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Learning Curves


This is nothing but my experience as an individual who arrived on this beautiful earth to explore it
with the body donated by my mother!
It is the testimony of my thoughts in different domains of Social Life, Business, and Spirituality.
For me there is no distinction between these domains, for me every need, problem or aspiration is a
question and nothing more. So I try to solve it in my personal way in the light of my learning
You have complete right to disagree with me and my point of view since I never want to impose my
view point on any one!
If it urges you to imbibe in your life or in your way of life; good, if it doesnt; no problem at all!
Bakul Valambhiya

: Dedication :
I dedicate this book to my loving mother, for bearing me for 9 months in her womb and giving me
birth on to this planet Earth to enjoy the great voyage called Life; and suggesting the door of my
Guruji Shri Lavji.
Jay Ho Ma Ni. (Namaskar to my Mother)


Learning Curves


Random collection of my
Business Articles,
Social Articles,
Educational Articles and

Written by: Bakul Valambhiya

Typing by: Bakul Valambhiya
Proof Reading by: Bakul Valambhiya
Published by: Bakul Valambhiya
First Edition. 10-5-2015


Learning Curves


I with all my conscious and desire say that it is the preparedness of an individual to keep aside his /her
intelligence and his cleverness to be picked up by Mother Nature and nurtured by her like her beloved
In the race of becoming bigger, and adult to take control of life and all its situations with our intellect and
cleverness we have felt pray to the belief system that what we think is all possible and nothing is
impossible, but I come to understand that it was merely an illusion and not the reality, Our beliefs and
ignorance will never become clear until we ask someone and we get instant answer which we also can
accept without any argument. And once we find someone like that in our life we should start follow him
or her.
It is really difficult to do then say and I accept that I am still not able to follow this way in my own life. It
is extremely difficult to leave behind our so called intelligence and cleverness. Even though we all the
time fail in our belief and suspicion, we do not understand or accept that it is better to follow an
enlightened soul. In my case I have tried and still try to leave behind my suspicion, beliefs and cleverness
to love contented and non objective life as a child but mostly I failed. But still I accept that I did not left it
there, I have hope and courage to try again and again, because I am a child of the same mother who has
created all the living beings in different kingdoms. Only thing is that I am ignorant of being an adult and
grownup more talented and clever.
Really in my experience of life, I really acknowledge in one fact, it is difficult to leave behind our
cleverness, beliefs, suspicion, but certainly not impossible. We should try to do it and I am trying to do it
as much as I can. I am sure that my mother is listening me and also seeing me that I am active in coming
over my inhibitions, suspicion, beliefs and ignorance.
Let me your vision to have more courage and further more courage to adorn your preaching.
Jay ho Guruma ki!


Learning Curves


The Success Lies In Concentration But How?

We have heard that, one need to concentrate on the task one does, so one can get desired result. Good, we
all accept this fact but how many of us actually able to concentrate and succeed?
And how many of us fail, any Guess? Yes, we all somewhat know to concentrate on the task we do and
some time we may even fail in doing so with concentration. Now what makes this failure?
Hence the question is real difficult but never mind we will definitely try our best to find satisfactory
answer, if we get the answer, then it will be useful to so many of us and if we will fail, there will not be
any loss at all!
Now, as per my observations the important objectives are more than one. There are two objectives to be
addressed, one is concentration, and the other is the conscience. You may wonder that how these two to
be co-ordinate together?
Then let me tell you that the lack of the synchrony between concentration and conscience is the real cause
of most of the failure. Why? Because, when we decide to concentrate on something we do, it does not
happen consciously all the time! Like habit of riding bicycle, which is the simple matter of memorized
intelligence. We most of the time do our task with the help of our memory. So in reality we concentrate
our memory/subconscious for task we want to do rather than concentrating with our conscience.
As we grow older and older our memory gets more and more powerful and intricately understanding the
task detail and due to this advantage we exploit our memory to do the task and we left behind our
There is no harm in using our memory for the task we do, and it automatically happens in most of our
task since memory's core function is to memorize every minute details and action of routine task which
we repeatedly do time and again. But due to this habit we forget to concentrate with our conscious and we
keep on indulging in different state of mind and the reality is that we gradually keep ourselves
subconscious. Most of our daily chorus are the functionality of subconscious (memory) due to this habit
we can do things very well but most of them are routine things! Not new things.
The real question is this, what to do when we are doing something new? Due to habit of doing most of
our daily task with the help of memory we are not able to concentrate with complete conscious! And due
to lack of this understanding we crave to expand and enhance our memory. For that we keep on searching
memory enhancer across the world. Then even though we expand our memory, the original problem of
doing new things successfully remains equally difficult.
Why? Instead of learning to concentrate with our cent percent conscious, we keep on concentrating our
subconscious. Actually our subconscious is subordinate to our conscious, whatever we do new with our
conscious, this subordinate slave memory write it down in to it so when we repeat the same task it will be
perfect if you first time did it with utter conscious. If you do not it consciously, you cannot repeat it


Learning Curves


Hence whenever you do new task, do it with cent percent conscious concentration so you would not fail
in your task. It is that simple as this!


Learning Curves


Life demands more, sometime extremely more from some people. But one has to face every circumstance
there is no choice! It could be you, me or anybody, but life brings so many surprises at one time to gather
and may be those surprise may be in form of difficulties and troubles. The spirit is in to bounce back with
renewed zeal and fighting all odds. Take the example of sport or the business decisions, they all demand
resilience. If you have it, you will be there to defeat every challenge you had.
Recently I show a mans video on internet, he was not having legs or hands! And still he was more
confident than any other forty plus individual in the world! He simply defeated his disabilities; he did not
lose his will but grew up a confident man to inspire millions! I have not seen such a man with the brilliant
resilience towards lifes unbelievable challenges.
He was taking moral lectures in schools and colleges, swimming, enjoying water rides too! On the other
side we just foul cry for few difficulties and produce hundreds of excuse, if permitted if given freedom!
Life is a game and you got to win it, no matter who is at advantage, you or the world in front of you. Just
remember Chanakya, the historic Raj guru and expert strategist of stately governance almost four
thousand eight hundreds back. He was insulted by an erstwhile king Dhanand for his remarks towards
kings for his irresponsible rule.

As an advisor Chanakya gave him advice to stop indulging in leisure and lust. But the result was all
against Chanakya, he was bluntly insulted by the ruling king. Not demoralizing to that Chanakya wowed
him a sizable revenge. And look at what he created! A Samrat out of a shepherd named Chandra Gupt!
Just imagine, what Chanakya taught as Guru to a humble shepherd!

He wishfully converted a shepherd to world renowned warrior, and convinced him to fight against
Dhanand to establish an exemplary just rule on the north eastern part of Indian sub continent! It is simply
amazing intelligence of Chanakya as a teacher! Yes he was not in position to take revenge against
Dhanand immediately since he was a warrior, a ruling King, but he took a long rout and more dangerous
to Dhanand! Instead of spitting few insulting words, he created an opponent to the rule of Dhanand, and
thus created an empire out of the greatness of Chandragupta Maurya, the Maurya dynasty, which later on
gave one more Samrat (Emperor) Ashok!

This is it, you know, do not cry to your disabilities and challenges thrown in front of you by nature or the
society, and face it with resilience. Either you win or you lose, but one thing will be sure that, you will
able to see your face in the mirror with self respect! Victory or defeat does not matter to those who simply
act! Good Luck!


Learning Curves


Why we needed to be educated?

For ages human being has invented new things and also learnt new things through knowledge sharing.
Actually we humans tend to learn from others like elders, friends and other people from the society. We
all are used to pass on knowledge with each other. The present world with so much advancement and
comfort of life is the result of such knowledge sharing.
In early days, there were not schools but family members used to teach new things to young children,
they were trained to learn new things and also through that they keep alive their working excellence as
well as traditional values, gradually the tradition of GURU and SHISHYA parampara come in to
existence where children were sent to ASHRAMA to learn from GURU.
But as soon as humans developed writing skills for language of communication, things changed rapidly.
Initially there was only exchange of word of mouth for knowledge sharing, now humans started to write
certain knowledge and information different skills on clay tablets and then on Tree leaf and later on
invented paper and ink to store knowledge on paper in the form of book. And the latest among all these is
computer, through which we store knowledge and information on virtual memory disk or Hard Disk.
The core objective is clear, and that is passing on the knowledge and information to more number of
people and new generation.
So to make access of knowledge and information easy and systematic, the education system comes in to
existence across the world.
The very purpose of school education is to acquaint young generation about past development, different
expertise and knowledge resource across the world in the form of Science, Commerce, Technical and
Social education. Formally school is instrumental to learn new things, acquire knowledge and skills in
systematic and dedicated way. Here any one can get any type of expertise with dedication of time and
contribution of fee. Due to school a farmers child can be a Doctor or Engineer and a carpenters child an
engineer or Accountant. In fact this is the beauty of school education that without bias any child can learn
anything as per his or her willingness. Earlier it was not possible to learn Trading if you are not child of
Trading Merchant community or you cannot learn carpentry if you do not belong to Carpenter
Gradually there is a sea change in education today. From Primary school to Collages, there is hundreds of
choices to learn new things even in Commerce, Science, Technical and Social field.
But the split side of todays education is the exhaustive ambitions, could say greed enhancement in every
student. Gradually we are entered in a phase where education looked as means of earning and living, if
you fail to get formal education, and then you are failure. Due to these, those students are more suffering
who are less capable in memorizing the so called education but more powerful in practical and choose to
learn new things through practical experience. In todays education system, such children are looked as
failure which sometime demoralize students from education or make them to take extreme life spoiling


Learning Curves


So education is a medium to know about the world in general, to know about past scholars, to learn new
things systematically for all and become more acceptable in present society as a person with enriched
knowledge, and definitely not to secure high paying jobs only.


Learning Curves


Where we are heading for?

For last one month I continuously observe that our Rupee is weakening against Dollar. It is a real danger
situation for every Indian for further survival in terms of business as well as the day to day life.
The constant erosion of Rupee weakens our purchasing power, essential commodities like petroleum,
Coal, other fuels and imported medicines are the reasons to make us worry about our future. If it
continues, interest rates will hike further, loans will get more costly, the already badly hit common man at
home will even loose further in terms of purchasing power. It will again increase inflation and slowdown
liquidity in domestic markets.
The chain reaction of unprecedented fuel cost hike has increased input cost of almost all the products and
services resulting in to thinner profits or increased prices. Due to this raw material purchase is slowed
down and finished goods sale is dipping further. Government is doing two things, one allowing petroleum
companies to increase petroleum prices every fortnight and committing one after other policy decision
mistakes. Result is in front of all of us, the reduced GDP growth rate, slowed down markets and crashing
majority of stocks.
Is the reverse flow of FDI from Stock market is only a reason that weakens our Rupee? In the time of
greatest ever opportunity to Indian business world and our people to enjoy greater freedom with increased
income, we are forced to worry about our survival in the recession thousands of miles away from our
If we cannot enhance our position stronger further, when we will have time to use our advantage of
increased purchasing power? After continuous struggle and perseverance we have come to a stage that our
economy has become stronger with tireless efforts of our people, and with no logical reason we are losing
our purchasing power! It clearly shows that what a shallow policy has been defined by central
government. Due to their mistakes, we are paying our resources for no reason. Such a worst erosion of
Rupee against dollar has burnt a hole in reserves of every aspiring corporate who wanted to deal big in
this recession to buy assets in overseas market, their reserves for big deals are shrinking due to fault of
others. It is clear that whatever we do to make our life better, it is all Governments will to write our fate!
The most visible reasons for the weaker Rupee are reversal of FDI, our reliance on US, under estimation
of Indian Assets in terms of Houses, Infrastructure, under Invoicing, and dubious Balance Sheets of
Indian Enterprises.
To curb this menace Our Government need to strengthen Taxation rules, increasing number of Income tax
payers, widening of Commercial Tax carpet and Transaction scrutiny for business like Construction and
infrastructure, Stop popular welfare schemes mainly run for electoral benefits and political ambitions at
the cost of Tax payers, re-evaluation of BPL families, bagging less financial assistance from IMF and
World Bank, verifying imported good costs with every importers and eliminating corruption from
Government offices, PSUs and Political parties which is creating dunes of black money fly outside our
shores decreasing our countrys net worth in international market!



Learning Curves


What to do after 10+2 or Graduation?

When it comes to think about career after 10=2 or the graduation most of the people in India thinks that if
they secure better grades in 12th then they can get better graduation courses, and if it does not happen then
career in trouble.
Why we are so much focused for education in such a way that it is only a means of survival! Okay we
need education and it is helpful to get a better startup to our career, but think for a moment, is it all
complete there, will there not be any challenge in life at all? There are hundreds and thousands of youth
who does not have excellent resumes thought they are definitely doing well in various fields. The fact is
not your resume with better grades but aptitude for certain trade, if it is there, then no one will stop you
from being a winner.
Frankly speaking, how many of us actually read or learn different trade for the knowhow of it and not for
better grades? For last few years, I just listen one thing better grades, and much better grades! We really
forget that when you start working, your boss will ask for excellent results at the end of the day and not
praise your grades while evaluating work.
We have thousands of pupils achieving excellent grades, but how many of them actually make great
When you look in to detail most of these high rankers are working caliber jobs! And hundreds of their age
are doing excellent and over capacity jobs compare to their education! It does not mean that they are
exploited by their employers but actually they have learnt from real life to achieve higher degree of
knowledge and they have made themselves capable to do some extraordinary jobs with lower credentials
in terms of certifications!
I just ask all of you, how many of worlds excellent businessmen, technocrats and scientists have
excellent resume in terms of grades and certifications, then what is the force behind their extraordinary
success? Any guess? Yes we need to think about these visionaries and liberal spirits who do not make
themselves slaves to so called education and sacrifice their fate with lower grades in education.
When we will start thinking like the way these people, we would able to register more patents then US or
It is sad to know that a nation of 1100 million register innovation patents less than a country like
Germany which has merely five percent population compare to India!
So nothing is deterring us from pushing our excellence to forefront than our own narrow vision!
So next time if any one of you get lower grades or percentage below the average, do not worry, your
career is not going to spoil at all, just change your approach and build your credential with real practical
knowledge and dedication to hard work.
All the best.



Learning Curves


Under Estimation
Looking at the recent eventuality in Mumbai when Anna Hazare went on to another round of fasting. So
many questions arises in the minds of common men, that why the movement against corruption failed?
There is a lot of doubt and misunderstanding among the citizen of India and the opinion is virtually torn
apart whether to trust Anna and his team or not.
But the reality is different, we would be committing one more mistake if we bluntly reject Anna and his
team. Because all has not gone wrong yet, at least he has successfully waken up Indian people to speak
against corruption on all level and section of Indian society and if it is required then also act against this
evil. HE has definitely ignited minds of common mass, from a highly intellectual to a small Rixawala on
small town is aware of his movement and support him too. But the unfortunate thing is, we all as middle,
lower middle class and poor of this country are running after earning our daily requirements and it is
getting quite difficult to spare time and resource to actively participate in the movement.
It is not Anna who failed to enlighten hearts of Indian middleclass and poor people but we have been
failed to respond to his call for the peaceful struggle against corruption.
And as always happen in this country the irresponsible media once again plaid it wrongly and created
news content that Anna failed in his quest. Tell me what you could expect from a lone crusader of 70 year
fighting against lakhs of corrupt people all across our country spread in different sections of Government
system and the society? From all the corners of India, there are people who do not want that Anna
succeed in his mission. And let me tell you that political system is not only corrupt but there is a large
section of people in our society who has double standards when complaining against corruption and
encouraging corruption. These are the people who have played big role in diluting the momentum of the
anti corruption mission.
Until and unless we do not left behind our urge for easy way out from our responsibility, the evil of
corruption will not go away. When we want to escape our responsibility, we use corruption as golden key
to solve problem and when we have to pay the same against our will, we foul cry against it!
Simply put, corruption in this country is co-created epidemic which is not ready to cure since we do not
have enough immunity for that! We all are one way or the other, knowingly or unknowingly allow to
spread it in our society. Here Anna cannot do anything alone, we all have to walk with him, sitting in our
drawing room viewing TV News and criticizing about Anna Hazare is not going to help!
Just try to fast for three days and that too with such mental pressure and responsibility and fighting
against demoralizing forces in ruling government and in media is not a small task. It is very easy to
criticize others, but really difficult to do the same. We are not able to do a written complaint against local
municipality for irregular water supply and we act like Anna Hazares advisor that he should have done
this way or this way! Even Gandhiji did not succeed in single round of struggle, there are incidence of
people who lose their patience in our freedom struggle. So let us have patience and courage to join the
movement against corruption! When Gandhiji started struggle, the opposition was the British Government
and its system, but in front of Anna there is Indian Government and its system! This is the biggest
difference in these two distinct eventualities in the passage of history. First say no to corruption in your
daily life and around your locality and in local government, encourage other to follow path of uncorrupt


Learning Curves


life and move further to national level from all the corner of the nation to make anticorruption movement
a success. For this day dream, we cannot expect everything from Annaji alone, we will have to strengthen
his hands and will, infact we need lacs of Annaji like people to win against this evil. This not a one day
match where we expect result at the end of the day! It will require years to clean entire system, we fought
for 200 years for complete freedom, now in this freedom struggle from corruption we will have to fight
tirelessly may be for decades if not for centuries!
This struggle is not against foreign government or people, but with our own value system and with our
own people.
At last my humble urge to all my fallow national that please, do not demoralize Annaji, if you cannot
walk with him, do not stand against him!
Jai Hind.



Learning Curves


True businessman
The true businessman is the person who wants to enjoy freedom of choice as well as ready to pay the
price of that freedom too! Exactly opposite to that most of the time, people want to be in business for
enjoyment of freedom only. Is there any coin in the world with one side only?
Obviously not, then how we can expect only enjoyment of freedom and not readiness to pay price of
In so many case we see that there are some people in business just because his father was a businessman
and he invariably inherited the business, not that he created the business and he simply running it further.
May be there is the case of conscious decision, but mostly it is an easy choice of doing business since
ones father is businessman and there is not challenge of creating a business, question of investment and
dedication of efforts until a business get running.
In most of the case we people think that there is a lot of money in business so we should do business. But
that is wrong belief. Yes may be you are in a business which yield a lot of money or good income
compare to job but business is not an easy option to earn big money. And those people who enter in
business with that aspiration may find it real hard to achieve anything in business.
One always pay price for wrong choice, the same thing happens to those who look at the business as the
goldmine, but forget that you need to dig out tons of earth to get few ounce of Gold! So be careful and
make conscious decision to be a businessman, dont think that it is just other choice of earning money.
The people who become true businessman are the people who enjoy freedom of choices and not the
excess of money! In business you may earn sometime and you may lose sometime and you may never
earn any good from business at all but that should not deter you from the business, if it happens then you
do not know the real meaning of business. And it may lead again to the slavery of job!
There is one principle difference between the business and job that is freedom of choice and security of
income. In business you are your own boss and you act as per your will, where as in Job you have to
follow some ones order to do certain act even at the cost of your freedom and choice. Since you are
employed to serve for someone else, you have to obey his will and for that you are paid what you want at
the end of the day.
So do not merge these two things together, always remember one thing that everything comes with a
price. Either you sacrifice your financial security or your freedom of choice, choice is yours.



Learning Curves


The suspicion of mistakes

For so long I have observed that, most of the time we used to suspect what we did. The motive behind it is
to make sure that we did not any mistake. Such habit could be sometime more or less, but such habit is
always there in most of us.
It is quite strange that whatever we do, at the time of doing it, there is not any problem but as soon as we
complete. We are compelled to check it! Looking it as the matter to check with experts I tried to inquire in
my own way. And after some time I found a person who answered the question.
As per the expert, this particular thing happens to most of the people since there is result attached to every
act done by any human being. Since we as human being are always aspirant of result, thinks in two
aspects of the result. One good and other bad, in both the way we get compelled to check our act to avert
mistake as well as to make it further better!
In such a way we get used to check everything we do. The expectation of doing it much better or the fear
of failure prompt any one of us to recheck the work we already did.
Asking about the matter further in detail, the expert said that we are constantly improving, and in the
process of doing something, we learn new things there about the task. So when we complete the task, we
feel to check it further and try to better it if possible. This is a human nature and it will happen no matter
who you are. Second reason is due to a routing work, we mostly do it with the help of our memory, during
such work we sometime change our concentration for other thoughts or work since we know the work, we
already did that quite a few time. But when we finish the work, the thought to check it for the possible
mistake will come and we do that, and in case our concentration is again somewhere else, we compel to
check it further. Such situation occurs in two cases, either you are not concentrating on the recheck of the
task or you are over conscious, I mean you are afraid about the possible mistake and so much serious
about not committing any mistake in worst of the condition. So it is all about the human nature, the
expectation and fear of the result. Nothing else, sometime some people confess it openly and some suffer
such problem silently.
Then I asked whether there is any way to solve this problem, or any one can take control of the situation
and come out hassle free and happy?
Then the expert said that, people should concentrate on the work what they do at the time of doing, one
should enjoy the work itself and forget the result. Let it be good or bed, no matter at all, one should try to
learn enjoying the work one does. If there is not enjoyment of work, your concentration will keep on
roaming somewhere else. And at the end of the work you will get compelled to check your work again
and again to solve your suspicion. It is your choice whether you want to enjoy work or only think about
the result, the outcome of the work you do. If you keep on thinking about the outcome of the work before
you start it, you will not able to do it at all. Or else if you do it, it will be with a lot of trial and error even
though you already know it better.
In movies we some time see that a girl try to write a love letter to her boyfriend, but afraid
about the outcome, that whether he will like her letter or he will be annoyed, whether she has good skill
to use proper word or not. In such thinking she just keeps on start writing and id way she tear it off and


Learning Curves


once again starts with new sheet to paper! And sometime we see that even though dozens of effort she fail
to write a love letter and she give up! The same thing we knowingly or unknowingly commit, either due
to expectation to do it better and further better or due to fear of committing mistake which we do not want
to commit in our wildest dream! But wisdom is there to initiate a task, just do it what you want to do, do
not think about the result. Those who more think about result or fear about result does not able to do good
work even though one can and keep on doing just one thing, that is suspicion and more suspicion!



