website when designing
the sample print ad.
Arc de Triomphe Paris. Paraphrased for History section in
country report.
Business Meeting Etiquette. Referred to this source to learn how to create the Meeting
Agenda for a French audience.
Chapter 3: The Economic, Social, and Regulatory Aspects of Advertising. Information for Media and Advertising section of
country report.
Comparative Advertising in the United States and France.
Information on comparative advertising in Media and Advertising section of country report.
Cultural Color.
Used information to decide which colors to avoid in International English pieces.
Does French Stand a Chance Against a Global English-language Tsunami? Information on
French attitudes toward English, used in Cultural and Social Climate section of country report.
Events at Disneyland Paris. Idea generation for
content of e-mail.
France A Brief History.
Paraphrased for History section of country report. The official website of France. Information regarding overseas territories in Geography section
of country report.
Franglais Row: Is the English language conquering France? Information on French attitudes toward English,
used in Cultural and Social Climate section of country report.
French Culture: Customs & Traditions.
Paraphrased for Cultural and Social Climate section of country report.

French page on How to write

French greetings and closings in e-mail.
French Political System. Paraphrased for Political
Climate section of country report.
Google Translate. Used to include French phrases in all communication pieces.
Longchamp. Idea generation for language and content in print ad.
Mcgarrybowen. Used client list and office addresses
verbatim in brochure. Paraphrased website information for remainder of brochure.
Personal experience visiting Paris from June 13-15, 2014. Description of famous landmarks,
cultural norms, and tourist attractions in country report.
Public Domain Pictures.
Silhouette of Eiffel Tower on first panel of brochure.
Terrorism in France.
Paraphrased for second paragraph of History section in country report.
Wikipedia: Tourism in France. Approximate
number of tourists who visit France each year, in History section of country report.
World Fact Book: France. Land area of France in Geography section of country report. First
sentence of Political Climate section of country report, nearly verbatim.
World Travel Guide: France. Paraphrased for
Geography, History, Religion, Business Practices, and Media and Advertising sections of
country report.
DePaul Online Portfolio.
ed/?sh_9687310=2&moduleinstid=9687310&page_mode=published. Photo of French
advertisement in country report.
Emilys iPhone. Pictures of Eiffel Tower and of Sacre Couer in country report.
Events at Disneyland Paris. Photo in e-mail.
Franois Hollande, Google+. Photo
of Franois Hollande in country report.

International Business Newsweek.
Photo of French business attire in country report.
Just How Big is Texas? Map Compares to Other Countries, States. Map of Texas in PowerPoint.
Mcgarrybowen. Used logo on cover page, brochure, and
meeting agenda. Took screenshots of Mcgarrybowens video ads for photos in Previous Work
section of brochure. Photo of office interior in brochure.
Pont Des Arts Love Locks Bridge in Paris. Photo of lock bridge in country report.
Shutterstock photos. Photo of French flag in PowerPoint.
U.S. Department of State: France Country Page. Map of France
in Geography section of country report.
Verstylehouse. Photo of woman with Longchamp bag in print ad.
Wikimedia Commons.
Longchamp Paris logo in Print Ad.
World Travel Guide: France. Photo of Arc de Triomphe
in country report.

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