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Milton Times

Volume 19, No. 41


September 11, 2014

MATV cable
eyes Warrant
for TV lineup
Committee hesitates about being
added to MATV schedule
Hoping to allay some of the concerns of the Warrant
Committee regarding televising their public meetings,
members of the Board of Directors of Milton Access
Television recently met with the committee to explain
how the process might work if and when it is fully implemented.
At their Sept. 3 meeting, members of the Warrant
Committee expressed concerns about how televising
their proceedings would affect their efficiency as well as
how it would affect recruitment of new members.
According to MATV Board Clerk Marvin Gordon,
discussion of the possibility of broadcasting Warrant
Committee meetings began after he met informally this
summer with Town Moderator Brian Walsh, Selectman Chairman Katie Conlon and Town Administrator
continued on page 15

Proposed E. Milton
restaurant hinges
on liquor license
Plans for a new restaurant in East Milton may have to
be scrapped if the process of securing a liquor license for
the project is delayed much longer.
According to Jeanne Falconi Schmidt of Falconi
Companies and Milton Theater LLC, the latter which is
a corporation created for the special project, the company
is hoping to open a restaurant at 554-558B Adams St.,
in the space there that was formerly home to the Milton
Cinema and more recently a coffeehouse that fell victim
to a fire in 2007.
The facility is currently home to Salon Matteo, B Boutique and Milton Barber Shop.
Falconi is concerned that the process for issuing the
liquor license may be proceeding at a pace that will not
allow the project to remain viable.
Until we know were going to be able to get a liquor
license, we cant move forward at all, she said. We dont
know how long well wait [on the restaurant project] if its
held up much longer.
continued on page 23


Election Results
Curry College putting finishing
touches on new dorms.

Page 6
Page 4


Historic Swift Hat House wins Selectmens support

The Swift Hat House may still dodge the wrecking
ball as Selectmen swung into action this past week in
a last-ditch effort to preserve the nearly 200-year-old
building currently doomed to demolition.
Selectmen voted on Sept. 2 to place two articles
aimed at saving the historic building on the warrant
of the October Special Town Meeting. All three board
members said that, after visiting the building recently,
they believe it can be saved.
One article would allow the privately-owned building
at 98 Adams St. to be transferred to town ownership and
a second would allow the Selectmen to take control of a
parcel for the buildings relocation.
Preparing the articles is the easy part, according to
board members who described major hurdles ahead,
specifically the urgent need for preservationists to raise
rehab funds which could easily top $100,000 and the
timing as the clock is ticking on demolition.
Selectmen must also wait until the Park Commis-

sioners meet Sept. 23 to learn if that board supports the

transfer of their lot on Wharf Street to the Selectmens
If commissioners agree to support the transfer, Town
Meeting will be asked to approve the articles. If not, the
project is over.
The parcel, a sloping grassy lot abutting the Swift
Hat House at the corner of Adams Street and Wharf
Street, was given to the town in 1910 by the Baker estate.
Contacted after the meeting, Geographic Information
Systems Coordinator Allan Bishop described the lot as
six-tenths of an acre.
They have not had a vote yet, said Chairman Katie
Conlon, referring to Park Commissioners ownership.
This is parkland zoned for commercial use.
In explaining their support, Selectmen referred to
their Aug. 26 site walk when dozens of residents joined
them, developer Mike Roberts who owns the building
and park and historical commissioners on a tour of the
site and the building.
At that time, Roberts explained that the building is
continued on page 23

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