Learning Curves


The way we Change our attitude, determine the way we change our life.
Most of the time we keep on changing our life sometime we succeed, sometime we fail. You may wonder
that why we fail? Even though our best efforts, we are not able to succeed all the time! But there is not
any reason to panic, just have some patience.
The reason behind our failure is not our efforts to change our life but the changing of attitude, most of us
keep on changing our lives without changing our attitude! And here comes the real obstacle, which
creates all the difficulties. Because attitude is the backbone of our personality and the way we live our
life, and carry on in different situation. In fact it is the attitude which becomes instrumental in forming
certain situation in our life.
So before changing our life for any reason, we should try to change attitude towards life. And you will
find that the change we want in our life is already taking shape effortlessly!
Definitely it is not fairy tale like experiment, it takes a lot of guts and perseverance to change our attitude,
since the attitude we have is formed over the time with experiences we had in past and it has certain
reason to form in such way. May be our attitude is not wrong in our own view but here is not the matter of
right or wrong attitude. Since there is nothing right or wrong in anything we experience. It is the human
perception about different eventuality. If it favors someone he will justify it right and if it does not favor
him he will justify it as wrong.
So the matter is if we want change in our life, we need to change our attitude first, no matter it is right or
wrong. It is like if we say the glass is half empty, it will give us dissatisfaction of glass not filled up
completely. But if we say the glass is half filled, then we will have satisfaction of having a glass half
filled and not totally empty!
So whenever we find reason to change our life, we need to check our attitude first, most of the problems
will disappear without any significant change in our lives.
Now you may ask that how to change attitude? Then my friends, it is as simple as changing the clothes.
Whatever the extent you love a certain pair of clothes you bought three years back, you will have to leave
them once they got damaged after extensive use! You cannot carry on with those torn clothes for rest of
your life since they were your favorites! With time passes by you have to change your clothes, may be
due to damaged fabric, faded colour or unfit size! So do not hesitate in changing your clothes and get
some new pair to look attractive, presentable and feel comfortable. The same rule applies to your attitude
too, once it gets old fashioned, confused and unacceptable to carry on, you should change it before people
start keeping a distance from you, and you find yourself left behind. It will be a pleasant experience of
change for better.
Now you may ask that why it is you to change attitude? Then my friend it is the clothes of your soul, and
for that reason you will have to change them, changing others attitude will not help you better your life.
Most of us are busy in changing other peoples attitude for our comfort but it is like clapping with one
hand, or throwing light on a mirror. It will bounce back instantly to our face!



Learning Curves


Accept the simple logic of life, the way your clothes get dirty and faded with repeated use, constant
influence of different eventualities and belief system of which you do not have real experience, malign
your attitude and you get confused in life, if you carry on changing your life with that confused attitude,
you may not succeed in changing your life, but if you change your attitude first, success is inevitable.



Learning Curves


The Power of Enterprise

The power respect Power, the will power is the force behind enterprise. You can be a knowledgeable,
acquainted with so anything but if you do not have willpower, you cannot follow your gut feeling!
Yes, it needs sacrifice of your ego, leisure, all short of fears and demands endless perseverance to create
an enterprise. It is like a child learns to stand and walk; it is difficult challenging though it has its own
beauty and fortification for those who does it.
It is not taught through any institution, it cannot be learnt from any one, but it is like jumping in to water
to learn swim. Sheer guts and thought less silent mind which allow your heart to take action. Because you
can work with your intellect, but being an entrepreneur is something different, you have to follow your
pulse, listen to heart. The commands of heart does not have other dimension, it is mono dimension where
as your intellect is a coin with two side.
Shed your all intellectual excellence acquired from institutions and the society in general, just listen to
your heart that what is says and jump in to action omitting if, but why from your vocabulary.
Utter conscience is the only way to create true enterprise which becomes time immortal with true
pioneering spirit.
One day I asked a faculty of Asia best Business School that, even though they teach best of Business
management and decision making challenge taking attitude with a lot of scholarly knowledge, why your
98 percent of students still become job seeker they still consume jobs and do not able to create jobs for
others! And she was speechless. I said, do you believe that entrepreneurship could not be taught but is a
pure gut feeling, one has to cultivate oneself? And she said yes you are right! That is it.
So if you want to start any new enterprise, follow your heart, and listen to your gut feelings leave behind
your intellect and achieve utter conscience which will evoke absolute will power.



Learning Curves


There is a difference between doing business and running it.

Definitely there is a difference between doing business and running it. It may sound strange or useless to
consider, but when you carefully observe people who do business and those who merely running it has
significant dissimilarity.
Everything looks equal at first glance but we need to give a second and more careful look to the business
to distinguish from doing a business to just running a business. Because sometime it becomes very
imperative to know the status of business before we do any short of dealing with them.
A couple of years back my brother went to Vidyanagar with one of his friend who owned a foundry in
Rajkot, It was a business trip, during the meeting my brothers friend showed some photographs of his
foundry facility to the purchase manager of the organization to whom they went to meet. Looking at the
photos the manager said, I think this foundry is not in regular condition, you are not doing regular
business right? May be you are just running it?! What I want to say is that the photos clearly displayed the
state of foundry and the abysmal condition of infrastructure of the foundry unit, and his reaction was
natural! The point I want to communicate is this only, here the foundry was just run by the new
generation! It belonged to the family and the fellow way suppose to be the caretaker of the foundry unit
from the new generation, he was not that much concerned about the business since he did not formed the
foundry from a scratch, the lake of these business concern comes from the fact that he is not a foundry
entrepreneur, it was not his vision to established the unit, but invariably he has to run the unit to keep
balls rolling of a family business.
In India, particularly, we have numerous proprietary concerns as well as Pvt. Ltd. and Limited companies
which are just been run by the family members, because they are not the actual entrepreneurs who
envisaged the business and raised to a level! They are just running the business because they by law of the
land own the business, neither they are fully qualified to run such business nor they really interested in
running them properly!
If by mistake you are headed with wrong end of the road and did any business dealing with such less
competent business house, what will happen to you? What about your commitments, what about your
future goals, what about the security of your money in those hands of less competent people?
Yes there are so many questions would arise out of the fact which came to light in front of you. But you
will be helpless to make your position safe!
That is why you must make sure before any business dealing with any possible business house that
whether the business house is run by the first generation entrepreneurs, the professional team of
executives or the second or third generation family members. If the business house is run by second or
third generation people from the family, make it sure that they are competent to run the business and they
have done business successfully in past with other parties.
There is always good result of some extra care taken by you as a businessman to know difference between
the real businessman and just inherent successor of the business house!



Learning Curves


Surviving the challenges in the time of recession.

With the end of 2011, echoing the horrific news of dip depression in the world markets due to U.S and
Europe recession. Now we have entered in to a New Year of hope and anticipation. We all hope that
situation improve in 2012! But this is just a positive expectation which does not have any guarantee from
any corner of the world at large!
Instead of a lot of expectation anticipation of recovery packages from Governments of the world, we can
take this recession in our stride. Stop panicking, instead concentrate on what could be new and cheaper
could be offered to the recession torn world! Here lies new growth engine for this year.
It is not just an imagination, but an observation. In my home town, usually the real estate sales with
greater premium, even more then the metros of India! But as soon as the real estate developer sensed the
recession, they changed their note to lower premium and accommodation for the upper middle and
middleclass as possible new customers with lowered prices and that too at installments of one or two
years by the builder itself. So things have changed for better. The fact is, real estate industry is the first
industry to hit due to recession since here people invest a lot in real estate and also the town is expanding
at astonishing speed making it 17th fastest growing industrial hub in the world. In this scenario where
usually people refrain from investing in the capital goods and decide to sell of real estate to save them
from incurring margin loss, but builders and land developers have changed the whole game for the respite
of themselves and for the investors!
SO this is called innovation in recession. You need to learn that you cannot book big profits all the time
but you certainly can keep ball rolling in adverse situation. Simply understand that recession is simply the
result of exhaustive purchasing beyond the capacity to pay back loans! And the other recession is caused
by the natural calamity or more widely political uncertainty in some parts of the world. But that is not in
our control since these are the reasons which are not directly created by people in general.
But we can handle the first type of recession, more efficiently if we want. Similarly for the second type of
recession, we need bigger team work and mobilization of efforts to come out of natural calamity and
mobilization of unanimous opinion and conflict free decision to alter the political uncertainty.
So the choice is ours, either we can sit down and panic or initiate change.



Learning Curves


Survival through Diversification.

Times comes when one has to slow down or the change the direction in terms of business survival.
Similar situation is taking shape in the Indian subcontinent. Gradually we are facing new challenges from
the outside world including our neighbors and from other part of the world like North America.
The matter is all about survival in difficult times, and the most evident present threat to Indian economy is
the Growing influence of Chinese product on Indian consumer and the relatively new thoughts of
American administration to promote in sourcing.
These may look insignificant at present but these two will have major effects on the Indian subcontinent
due to the sectors it affects. For last few decades china is giving major thrust on exports of FMCG,
consumer goods, Industrial consumables, O.E.M. Supply to Automobile Industry and also increasingly
growing its strength in high precision and critical parts and product for Petroleum field, Pharma and so
Initially it did not affect us much more but as it increases its volume and passing on more and more cost
benefits including red carpet to open your own manufacturing facility in China for various goods, it has
become a matter of great concern. If things will not change here in India, there may happen that majority
of small and medium industry investor, entrepreneurs will keep on moving to China for production cost
advantage. They are offering far better infrastructure, disciplined work force, good return on investment
in human resource and minimal government interference in commercial and industrial activity including
lobbying and red tapism which is highly prevalent here in India.
Having abundant industrial land, bigger work force and low wages and healthy promotion to
manufacturing and export industry by the Chinese government is constantly gaining appreciation.
Similarly looking at the present slowdown in US economy and all time high figures of jobless, Obama
administration is gradually favoring in-sourcing, gradually the manufacturing industry in U.S. gathering
momentum, jobs are increasing again, things which were outsourced earlier are now once again started
manufacturing in U.S.! It clearly gives us signals to be careful if not to worry. If the initiative of present
U.S. Government get success in rejuvenation the American dream of Made in America, it will surely
going to affect India and rest of the world, specifically the Asia significantly where present outsourced
jobs are done for American companies. It is the age old reality that when you have a plenty you get done
things from others to expand effortlessly, but as competition grows, margins lowers, outsourcing take
away major chunk in terms of payment for production to the service providers in other parts of the world.
In this case anyone do the same thing, and that is in house manufacturing, the same thing is once again
taking place in U.S.A. to increase jobs and stop money going out flowed to countries like India and
So it is definitely a matter to worry and time to diversify our interest to get going in this fledgling world
economy and consolidating growth in the time of increased challenges. For India it offers double reason
to worry to keep jobs intact of the present work force in India due to increasing inflow of Chinese goods
in almost every sector from FMCG to Quality Machinery and critical products. And increasing number of
business house from India establishing shops in China to manufacture different goods, this way we are
going to get hit in terms of jobless labor and also the jobless officers, admin workers too.


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On the other hand, we will also have major drawback from the policy change in U.S.A. to promote insourcing, due to this more and more jobs in IT and Software industry will flow back to U.S.A. and in the
manufacturing sector also, due to attractive packages from U.S. Government, we may witness that some
sector stop outsourcing, it could affect any of the manufacturing industry, auto sector, machine tools,
forging, casting machining and finishing service sector in India.
So it is time we diversify in different field and in different markets to offer our expertise and low wage
human resource to keep our balls running. If not taken seriously there will be bigger cost to be paid by
India. And that will not affect our Government but us, the people of India.
See we have invested quite a lot in terms of our financial resources and human resources both to tap
outsourcing opportunity and if we will not diversify, we will once again left behind and suffer
For country like China and America it will be easy to change policy since they have better system and
infrastructure in place with greater governance and transparency in Government departments, but for us,
it will be a real tough situation to re align things with under developed infrastructure, red tapism and
lake of transparency in Government system.
It is time to act and realign our priority, getting more productive, poised for higher goals further clear
vision and reliance on diversified markets world over so we do not lose out what we gathered in past
decade with tiring efforts!



Learning Curves


Success which can be enjoyed.

There are thousands of successful people in this world and there were more than that there were
successful people in the past but what I want to say is the enjoyment of success.
There are very few people happened to be successful and enjoyed their success. The reason for that is
more obvious, and that is ignorance of true meaning of success. We all have heard about success in such a
way that lead to a lot of labor and struggle and at the end of the day you get tired when you get so called
success. So it is clearly not a success which you can not enjoy! We have misinterpreted the success.
Before running for anything first we need to understand that thing properly otherwise it will be like a mad
run resulting in to a lot of pain and demoralization.
Now let me elaborate about the matter success, and what does it mean to us. The success is fortification in
whatever we do, initiate! With any of our objective we are already satisfied and have no doubt about it
and due to this, we never have any doubt during the initiation, this way you will enjoy the task. This is
true success which you can enjoy in parallel with your task, it removes labor and pain out of your task an
allow you to enjoy every moment.
For example you decide to climb Mount Everest; you reach there, and start the expedition with
enjoyment! Your attention please, the enjoyment is right there and not at the end of the expedition, not at
the completion of the climbing! Why, because there is always enjoyment in the act, those who enjoy act
can only enjoy success, winning and losing, success and failure, achievement and disappointment are two
aspects of an act which comes out from your act, and that too in the eyes of onlookers. If you adorn either
of them, you get happy or sad, but have you ever though that it was the act which you enjoyed! Sadly we
forget that in lieu of result! And these things snatch away our true enjoyment!
Remember one thing that you can only enjoy your act, to be able to act is real success and that is
enjoying, and if you enjoy your act, then so called success will be definitely there! And in any case, if
there is not so called success, you will not disappoint at all since you started enjoying your act!
True successful people in the world are those who enjoyed their act, and certainly not the result of their
act. Mostly we are all stuck at the result! We want to enjoy destination then the voyage, the travel! We
want to enjoy medals and not the sport! This is the biggest tragedy with us all. We need to come out of
this mould, and then happiness and enjoyment is already there.



Learning Curves


Strangers in the Family.

It is really difficult and hard to get even with our own people in some circumstances thrown in front of us.
Such situation is mostly faced by the elders and more particularly women in Indian families after the
marriages of her children. It really feels shame for us a country respected as most civilized on the face of
the earth!
But the reality is reality and one has to accept. The reason behind such partiality is due to the complex
relation of Daughter in law and Mother in law. By tradition it is one of the most fragile relations. Every
one of them has to care for the maintaining the respect and dignity of each other, but unfortunately it is
not evident in every household!
The most effective reasons are, Daughter in law finding different atmosphere in the family where she has
shifted after marriage, acceptance of new member and her choices mostly different from the family she
has come, mother in laws attitude difference between Daughter and Daughter in law.
As humans we did not used to live in family from the beginning of humanity on the earth, but some
scholarly people found it for the betterment of mankind, we have learnt to live to gather, not all animals
are social and live in family system. This fact is evident that our ancestors definitely found beneficial to
live in family and passing on legacy to the new borne in the family!
To come over the partiality towards the elderly people in our society, we need to go to the roots of our
mankind that for a reason greater then food, shelter and security, we have become social animals living to
gather as a family. And the reasons are tolerance and enjoying the companionship of fellow human as well
as learning from each other.
Family is not for the safety of physical needs of humans but beyond those mortal desires, and is also
helpful for the elevation of humans to a height of spirituality.
So once we accept this reality, we will be able to refrain from being more nuclear as family and have co
existence of joint family where we find respectable space for elders.
As humans we need to understand for male and female that whenever there is change of place in the
family after marriage, we should have more patience, tolerance, understanding the difference of nature
and respect the difference of attitude. One more factor effecting the delicate relation of person to person
relation is the generation gap, on an average there is two decades of age difference between the elders and
children, this is not a small difference, the world has advanced four to five times in such a period, there
will be vast difference of value system, lifestyle, amenities, technology and speed of life.
Mankind is forgetting its core responsibility to care for the disabled elders in the lieu of progress, jet age
lifestyle does not have time and space for the ones own young children! Just look at the worlds metros,
the difficult and time consuming lifestyle and extensive travel time, work pressure exhaust any individual
difficult to refresh, these pressure directly effects his her relations with children and elders in the family.
One hardly find time to listen to them and spare time for them too. This very reality creates a vacuum in
the relations. In city like Mumbai, there are thousands of children who meet their fathers only on Saturday
and Sunday! Then what will happen to the elders! You see we, our self are spoiling our life and its
pleasures for the useless worldly desires and greed ultimately resulting of breakage in the family,


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breaking away from the parents and from our children. This phenomenon has already taken its toll in the
West and in some countries of Europe like U.K. where one has to be happy living single, alone and
surrounded with emptiness. The technology and jet age lifestyle is forcing everyone to be more alone, less
social. Let us hope that elders of our family does not need to refuge in viewing Television, chatting
endlessly on Internet but get warmth of younger hands in the family.



Learning Curves


Reviving Hope.
Gradually the world is getting impatient and is not ready to calm down and rethink for anything! I do not
say it is bad thing, increased pace in the life is always welcome for the young and vigorous, but it does
not apply to all generations!
The matter I want to discuss here is about the revival of spirit and enthusiasm in doing new thing. As age
catches up an entrepreneur is also become slaw or stagnant in decision making. As age catches up
anything, entrepreneurship is not an exception! Due to growing age, social responsibilities increase,
Physical energy level goes down and an individual is forced to slow down in the area of his professional
Beside these, the increased age also add up significant amount memories in any ones brain, providing
numerous options and aspect of a single problem, question again making him slower in terms of decision
making. When you have five people to advice for a problem instead of one or two, it makes your problem
worse rather then gets solved. So the point is how to find a way to revive hope for the entrepreneurs who
are in to their mid forties and fifties, who are one hand trailing to the young generation in terms of new
world acquaintance as well as reduced energy levels?
But looking at this problem with different viewpoint, everything is not lost yet, but promises greater
opportunity too. And that is in being wiser and adapting to the young generation. Accept one thing that
your physical energy is on decline, but your experience and detailed know how in different trade and
business domains is getting richer and richer. To woo the young generation, offer expert guidance
wherever it is required and in spite of being leader become cheer leader to the young generation as
seniors. This way young people will be at your disposal and also will help to add up as aggressive
Transition in life always revive hope stagnant are bound to parish. Whether it is industrial or commerce or
science or any other industry, to attract young talent to revive any enterprise is challenging and for that
you have to make few changes as a leader of enterprise.
For example, you are running a small scale manufacturing firm and you have 20 personnel working for
you. After thirty years of running the enterprise, gradually you are getting difficult to run enterprise better
and finding difficulties in running it and managing it efficiently. Similarly there may be few personnel in
late forties and late fifties. They will also add some difficulties for you due to their energy level. Now in
this situation you have two choices, one is to reduce business and the other is changing roles. The later
would be wiser and acceptable in the benefit of all, you as an entrepreneur, and the workers. To change
the role you can groom your children to take on front seat if they are in the similar industry like yours, or
you can hire young talent from similar industry and groom them to take leadership. This way you have
fresh and energetic leader of the enterprise without being sidelined in your own organization. Young
people should be given challenging and active role and final decision authority should be kept with you.
If there is corporate sector, there will not be similar problem in terms of reviving the pace of the
organization since most of the corporate houses are run by executives. In corporate culture, everyone has
defined role and designation and a proper revival mechanism through promotions and role change with
seniority, but for MSMEs the entrepreneur will have to take all these decision as per time and


Learning Curves


Opportunity in crises.
These days whole world is crying against the recession, whether it is US, Europe or Asia. No one is
exception. Why it happens? Hardly few know, but every one of us knows one thing that is to cry and more
cry about the backlash of the recession.
But those who really want to do something to improve situation does not make a noise instead they act
towards reconciliation in the time of crises! It is something like foolish action at first glance but fact
remains crystal clear that, any recession which is manmade could be improved over the time and if cooperation is there, then it could recover in shorter time then perceived.
To come out of the recession, first we need to understand the reason of recession. The present recession is
due to some steps taken by different Governments world over as well as dented approach of the
population living there under the rule of such Governments. Hence until we know the reason, we would
not be come out of it.
Looking at the US government, it has taken some steps for its population which has back fired to the
government itself. They offered utmost social safety greater human rights and living comfort to its
population at the cost of Federal Reserve, they provided credit reforms to provide easy credits to its
population, they hived off such industry which caused pollution and which were being reason to increase
environment pollution which ultimately affecting its peoples health. They also allowed foreign
professionals to settle in USA for the fast development of their industrial sector as well as scientific
In return the people used these facilities in indulging more care free life, less important to learn new
things, withdrawing themselves from hard work and indulging in such a spending lifestyle that they
literally become unable to pay their credits! That was not enough they even further borrowed to pay their
credits and kept the same habit of spending. The constant reduction in national output in terms of foreign
exchange and constant degradation of skilled and educated people across USA has damaged US
monopoly in so many of its cash cow sectors! Also the habit of so much spending in leisure and luxury
goods has made US population cash less, they literally does not have savings to remain stable in the days
of decreased income.
Similarly in Europe, some governments spent blindly in terms of public comfort, infrastructure, govt.
salary bill etc that now they are un able to maintain it with their national income, the constant borrowing
from world bank and IMF has created a situation that most of their National earning and tax money goes
in to paying the interest of the credit they borrowed from the external resources!
At home in India and neighboring south Asian countries, situation is not so promising. Due to outsourcing
in IT, Production Engineering etc. these days we have good opportunity to earn foreign exchange, but at
the same time, our infrastructure, some government policy deters our growth in these areas. Again the
burgeoning deficit due to corruption and evasion of taxes in industry as well as in personal taxes have
created a situation in India that we are crashing with our own weight of system failure! Even though these
days, we have win-win situation in IT, Engineering services outsourcing and increased Foreign
investment in Automobile and infrastructure sectors, we are unable to Ancash these opportunities due to



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opportunist politics of our nation. The same story is with our neighboring countries, also their corrupt
governments creating havoc in the population of the respective countries too.
So these are the reason as per my view which is instrumental in imposing manmade recession on almost
all the countries of the world. There are a big number of countries facing recession due to their reliance on
more export income to those countries like US and European Union which are facing worst recession.
Reduced demand from these nations caused so many other countries to suffer unwillingly.
Now since we have the reason in front of us, we can analyze them and find solution to survive in this
recession time as well as convert this recession in to opportunity.
Looking at the above reasons the major factor is, over spending by Governments, the people and
increased corruption in all the sectors are three major factor of recession in the world. Here is not
important which country did what, but what went wrong and how to cure it.
If every country for the time being reduce Government spending in terms of Govt. Staff, the salary bill, it
can save tax payers money which can be used to curb recession, if the people stop spending madly in
leisure and un necessary requirements, they themselves can save money to sustain in the days of recession
and third, if people to gather mobilize their efforts to stop corruption in their countries by not paying bribe
and forcing their Government to become more accountable through reforms of rules to curb corruption in
government sector.
This way we can change the situation to our advantage. In short, spend less and wisely, be more
innovative and ready to give serious contribution of your abilities and ask your government where it is
spending your tax paid money.
When we talk about converting the recession in to opportunity, then it can be achieved by controlling our
desires and greed. This is a great time to control our desires and slavery of greed.
The manmade recessions are the results of exhaustive greed and slavery of subjective pleasures in us as
humans. This problem is not evident in the other races of beings like Animal kingdom or Bird Kingdom!



Learning Curves


Marketing and Its Challenges.

There are hundreds of professions with different characteristics, so is the Marketing. Then why there are a
lot of inhibitions attached to it? Why it is more tiring and demoralizing than any other career? These are
the questions which usually arise in the minds of the people who are in to marketing and who are not in to
Yes, when there are so many reasons to give special attention to marketing, certainly there is something
different which makes everyone to explore it further and find more and more solutions for the attached
In the same vein when I poked my nose in to it, even I smelt something different! And that was nothing
but the excitement of unpredictability of the outcome! Usually when you approach a prospective
customer, you never know that what will be the result, success, failure or result awaited? No, not at all
sure about it! In most of other work you have a possible outcome in the form of output of product or
rendering of services etc. But here you cannot predict anything, and that is the real excitement for me.
You know we all love result of our act, we mostly expect that there should be a predictable result,
whatever it may be, and in the end we lose out the real excitement in our life! And gradually things get
routine, but marketing does not allow to be anything routine in the life of the person who does it.
The reason behind this uncertainty is simple, it is like sowing seeds in the soil and irrigating the field, or
wait for the rain to come. In both the case, final outcome is in the hand of nature itself. If Rain fall
inadequately or excessively, the crop will fail, if you irrigate for yourself, sometime you get reasonable
yield and sometime you may get nothing or marginally less compare to crop harvesting by rain water!
This same principle applies to marketing, here you need to sow seeds of pitching and irrigate them with
persuasion or let it be grown with the help of nature, and I mean the natural demand. In both the case you
are on the receiving end. If you wait for the nature to do its work, chances are there, that before the seed
convert in to crop, the season of so called demand change and people want something else and someone
else an cash the opportunity, and in the case of irrigating the seeds with persuasion, you may convert a
prospective customer in to a real customer and sometime you may lose it due to inadequate persuasion!
Here the first way is the moderate way of marketing and the later is the aggressive way of the marketing,
but both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. But here we will not stick to the advantages
and disadvantages but concentrate on the real cause, that why marketing is more tiring and unpredictable
in terms of result compare to other work.
When we go further in to the subject we find more specific and easy to understand reasons for this
dilemma, one, marketing is tiring because there is more number of rejection even though reasonably good
efforts by the person who does it. Two, even though whole hearted efforts, you cannot predict the exact
outcome due to your subject being a living human being instead of any substance of nature or manmade
To overcome this dilemma, you can take some corrective steps which could turn marketing from a tiring
career to an exciting career and unpredictable to optimistic career. And the steps are simple and easy to
follow, one, look at marketing as the highest rewarding profession, and when there is greater reward, there
will be greater challenge too! And rate of failure will obviously higher. This is how take challenges in to


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your stride! Respect yourself as front line cavalry then the scapegoat, because the result of the battle is
always decided by the cavalry since they create inroads in to the rival army! Similarly, look upon at
unpredictability as the price of prized catch; it never comes easily like excavating Gold from the mine!
So it is all about changing your view point for marketing and everything will change for the better! If not
for the better, it will certainly high your moral!



Learning Curves


Lights on
After so many weeks of light off, today I felt to light on the lamp on my writing table and this is just
another new beginning!
Everything is the same excerpt new zest and further refined vision! Yes, we all are passing through such
phases and some time earlier or later we come out of the situation. It is the strength and resilience that we
have to carry on the life we have in whatever the shape the Supreme Being intent for. The beauty of the
life itself is the rejuvenation it does oneself. Like the skin of the Serpent dispatches from the serpent body
after a certain period of time and all new skin surfaces from underneath, life also changes its colours and
after a certain period of life and we all come out with all new vibrant and fresh hues.
It is this very nature which does wonder for the entertainments of all of us who are children of her and she
constantly nurture and grow us in better shape. Whether it is me or you we all have our experiences. They
are not good or bad but, our orientation and priorities make them good or bad.
For example on Sunday it feels good to wake up late in the morning and if someone is married, the spouse
will also approve the same act but on the another day of the week, if the same thing happen and when you
have to lose your Bus to Office, it certainly feel bad and your spouse will also get disappointed since she
has to start her daily chorus at late hours and the delay in daily chorus also cost your children to miss their
school bus in the mid noon! So the essence of the example is that the act is same but the results vary as
per time and day! And obviously they are good or bad.
So friends we are here to improve and further improve ourselves till our life permit us breaths,
improvements and rejuvenations are the constant process for all of us, the beauty of it is, we consciously
realize it and the worst thing for us is it happens in our life and we find it disturbing hence close our eyes
and ears.
It is very simple to lights on, it is a matter of friction of a second to switch over, but for that we will have
to wake up and reach out to the switch that is not lying anywhere else away from your reach but within
yourself in your very own heart. Let your heart change its beats and see the wonder what it does for you,
it may have beat in past for so many worldly cravings and cried for the possession of mortal belongings,
but let it beat for utter freedom, the freedom of your spirit to enjoy innocence within and all across the
universe which is not different from each other! Lights on.



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Increased Global Challenges and its solutions.

With the constant crashing world economy due to major upset in global economies powers has created
numerous challenges. It may seem that India would not have major backlash of this phenomena but
looking at the present scenario, picture is not that rosy as our Government states.
On one hand there is almost daily news of further worsening of Us and Europe crises joining the tally,
Italy is now one more crashed economy after Greece. Already Britain is in financial trouble and fighting
to keep its position as one of the most influential and key player in Europe. And if this global crisis is not
enough, at home our ruling Government is neck deep in burgeoning inflation and never before crises of
financial scams by different Government dept. and different State governments.
On one hand we people are paying more than 52 Rupees tax on an essential product like Petrol fuel and
on the other hand out of roughly 120 million populations we have less than a million Income tax payer!
Diversities and adversaries are endless in our country but survival is also important for us in the same
circumstances! In last 64 years of freedom, each individual citizen of India lost lakhs of Rupees in terms
of national asset due to tax evasion, financial scams in public and private sector and system loss and
corruption in Government system and institution!
I remember that, when Britain left India, Indian Rupee against Dollar was 3:1 and today it is 50:1! Look
at the erosion of our net worth as country! With 120 million of population with highest number of
intellectual experts in the world, we are a third world economy! Thanks to our Politicians!
But things cannot be changed overnight; we all have to change to gather! And if we are able to do that we
can emerge as healthy survivor in this global meltdown.
Until and unless our assets are not genuinely disclosed to Government register, and until and unless our
Government do not curb corruption by political leaders and by Government system, our international
rankings will remain the same negligible. Even though of our actual worth as a country is more than a
double in reality, our nation is ranked poor third world country for very law rank of financial rankings
which ultimately reflects in the degraded value of our Rupee against Worlds leading currencies like
Dollar, Pound, Euro, Dirham!
It is up to us as citizens of entire nation to improve our worth on international market. With less numbers
of inflation, and highest numbers of national assets on international economic parameter.
Even though we are generating a lot in terms of financial growth individually and as a nation, the true
figures are far to appear on our GDP grounds which constantly affect our Rupee strength in global
market, and we are continue as a weaker economy, with weaker purchasing power!
Look at the irony of India, the US Dollar is becoming costly, more powerful against Indian Rupee even
thou US economy is in greatest ever financial crises of this century. Even though Global rating agencies
have degraded US financial status, we are helpless to shell out more and more rupee against Dollar buy!
Until and unless we have strong Tax reform and expanded carpet of Income tax, only handful of
Taxpayers will suffer at the cost of their precious tax money paid to this nation! There are hundreds and


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thousands of business enterprises which does not pay a single penny to Government in the name of Tax,
and more than 100 million people who do not pay a single rupee in the name of Income tax.
Just look at the Agriculture sector in India, it is highly and exclusively protected and privileged industry,
though farmers hardly pay tax! On one hand our Government claim that Indias 70 percent population
lives in Villages and mostly do farming, then why there is a big bias against a city dweller?
I heard that with some fix electricity bill a farmer can run 30 horsepower submersible pump for hours,
and exactly opposite to that, a town or city household pays more than thousand rupees average household
electricity Bill per month! On one hand Government is paying subsidies, freedom from loan payback for
farmers in the name of popular politics, and on the other hand jobless people in city areas are succumbed
to do suicide for not having money to run their family! Why there is not Rojgar guarantee for such jobless
or poor people of Town and Cities?
There is a popular saying these days in our country that, If you want privilege from our Government, you
should be Senior citizen, handicap, farmer, villager or belong to so called BPL family!
Our Government agencies does not able to gauge actual reality, we are not encouraging those small
entrepreneurs, self independent individuals and our Govt. offers crores of Rupees sops for Corporate
sector! 45 percent of GDP and employment comes from MSME industry even though it is still hard to get
finance for such business! On one hand MSMEs are lashed with all the penalty for not paying timely
Taxes and utility bills, where as Corporate sector has always soft corner in any popular elected
Government of India! There are Hundreds of corporate houses who have evaded crores of Rupees Tax
and defaulter in terms of paying utility bills such as Electricity, Gas, other Fuel, and Royalties etc.
If we can come out of our own created mayhem by Consecutive Governments and their policies, I am
sure that we can emerge as winner in present Global crises!
In short, JAISI PRAJA, VAISA RAJA. That means, The way we are, our King or Government will be the
same! So we need to change.



Learning Curves


In the Name of Business.

There are hundreds of things we do in the name of business and we keep on exploring further options for
that. No matter whether it is professional or unprofessional, logical or illogical it does not matter to us!
It could unfair competition, un realistic claims and un realistic pricing also the list is so long that I would
not like to further write it since my point is not about how much of them I know and you should add to
your memory but I want to communicate a question which is evident in everyones mind whether you or
me or anyone else.
The thing is that we human beings are so creative that we keep on creating larger and more larger number
of excuses and sometime we even forget that whether there is any logic attached to it or not!
Sometime we say that there was this service problem from our side because we had a family function at
home and all of our staff was there! On the other side the same family member say that so and so person
of our family is in the service business so he is never able to enjoy holiday or even the most important
family functions at home! Look at the contradiction.
Similarly we say our employee that we are going to do salary of this month a week late since there is
some problem of payment but we forget to keep in mind that whatever the chaques we received from our
clients are submitted in our bank for clearing is through our office peon! Here we do not even bother that
the person has already seen the figures and he knows that how much amount is deposited in the company
bank account! The point I want to communicate is that at what extent we have become practical machine
like being, that even though we have senses to understand the each and every situation and affaires in
business fail to take care of our deeds in front of our task.
The jet age of development is really taking its toll on us, we are all poised to go fast no matter what cost
we need to pay for the speed! And the habit gradually and unknowingly intrude in the family matter, the
way we handle situation in business with excuse and superficial promises, we start acting in the family
matter in similar fashion and we forget that in front of us we have our children, parents and siblings!
The materialism and rapidly changed values where interest of ones own is central and foremost has
corrupted almost everything including our conscience and subconscious.
And the habit of persuading others for business reasons gradually takes place of convincing in family
matter and we start even persuading our family members! We even forget that the matter is about family
and not business! At last this habit of persuading others get in to our memory system due to prolonged
habit and repetitions of the same thing by us time and again. And once it sticks in to our memory,
sometime it also starts giving us the so called guidance and clues from within for different matter and we
surprise that how come these strange advice and insistence comes to our attention from within!
But friends, do not get amazed by such phenomenon, it is your own memory of persuasion you did for
others for so called business reason! Not the same thing has stuck in to your memory and when there is
any personal question on which we need to think, finding us short of conscience, immediately the
memory fires its own suggestion and as always it happens, instead of true logical advice we find strange
and hard to swallow guidance, but do not worry, it is our very own persuasion which is bounce back to us
and we simply spellbound to it since we never our self used that for us!


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May be you find this article a bit difficult to understand but it is worth to give a thought, I did it and I
found this unbelievable reality! So I simply shared in front of you, I hope you will enjoy it.



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Importance of Human Resource Management.

When it comes to any enterprise or organization engaged in to business or the welfare activity, there
comes the human resource management. For so many people still today Human resource management is a
bit difficult nail.
There are different reasons for the problem but looking at is holistically, the solution is in vicinity. And for
that you will have to give some extra efforts.
Let me tell you first that gone are the days when a single person used to work and manage all the affair of
any enterprise, institution. In past years, when there was not industrial revolution in our country, that was
evident since most of the people used to earn ones own livelihood through independent efforts, but as the
industrial revolution took place, the whole picture has changed gradually.
Looking at different industry and its day today requirements, it has become relatively difficult to run any
enterprise independently and alone without help of workers. The size of business, the commercial
responsibility, institutional and govt. relation, production, marketing etc. are there to be addressed and one
cannot do it alone. So simple you need helping hand to run a business, this is called human resource,
where you induct someone to look after a particular activity of your business.
As your business grows, you need further help to manage your business in terms of manufacturing,
marketing, accounts management, business flow management and much more, now you further need
different personnel to handle these tasks. This way there will be number of people working for you for
different activity of your business. When this number rises in double digit, gradually you feel short of
handling power for your personnel. On one hand you have your own responsibility to handle key
responsibilities of the business and on the other hand you need to look after those people and their
activity, their attendance, their absence, their abilities and disabilities of tackling problems and all these.
Now in such a situation if you concentrate on your own key responsibilities only, the personnel will not
have any one to guide them and look upon them, in such a situation they will work in their own way, or
just sit down and wait for the orders from the boss! And if they do their work in their own way, there are
chances of mistakes or lake of perfection or detail required. Since you are not available to guide them,
you will have to suffer damages and loss due to your worker.
Here you need someone to look after your personnel, their requirements in terms of guidance, help and
supervision. The person who can handle this duty is called human resource manager. Since workers are
also an asset, resource for any organization, they also need to be managed and optimized for further
perfection and performance. And the human resource manager does this task. So this way human resource
management is getting more and more important today for almost all the organization that have small or
large number of personnel working for them. Whether in business or in charity, the management of
human resource is quite important.
As your business advances and diversify in term of activity or the products or service it offers, you need
to appoint human resource managers more than one. Because one human resource manager cannot handle
workers from diverse field of application when the organization is big and there are hundreds of workers
working in the same organization. Now here you need a team of HR managers and simultaneously a
person to look after all the HR managers. In business terminology, the post of the person is called Human


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Resource Director, the personnel who look after the day to day duties of the entire HR manager and guide
them to work along the single minded goal of a business enterprise.
So as much as your resources grow, you need managers and directors to handle the resources. And for
efficient management, you need proper experienced professional for the duty to be handled.



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How to do Brand Building?

To be successful in the cutthroat competition world over, it becomes highly imperative to build your
Brand Strong and appealing. When it comes to Brand building, there are certain parameters which is to be
set for your Brand building which are, The Brand Proposition, The product Mix, targeted users, Market
positioning, Targeted market economic condition, Choice of product in general.
Brand building is for the survival of the business, it all depends on your Brand of products which perform
as per its usability and value proposition that is why you need to achieve above mentioned parameters.
When we talk about Brand proposition, it is all about what your Brand offers to the customer, what it
propose, its usability, comfort enhancement for the user, etc. It should be clearly communicated that what
change it brings in or in which way it affects the user, in which price segment it is positioned. Wrong
positioning of segment could destroy any Brand even though having excellent features and Brand
appealing coupled with higher usability. So segmentation of Brand is the first and foremost important.
Similarly the product mix is equally important, it is very much important that you are not offering just
other product or similar product to your competitors products, your product should have its unique
features and developed for unique consumer segment.
Targeting your Brand to certain audience, certain class of people is also required, your Brand should
communicate through its brand name, and Packaging and unique Selling proposition that which consumer
segment it targets. If there is any confusion, either it increase failed pitching to wrong prospective
consumer, or zero repeated consumption resulting in to sudden sale drop affecting marketer or
manufacturer badly.
Market positioning is a factor which creates a Brand image itself, from Affluent, Rich, Upper
Middleclass, Middleclass, Lower Middleclass to Poor these are the classification of the consumers, as per
your product quality standards, and pricing, it represent position in different markets. Sometime a
premium product in certain country or state become an average product for higher middleclass or other
country or state due to that country or states financial conditions. If certain product Brand is Premium to
Indian customer, it could be an average product Brand for US population! Reason is simple, India is a
third world developing economy, where is US is a developed economy and financial super power as well.
The bottom to top income ratio of Indian to Us population is different so you must consider the Market
positioning of your Brand carefully. For an example a certain Car Brand is positioned at upper middle
class and targeted at first time buyer of Car market, if the same Car Brand pickup demand in Car Taxi
segment, which is one of the mode for public transport, it may create negative impact to the sale. Targeted
consumer may shy away to by such Product Brand which is getting more and more used by Taxi Service
If you do not care for markets economic condition, it may work against your Brand of product. It is highly
important to think about market economic condition before launching certain product brand. Sometime
very good product Brand gets minimal response due to wrong market economic conditions. For example
if you want to market a product Brand to upper middle class in India, you should check the overall market
economic conditions. Upper Middleclass being an economy sensitive class could turn their eyes away
from the product Brands usually they buy. Due to bad economic condition they may keep away from that


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product brand which is targeted at upper middleclass. So in bad economic conditions even good product
brand may lose out significantly. Sometime it may need to withdraw from the market or else lack of
consumer interest in total Brand failure.
Even though you take care about all the parameters to build a strong Brand, human choices plays
significant role. Due to constantly changing human choices as per time and geography, you must be sure
in offering choices in terms of targeted market segment. Even to being an excellent product, if the
outlook, packaging, size options are the factors to be considered seriously. For that, you need to
constantly changing trends in society. TO address this challenge, some marketer keep on Upgrading and
updating to the changed choices. For example, Maruti Suzuki is positioning ALTO as its most reasonable
prised car for first time buyer. Earlier it was Maruti 800, but now days they are not manufacturing Maruti
800, because they want to push Alto in the same segment with improved product features since the market
for medium class is demanding more in terms of product, styling, comfort, road safety and reasonably law
pricing too. It clearly shows that middleclass has a bit better position in India due to increased wages in
organized sector as well as growing SME sector which requires such economic though stylish car for their
usage. Similarly in the Maruti 800 segment, there are other three to four competitor car Brands which are
constantly biting market share of Maruti 800. This is the reason that Maruti Suzuki is replacing Maruti
800 with Alto which derives features from Maruti 800 and Old Zen Model of Maruti Suzuki.
So if you care about all these parameters, your Brand could stand stable in any market and in different
market conditions. Make one thing sure that developing and manufacturing a product is different from
Branding, Building Brand is all about responding to consumer choices, market segmentation and market



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Fruits of perseverance.
Whenever we start something new initiative or business we are so enthusiastic to make it big and fast,
initially we are on high spirits but gradually it melts as time passes by. It is not a strange situation, it could
happen with any one you or me any one!
The question is not why it happens even though we are so much optimistic about new developments? And
why it happens even though more than enough efforts! Yes there are a lot of question come to our mind
when we pass through such a situation. But do not take it wrongly, have patience and take wise decision
with some likeminded people who have experience of going through such situation and emerged winner.
It is not about getting discouraged by the initial obstacles, since all these obstacles are not obstacles but
the gestation time of any new beginning, it takes its time and certainly take off successfully if you have
perseverance and courage to pass through that lean period, when you are at law with growing pressure of
generating result and revenue both.
Instead of panicking, take some time off the work and meet some people who have started new business
in past and ask them that what were the problems they faced, what stupid mistakes they made and how
they corrected them. I am sure that seventy-five percent of your problems will be perished one the
moment when you come to know that the problems you are facing are the same what they faced in the
And I tell you that these problems are nothing but the lake of patience, because we want fast result, quick
turnout and easy returns! These aspirations create real problem, see anything which is new takes time to
gather momentum, even we do not get young overnight, first we were infants, then kids then teenagers
and then we become young men or women! Same thing happens to new enterprise, it takes time to be
recognized, also you are new to that business so invariably you will also require more time to do any task
related to the new business!
It is like when you are in hurry to catch a bus to reach office in time, you will find a lot of rush in queue at
bus stand, you will literally get embarrassed when a bus arrive on the bus stop and queue is not reducing
fast enough so that you can get in to the bus! The reality is that there is not at all any long queue, also
there is enough space in bus to accommodate all the passengers who are in queue, but due to your haste,
you feel that you may not get a seat there in the bus!
So my friends there is not any problem with you or stuck in any wrong situation when you start any new
initiative or business, the real problem is the lack of perseverance!



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Do not panic
For last couple of weeks all across the world and now in India to the panic button has been pushed for the
looming large recession. In all this scenario, one thing I found very peculiar is the role of media, it is
creating never before hues and cries about the recession and the split side of this publicity is that it creates
unwanted fear and unrest in the mind of common people, particularly the middle and lower middleclass
across the country who are daily wage earner and meet their ends with difficulties.
True that world is constantly gripping in the clutch of recession and it is mostly affecting the U.S. and
Europe. The side effect of the recession in these economies creating worries for the countries which are
reliant to these economies and whose GDP is mostly export driven.
But I really wonder that why we in India making so much noise for the possible effect on our economy!
This is not first time in the history of planet earth that we are witnessing a recession which could prolong
for two to three years. There has been such recession in India and other part of world due to different
reasons in last four decades. But this time the story is completely due to large number of story tellers out
there in media world. In those days, media was not so powerful to spread the news, only Print media and
Radio were prominent there but now there is Print, Television, Radio and Internet to warn people about
the emerging recession.
Though if you look at is with different view point, it will automatically reduce worry! Do not look at
recession as a coarse, look at it as opportunity and time to excel further in profession or business. Mostly
recessions are created due to exhaustive spending beyond the safe passage of individual saving and some
time even more spending then earning. On one point it create huge demand and extraordinary profit and
growth opportunity, and there after sudden vacuum of new purchase and spending on leisure and
necessity too.
So there is no wonder why the recession strike in every decade. But we people always like tide we do not
like ebb, but friends why forget the truth that ebb is necessary to create new tide in future!
And for India, there is least worry for the possible recession since we have huge domestic market and
contentiously increasing demands for almost all the goods. Our economy is largely dependent on the
agriculture produce. If we have good rain fall and if our farmers are with fat pocket then there is scope for
least worry! And almost all the FMCG, Consumer Goods and Capital goods we make have primary
market in India. Also recession does not mean the 100 percent vacuum or break to new purchase, it
decrease purchasing power and buying spirit of the people but there will be demand for necessity. You can
reduce your needs and necessities but you cannot leave your needs and necessities! Hence stop panicking
and try to train your efforts to tap accentual goods sector or FMCG, Pharmacy, Medicine and
infrastructure for healthy survival, directly as a professional or as a businessman, or indirectly through
Stock Market, because basic necessities will survive demand better.



Learning Curves


Do not look back.

When you are running on the road just keep your eyes on the road and do not look back and check who is
following you, because winning is in keeping our concentration where we are heading for and rest will be
cared by the concerned that look for it but not you.
Yes It is an example which applies to all of us, most of us keep on looking back while we are running,
keep on checking everything we do for accuracy while we are working, maybe it is good habit initially to
make sure that we are doing the task properly, but the same habit becomes nightmare when it overtakes
your will to do something! When you become so much particular about the outcome of anything you do, I
mean stuck in expectation of the fruits of your act, you invariably end up being a failure. Because in the
time of action you are busy in checking reaction, in such way you lose your concentration in real task and
its advancement with further act hence the result of the task itself be un satisfactory, even though you
tried to do it excellent.
My friends my message is simple and clear, while you work do not care for result, because when your
will is poised to do something particular, it will definitely do in that manner, do not doubt your will. If by
chance you do something like that, you will give chance to memory overtake your intellect. And do not
mistake memory as intellect. It is only a baggage of what you did in past, and belief system which have
been acquired by you from society of which you do not have any personal experience!
Due to age old habit of following the society and belief system rather than applying your own intellect,
most of us started believing that memory is the real intellect the real brain, but ever you thought that how
a child act everything? Children does not have memory built-up like us, even though they most of the
time do excellent things, why; because they follow their heart, your intellect resides in heart and your will
power is also there, and not in the brain. Brain is the baggage of memory to and not to do between which
lacs of people end up their lives without doing anything.
So next time when you feel compelled to check anything you do again and again for perfection, stop and
ask yourself a question that why to check so many time, just because to get desired result? Then you will
yourself have answer of the question that concentrating on the task you do is the best way to get desired
result and not in checking and checking anything.
The former athlete of India Mr. Milkhasingh used to look back while he run on the running track in
athletic meets just to make sure that he is in front line and no one closely follow him to over take him, the
same habit caused fatal while he did same thing in Olympic Athletic run, and the result was, when he
looked back and checked that his competitors are far away from him or not so near him, one of the
competitor just crossed him on the track and when Milkhasingh again start running looking on front on
the track, he found that one competitor way in front of him on the track but unfortunately in rest of the
running on the track Milkhasingh was unable to cross him and finish first on the athletic run and become
looser. Even today he rerates his habit of looking back while running on athletic running track! We need
to take a lesson from him that just concentrate on what you do, do not doubt your will; it will definitely
do what you want and definitely will not do anything you do not want.



Learning Curves


Business Transformation and Diversification.

Here in India we have numerous family run enterprises and they are running under the controls of second
or third generation entrepreneurs from the same family. Till last decade it was looked mostly normal but
as we advance in terms of open market economy and vulnerable to the competitive atmosphere, this
tradition started fading. Yes it is may be prevalent in SMEs but when we look at the corporate sector, most
of them have adopted the route of transformation as the executive run organization.
The core objectives are advantage of fresh talent and induction of new technique on management level.
And freedom of diversification in to as many sector as they want. Being an executive run organization, it
becomes healthier, responsive to market changes; result oriented due to professional management and
freedom comes automatically to diversify with the help of professional experts in different sector.
Due to such transformation, promoters get time to more focus on the strategic part of the business and the
finance management. The risk of losing edge due to handling by less efficient or less interested family
members can be averted by such management change. There are numerous examples in Indian corporate
sector that the promoters have back staged from the management responsibility and either they enjoy their
freedom or concentrate on other new business for the fruitful diversification.
You may feel that why there is such requirement arises even though promoters and new generation of
promoters are there in the family?
The fact is that if you establish an organization to manufacture Automobile parts and one day in your late
sixties you handover the organization to your son who is not at all interested in Automobile parts
manufacturing sector! The result could be the slowing down of business, mismanagement, losing out
competitiveness or the untimely closure of the enterprise due to lack of knowledge and interest in the
industry it performs. And the cost will be paid by the dedicated work force and their families. At least for
sometime it could create so many problems to number of families due to one mistake!
In such a situation, wise decision is to handing over the management powers to executives and let the new
generation family members to venture in the business of their choice, this way there will be a healthy
diversification of business in the single family and would create more opportunities to the society.
The biggest advantage of this transformation is the image of the organization, when there is professional
management rather than the family itself, people look at it as true corporate house and it gives more
confidence to the people who want to deal with such organization and the people who want to work for
the organization.
Look at the Tata Empire and L&T, these are among the best example of corporate management by
executives attracting more talented people towards them and also diversified in numerous sector too!
Due to executive run enterprises, they create image of more social and beneficial organization to the
society rather than viewed as family centric and benefiting organization, if we as Indians want to be
respected as global players with multinational presence, we will have to come over our age old
proprietary ambitions where the interest of the promoter family is supreme at the cost of business
competitiveness and growth.



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So the transformation of business enterprise as executive run enterprise from family run enterprise creates
win-win situation for the promoters, workers and the society in general. And it provides more scopes to
the promoters to concentrate in other sector of their interests!



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Conviction pays more than Qualifications.

Most of the time and most of us these days run after qualification, higher qualification. Obviously it is the
reality and there is no argument against it, but very few of them care for the conviction. What happens is
we all are looking at the accomplished goal, the certificates and benefits attached to it, and forget the
actual matter that is conviction that do we have conviction to achieve that? We all crave for success and
we dream about the rosy future thereafter but how many of us first concentrate on the task and firmly
believe that we would start from here, we will do our best and result will reflect our conviction!
Hardly few, there is not all fault of us but these days we are accustomed to dream and more dream about
our future, but what happens is we also sometime accomplish them in the same dream! So there is no
further scope for efforts and there will not be even question of having convection too!
I have come across some management Gurus who teach to see dream and set goal and better goal, even
though one thing I noticed is, they teach us to see dreams and set higher and higher goal, it is his or her
duty to say so to motivate us to do more out of our lives, but friends to do more to achieve more, you need
conviction and that comes from within, from real experience and your strength to hold on all kind of
situation and definitely not attached with your dreams, There is a popular slogan say.. If you can dream it,
you can do it! No doubt it is one of the most powerful statements but I would say that it sounds more like
a corporate slogan of any corporate house. I would say that, if you have dreams you must have conviction
to accomplish them! Otherwise you will be just another guy who sees dreams and more dreams. It would
be like New Year resolutions; most of us make so many new year resolutions without even knowing its
relevance in our life and our capacity to be with it. But we just do it, because everyone out there is doing
it! The same thing happens with the dreams.
If you find it hard to swallow, do one experiment. Just open a dialogue with your college met about their
goals that what they want to be in the future, where they see themselves in the next ten years from now?
And the rendition of one after another guy will start simultaneously that he want to be so and so and she
would be so and so blahblahblah
Even I have listen such things in my college days and even I also did the same thing with them but at the
age of 39, now when I look back and remember my dreams and goals, I realize that so many dreams and
goals still have not been accomplished, and when I tried to find reason for it, the reason I found was the
lake of conviction to accomplish them! It was not the situation or any other reason that stopped me, but it
was my inability, my inefficiencies that I could not achieve them. Also one thing I noticed during these
observations that most of us do not care about our traits and orientations, we also do not look carefully at
our strength and weakness, we mostly take things for granted and invariably we fail. Also after so many
spiritual dialogues with my spiritual Guru, I found more realistic and down to earth reason of our failure.
As per that we have a lot of greed to accomplish, we have cleverly named them as dreams, most of the
dreams are those things which we are not able to do in the light of the day and some of them also
rebuilding of the events of our past life, please do not mistake it as our other past births. I am talking
about your present birth only. The reality is that, it is the greed of us which comes in front of us as
dreams, and it is obvious that some time we succeed in accomplishing them and some time we fail, it is
all belongs to our concentration in pursuing the task, if we look more at the result of our task, we forget to
concentrate on it during the working, and sometime this lake of concentration results in to failure! It is
simple and straight. So friends; if you want to dream and dream really big and beautiful future for you


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just do it, but do not forget to have conviction for it, and also remember one thing the dreams are simply
our greed and not needs, so if you by any reason fail in achieving them, do not get demoralized or
depressed and try to accept that it is your greed and in this world it is never to die till our last breath and
there is no one in the world whose every greed has been accomplished! So have solace in the truth of life
which I invariably got to know from a Saint which I shared in front of you. Do not think that I am trying
to make you like me or make you to hate dreams or creating failure out of your ambitions. I am just
sharing the both side of the coin.
In this world with so much commercial endeavor and greedy stretches, we neglect the truth of life.
Gandhiji rightly said that there is enough on earth for every ones need but not for greed!
Now the choice is yours! But again I would say that in the end you will still need conviction in whatever
you do, whatever you follow, this side of the coin or the other side of the coin.



Learning Curves


Changed Vision.
We all are confident about our vision and decisions based on that, and it should be there, there is no doubt
about it. But when we looking at the outcome of the different eventualities, we find that there was
something wrong, but we do not come to a conclusion that whether it was mistake of our vision or the
decision. This is the point where most of us are stuck and we have to take diversion in our life, sometime
it may work in our favor with diversion or sometime the diversion too could work against us.
Looking at these strange phenomena, I personally felt that there should be some conclusion in this
regards. I tried and had perseverance and the result come out excellent which I would like to share with
It is very simple to understand, it is all about changing our vision; nothing else! If we are able to change
the vision, everything is all right and would happen all right. But if we fail to have clear vision it will
deter us to take proper decision.
For an example, if I find that there is some situation which is not beneficial for me and takes protective
decisions without making sure that whether the situation is really against me or not, I may face failure or
demoralization also. But if I make sure that is there a situation which is really bad for me or not and then
take decision to protect myself or do not give any reaction at all that decision on reality ground will not
deter me or mislead me in future. So we need to change our vision, sometime we take decision with
blurred vision, affected with prejudice and we ourselves invite trouble.



Learning Curves


How to sustain business in the time of recession.

Everyone knows to run better when the winds are pushing from back. But when things get opposite of it,
it really get tough to sustain the pace!
Yes; the something applies to any business. When there is hey days, no one complain about anything but
as soon as the time turns in to dry days things are becoming difficult to maintain. Whether it is purchase
or the daily expenses, human resource or infrastructure; everything comes under pressure, the major
factor is the reduced flow of cash.
In such a situation the big question is to keep health of the business you are in for a while. Here at this
moment some think of hiving off the business, some think of reducing the business, some think of
reducing human resource. Though the big question is whether these options are in real favor of the owner
of the business, or it work against it?
Here you need proper guidance about taking appropriate decision and that too on the basis of conscious
conclusions and not drawn by feelings!
There is nothing right or wrong decision when it comes to business, since no one can predict cent percent
outcome of any decision once it is implemented in real time. But I would suggest that your decision
should be based on the objectives of present as well as future.
You may ask that how to decide present and future objectives when there is nothing sure about the present
at all.
My friends let me tell you that whatever the turbulent waters are there in the ocean, the captain is of sure
of one thing that is to survive, survive through any means so that passengers relied on him during the
voyage can be saved from any possible danger. Similarly, every one of us is sure of one thing that is
Now only question is who will pay the cost of consequences, the business owner, or the human resource?
In such a situation what one should do is to find out that what short of recession is there in the business?
Whether it is market recession, recession due to inefficiency of doing such business or due to lake of skill
in the human resource?
If the recession is market sector, then human resource that is conversant should be hived off so they can
settle in other market sector but the skilled human resource should be retained. This way you will have
advantage when there is hey days again in the same market sector, and those workers will also have relief
of social and financial responsibility since they do not know other trade.
Unlike the market sector recession if it is due to lack of efficiency to carry on business, the steps should
be different, here human resource should be rehabilitated in other similar industry and then the business
should be closed down or change the business domain. Or else simply hive off entire Business to logical
client from the same sector with clients, stock and human resource all to gather.
And if it is due to lack of skills in the existing human resource, then you need to train them for the trade
properly so they can give result at par or better than your competitor. In the case of your human resource


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reluctant to learn new skills or improve themselves to take on present challenge, those personnel should
be hived off as soon as possible.
This is how it is very difficult to take decision to survive in recession and it is even more difficult to
decide that due to which reason you are facing recession in your enterprise.
Apart from this, if the recession is due to lack of innovative product or service or the approach of your
business practice, you need to improve certain department or the product/service to regain sale of product
or service.
So there are many ways to tackle recession by exactly identifying the real cause of recession. Make one
thing sure that you do not take any decision in haste.



Learning Curves


Particularly in India, we people have given not much important to branding any product in proper way,
but as the globalization of the economy advances further, branding your product becomes a matter of
serious concern.
Within last decade marketers are more and more concerned about branding their product intelligently. For
some people it may be feeling irrelevant, but as a marketer or manufacturer, Branding plays key role to
lead market in key segments.
Branding is all about understanding the product; finding its unique selling proposition USP and then
naming it accordingly which can communicate the product usability or the service usability in most
proper and easy way. In country like India where numerous languages are spoken across the country make
it even more challenging for any marketer to create a proper and effective Branding. To succeed in Indian
market every marketer whether from FMCG or Consumer Goods or Luxury Products, it becomes
imperative to consider consumer segment as per the localities, geographical choices, language of
communication etc.
Mostly conventional marketing practice looks at branding as just naming a product and then pushing it in
the selected market with different propositions it could be incidentally with USP or incentive base or
capturing popular notions, but that is not Branding at all!
Branding requires serious study of product first, then finding the exact market for the product, value
proposition to the prospective customer, the immediate competition from other marketers and possible
competition from the superior products. Keeping all these in focus, a Brand should be developed which
can create the market which is usually envisioned by the manufacturer or marketer.
Even this is not enough, as per the product category, you need to Brand accordingly, for that you must be
aware that which product segment your product belongs to. And in which category it fits like, average
product, quality product, premium product etc. It is very important that you Brand your product keeping
these segmentation in mind.
Just take example of FMCG Brand like BRITTENIA, PARLE, ITC, PRIYA Biscuits, all are marketers of
Biscuits but they are not selling single Biscuit brand! They have entire Brand portfolio of Biscuits. Each
player has at least five to ten Brands or Sub Brands of Biscuits! And it is not only naming two products
differently, but each Brand of biscuit from a player plays different role and has its unique market. As per
test, segment and choices of customer, each and every Biscuit brand is developed and even pitched
individually and distinctively, because every consumer segment require unique pitching. PARLE G
Biscuit has its market in rural, lower middle class, middle class to health conscious any house hold as
food supplement for children. Similarly take the case of BRITANNIA COCONUT CRUNCHEES, it is
purely targeted at the people who love coconut flavor, when we look at its primary market, it is south
where people use coconut oil extensively in food preparation! But it may not appeal in North Western or
North eastern population in India.
So branding is more important than viewed by average marketers in India. To succeed in Marketing of
any Brand, first make sure that it represents the value it proposes to the targeted audience.


Learning Curves


Advertisements that change you buy!

We buy so many things for our usage every day or week, but have you observed which phenomenon
actually makes you buy certain thing and which phenomenon makes you buy every alternate thing, I
mean the alternate brand product?
We hardly notice it, but is happens silently and swiftly! It is very difficult to trace individual to individual,
but there are different ways to measure that.
The point I want to elaborate is, we buy so many things with different brand names due to influence their
advertisements create on us, once we buy something and use it, we get used to it due to its goodness,
useful features and we repeatedly buy the same product, but even though we are used to that particular
product, what make us to alter decision? That is the real question, and such strange decision shift is
mostly done through advertising. In a product or service advertisement, we find something different
which creates inquisitiveness about the product, at the same time it also indirectly points to those
deficiencies in the product we already use, when the message of an advertisement matches with the
aspiration of an individual and difficulties or disgrace one face with the already using product, the
decision to shift choice takes place and one change the product he or she usually buy!
It is not that the product once useful is now not having good qualities or does not provide comfort once it
used to provide, but human nature tend to change choices for better and different experiences, it cannot be
stopped, as there is right opportunity and conditioning, the change of choice takes place! And no one can
change it in any human being excerpt from the unavailability of choice or the inefficiency to buy different
Advertising is the mixture of appealing visuals and highly persuasive words, together it creates a though
revolution in human minds, particularly the targeted audience. With every right mix of perfect pitch to
prospective customer, the fertile mind of prospective customer allow seed of pitch to grow in to plant of
aspiration and decision to buy different product from the earlier choice become reality.



Learning Curves


Advertising a Necessity or Illusive and Misleading?

For last two decades I used to hear mixed reaction from the Indian population. Some says advertising is
extremely necessary and few say it is illusive and misleading.
The debate is long lasting and will never end too. But the fact is in front of us and we will have to believe
that what it can do to any product or service or concept to be popular in almost no time!
Yes the effect of advertising is tremendous, if prepared in right way and pushed with the right media
platform like, Newspaper, Magazine, TV or internet!
The point is not about justification but to make it more sensible and free of misleading beliefs.
And the fact is, advertising reduces inventory, it moves products and services move fast in to markets and
simultaneously in to the homes and offices of the consumer. Through advertising you can achieve targeted
sales in limited time without compromising your profit and edge over your competitors too!
To understand the role of advertising as a toll to boost awareness, one should look to social and public
services campaigns, how they spread the targeted message swiftly and categorically to the targeted
audience with minimal cost! Just imagine the polio campaign without newspaper Advertisement or the
Television ad support for Polio Vaccination! So there is nothing wrong with tool at all because tools are
designed and prepared to certain requirements, one may use it wrongly or improperly but tools itself are
never wrong in its being.
Advertising is necessity, particularly in the time of mass population all across the world, increased cost of
physical mobility and time constraints. These days, it will be really hard to spread words through word of
mouth, and also it dilutes message too. Where as in Newspaper, Magazine, TV, Internet etc. There are
very rare chances of dilution of message due to the use of technology.
And when it comes to illusive or misleading, it is a common problem of any such message which has
relation with monitory gain, it is not only advertising but the official communication, person to person
communication or mailing could be misleading too! It is the result of someones shortsightedness and not
of any tool or media.
Just imagine that if there is no Newspaper, TV or Magazine or say the Internet, how difficult it would
have been to find right products for you, your children or other family member, similarly if there is no
business directory, business news or business data resource, what would happen to you as a businessman?
All the products and services are reaching to you through Advertising and it is the Advertising that
support all the media to run including your favorite show on TV, Radio Programme, Informative and
social sites on Internet as well!
Now just think about the split side of advertising, what would happen to your cricket or lawn tennis match
telecast on TV without the advertisers, sponsors etc, if there is no ad on TV, you will have to pay
thousands of bucks to view your favorite programme.
So stop thinking about all the advertising as illusive or misleading, but if you find any such, just inform
the regulatory body for advertising standards of your country-state you live in.


Learning Curves


There has been challenge, challenge and challenge in everyone life. Fad up of it right! Now do exactly the
reverse, easy, easy, easy life! Where is the excitement there? It has been left behind since we have gone
away from the challenges! So here is the point to be noted, that if you want excitement, you need to have
challenge, no routine things can give you excitement. Thus it is very much necessary to welcome
challenges in life, do not give up, take control of the situation you are headed in, that is the real human
spirit that is the essence of human life!
We are here to fight challenges, we are equipped to fight against challenges, our very own existence is to
take on challenges and pave way for progress of mankind. And listen carefully, I am talking about the
mankind, the progress of mankind means betterment of every living being along with human being on
earth, living in perfect harmony with all the living being! Without that the progress of mankind is
incomplete. Irrelevant and on sided of the coin.
Because nature has created us to create a system where every life can prosper without bias, if we lose out
on any of the front we will not able to sustain for long, and will invite difficult consequences. There for
the real progress of mankind is of being KIND to all other beings! The world Mankind itself
communicate this very fact out of the composite word MAN-KIND.
Sadly most of us have long forgotten the reason of our very existence on the face of this beautiful earth!
The role we have been offered by nature is undermined by most of us that is to help others with our two
hands! We are the only creature in this world to be gifted with such beautiful functional hands, and the
very purpose of the nature to provide us hands is to help each other and doing the task of the nature itself.
In fact Nature has created us to do its duty; we are here to perform duties of nature on behalf of nature.
That is being caring and sharing to each other, guarding the interests of under privileged.
Here under privileged means all the animals, Aqua culture, birds and insects etc. But most of the time we
do exactly opposite of it! So essence of progress of mankind is to be kind to others, the less privileged



Learning Curves


Jan Lok Pal ; Is It An Individual Aspiration Of Annaji Or It Belongs To All Of Us!

Yes, it is really strange that we all are busy in our daily chorus to meet our ends, especially the middle
class and one man out there from us is fighting on behalf of us in Ramlila Maidan for last 12 days.
Irony is that, we are busy in earning our bread and butter and he is too busy in earning bread and butter;
not for him but for us! And that too is empty stomach.
Really my friend, it is too difficult to resist meal, stomach forgive no one! I know what is the pain of
being a middleclass, who earn for every day. I have seen my mother consuming only water and feeding us
meal with handful of wheat flour, when my father suffered heavy loss in his small business!
So first of all my best wishes for good health of Annaji.
Look at the tyranny, our grandfather figure is fighting for all of us!
Here I am not to justify his action since I believe that he has done what appealed him most, and it is
nothing but helplessness towards the opportunist politics!
I really wonder that, those politicians who frequently visit to grace opening ceremony of friends business
and initiatives have not time to visit Annaji, but definitely spare time to criticize Annajis action!
There are too many opinions and contradictory statements, but I really proud that a veteran Army Driver
is driving such a great movement for betterment of our life.
I know for myself that how it is difficult to work with Govt. Dept. and PSUs! Whenever I visit any one of
these, I remember that I have to consume painkiller tablet when I come back to my home!
The job safety and lack luster approach of our national politics have created such a system where no one
is listening to decent voice!
But one more things I would like to say is, Jan lok pal will not the final Arrow in the naval of Corruption
Devil, it is the beginning of the real fight against corruption.
We all remember that after 200 years of slavery, 64 years back Gandhiji gave us a free nation to prosper,
but what we did with that gift of freedom! The independent tree of our nation has caught sickness of
corruption and is ready to collapse any day and the perpetrators are not from outside, it is us the people of
India! Same thing is repeated by Annaji, he his fasting for one more freedom for us, the corruption free
India, will that enough, shall we do the same thing in next 64 years from now to sacrifice one more
Gandhiji for our wellbeing?
It is time for introspection, corruption is a disease which grows with our blind greed and gradually it
converts to an epidemic which catches those innocent who never want to be part of it, but have to fall
victim since there is no choice left for them!
So, which side of the line you are? Ask yourself, it is the greed of few opportunists who feed bribe to
Govt. Officers, beg favor of Politicians and it is not limited to Govt. or PSUs it is prevalent everywhere in
private sectors too. Even corruption in private sector effects similar to that in PSUs, and sufferers are
always innocents.


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This fight is not against Govt. or PSUs, it is against our value system. One should ask oneself that should
he or she feed his or her greed or simply say stop it!
It is time to say our greed STOP IT.
As Gandhiji used to say, there is enough to feed every ones need but not greed!
If anyone what to support Annaji, make resolution with oneself that you will STOP your blind greed.
Look what we have done to the image of our Nation, a nation of Mahatma Gandhi, Are we really eligible
to call ourselves the children of Mahatma Gandhi who showed the way of nonviolence and simplicity to
the entire mankind?
Spare some thoughts!



Learning Curves


Who wins?
He who loses once wins, yes it is difficult but undoubtedly an established truth! Whether you
believe it or not but it is there. Whether it is business or personal life it is always evident.
Actually it is an age old habit of human being to win, we always want to win and win and win! That is
why we also have to lose, lose and lose too. You cannot ask for one sided coin, there is always split side
of everything, as long as you accept it, it does not harm you but make more mature and strong but if you
hate this reality, it may break your will and throw you back from there it will be very difficult to recover.
Craving for success is something which we find underneath every individual, it is only the aspects and
areas which are different. Some want it in Business, some want it in personal life and some want it in
spirituality. It is very hard to find person without goal who just want to live the life he has got from the
So if any one asp that what is the price of success, winning, and then it is failure, losing and nothing else.
When you want something of your choice, you got to pay a price and losing something is the price of
winning something. It is an exchange of choice. Winning is the aspirations of materialistic world and it
cannot me accomplished without giving some material in exchange. Those who pay something in
exchange will definitely win, like to win hearts of millions, you
Have to pay the price of your leisure in exchange, similarly to win a game in sport, you have to pay a
price in exchange that is excellent labor and conscious struggle to break moral of your opponent.
The essence of the story is that one need to learn to lose, to win some day, because I never ever seen
someone who has never lose anything before winning.



Learning Curves


Why we always look at west for growth?

For almost a half century, we look at west ward for growth in terms of business, and in terms of
revenues. Even today majority of business look for west to find good demand to push business growth.
Looking at the present reality, it is useless to look for growth outside; it is already there in our very own
Since you get a market hungry to eat up new things quickly and also have impressive number of
prospective customers you do not need to search for new markets other than our own market. It is huge,
demanding, appetite for consume due to improved life standards in terms of grown income. And with an
impressive number of young people below 35 years age India itself offers an excellent opportunity to
FMCG and Consumer goods manufacturers and marketers!
Constant improving financial condition of the Indian population and a huge population of middle and
upper middle class we have very good scope to exploit opportunity at home. Once we consolidate all the
markets across our nation, then we should look for further growth outside our country!
Export of goods is relatively easy and profit enhancing to any enterprise in India, but at the same time
there is fear of uncertainty of demand. If we have excess of foreign market in our own Brand and with our
marketing network, the story is different, but since we export our goods in bulk, either in non brand or
branded but marketed by others in foreign nations. In such a situation you cannot have advantage of
customer loyalty. Being an imported product, there is always attached question of its availability
everywhere and every time at reasonable rate, in such a situation customers do not develop an emotional
attachment with such products. Exactly opposite to this, If we have a brand and we market in our own
country with our marketing network all across the states, there will be definitely a kind of customer
loyalty which will allow any brands to be part of our population.
So whenever you thinking of rapid growth through only exports to west or Europe, stop a moment and ad
our own country as a priority market. Certainly there is cut throat competition, and other difficulties at
home, but in long run you will have steady though strong customer base in our own country.



Learning Curves


Changing Monopoly.
It is well-known to all of us that nothing is permanent, everything change and regenerate randomly.
Whether it is fashion of old fifties taking new shape in this twenty first century contemporary fashion
jargon or the family system of Asian influencing western people, things are bound to change!
The same thing happened to European and Western monopoly these days. Those were the days that latest
lifestyle with higher technological and scientific development, European and western people used to
create a kind of monopoly on third world, particularly the south Asia. But in last decade, things have
changed drastically. Some of the most powerful and fastest growing industrial hubs are now in the Asian
region instead of Europe and America; similarly, the select club of space adventures, exploration is
broken by third world country like India!
Earlier we used to get launched our satellite from European Countries and America, today we are
launching their satellite in deep orbit with multi stage satellite launcher Rockets made indigenously! And
that too at the 50% rate compare to present international rates of launching satellite! Today country from
Europe and other third world countries too queue up to get launched their satellites through our PSLV
Rockets! What I want to say is the paradigm shift in high definition, highly precision delivery market of
satellite launch has become just another busting sector for India, a third world country.
The same thing happened in manufacturing sector, due to highly paid human resource Europe and
America totally become un competitive in some sector across the world, on the other hand third world
countries like China, India, Vietnam, the Philippines have succeed in achieving competitiveness in some
sectors like FMCG, Consumer Goods, Cutleries and other House hold goods against their western and
European competitors, in fact today to keep their competitiveness Western and European Multinational
Giants shifting their manufacturing base in third world countries like China and India, or they just
outsourced manufacturing processes and business processes to cheaper waged third world countries.
Due to this Asian companies are enjoying an extraordinary growth in terms of Manufacturing and Sales
figures, also due to these growing demands across the sectors improved wages of Asian workers in almost
all the sector from Educated to skilled workers. Due to this their lifestyle have improved very much and it
has on other hand created huge demand in Real Estate, Auto Sector, Consumer Goods, Luxury Gods and
Tourism sector.
On the other hand Western and European people have lost their spending power due to lost jobs and
market monopoly of their Countries Companies!
For almost 200 years, Europe and West monopolized in so many sector from Space, Nuclear Energy,
Automobile, Medicine, Defense, IT etc. but today the reality has changed, The story is same, roles are
also the same but the Stage has shifted else wear and Performers too have changed.
Yes changed for the better!



Learning Curves


The cost of Ignorance.

Most of us believe that as a businessman we know everything which it requires, we mostly live in such
notion and proclaim that we have become an expert of our domain. But all is not true there, some time it
proves wrong also! The reason is the ignorance.
As humans we mostly take things for granted, we borrow even the experience of other person without
even knowing that it has relevance to our domain or not. Or the experience is first hand or just he or she
also carry forwarded as merely a belief! This is our weakness, we mostly believe in said and herd things
and also start believing, and even we apply our own logic there! But this is nothing but the height of our
ignorance! The matter which we do not know firsthand, though we apply our logic there, is there any
logic? Unacceptable for many but truth is truth and we have to accept.
Take the case of marketing, so many marketing executives feel that they know everything; they Know
consumer behavior, expectations of prospective customer, the overall market condition, etc. even though
they fail to reap benefit of their expertise. Why? Because what he or she says is not experience but
notions, an imagination which is not tasted with reality. The way you cannot learn to swim on a Blanket,
you cannot master marketing of any trade that easily and without actually gaining firsthand experience.
Learning things from college is good, it gives a way to learn new things, but it is not parameter of your
real knowledge! What you learn from book is somewhat past material, in the time of information being
spread at the sped of lightening, you have to update every day with the latest in your domain. Things are
getting obsolete very fast.
You might be aware of your father or grandfather saying that he used a bicycle for 40 years without
changing it with new one. Whenever it required he got it repaired but in 40 years he did not change it!
And today, till the age of a teenager any one change two, three bicycles to adjust with growing height!
And about mobile phones, everyone knows! I myself changed four mobiles in last seven years, and then
think about these days youngsters, just like garments, they also change mobile phones replacing with
advance models!
What I want to say is, things are getting obsolete very fast, the same thing is happening with acquired
knowledge; we have to update it every day and every hour. Then how we can say we know everything
about our domain, our trade? Even this small ignorance could spoil our few meetings with prospective
customers. So we are paying highest cost of ignorance as humans. Some people even in life time could
not able to come out of some ignorance. The reason is Belief, acceptance of any matter without even
rectifying it. And the result is grown ignorance further!
Whether it is Science or Technology, commerce or economics, ignorance is everywhere. Take the case of
political leaders, so many of them proclaim that he or she knows the mood of his constituency before
election and when they lose out on election, they say the mood of public changed with so and so! They
do not accept the reality that political science has unpredictable outcomes, and you cannot take things for
granted. You have to be very careful to charm your people and listen to them, understand their problems



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It really hurts, but the solution is to coming out of our ignorance as soon as possible.



Learning Curves


Changing trend of Advertising and Sales Promotion.

Since the spread of satellite channel and then the internet, the whole advertising and sales promotion trend
has taken paradigm shift.
In the early seventies to the end of twentieth century there was three major advertising and sales
promotion media including Print, Outdoor and Television channel mostly owned by governments. But
with the advent of satellite TV channels and expanding cable network things started taking new shape and
now even further Direct to Home and Full HD quality Telecast and increased bandwidth of internet has
given completely new shape to advertising and sales promotion domain.
With the increased number of Television channels media planning is getting more intricate and
decentralized as per regional audience, earlier it was only one or two languages like Hindi and English
now there are numerous vernacular regional Television network providing almost all content in particular
regional language like Bangla, Udia, Tamil, Panjabi etc. with these option available, now the Ad content,
the message has to be as per TV Channel then only you can enjoy enough viewership and able to do your
message through. This has given rise to Media Production Cost as well as creating mesh for media
planner to distribute TVC budget strategically to selected bunch of TV channels rather than on or two
On the other side internet is getting its pace further and emerging as complete media of information,
communication and entertainment. This again is relatively new challenge to address. New marketers or all
marketers, everyone has to take great pain in selecting the proper channel to advertise their product and
services on internet.
Now information distribution has taken shape of e-mail and E-letters and Online Directories and company
websites serves the purpose of online marketing instead of only traditional printed literature, catalogs and
visual aids! In early days, product launch was a mega event on the prepared stages in Exhibition Hall,
Company Headquarters and it was covered by Print and television media, now there is entry of Internet,
live Telecast of the same event has been possible on Internet as well as show reel play on sites like You
Tube is in thing for marketers.
So it is a new world for marketers and challenges are getting bigger and bigger. Especially to gauge
proper media channel in terms of Television Channel, the programme, similarly selecting social and high
traffic portal selection and positioning of the online ad in strategic pages to gate maximum eye balls.
And these is not enough, then with 3G facility, Mobile has emerged one more new age marketing media
for marketers, SMS and MMS marketing is now play major role to create major decisions for any
customer who are not enjoy or available to TV or internet. Even few marketers are bullish on the Mobile
Advertising since it represents entire young generation from Teenagers to young adults.
Transformation of part of life and media is no exception at all, everything is getting specialized from Print
Media, TV channels to Internet, and you have hundreds of choices available to push your brand, take for
instance specialized magazines for Car market, Jewellery Market, Consumer Goods to Coffee table Books
and Leisure Magazines. Similarly thee is portals for every requirements ranging from Social networking,
professional networking, business networking, Youth sites, sites dedicated to Online Trade, Forums to


Learning Curves


discuss Social and political issues, Trade directories from B to B and B to C, so it is almost getting more
and more fragmented.
Now days majority Teens, Youths and Adults are spending major leisure time in surfing Internet may be
on PC, Palm Tops, Tablet PC or mobile phone! It is increasingly getting in thing, even the elderly people
are not left behind, and they also utilize their leisure time on surfing internet! Internet being a three
pronged media for information, communication and entertainment is getting more and more priority for
majority of audience who is educated and acquainted with computers! Even it hardly takes uneducated to
get even with PC and utilize Internet.
In short the whole Advertising and sales promotion activity is taking new shape and fragmented targeted
audience is the reality of present world and it will further get fragmented with new media options!
Posted on: 2011-11-04



Learning Curves


Growing importance of Marketing Tools.

Days are gone for only salesmanship and supplying goods against orders of customers, today
every Manufacturer has to market its products carefully with creation of in house marketing department
or need to appoint associate Marketing Company to look after the marketing affairs of the products
manufactured by any company.
Why marketing is getting more and more important? Because this is not the time of feeding requirements
through available products, this century is of consumers, consumerism is in its best and prominent phase.
Today there are hundreds of brand available in Home appliances, Clothing, Fans, TVs, Cars Trucks and so
many will be introduced every year pass on! This is the time where production is more than demand.
Virtually every company has to fight for securing its market share for certain products they manufacture.
There is Brand war, price war, to survive in markets across the country and the Globe as well.
Twenty years back there were only three or four Bike and Scooters brand in India, today there is more
than hundred brands of Bikes and Scooters. Not customer has a lot of choice to choose from.
This is the reason why you need more and more powerful marketing tools to tame competition and
consolidate markets across the country or the world over. Due to multiple choices for single requirement,
customer is at advantage to purchase his choice of product and as per his capacity also.
Now the biggest question for any marketer is how to persuade prospective customer to buy its Brand and
what should be pitch to compel to buy its products.
Here comes the major role of Marketing Tools, for every function there are tools available to do it
properly and effortlessly to harness better results. Similarly for Marketing there you need precise and
highly persuasive marketing tools which can help you to charm your prospective customer, once you able
to charm prospective customer in to customer, it creates reflexes as well referral for the Product brand
which ultimately help ease sale of the particular product easy.
You may want to know that which tools are called Marketing Tools.
Here I list such tools which fall under category of marketing Tools,
1. Advertisement in Newspaper, Magazine, Internet, Television or on Outdoor Hoarding and Billboards.
2.Below the Line Marketing Tools like, Product Brochure, Leaflets, Danglers, Posters, Handbills,
Attractive Packaging, Merchandise etc.
3.For Direct Marketing You also need Marketing tools in the form of Video Documentary, Flash
Presentations, Power Point Presentation or Visual Aid.
4. As part of new marketing media which is popularly called internet marketing, search engine marketing,
you need Online Internet Advertisement in the form of Simple JPG Document, or Flash Ad. or Video
Advertisement to run on any website or portal. There are other form of marketing tools in online sphere
are, Blogs, Product reviews, Product recommendations by experts, Online Product Portfolio in the form
of Flash Presentation, Video Document or in the form of formal Website, Online Brand Survey etc.


Learning Curves


So these are the marketing tools, and most of you aware of it as marketing professional or a Business
As much as there is increase in number of choice for a particular product requirement, keeping market
share of your Product brand is getting more and more difficult, for the solution you need very carefully
prepared persuasive marketing tools as per marketing strategy and form of marketing and you may need
to create new markets for your certain products too.
Just take the case of LIC, before the entry of multinational Life insurance companies in India, it was at
complete advantage to get Insurance customers as a lone player, today there is more than twenty life
insurance company operate in Indian market so it is getting tough for LIC to keep its market intact, the
other players gradually biting LICs market share in market all across India. Today you have so many
choices in terms of selecting Life Insurance Policy, even there are number of option in product segment
available from different Insurance Companies.
Same has happened to Non life Insurance sector, Bonds Mutual Funds and Banking Services. There is no
more Government monopoly or special package to any Government company. This is an open and global
market policy days all across the segments.
Whether it is FMCG, Consumer Goods, Capital Goods, Services or Essential Services like Electricity,
Water Supply, Drainage or Road infrastructure every segment has numerous competitors and players with
different capacity and Product mix. So there is no scope for any doubts that you need to have very sharp
and effective Marketing Tools, if you do not invest in preparing proper Marketing Tools, you are bound to
lose your market share or trail to achieve market growth you want.
For precise and impeccable marketing tools as per your Product mix, Capacity and your market position,
you can call us for the service at any time.
Posted on



Learning Curves


The challenge of overcoming our inhibitions.

In our life we have to pass through countless challenges whether it is social life or the professional life
challenges are there and it keeps on arising out of different corners of life. And it is extremely difficult to
pass through them without any ones help!
We definitely do not want to keep on facing challenges alone and definitely seek some permanent
solution. The solution lies in using our wisdom.
From my childhood I have faced numerous challenges and I sometime succeed in tackling some of them,
and most of the time I failed due to various reasons. But for almost 34 years of coming to terms with life,
with my own understanding, I found one thing very strange which plays very strong role in failing us to
tackle each problem of our life independently is none other than our inhibitions. We humans are all the
time flooded with number of inhibitions which are mostly created due to lack of our abilities or
concentration towards any task or understanding any situation. And this is not enough we also keep on
following others inhibitions to our rescue to fly away from some difficult situations which we find
difficult to handle with our abilities!
The irony is that we hardly touch or respect someones experience to improve our situation but without
doubt we take up any ones inhibitions for our so called rescue, the escapism!
Looking at the different eventualities, I came to conclusion that our escapism plays major role in
increasing our inhibitions.
You may have herd your friend saying that his friend faced so many problems in taking up science as
subject in higher secondary so he also decided to opt for commerce since it is relatively easy! Strange,
right! He does not know the real reason for his friends failure but just listening the story, he decided to
opt for Commerce!
The fact is we live our 75 percent of life with inhibitions which we have adopted in our life from our
surroundings like friends and other members of our society! Most of the time we keep on saying that I
know this and that, but think genuinely that how many of our claims have real firsthand experience.
Hardly few of them!
The wisdom is that we distinguish between the reality and the inhibitions.
Truth is that some challenges in life spare no one to find rescue in excuse, in terms of inhibitions, cant
we care for observing that what we are using as rescue is true experience of our own or someone elses or
the shallow inhibitions?
Biggest obstacle to human progress is inhibitions, if we keep on challenging such inhibitions, we can
achieve anything.
I just give you my own example, I used to suffer from piles for quite long time, so many people told me
that I should do Ayurvedic treatment and some said I should do Allopathic treatment. When I did
Allopathic treatment, the doctor told me that if the medication does not affect you then you should get
done operation and remove piles permanently. Since I did not have experience of operation on my body, I
used to escape the surgery due to un known fear, that happened for three years, again some people and


Learning Curves


even doctor said that piles may recur and you may need further treatment, confused with all the
suggestions I further suffered badly, but one day I decided that whatever happen there may be but today I
am sure to get operated the piles out of my body and did the same thing, I just went to a General Surgeon
and asked him to remove my hemorrhoids with laser surgery, and now I am recovering fast from the
surgery wounds too!
So I on myself with my own guts and grace of god learnt to overcome my inhibition and emerged
successful. If I did not tried to overcome my fears, then still I would have to suffer the piles pain.
Hence we all humans need to overcome our inhibitions, and should be strong and live on our own will.
This is the real essence of being human.
Posted on: 2011-10-22



Learning Curves


How to sail through the looming recession in America and Europe?

Once again, the fear of recession is looming large on the world from both the corners, the America and
the Europe.
But do we really need to worry about it? Or should use this opportunity to our advantage! May be you
feel short of opinion since the situation is little confusing. But if you give a careful look then the whole
picture is more promising for us.
Because this time particularly, India is not at receiving end when it comes to win favors. It has its local
demand and improved infrastructure to sustain at least steady growth for the current fiscal. The factor
behind the promising picture is due to reform process and further freed economy from the government
controls. Also we have learned quite a few lessons to please our customers from any part of the world
with small or large budget. In the late last decade we were not in full control of our front line horses, but
this time there is completely different story.
Whether it is IT or manufacturing The capital goods or the FMCG, we have scaled new heights in all
most all the sectors! The reason behind this success is the added competitiveness of our personnel due to
constant international exposure in terms of project handling and reinstating of India bound professionals
from America and Europe who looks for better and commanding positions at good companies back home
for secure future ahead. So this time we have trained horses, with relatively law attrition rate and higher
dedication to attract more demanding buyers across the world.
As per me it is a win-win situation for Indians if taken this opportunity in their stride with some
compromise on the remuneration front. Also this time we are not only cheap outsourcing services
providers but grown in the BTO, Business Transformation Services provider to the developed world. It
will be really exciting to deliver our own products to customers rather than just completing their projects
as cheap workers. Similarly due to one decade of healthy growth in India, our local market is also offering
greater opportunity in terms of product and services sales.
Whether it is Telecommunication, IT or Automobile sector or the manufacturing of capital goods and
various machinery, we have very good demand of all these things at fairly competitive rates, sometime
even better rates then the offered rate for outsourcing services to the developed world. So, instead of
panicking for the next big recession, think about next big opportunity, and that too with favorable human
resources conditions in almost every sector.
And I see it will be a healthy growth opportunity for India, because this time both the employers and
employees are benefiting from each other, instead of one side game this is a fare game to each other. The
biggest positive impact on the Indian side will be lesser reliance on the Govt. jobs and more attractive and
lucrative opportunities to promising individuals at home.
One thing is sure, that after this recession in America and in Europe there will be a completely new world
order with renewed respect for local products and local human resource. And the trade between the
different nations of Europe and America will be more mature with mutual benefit and with each others
national interest too.



Learning Curves


The policy shift in USA clearly shows that they are learning to respect local brands, favoring local
companies for raw material and care for their own population for better job prospectus. The same thing
will happen in the Europe too which is short of funds and renewed demand at home. So This time it will
be even more beneficial to concentrate huge promising local market and in balance looking for the
overseas markets.
Disclaimer: The writer is the independent economic analyst and observer of the changing trends in the
world economy.
The views expressed in this article are my own assessment.
Posted on: 2011-10-03 BY Bakul Valambhiya



Learning Curves


Failure is the real buster of Success.

In our life, we always crave for success, success and success in whichever way we get it. But when there
is success, certainly there will be failure too. There is not only success or only failure. Sometime you win,
some time you lose!
Instead of moaning on you failure, try to analyze the true cause of your failure, in that manner, you will
able to know that what mistake you made and why it happened? So in next attempt you will certainly not
repeat the mistake! There is no other way to improve your mistake and harness success.
This is the reason that convinces me that failure is the real buster of success. Take the case of so many
renowned scientists, political figures across the world. They did not blame others for their failure, in fact
they never moaned for their failure but taken their failure in their stride and keep on improving
themselves, and the result is in front of us that still after decades and centuries we have to remember
them, respect them as real genius.
So there is not a single man in the world who did not tasted failure. Just take example of a child, just
observe it when it try to stand up first time in its life, observe that how many time it falls and after how
many efforts it become successful in standing on its own feet!
Similarly look at Gandhiji, he did not succeed in removing British rule from India in single attempt! He
kept up his movement; he analyzed his failure, learnt from it and keep up improving his struggle. And
here we are! A liberated sovereign nation called India.
If Gandhiji would have thought that his movement with non-violence theory is wrong and meaningless,
today he would not be the sole figure of non-violence in the world and so many political figures and
common citizens across the globe would not taken him as a role model!
Hence it is totally up to us, how we look at the two sided coin, if you need a coin you will have to accept
both the side of coin, you cannot expect only one side, stop looking the failure as the split side of success,
but acknowledge that with success and failure together one coin exist, I simply call it life!
Posted on: 2011-07-22



Learning Curves


How can we manage business better?

When we talk about managing business, there comes the question of the type of business, the size of
business, area of business and so many other questions.
It is not only knowing the technical or production part of the business but you need expertise in managing
business affairs like worker management, finance resource management, business promotion
management, business marketing management etc.
Now when it comes to handle these many domains it creates a real challenge these days. Because as a
business owner you may have one of two expertise, but you your self can not be expert in all aspect of
In this situation you need to hire some professionals to look after different responsibilities of your
business management. For that you cannot compromise at all. Since there is your money and credibility at
stake you cannot take chances by doing everything yourself. If you do such things together yourself, there
may be chances of ruining the efficiency of your business to survive in the market full of competition.
For such challenge, now you have a better option to reduce input cost of managing your business through
BPO means Business Process Outsourcing, through the outsourcing of noncore activity of your business
management, you can reduce your managerial as well as financial burden of managing your business
alone as well as with minimum human resource in terms of financial managers, back office workers,
customer care, CRM etc. For that you only need to contact Business Process Outsourcing Service
provider who can understand your requirement and provide you efficient services through outsourcing
based services.
Through the outsourcing you can get done so many noncore processes with marginally law cost. there are
hundreds of compatible Business Services Provider in the state of Gujarat as well as across the country
with good team of looking after your required services.
In some cases even onshore outsourcing services provider provide you greater benefits due to different
pay tariff of workers in different region of the country.
So next time when you face difficulty in managing your business, do not worry or try to reduce size of
your business or changing your business, but start outsourcing your noncore business management
processes to these BPO Services providers.
Posted on: 2011-06-20



Learning Curves


Growing Opportunity in Organized Sector.

Time is rapidly changing all across the world in terms of industry and manufacturing. only a couple of
decades ago it was all Vishwakarma Brothers who turned every stone to bring in latest technology in
Indian Version for majority of manufacturing sectors, in those days enterprises in India were relatively
small or medium scale.
As time passes by the ratio is changing, since majority of industry growing leap and bound, here in India
and across the world, it goes under the fold of organized sector and corporate sector.
Here the point is, when such industry go in to the hands of organized players or in the hands of private
sector corporate, we the Vishwakarma brothers face a lot of trouble in terms of Marketing, Business
dealing and running business with latest practices in the industry due to lake of education and marginal
importance to proper education. Since we have technical and designing expertise, till date we hardly give
importance to Proper marketing, business management and creating atmosphere like other corporate from
various sectors.
Here what we need to understand that in the world gripped with capitalists, it is getting more and more
difficult to run any business, selling any skill or expertise straight away, capitalists just buy out skills and
expertise with money so it is really getting tough for all Vishwakarma brothers or sale their skills and
expertise. Everywhere you will find mediators and contractors from other community and most of our
Vishwakarma brothers end up being skilled labors! So it is time to sharpen our skills in both the aspect, in
Technical, designing, manufacturing as well as marketing the same along with best business practices.
Posted on: 2011-06-06 at



Learning Curves


It is all about initiating task and better results will follow automatically.
Most of the times we people think so much before doing something, some time for days and month also!
In such a situation sometime even we forget that for what we started thinking? What was the core
objective etc? This is what I want to say, that thinking is obviously a matter of important but do not
exaggerate it in such a way that you forget your objectives, the work you want to do.
So many times we come to know that someone started thinking about a project and after a period of time
he left the project half way or not started at all! Why? Because of he thought about the eventualities and
future outcome of the project much more and due to that mental Burdon, he was not in position to carryon
his new venture, that is why some old scholars used to say Jyada soch ne se hosle kamzor ho jate hai, it
means due to more thinking your guts-determination gets weaker.
That is why there is wisdom in initiating new task with reasonable thinking and perfect vision rather then
thinking too much.
This particular phenomenon is not peculiarly visible in minimal educated but in highly educated people,
the reason behind such strange reality is the so called education we get from different institution, which
has thousands of book on so many subjects, highly detailed study of different subjects which can flood
your memory with so many reference and belief system which result in to delayed decisions, slow
thinking due to Burdon of so much knowledge The bookish knowledge.
When you stop practical decision and go more theoretical, sometime is slows the process of your act, so
many suggestions and theories in mind about a single task delays final decision got it!
So friends do not take education as magic stick of your progress or getting clever, you need to have your
own guts-determination to face any result positive or negative of your act, then you can be a good
entrepreneur. Otherwise you will be a failure in your own eyes!
Posted on: 2011-05-29

Opportunities for all Vishwakarma Brothers are there but what about willingness?


Learning Curves


There are abundant opportunities for highly skilled people across the nation as well as across the world.
Day by day people across the world leave behind the inherited skills for so called higher paying 9 to 5
jobs. So still we are at advantage to get such work from all the corners of our nation and the world as
But to tap this opportunity, we will have to have willingness! May be you have less education or not well
versed in English, no problem, but if you do not have willingness to carry on your career as skilled
craftsman then no one can help you.
Here the problem is not the scarcity of work or higher competitions, but the lake of willingness, until we
leave our laziness no one will takers of our skills!
For so many years I used to here from many of our brothers that there is not enough opportunity for us
and less skilled people are taking away our jobs, but friends, wake up, do we find that the world is going
back to stone age and people losing their intellect? Not at all!
This excuse will not work for so long you will have to leave it or else be ready to be left behind. Because
the bus of development is so fast that it does not wait for lazy souls!
Consumption of tobacco and smoking is gripping our youth; now tell me how long they will able to to
better skilled work which requires greater physical strength!
So it is time to catch opportunity not for excuse!
Posted on: 2011-05-26 at

Why we are trailing as a Community in terms of Financial freedom?



Learning Curves


For so long this question comes to my mind and I keep on thinking that why it is our community which
suffers most in terms of financial crises, what is the real reason behind it, what is the factor which refrain
us from being financially stable? After meticulous observation I noticed few reasons in terms of our social
values, individual behavior and some external factors which mostly create these problems to our
Now let me elaborate about the observations I have; when we talk about the social values, we have such
on the bases of the popular notions then creating our unique set of value system. When we ape popular
values from the society as a whole, there will be so many things which are not suitable for us, but we still
adhere to them because a bigger mass is following those traditions! But we fail to address our unique
priorities as a community which solely survives on the strength of our skills.
Due to this we are highly different from other community of our society, so for the better survival we
must believe that it is our skills which should be transferred to our new generation, maybe there will be
some difficulty to sustain it in youngsters since they are highly exposed to the popular culture and such
social values But we should not forget that our investment and future is our skill set and not anything else.
For example most of us are so innovative in terms of intellect, if we ignore this and try to live like other
people around us, we may survive but we will not able to carry on our expertise, on which we have
created such a powerful influence as a community with higher practical skills! Here is not the matter of
breaking away from the main stream of our society but we have to sail through in the society with our
unique social values! Whatever we do in life whatever profession we take up, but we should at heart feel
proud to have legacy of talented and skilled for fathers, because it takes generations to form a tradition of
excellence and few decades to spoil it. So it is our duty to sustain our unique culture.
Similarly when we look at the individual manner, we are so much reserved and lake interpersonal skill in
terms of discussion, and elaborating about our knowledge, What I mean to say the even though we know
so much we are shying away or avoid to speak in public, we afraid to communicate our thoughts, we have
learnt a lot to do in terms to work but we least concentrate on communication skills, so other people take
advantage of us, they buy our skills or higher us and they sale our skills to other buyers just through better
communication skills! So we need to be a little talkative for our progress, because if we are not able to
say what we can do or how we have done so and so task, we will not be noticed by the other people! To
consider as talented and capable people, we will have to learn our own marketing.
Similarly there are some external factors too in terms of deterring factors to halt our progress! But I
would not discuss here in detail, since I am of the opinion that if we excuse for the external forces to halt
our progress, we will never learn to prove our worth! So it is not important to note any one of them here.
In fact I believe that if we perfect ourselves, the external factors which are halting our progress will
automatically give way to us, they are halting our progress due to our inability to tackle them fight them
as a talented and highly skilled community, for that we need unity and brotherhood, then only we will
stop trailing and start leading the society.
Posted on: 2011-05-03 at

Who knows Tomorrow?



Learning Curves


Most of us are accustomed do worry for tomorrow, some of us worry about future in career some of us
worry about our future in business etc. But any one of you have ever thought why we are so concerned
about our future?
The most obvious answer is no or do not have clear idea! Yes here is what we need to understand that
why there is so much worry about earning safety? What causes us to worry about future, and there will be
a bunch of reasons like; for the better education of children, to buy a good set of Bengals for your wife, to
buy a better house then the existing one bed, hall and kitchen! May be the reasons are too much.
But the fact is none of them have the face of reality, actually reality is different, and most of us not ready
to face it even though we knew it for so long! That is depriving us from enjoying our present, enjoying
our present work! Since we do not enjoy today, we want to spare it for tomorrow, we want to better our
tomorrow! But not ready to enjoy today, feels ironical but very true, just give a thought and you will
realize it. When we are not enjoying the present, obviously we will not able to feel enjoyment of work we
do, and gradually we start disliking our work.
This is how we stat our self destruction. We do not love our present and that is why we do not love our
present work and when such thing happen, there is obvious that most of us start to worry about future!
Future is nothing but a pending enjoyment or pain of which we ourselves are not sure that will face it or
not! And gentlemen this is the worst reality of mankind! We have tried to prove ourselves superior, more
talented compare to other living being, but we are making a big mistake, from the very old age we have
started taking inspiration from other creatures like birds, animals etc. Even there are proofs of Birds and
Animals worship all across the world.
Even thought we have not been able to learn everything from them, and one lesson which we yet to learn
from them as human beings is to love our present. No Dog, cow or Buffaloes spare anything for
tomorrow, if they have food they eat it whole heartedly and if they do not have it, they may do fasting, but
they never think that they will spare for tomorrow since last week there was not enough food for three
consequent days! I do not say that we become animals form humans, but since we all take inspiration
from the nature, then we certainly need to take this lesson from them. Look at the irony, we spare a big
chunk of our income to save for future and wellbeing of the family, but the fact is we are not sure about
the future, that whether we will be there in the future to enjoy the savings or not. So the question is not
why should we save or not save from our income but how much and at what cost, even at the cost of our
present! Then it will be like I spare an apple out of two for tomorrow even though I know that I enjoy
fresh apples only! Here is what we need to change, that is enjoying sufficiently from what you have today,
and if anything spared thereafter, save it for tomorrow! If you able to live like this, then you will certainly
would like to do what you do in your working hours and will not leave it for tomorrow! If we somewhat
keep alive a child within us, we would learn this way of life much easier, because children enjoy what
they do and enjoy that too. Similarly, they eat whatever till they feel to eat; they do not think that what
about tomorrow?

The simple message for all the next generation youngsters is that sometime it is better to do next on next
day this is the only way to learn enjoying our present and keeping worry of tomorrow at bay!



Learning Curves


Posted on: 2011-05-03

It is not about what you do, but important is how to do!



Learning Curves


When it comes to doing business most of us keep on thinking what to do this is a big question again
annoying all of us and we keep on changing business or industry, because when you do something, you
will see something new then you will start running after that. This way you literally keep on moving one
business to another, and at the end of the day what you get is a lot of pain and burden of doing one after
other business in terms of financial loss and the greatest loss of time! So stop for a moment and take a
novel route, that is not about keep on changing business and trade but it is about changing the way you do
your existing business.
Most of us just keep on doing any business in routine manner, we always afraid of experimenting, and
after some time we lose interest in it since we fail to retain our customer base or do not able to attract new
customers. In such situation you end up changing business or trade, here you need to do something else
what I say is starting experimenting with customer choices, value edition to existing customers, providing
different options to deal with you and increased comfort through relationship building beyond the
business purpose.
This way you will able to retain them as well as get more output from them also in terms of increased
faith and increased number of orders. But it is not that easy to do then said! for that you will have to put
behind your greed to save too much or securing big profit so quickly, saving on expenses or promotion
work is not a quick fix to increase profit margins or increasing operating capital, but increased number of
order of same product or service will definitely serve the purpose!
Because when you able to secure bigger number of order for similar goods or services, you can also
reduce your input cost and also get chances for better bargain in terms of raw material purchase and hr
optimization too. But to achieve this goal, first you need to be more optimistic and need to have
perseverance. If you lack any one of it, you will not able to do what I said. So next time when you think
of changing business or trade, stop a while and try to do what I said and you will definitely have a better
return with the same business and trade in which already you are.
Posted on: 2011-05-20

SME a greater boost to our entrepreneurship spirit.



Learning Curves


Yes, there may be some people from our community who may not understand this abbreviation. Let me
tell you SME means Small and Medium Enterprises. Yes we are talking about the small and medium scale
enterprises, the back bone of our national progress.
Believe it or not but we the small and micro enterprise owner have done great job for the progress of
India, due to such enterprises, numerous people have jobs in suburban areas in towns and villages! The
lion share of our national GDP comes from this SMEs and no one can ignore these contributors that is
why, worlds reputed financial institutions favor growth of SMEs. They want to help them build fast and
efficient. In fact these are the enterprise which creates demand for raw material as well as produce
products cheaper and regionally available.
There are so many products and consumer goods which is practically impossible to manufacture by big
enterprises-large industries, but so easy for the SMEs. So there is not any reason to worry about the future
of SMEs. And being traditional entrepreneurs we as all Vishwakarma brothers should take this
opportunity to create great wealth in our society, we can have credits for creating job and independents to
pursue our interests. This is the best time to start SMEs, just leave jobs which are routine or does not have
safe future, be your own boss.
Posted on: 2011-05-19 at

Opportunity Knocking Our Doors



Learning Curves


Dear all brothers; just have a look at the growing influence of India across the world, look at the increased
foreign direct investment in India, look at the booming real estate sector and increased number of rich
people in India.
These all are inviting our attention to grab greater opportunity in terms of winning orders for
Manufacturing in Engineering, Furniture, Other precision products as well as numerous high skill jobs
like Architecture, Interior Design, Machinery Designing, Construction supervision etc.
We all know that we have inherited knowledge and skills in these areas, we have time and again proved
our excellence in this fields and industry domains. Only thing we need to have proper education and
learning approach to market ourselves. Only thing which deter us from being center of attention of the
world is our inefficiency in spoken English and written English.
If we all keep on learning this international language, we can communicate us properly. And if we are
able to do it, no one will refrain us from being the most advanced craftsmen and technocrats in the world!
So make sure that you get control on English language in terms of reading writing and speaking!
Posted on: 2011-05-17 at

Inspiring Millions.


Learning Curves


Today at home I was viewing a documentary on DD Channel related to Shri Anna Hazare, a visionary in
himself so inspiring he is; only we know when we listen to him, a humble man, a retired military driver
who changed lives of millions today by his endeavor.
It clearly shows that you do not have to be highly educated or influential to get don jobs across the table,
but it is about your vision and determination to fulfill a decided goal in certain time of period, and when it
comes to influence masses for social and financial independence, all you have to do is to me a good
listener, a leader to walk along other team met and readiness to sacrifice selfish ambition. Similarly when
we want to achieve a larger goal to achieve community brotherhood through financial independence by
doing business with each others, we will have to leave behind our inhibitions and move towards cooperation with each other.
It is time we leave behind or differences and personal choices to achieve a mutually beneficial goal. It
may look a little unsighted goal and irrelevant objective, but time and again history has proved that it is
the strength of masses which can influence critical decisions of popular governing bodies. So friends let
us take inspiration from Shri Anna Hazare for un corrupt leadership, vision to lead masses and fulfill the
aspiration of millions with utter professionalism.
As he said in the interview that we do not want donations, because donations/freebies make us worthless,
we can never get to know our worth but it is the self dedication, willingness to work and joint efforts of
all the people to bring true revolution where any individual can stand in the society with self respect and
earning of his own.
Posted on: 2011-05-15

Easy Money, but How? Why?



Learning Curves


We all dream to earn easy money, for that we keep on pulling different tutorial and run after so many
ideas for earning easy money. But have we ever try to sit back and think for what we need easy money,
and what is the role of easy money in our life?
Yes there are too many options to earn easy money; I do not need to name those ways since we all know
as part of the society. When looked carefully, the fact is there is no relevance of easy money in our life,
the way money comes, the way it goes. If there is anything to believe, that is earning money with
intelligence! So we need to differentiate between easy money and intelligent money earning. Intelligent
earning is the result of genuine efforts to streamline your efforts and distribution of work with large
number of people. Or else you have creative knack to create something which yield relatively big amount
of money compare to traditional labor.
So try to earn intelligently rather than easily, because when you do not have acknowledgement of your
efforts of earning the amount, you will not even have intelligence to check that what you are spending and
for what you are spending is of appropriate cost or relevance.
Posted on: 2011-05-07

Growing Opportunity for All Vishwakarma Families.



Learning Curves


When we look at the present scenario, the manufacturing sector, particularly the engineering
sector is booming in India. The factor behind this change is the increased number of American and
European Companies outsourcing their Engineering Services Needs to Indian Manufacturers. In this trend
the majority of jobs are of Grey Casting, Investment Casting, Forging and Machining.
Since we have inherited knowhow of pattern making, die and mould making, we are at advantage to en
cash this great opportunity as precision service provider. For every part or component casting they need
pattern and mould, for every forging need they need die. So here we have opportunity to create our strong
hold as designers and developers, and when it comes to Gujarat and particularly Rajkot has achieved its
supreme position when it comes to Grey casting, Investment Casting and forging. It is in the top twenty
list of fastest growing industrial hub across the world!
So it is all about honing our skills and updating to technological change to be key player in this twenty
firs century industrial revolution in our country. Whether it is Gujarat or the Maharashtra or the Northern
corridor, hundreds of engineering houses are coming up to provide quality and finished Casting and
forging parts for various applications in different industry including, Oil Refining, Aeronautics,
Automobile Components, Engine Parts and other heavy and high tensile parts for various applications. It
is time to team up and creating momentum, again this century is for excellent craftsmen that we are!
Posted on: 2011-05-06 at

When we will start updating with the World?



Learning Curves


When we look at our inherited skills and knowledge, we are among the masters in designing, crafting,
mechanical and engineering jobs. Still we are missing is capacity to felt presence world over with our
communication skills. To address this problem we will have to go back to learning desks and start
learning about communication, promotion and marketing theory. With these we will able to put our
thoughts and expertise in front of other people across the world.
As Vishwakarma brothers we need unity, perseverance to manage our business like other entrepreneurs
with greater corporate skills. SO this is a great time for us to educate our children well in all the areas of
industry including; science, technology, commerce, arts along with engineering and craftsmanship.
Posted on: 2011-05-05 at

Why you need to upgrade your marketing tools?



Learning Curves


The way the human desire changes and the way the priorities of consumer changes, you need to change
your marketing tools, replacing them with more upgraded and better poised to target the consumer.
To cope with the fast changing social values and life style, the marketer has to be very particular in
approaching his targeted customer. In this fast changing world everything becomes obsolete within short
span of time, and one has to lookout for much better and something special.
It is not only evident in FMCG segment or consumer durable market, but in all most all the spheres of
market, whether it is technology, or science, a product or service. Each and every segment of industry
needs up gradation with very short intervals to sustain the lead in its market segment.
The first and the foremost panic button for any marketer is the rival product. That they are offering
something new and batter at the cheaper rate than him is the most evident question.
So how to tackle this problem without getting out of the market at the reasonable cost and efforts is the
need of an hour.
Well looking at the problem more preciously the problem itself is offering the solution.
What is happening in front of us is cheaper and sub branded taking place of branded and established.
Each and every ethics of brand loyalty and consumer choice for repeated purchase is remotely over. It has
been limited to the upper segment of and The Luxury brand only that you somewhere find brand royalty.
No manufacturer has left a single stone unturned when it comes to cost cutting and innovation.
In this situation major disadvantage to the marketer is unwanted inventories, insufficient return on the
investment for promotion and sales force training.
In this scenario the better solution is moving with the winds and gets thriving. This is the most successful
and viable tool for any marketer to make wheels moving. And I am not completely but partially
convinced with that.
Why and how? I will tell you now. Every one of us know that you cannot stop tornado, but certainly can
bent you down to safeguard yourself during the most devastating force, and again stand up once it is over,
and again be farm for the future. Similarly if you are in the marketing field and being worst affected by
these days hierarchy of cheaper and sub branded products flooding the market, be relaxed dont lose your
hope, the days for reasonable and quality products will definitely be back within few years, once the
tornado of cheaper and sub branded products is over.
Living in the civilized society you no longer have any thing of permanent nature, social and lifestyle
changes are continuing processes, which happens in cyclical motion, everything repeats at certain time.
The factors, which are most prominent, are the cheaper labor, unreasonably cheaper raw material in
certain part of the world, short sighted goals of certain government and the marginal policy which
benefits some manufacturers, and badly harm other manufacturers. But these cannot be stretched for long.
Because once the labor comes to know their rights they will no longer allow to exploit them, the cost of
raw material will definitely trigger once the demand is increased beyond limit, and the world trading body



Learning Curves


will definitely awaken to the alarming reality of defaulting nations towards international trading norms
and undermined interests of their work force, un reasonable manufacturing practices.
Those cheaper manufacturers will definitely tired of lack of funds for the R&D and certainly start legging
behind in offering newer products.
The marketers of such products will be tired due to thin margins and un-loyal consumer approach due to
lack of competitive products. This way they will also have to leave behind the idea of cheaper sub
branded products. Because no one tolerate economy perks forever! It has to be enhanced with time and
So for the time being you will have to have dual approach to tackle this challenge to be in the business
and sustaining growth. Right now you dont leave premium goods behind your shelves undermining its
potential to enhance your profits, and also do not put in all the efforts to promote the sale of cheaper and
sub branded goods, keep balance with both of these.
Keep both the goods in your arsenal depending on requirements, let people have fun with cheaper goods.
Once the honeymoon is over they will have to look for batter and reliable goods!
Lack of after sale services, guaranty on vital parts and shortage of replacement parts, people will
definitely tired with such products or service which trigger the unwanted growth in their day to day
budget due to repeated purchase of such goods.
So days will soon return for standard and branded products, which will automatically enhance brand
loyalty, the way a person who burns his tongue with hot milk will definitely test Chhas / Lassi with
double precaution!
So it is not time for panic but for introspection that how you can have further innovative approach
towards sales and marketing, and putting more efforts in developing better marketing tools which can
withstand the pressures of the cheaper goods intrusion and un-loyal consumer approach towards the
branded goods.
Note: These views are my personal interpretation of the prevailing market scenario and based on the
personal assessment.
Posted on: 2011-04-03



Learning Curves


Enterprize Resource Planning

Why you should adopt Enterprise Resource Planning System? To stream line each and every resources in
any enterprise and gaining maximum output from each and every resource to make business more
competitive and profitable with minimum efforts and less painful Business management. When you want
to enter into organized industry sector with Products or Services Portfolio, it is highly advised to organize
your resources before the further development of Business.
If you do not do that the trial and error process could wipe out your most vital liquid capital. Without
planning of resources on each and every front from material procurement, research and development,
production, inventory marketing, human resource management and the accounts with intricate care from
management echelons.
Till date there was Enterprise Resource Planning into primary stage with small and medium scale industry
due to their domestic business environment. But now days, we are getting more and more influence of
globalization, now whether we are in medium scale industry or in organized sector, for our streamlining
of resource is equally important to every business house. The relevance of enterprise resource planning is
getting louder to sustain in cutthroat competition. The influence of capitalism is evident in all shores of
the world and we are not an exception. So you have to make your enterprise fully fit and fine to take on
the compaction in open economy. Increasing computerization and growing influence of information
technology, software based computerized enterprise resource planning is todays success mantra.
Enterprise Resource Planning system is the key to your professional success and Customized software
based Enterprise Resource Planning is the key to make this process lesser complex, Less expensive
though synchronization and localization of the concept to suit your Human Resource acquaintance level
with Computer Systems. So practically you and your human resource could take advantage of the ERP
System to make every Business Process simpler and faster. In todays environment each and every
enterprise needs to realize important of Enterprise Resource Planning System as much seriously as
infrastructure, Technology, Human Resource and other Business processes.
Posted on: 2011-04-28



Learning Curves


Patience pays great.

If there is scarcity of something today, it is the scarcity of patience. We all are getting impatience; we all
want to achieve so much on all the aspects, whether it is lust, wealth or fame, we are not satisfied with
any of these and we want it more and some more till the last breath!
It is definitely a mirage which we are following for endless centuries as human being. But fail to find
solution for that.
Actually the reason behind the scarcity of patience lies here in our ignorance. The three aspirations suck
away all the patience we have in us. It is nothing but the three form of aspiration which is hard to resist
for most of us. If we try, sometime any one or two will go away or will be reduced to very small but it is
not possible to uproot entirely for most of us. It is possible with only few of saints across the world till
The reason behind the aspirations is the desire to enjoy subjective pleasure. We are so much inclined to it
that we constantly aspire to collect and want to get hold of lust, wealth and fame. For these there we may
or would go any length any depth but we want it at any cost, even the cost of the precious life which is
exclusive to human being! But there is no reason to get demoralize, there is a ray of hope for all of us.
That is the refuge in the words of saints. They have uprooted the aspirations and live beyond all of them
so if we could find a true saint and learn to refrain from such act which compels us for any of the
aspiration, we can gradually come out of the clutches of this aspiration and could live life with utter
freedom, no strings attached!
But to get freedom from aspirations we will require patience in our life because there concentration,
patience and conviction are the three most important traits required to have in us. If we are not having any
one of it or do not have enough of it, it will be very difficult for us to come out from the clutches of
aspirations. And apart from these three traits, patience is central and most important. If we lake patience,
then the rest of this one trait will be even difficult to achieve.
So if there is anything to learn very first in life to get accomplishment and attachment free life, first we
will have to learn to have patience.
Posted on: 2012-05-17



Learning Curves


Habitual Slavery.
We may think that w are free from everything and no one can withheld us at any moment, then think
again! You may be wrong or partially wrong.
The reason is that we mostly have notion that chewing tobacco, or consuming licker or smoking cigarette
are the habits and there in no other habits, but that is a half truth. There are so many habits which at first
glance feel totally normal but when there is change of time schedule, you will realize that you caught up
in the habits which you dont even know!
For example, you consume Tea in the morning with your breakfast. There is everything okay and part of
your morning breakfast but when you miss Tea on other day while staying at your aunts place. Since they
did not consume Tea in the morning! Here you will feel different, may be lazy, and then only you will
realize that you have been caught up in to the habit of Tea.
Similarly you consume Buttermilk while taking your lunch, everything is normal every day, but someday
you caught up cold and coughing. Now your Doctor will not allow you to consume Butter milk for some
days, so in this period, you will realize the lack of some taste in your lunch even though everything is
normal. Why; because the consumption of Butter milk is halted and it spoils your pleasure of eating your
lunch. This is where you realize that you have been caught up in the habit of consuming Butter milk
during your launch.
What I want to say is, we all are caught in one or another habit but we fail to realize that what we accept
as normal in life is our habit, so habits are not only smoking, liquor consumption or chewing tobacco but
all those things which we are used to do every day. And when you are without it, you will realize this fact.
So we should try to come out of such habits which are not visible in our life but definitely exist in our life,
come over your belief about the habits, accept reality and come out of Habitual slavery.
Posted on: 2011-12-14

How much is enough?



Learning Curves


For centuries mankind is busy in earning and acquiring, and further more acquiring. Till date hardly few
human beings on the earth said enough is enough. Whether it is young or old man or woman everyone
wants more and further more. Which phenomenon is creating this desire? In last few years I observed the
human life for the question and I come to some conclusion that why we cannot accomplish with certain
amount of wealth or belongings, and answer is not yet easy.
On this ground small number of people could argue with me that they know the answer, but sadly they
only know, but not believe in and adhere to that knowledge.
See everyone is with certain degree of knowledge but that is not the case here. Humans, animals, birds
and insects all to gather have knowledge of their being and have the knowledge of act they do. Even
though with this knowledge one does not able to decide how much is enough?
There are people with millions and billions of rupees but till date no one has decided and declared that
this much is enough, they all are engage in acquiring more and further more. Definitely this question is
difficult to answer at the same time it is equally interesting!
After fare amount of research and analysis I here put few thoughts of mine that it is the human greed to
enjoy five subjects with the help of five senses, which is why everyone is busy in acquiring more and
more. As much as one enjoy subjective pleasure, the hunger for such pleasure pickups further momentum,
at one point one gets completely slave to desires and just keep him busy in acquiring more and more in
terms of lust wealth and fame. Just imagine, who on earth will be fed up of these three?
For the sake of giving answer any one could say that this much is enough, but is there any millionaire or
billionaire ever told anyone that now on this much is enough and he will not earn a single penny further?
So this is simply a greed which is larger than life, it always acquire and collect more than the
As per the saints teaching, now, here, this time and on this moment this much is enough since no one
know what happen on the next moment. And since we do not know what will happen on next moment,
why should we think of the next moment, minute or hour, day or year?
So enough is enough if we adhere to the true understanding of it, the scarcity of understanding creates
persistent question which is not ready to die, how much is enough?
Posted on: 2011-10-30

Passing ball in to others court.



Learning Curves


Hardly anyone is unaware about the proverb. But what if we know it, does it really have any significance
to our life, if no then forget it or use it to impress people!
Yes, we most of the time use this proverb to our disposal to impress the audience but instead of being
sweeper of neighbors houses, it will b much better to sweep our own threshold!
May be it sounds so idealistic especially when I advocate such practice! Yes, guess it right, you know we
writers keep on sweeping every street we live in but leave behind our own porch! So this one is the soul
searching-coming back home experience!
All the time we make audience out of any crowd, but it is better to be audience sometime, you know all of
us including me need correction. Without correction we cannot improve ourselves.
I heard about an incidence in the life of renowned writer Oscar Wild; one day he was so sad and
depressed, having no idea to improve the situation he landed in a Book store to find some good books to
avert depression, listening to the customer, the Shop Keeper immediately offered few books on the
counter and said, Sir, please chose any one of the book, these are the best seller book of a celebrity humor
writer an it will definitely solve your dilemma! Scanning through the titles of each book the Oscar wild
immediately shacked his head and expressed his disagreement and said that he want none of these book!
Hearing the answer the Shop Keeper astonishingly stared to the guy and said my friend; do you know?
Who is the writer of this book before rejecting my suggestion? He said Ya. I do. Well then tell me
something about him, if you know him. The Writer said it is me; Oscar Wild myself!
The moral of the story is, it can happen to you, me or anyone else! When requirement arise for the true
inspiration in some ones life one never know! So under the Sun we all are equals!
If a genius like Oskar Wild could stuck in such dilemma, who we are? So it is better to clean our own
system for the self betterment and that I start with this proverb.
Wise men on earth always suggested that most sensible and excellent person should b your house keeper!
Otherwise most of us find last batch of dumb people to do our housekeeping!
Being a creative field person I usually spend late hours in my office some time up to late night, and when
I close the office and return home, I mostly find old people exceeding sixty to sixty five or seventy
something do the job of street and shop guard! Tell me what is the logic in appointing such elderly people
as Guards who are hardly able to walk on their own legs without joint pain. But as it happens with
everyone the biggest tragedy of humans is we induct weaker means to protect our vital possessions!
So next time if I need a house keeper, I will definitely appoint someone more claver and accomplished
soul to safe keep my house.
Posted on: 2011-07-31

Hope Is Always Alive.



Learning Curves


We all hope and always aspire that we get what we hope! So hope is always alive, no matter for what you
are craving or someone else. So I would say that hope is running this universe and universe is spreading
on hope only because it is always alive.
Yes we have been fortunate among all the kingdoms and we are exclusively fortunate to express our hope
too. Now the question is why we hope?! What it compel us to hope? Ever thought about it! May not be!
But do not worry; here I am discussing the matter today in detail.
Let me tell you about the matter HOPE with my own view point, and as per my viewpoint, it is the real
fuel of our life, it breathes new life power in every one of us, it fuels our life to achieve new thing, enjoy
new things, face new things and make us to have patience for something new to happen in our life!
The very purpose of Hope is the real joy of any ones life, so never lose hope, and never stop having hope
for something or the other. It is always essential to hope to get something, it is a ticket to be eligible to
travel further in life, most happy people in the world are those people who hope a lot and keep hoping
new things. So HOPE is the MANTRA of happiness HOPE is the MANTRA of life!
And yes going further in this matter, if you want to increase your happiness or want to multiply it, have
some friends who also think in the same way and are always hopeful.
Start your day with a new hope, start your new work with the hope of better result. I always hope for
better and it happens. On one moment I feel extremely helpless and crushing with the weight of my own
responsibilities and challenges of my life but on next moment I make a new hope and everything changes.
People say that if you hope all the time, you may become slave of hopes and start live in future which
spoil your life, it takes away your happiness, but I beg to differ, I say we need to distinguish between
Hope and Aspiration. Hope is utter presence, it signifies your state of mind in present and clearly
mentions that you live in presence and think consciously, but Aspiration is always the matter of future, it
signifies future itself that you aspire something in future.
We people always indulge in synonyms, and least bother about actual meaning of every word. And that
makes big difference. Only one misunderstanding in life could spoil our life and only a moment in our life
with understanding could better our entire life. So let us we all hope.
Posted on: 2012-11-30

How India can be a Super Power?



Learning Curves


When you remove a corrupt cable from the electricity line supplying Power, you get uninterrupted Power
supply. You could say it Super Power! Ok, this is a bit prank remark but it has truth between the lines, you
cannot deny that.
There is a infamous saying that POWER CORRUPT. Whenever the Electric current popularly known as
Power pass through any media, whether Copper cable or the Aluminum cable, the cable get corrupted in
some years time. What I mean to say is POWER is meant to corrupt. Whether it pass through a cable or
any person having some Powers!
Something similar happening in India, we have given power to some selected people in different power
centers like, Politics, Social Structure, Infrastructure and Law and Order, Taxation.
The tragedy with us people of this country is, these institutions possess such powers which are
uncontrolled and sometime unanswerable for common man of our country. Due to excessive and
uncontrolled power, they get corrupted! And the entire institution starts malfunctioning.
The problem is in our value system where we praise just and fair society in general, but on the other hand
we do not left a single stone unturned when it comes to save our money from Taxed by Government! We
Indians are like two sides of a Coin, one side we present our self as a genuine person and on the other side
we tear off every books of ethics to feed our greed and false ego!
So we Indians have so called very weak cable structure which get easily get corrupted with the power of
Authority combined with greed!
Until and unless we stop to indulge in such Power Play we cannot be Super Power, our Power gets wasted
in vested interests. We need to improve our Power structure; Power supply and Power control, if we do
not work in these three directions, we instead of becoming Super Power would become Super Failure.
Neither we have answerability in our Political system, nor in our Government controlled Institutions.
Sometime we feel that they are the most privileged and un challenged people by any means! The reason is
some people in Government itself facilitate un answerability among the Government controlled
Institutions from a small Municipal body of any Town to any Public Sector Enterprise, and the same
people help those in the Government to make their position strong. They are interconnected. This is the
reason for people like Annaji and Kiron Bedi to say people of India that it is time to wake up or it will be
too late for us, the people of India to keep our freedom and dignity in this country.
So first we as people will have to stop feeding our greed and false ego, then only we will get corrupted
due to them and will not let anybody in Government Authority or Private authority to indulge in
corruption, one the mammoth Tree of corruption falls, the new breed will emerge which will help our
Country become Super Power.
And let me tell you that Super Power is nothing but a Country with self sustaining resource system and
provide ample opportunity to the under privileged. It should be respected by other countries as
independent Torch Bearer to help other to become Super Power.
Posted on: 2011-12-17
Importance of Human Resource Management.


Learning Curves


When it comes to any enterprise or organization engaged in to business or the welfare activity, there
comes the human resource management. For so many people still today Human resource management is a
bit difficult nail.
There are different reasons for the problem but looking at is holistically, the solution is in vicinity. And for
that you will have to give some extra efforts.
Let me tell you first that gone are the days when a single person used to work and manage all the affair of
any enterprise, institution. In past years, when there was not industrial revolution in our country, that was
evident since most of the people used to earn ones own livelihood through independent efforts, but as the
industrial revolution took place, the whole picture has changed gradually.
Looking at different industry and its day today requirements, it has become relatively difficult to run any
enterprise independently and alone without help of workers. The size of business, the commercial
responsibility, institutional and govt. relation, production, marketing etc. are there to be addressed and one
cannot do it alone. So simple you need helping hand to run a business, this is called human resource,
where you induct someone to look after a particular activity of your business.
As your business grows, you need further help to manage your business in terms of manufacturing,
marketing, accounts management, business flow management and much more, now you further need
different personnel to handle these tasks. This way there will be number of people working for you for
different activity of your business. When this number rises in double digit, gradually you feel short of
handling power for your personnel. On one hand you have your own responsibility to handle key
responsibilities of the business and on the other hand you need to look after those people and their
activity, their attendance, their absence, their abilities and disabilities of tackling problems and all these.
Now in such a situation if you concentrate on your own key responsibilities only, the personnel will not
have any one to guide them and look upon them, in such a situation they will work in their own way, or
just sit down and wait for the orders from the boss! And if they do their work in their own way, there are
chances of mistakes or lake of perfection or detail required. Since you are not available to guide them,
you will have to suffer damages and loss due to your worker.
Here you need someone to look after your personnel, their requirements in terms of guidance, help and
supervision. The person who can handle this duty is called human resource manager. Since workers are
also an asset, resource for any organization, they also need to be managed and optimized for further
perfection and performance. And the human resource manager does this task. So this way human resource
management is getting more and more important today for almost all the organization that have small or
large number of personnel working for them. Whether in business or in charity, the management of
human resource is quite important.
As your business advances and diversify in term of activity or the products or service it offers, you need
to appoint human resource managers more than one. Because one human resource manager can not
handle workers from diverse field of application when the organization is big and there are hundreds of
workers working in the same organization. Now here you need a team of HR managers and
simultaneously a person to look after all the HR managers. In business terminology, the post of the person



Learning Curves


is called Human Resource Director, the personnel who look after the day to day duties of the entire HR
manager and guide them to work along the single minded goal of a business enterprise.
So as much as your resources grow, you need managers and directors to handle the resources. And for
efficient management, you need proper experienced professional for the duty to be handled.
Posted on: 2012-01-30



Learning Curves


Be a learner.
Yes it is a quality which makes all of us successful in our respective field, but actually how many of us
adhere to this truth, very few indeed! If anything to remember from our student life is to remembering
the habit of learning, what happens with most of us is, we gradually stop learning new things, that is why
we are gradually becoming a library of junk books which are full of all the old and same knowledge but
nothing like update, when we stop learning, we become an obsolete currency with which we cannot buy
anything! Similarly when there is nothing new with us, no one will take interest in us.
Gradually people forget as a person of any significance! and we are left trailing for our ends to meet. So
do not stop learning, be a student of life time, it is not that our education stops as soon as we come out of
any school or college, the society is itself a great school where we get to learn so many thing without
going in school as student with school bag or uniform. Society teaches us a lot in terms of general
knowledge, social behavior, work experience of different people, skills on working place etc. But we will
have to be a learner to get to know all these things. If we think that we know everything, then we are our
self halting our progress. No one in the World is perfect and knows everything, so keep learning, be a
learner for all your life.
All the best.
Posted on: 2011-05-24



Learning Curves


Choosing unconventional path.

When it comes to Gujarati or most of the Indians, we mostly believe in conventional education and career
in science, commerce, Engineering etc. We hardly think about other unconventional courses and careers!
It is not that we do not know about it but we do not want to do it just because we think that there are not
many jobs in those areas.
But friends the complete picture is different, you may not have seen the complete picture! It was reality
few decades ago but in last one decade things have changed drastically! Look at hospitality industry,
Aviation industry, Call Centers KPO and BPO industry etc. The list of unconventional career is getting
bigger and bigger and pay packages are also improving beyond the conventional jobs! So stop your rat
run and have a diversion in career for better tomorrow.
Posted on: 2011-05-23



Learning Curves


How to make a greater career?

When we think about educating our children or educating our self, most of us have a notion that with the
help of so and so education we will be able to get so and so job or our children will get easy job. The
whole approach is driven by getting a secure future in job. And in the end what we get is a lot of
unhappiness when our greater job aspiration does not get fulfilled.
Why it happens, because not everyone get secure Jobs! The peace of mind is not in secure jobs, it is in the
knowledge of certain trade on which we can build our career or business in true sense. Looking at Indian
sub continent, everyone is running after Government job, the fact is no government in world can
accommodate every individual in Govt. jobs as a democratic nation! In democratic society Government
cannot take responsibility of all its citizens to have Govt. Jobs!
So we need to change our approach. Education is not mean to make us handicap, in fact it should enable
us to take on challenges of everyday life with our excellence in our trade, having greater knowledge and
expertise in our selected trade itself will provide us peace of mind and security to be in demand in
commercial world! So next time when you think of having secure career in any trade, go for excellence in
the field of your choice rather than only achieving higher grades to fill any vacant job position in Govt. or
Private sector. It is your life and you cannot make or expect others to make it secure. It is you who can
make a difference.
Posted on: 2011-05-17



Learning Curves


Moving ahead in career, but where?

We have millions of student appear in Board exams every year, in Central board or state Board some of
them achieve excellent, some get average marks and some also get fail. But with such eventuality our
career does not stop or slow down!
Career is not about having formal education in any stream like commerce, Science or Engineering. It has
far bigger role to play in our life, career is all about managing self resource in terms of Knowledge and
skills within, it is about finding out and enhancing abilities in certain domain and pursue it relentlessly.
Careen is never dependent on your educational qualification or the grades. Most of Indians see education
as career, but reality is completely different!
Let me give you some example, if you fail to pass B.Com examination, does it will take away your ability
and commerce skills to write accounts and doing commerce business? Similarly; if someone pass B.Sc.
with 90 percent will sure be a scientist? If someone who wants to become scientist, would failure in
school or college exam ever will or can stop him or her to realize his, her dream? Absolutely no! Because
you may do not get good Government job or high paying job in private Corporate houses, But there is no
barrier can stop anyone who wants to be a scientist! Getting qualification and career has relation but only
education is not career. Education helps in some way to excel rating your career with good salary in Govt.
or Private sector but excellent education qualification does not guarantee you an excellent career.
Career is all about identifying our own strength and weakness, and then sharpening our abilities further to
disseminate our expertise to someone who want to buy it. It is your creativity; interest in certain subject
creates a career.
In India there are lakhs of housewives had excellent grades in school or having excellent Bachelor or
master degree, but to our surprise, they never use that qualification for job or to develop business. For
them it was only a formality to be educated as Bachelor or Master but their actual career now is handling
and managing House, looking after children etc. Here we clearly see that there is no role of education to
pursue certain career.
So education could help excel rate your career but failure in education never deter you from pursuing
career in certain field.
In the age of IT and Computerization, we find that there are hundreds are people who are failure in terms
of school or college student but in contrast, today most of them are Big business men, Technocrats or
scientist too!
My purpose here to distinguish between Educational qualification and Career is to enable all the young
individuals that prepare for your career, use education as a powerful mean for it but if you do not get
education you want or fail in it to qualify, there is nothing spoiled or there is no end of our life. Just stop
being memorizing machine to secure higher grades, explore subject of your choice with dedication, not to
pass exam only, and you will see that no failure will able to pursue your career.
In my 12 standard State Board exams I secured only 35 passing marks in English language, but look at
the reality! For last 18 years I worked as copywriter, content writer, Translator, Avid writer and a celebrity


Learning Curves


blogger on world renown Professional networking portals. There is no relation of my education in English
language and my career as writer!
So keep up the spirit, do your best to flourish your career and have wider vision that will help you to keep
away from negative thoughts and getting demoralized!
All the best.
Posted on: 2011-11-19



Learning Curves


How to Make a Greater Career?

When we think about educating our children or educating our self, most of us have a notion that with the
help of so and so education we will be able to get so and so job or our children will get easy job.
The whole approach is driven by getting a secure future in job. And in the end what we get is a lot of
unhappiness when our greater job aspiration does not get fulfilled. Why it happens, because not everyone
get secure Jobs! The peace of mind is not in secure jobs, it is in the knowledge of certain trade on which
we can build our career or business in true sense.
Looking at Indian sub continent, everyone is running after Government job, the fact is no government in
world can accommodate every individual in Govt. jobs as a democratic nation! In democratic society
Government cannot take responsibility of all its citizens to have Govt. Jobs! So we need to change our
Education is not mean to make us handicap, in fact it should enable us to take on challenges of everyday
life with our excellence in our trade, having greater knowledge and expertise in our selected trade itself
will provide us peace of mind and security to be in demand in commercial world!
So next time when you think of having secure career in any trade, go for excellence in the field of your
choice rather than only achieving higher grades to fill any vacant job position in Govt. or Private sector. It
is your life and you cannot make or expect others to make it secure. It is you who can make a difference.
Posted on: 2011-05-17



Learning Curves


Fruits of Perseverance.
Whenever we start something new initiative or business we are so enthusiastic to make it big and fast,
initially we are on high spirits but gradually it melts as time passes by. It is not a strange situation, it could
happen with any one you or me any one!
The question is not why it happens even though we are so much optimistic about new developments? And
why it happens even though more than enough efforts! Yes there are a lot of question come to our mind
when we pass through such a situation. But do not take it wrongly, have patience and take wise decision
with some likeminded people who have experience of going through such situation and emerged winner.
It is not about getting discouraged by the initial obstacles, since all these obstacles are not obstacles but
the gestation time of any new beginning, it takes its time and certainly take off successfully if you have
perseverance and courage to pass through that lean period, when you are at law with growing pressure of
generating result and revenue both. Instead of panicking, take some time off the work and meet some
people who have started new business in past and ask them that what were the problems they faced, what
stupid mistakes they made and how they corrected them. I am sure that seventy-five percent of your
problems will be perished one the moment when you come to know that the problems you are facing are
the same what they faced in the beginning!
And I tell you that these problems are nothing but the lake of patience, because we want fast result, quick
turnout and easy returns! These aspirations create real problem, see anything which is new takes time to
gather momentum, even we do not get young overnight, first we were infants, then kids then teenagers
and then we become young men or women! Same thing happens to new enterprise, it takes time to be
recognized, and also you are new to that business so invariably you will also require more time to do any
task related to the new business!
It is like when you are in hurry to catch a bus to reach office in time, you will find a lot of rush in queue at
bus stand, you will literally get embarrassed when a bus arrive on the bus stop and queue is not reducing
fast enough so that you can get in to the bus! The reality is that there is not at all any long queue, also
there is enough space in bus to accommodate all the passengers who are in queue, but due to your haste,
you feel that you may not get a seat there in the bus!
So my friend there is not any problem which can stop you or stuck you in any wrong situation when you
start some new initiative or business, the real problem is the lack of perseverance!
Posted on: 2011-07-11



Learning Curves


Tactics of Grabbing Attention: An analysis

Tactics of grabbing attention is what natural in every human, age is no bar in this particular embedded
nature in every one of us! Whether it is a child or young, adult or aged, every one of us have aspiration
and constant urge to get noticed by other. This peculiarity we only find in humans. Just look at any child,
infant and you will immediately realize that this is not merely a superficial observation but a subject of
great relevance.
Whenever there is a child playing in home everyone has their attention stick to its activity. It is amazing
that a small infant have even greater ability to draw more and more attention toward it. The fact behind
this peculiarity is the innocence, truly transparent whims and dreams we can see in the face of an infant
there is nothing to hide. Children always do activity with eternal urge, they do not apply mind, they have
hardly intellect/ mind developed like the grown up children, teenager or adults. This specialty makes them
different from us, their emotions are unadulterated by intellect. When a child is completely reliant to its
mother, it hardly need to care for anything or need to memorize anything like self respect, future
planning, comments, excuses! Even the food comes to its way without demand. Mother looks after for
everything! This way they are most natural, highly catchy and influential.
As one grows, the intellect grows due to influence of surroundings and the society, teenagers and adults
around him/her. As one's intellect grows in content, the natural emotions and eternal feelings get
adulterated / shadowed by the individualistic intellect. Hence one looses natural influence on the people
surrounding him/her.
But we cannot reverse our age and we also can not remove our intellect/Mind to overcome this
adulteration but we will have to pack it apart when it comes to our social behavior. If anyone can go
beyond the clutches of his/her intellect and follow the eternal flows, he/she can become child at any age.
But it is indeed difficult. Now what to do, to influence more and more people around us? How to draw
attention of others in our activity? It is a burning question. For material Life one has to find tactic of
getting noticed by the surrounding people.
To master the tactic we will have to take inspiration from the Joker, the character we find in Circus. The
role of the Joker is to fill void of the entertainment thirsty audience between the next performances by
different performers in the circus. The Joker imitates other performers and stunt men and makes audience
laugh on him. This character teaches the best lesion; that is hiding real feelings in the mask of imitated
feelings and actions.
Right from the beginning of civilization we humans started imitating nature, imitation is the first choice
for humans to get occupied and filling the void in life, we like to imitate and laughing on those who
imitating others! What we enjoy doing, find even more enjoyable when we see someone imitating others!
Just take example of Parrot, for humans Parrot is favorite, since it imitate human speech, if one can be
Parrot, he/she will get maximum attention, in fact will lock up you in Golden Cage. One always feels
special when someone imitates him/her, since they get chance to laugh on someone who imitate them!
The point is, if you want to have greater attention in what you are doing, master the tactic of imitation! It
works better then original. So being child for ever is highly difficult to most of us, but if we learn to
imitate the child, like innocent face, one can draw loads of attention from others.


Learning Curves


Everything has two aspects, you need to explore both and embrace any one as long as it gets, if you fed
up with it change to the other side of the coin. Ultimately the life is a game, crowd always follow the
Star, be an original or Joker, the crowd always want entertainment, it does not have intellect. So when it
comes to grabbing attention, one always needs to learn imitation.
Most of us have more tears run out of our eyes during the drama or filmed emotional performance of an
Actor then the actual emotional face of a rag picker standing in front of us begging few pennies to feed
Ultimately it is human nature and one needs to tap this flip side of humans to push his/her interests in the
form of promoting any purpose, Product or Service. It is ugly to state but persuasion is all about tailored
emotions and shallow words.
Note: I am doing research in persuasion process.



Learning Curves


Prospectus Says It All.

There are numerous tutorials available for easy ways of sales and marketing, though many of the
professional find it difficult to cope with the prevailing situation.
It does not mean that professionals are less aware of the prevailing market conditions or the consumer
behavior, but they are not aware enough to convert a prospectus in to consumer / client.
To address this question innovatively, first it is very important to understand the basic difference between
selling and marketing. Usually people assume that to sell something means selling or marketing. Most of
the people take these two words as synonyms.
Infect these two words defines different practices; as far as I understand; selling means meeting the
requirement of goods or services through an outlet or door to door approach, in this category the
requirement is already there and mostly recurring and growing in number, where as marketing means
there is no immediate requirement aroused to any one or any organization, but you make them think for
the requirement and important of the goods/service you are delivering. It involves convincing as well as
persuading; whatever is required according to circumstances. Here the goods or services delivered are
delivered with a projection of its utility to the targeted individual or organization, sometime it is done
through solicitation also. So this is called marketing.
There are numerous books available to learn both of these but in real sense nothing can replace the actual
experience. "You cannot learn swimming on carpet", similarly if you want to learn anything regarding
these two disciplines you need to have real, practical training.
Why? Because each and every consumer is unique, you cannot generalize consumer behavior, so need to
learn to identify this very important trick of the trade arises. There are numerous institutions, which
provide training for sales and marketing, but most of the candidate of such organization needs extensive
practical training. Also most of the organization teaches these subjects from the books and case studies,
but it does not help enough, they can only show you the path but cannot realize your goal. Because day by
day the human desires and priorities change, to cope with such changes you have to be in the real market
to access the real scenario. It does not mean that I am against the teaching process, but there is a very big
gap between the education and real world statistics. I personally feel that we need to narrow this gap as
minimum as possible. This will certainly reduce the time of catching up with the market requirements for
the sales and marketing professionals.
Now we come to the real point, the simple ways of learning sales and marketing. This is really simple
though interesting in practice and it has capacity to reduce the stress adjoined to these professions,
basically my aim is to reduce stress in the life of the sales and marketing professionals.
Step one is to understand the nature of the prospectus, everyone in this world inclined towards these three
key factors 'Kamini' (physical urge), 'Kanchan' (Wealth) and 'Kirti' (Popularity), anyone can have
inclination towards these three 'K' or at least towards any one or two 'K' among this.



Learning Curves


What you need to do as a professional is finding out what is the key factor/factors of your prospectus, at
what among these three the prospectus is more inclined is to be find out during initial discussion.
You may feel that how to identify these factor?
Again it is very simple, take this point carefully, when you propose for any goods or services to your
prospectus he/she will start questioning, and also argue on some answer from you, in this case take note
of the question mentally, immediately analyze that where it belongs to, you may find it ridiculous at first
instance but once you start analyzing this way you will definitely able to find personality traits of your
prospectus and keeping in mind that where his/her inclination goes in one 'K', two 'K' or in all of three 'K'.
Now as you get acquainted with the traits you will be at ease to answer according to his/her trait so it will
least create chance for argument and more of acceptance. And this way your prospectus will be converted
in to the real customer/client.
Though you might think that how to analyze the question in to these three category, that, which question
belongs to, which trait.
Then here is the clues; if your prospectus ask more about cost and benefit, then he/she is inclined to
wealth, if your prospectus ask more about the appealing factor of the product or service in his / her
context, ask for the beauty or elegance of the product or service, then he/she definitely inclined to
physical urge, physical attraction. To understand it easily, let us take an example; if a customer come to
purchase a readymade garment and ask for catchy colours body hugging outfit short sized cloths naturally
you will realize that the prospectus is more inclined towards the physical aspect of life. Similarly if a male
customer chooses to ask female counter sales girl for help or suggestion to select something, it primarily
shows his inclination towards physical urge. And if a prospective client who ask for the aesthetic values,
brand category, quality standards, asking for who is choosing your product/services to buy during
interaction with you shows that, your prospectus is inclined towards popularity traits.
So this way once you learn about the personality traits of the prospectus, fifty present of your task is
completed and remaining fifty present you can complete through technical presentation and persuasion
according to the discovered traits in the prospectus.



Learning Curves


The best among impeccable means for winning faith and showing vital statistics of any Business outfit is
In whatever trade you may be, but when it comes to gaining faith of concerned mass is solely dependent
on the way you communicate with them. Whether it is corporate communication, image building exercise
or mass communication, each and every communication needed to be precisely targeted towards the
defined objective.
Any failure in achieving the objective means ruining the vitality of your trade, which ultimately results in
to the weaker competitiveness and reduced loyalty.
Anyone who yearns for best corporate image and brand loyalty has to take up communication very
Why we need marketing innovations?
Human desires are always changing, so is the ways of marketing.
As a marketing organization the most challenging is keeping the edge over the competitors. Updating to
changing human desires and mind sets is crucial to market anything to the desired target and numbers.
As the desires, tastes, requirements and priorities change, we need to change our marketing strategy and
tools as well.
The second meaning of marketing is war, if you want to win the marketing war, you need to update your
knowledge of marketing strategies continuously, and upgrade your arsenal with the latest and most
sophisticated marketing tools to take on your competitors.
Importance of excellent brand management
You may establish a brand or ruin down it like "tide and ebb", but what is the use of managing brand only
with the yard stick of perceptions!
Only with the yard stick of perceptions!
If you really want to establish a brand; whether "head or tail", you need to have extreme brand
management power and perseverance, which can withstand the backlash of competition.
With most intricate brand management packed with sharp vision and unshakable brand promotion
strategy, you can win on your competition as well.
Success in any trade lies in adopting newer ways of cost cutting, Knowledge Process Outsourcing is one
of the best options available today.
If you want to make products or offer services, you can do everything in house for your requirements, but
at what cost?



Learning Curves


Day-by-day the cost of production, human resource, energy, raw material is going up and up. For any
trade, keeping the expenses under the bearable limit, and cost cutting of product or service is major
To cut the cost of production and back office work in any service sector can be achieved through
Knowledge Process out Sourcing, with precise planning and choosing right Consultant with reliable
resource of knowledge pool cuts the input costs very remarkably.



Learning Curves


Mind; a Non Performing Asset.

As I came to terms with my life, I keep on listening that one has to have mind power to win the world.
After so many years of repeated hammering of the statement still I am not finding any truth in it. I find it
nothing but a baggage of data which refrain you from doing something new like a child.
As a child one has minimum memory baggage, so it can do anything without a second thought, as soon as
one feel to do something, the action start on the same moment.
No fear no thoughts of result of the act but just enjoyment of the act on does.
All the time I keep on trying to be a child, in fact it is very difficult since in every one of us have
embedded belief that we are growing with age, and at the age of 38 running It is definitely difficult! But I
keep on trying, which has kept my creativity alive!
May be it is difficult for most of you to digest that mind is nothing but an "NPA", the life is based on
breath, and the breath is connected to heart, without heart, mind is useless, in fact mind is nothing but an
assistant to heart! All of us are acquainted with the saying that, Give your heart to every task and every
task will be beautiful without any hassle, you will never heard that give your mind. In the days of memory
capsule and mushrooming of new and new mind management and memory expanding guru world over,
my statement may not find any takers, but at heart being a child I express myself this way!
It is difficult to understand since we have a lot of belief system, we believe lot many things without
experiencing! You know we read something and start believing, giving justice to it, strange isn't it!
To win a case in court of law you have to give hundreds of evidence, eye witness and in the matter of
expanding memory we do not need any evidence that what we read or see is true or make believe!
It is indeed a serious subject, for hundreds of years there is billions of written material, we all are reading
and start believing, we do not have time to check whether it is true or false, Just take the rumors, we
hardly know the fact, but we felt helpless to believe it, why? Because the fear of unknown annoys all of
us, why the fears of unknown annoy all of us and not the animals? Because we all have future, cherished
future to live and fulfill, to enjoy the future! Those animals dont have it. That is why humanity respects
animals; so many animals are respected as representative of certain god or goddess!
Look at me also, I am not an English literate, all the time my memory keep on telling me that I do not
make mistake! What people out there on silicon India think of me! How strange! How difficult to be a
child at this age you know? a lot of advisors and solicitors totally unwanted keep on knocking my doors
of conscience, they all keep me annoying that I should do this and I should not do this, without asking!
Free of cost!
Remember that free advice is dangerous! Got my point!
Ha..Ha..Ha.. really hard to be a child again! A child never think that what people will think of me,
because it does not bother about future, but as soon as it grows between all of us, the symptom of our
company start showing! and a child dies! To give birth to a grown man or woman!



Learning Curves


See, still the fear of all of you, knocks my conscience and again and again makes me to correct spelling!
This is the power of memory, it only interrupt you in your enjoyment! Believe me, this memory is nothing
but a baggage, a baggage of advices of not doing many things!
This baggage in fact makes us to grow older, slowdown in our every action and gradually die!
Friends I want your attention to this subject and not to memorize this blog, try to be a child and you will
be able to do a lot many thing creative, enjoy life to fullest, there is nothing useful in memorizing, instead
give your 100% attention in what you do, and the memory will become your assistant, the 100% attention
is only possible if we give our heart to what we do, those who does not give heart to the task, will always
fell pray to memory, will become slave of the memory.
To my greatest sorrow, I find that including me and the whole world is getting slave to memory, if
anything to do in life, it is to live with conscience, by feeling every pulse of our heart!
Jay ho Guru "Ma" ni!



Learning Curves


Past to Sell, Present to Act and Future to Save.

What is in a tense! We all think about them in different ways. We describe them in different ways. We
have narrow perception about them and now I try to give one more meaning about tense.
We all cherish about our past. Just go to any one, meet any one, everyone wants to talk about past,
everyone wants to justify past. You will find that some way or other, most of the people all around world
is eager to have meaning of past incidences and want to keep past memorabilia as pride possession. I
always wonder about that why most of us doing such practices. Why we spend a lot of time in something,
which is already happened. And I found the reason, those past sales. You can sale your past, other's past as
well, it is this phenomena that make people to restore past intact.
If you want to earn praises then you need to justify your past. Most of us used to magnify it and we all are
rich with past. Just read any literature and the opening stanza describes how magnificent the past was of
so and so. So we all cherish past due to its monetary significance! Because it enhances our fame, if our
past was significant then it increases our reliability-credibility. As an object becomes older and older it
becomes precious and it is the past, which adds up the value, it is really amazing that past is become more
and more important because it can be sold.
I am not fan of past but it is reality. Though I also agree that not everything is salable, which is older, but
when you look in the details, everything has past. Once a thing has been created, immediately it becomes
past. Whatever is under process, in the making is in present. Rest is past!
Just take example of Modern medicines, they have life of few days, months or years depending on it's
content. You can sale these medicines before the expiry date, so here also you find that past sales.
The actual reason behind this is the expectation to gain wealth and fame. Whoever is behind these two
expectation is in the selling of past, you can sale past because whatever you sale is already been made and
ready to dispatch. Just imagine can you find anything, which is yet to make can be sold? You can make
commitments, make deal to sale something in future or days to come, but actually when you sale, it
becomes an object of past. You can sell only made, not in the making because it is present. In present you
can only act, but when you sale something it is already made. No one will buy half baked cake, which is
in the making, that is what I say so once it is ready any one would buy, and once something is made the
past is already attached there!
When it comes to present, it is to act it cannot be sold, there is no past or future but only action and you
can only enjoy the present. Because we can be in present, we can enjoy present. You can only sell those
things those are completed, till then keep enjoying your act. Thus present is to act.
When it comes to future you aspire to do something for future. We humans think of future. So we store
things for future. We save money for future. We spare thoughts for the future. You all have something for
future to live. Most of us say something like this; I spare a thought for future. I spare this thing for future.
So anything, which can be stored, is for future. You do not need to store anything for present or past but
for future, which is for saving. It could be food, clothes and shelter or anything that money can buy under
the Sun. So future is for saving.



Learning Curves


The Unchanged.
As I woke up to the new daybreak, the first thought touched my conscience was how I would be useful,
more appealing and in demand for my clients, associates and the family in general.!
Yes, it may sound something bizarre to some of you but it is reality. The priorities are changing 360o in
the time of capitalist upsurge in the world we live in. Day by day we all are evolving consciously or
unconsciously, willingly or unwillingly. But definitely we are!
The year gone by was indeed an eventful, full of surprises and some short of adversities too. But we all
are destined to witness the New Day that is really the moment to cherish. We all have some resolutions
on the break of the new dawn.
As a humble human being on the face of this beautiful earth, one thing I resolve is to keep changing for
the survival. The experiences make me determine that stagnant is to be decomposed and supple is to be
It is quite common in most of Indian population to criticize western influence but on the other hand most
of us ape the same thing knowingly or unknowingly. Similar is the capitalism, some may criticize it but
most of us accept it willingly or unwillingly.
The core of the matter is evolution of our priorities. As the mankind reaching towards the sky, we learn to
focus on difficult though distinct goals. For that we have to prioritize things according to the defined route
of voyage.
Looking back to a couple of decades, most of us had enough time to keep in touch with each other in the
time of need or leisure, it was the era of personal touch with physical presence. Now we are becoming
distant stars, everything is the same but the distance is getting wider and wider as we reaching newer
galaxies of human achievements! In the days of my kindergarten; there lived an old woman with her goat
under a hut on the moon, but in the days of my sons kindergarten, I saw the Chandrayan merry-go-round
the moon!
Though everything is not yet lost in the haste. Thanks to the invention of internet and Satellite Phones /
GPS. We have found newer ways to be in touch with each other inspite of changed priorities! That is the
beauty of human intelligence! Relentlessly we keep on changing, our priorities are changing, but as
humans we still have something unchanged to offer this magnificent universe; that is HUMANITY!



Learning Curves


Rajkot at a Glance.
Rajkot is a beautiful fun loving city full of entrepreneurial spirits. Here you can find every third boy
dreaming of starting his own business once he is acquainted with basic experience of any trade which
suits him most. This is the City where dreams take shape in to reality more than anywhere else when it
come to entrepreneurial aspirations!
Yes friends this is the city which played the pivotal role in shaping the life of Mahatma Gandhi, there are
numerous memorabilia of the great man.
Talking about business; this city is famous for its oil-Diesel Engine industry primarily for last four
decades. But for last two decades, there are several new trade and businesses coming up in different
industry ranging from Casting, Forging, Machine tools, Heavy Machinery, Automobile ancillaries,
Kitchen & Domestic Appliance and many more.
Here are mainly SMEs (small and medium scale enterprises) manufacturers of Auto parts, Machine toolsParts, Oil Engines etc. apart from that Rajkot is the destination to find vendors of precision Brass parts
and Steel parts for different products, ranging from Appliances, Wrist Watches etc.
To feed the ever growing domestic Casting and Forging requirements as well as to meet overseas
demands, here are hundreds of Foundries and Forging houses.
Initially we had Foundries to manufacture casting mainly for Oil Engine parts-components, then slowly
new enterprises came up in the Forging sector as well, initially for the Oil Engine Industry and then they
took up challenge to manufacture forged parts for Automobiles, particularly in Two Wheelers and Four
wheelers segments. Now these sectors are become the identity of Rajkot, Forging and Casting industry of
Rajkot is renowned world over. Hundreds of companies from other parts of India as well as overseas
manufacturers procure their Molded and Forged parts for Automobile and Machine tools source from
Rajkot. Here you can find capacity to Mould a piece of casting as small as Fifty Gms. to as big as 9 Tonne
easily! And now they comes with Graded material a well. Similarly you can look for forging smallest
possible to 20-25 Kgs. Easily with intricate shapes / design and graded material to match your
Today Rajkot has more than half a dozen Industrial zones clustered inside and outside of the city as well
as in nearby rural areas in the form of G.I.D.C. (Planned managed and some time developed by Gujarat
Industrial Development Corporation).



Learning Curves


How to Sail Through Recession? Written on 30th July, 2008

We all know more or less to Ancash the bull run; up market trends in any industry, but when it comes to
recession, it is a bit harder to push the escalator. The reason is very simple, running against the gravity is
the matter of excitement to all of us but drawn towards the centre point of the gravity is always a matter
of disgrace to all! Everyone loves to high rise the Kite but it absolutely dislikes letting it nosedive! But
there is not so panicking at all, only we need some patience and introspection. May be it is difficult
initially but not impossible at all. As we all know that heydays are not forever. In fact we can utilize these
days of recession as the time for better preparation and opportunity to march towards new directions also.
Just look at the oil crises world over, it brought in recession in the entire global market, in almost every
sector. From capital goods, consumer durables, FMCG to tourism due to its chain reaction in the form of
input cost rise. Literally each and every country; whether third world or the developed, all took measures
to reduce energy consumption and energy saving through different measures. The effects of these
measures showed in the Oil markets too. We find that these days the Oil market is coming down towards
normalcy. There are other reasons for that also, but I would only like to consider this one point which corelates the subject matter!
Here is the clear case that the recessions are sometime result of excess demand, soaring prices of fuels
and essentials, which are may be the reasons of early normalcy too. The phenomenon which pushes to
slowdown lessens consumption of certain goods sometime become growth booster in the tail ender also.
Even when we look at the human life, during different seasons our body behaves in different manners. We
consume less food during the monsoon, but as soon as the monsoon is over and the winter knocks the
door, our level of food consumption gets higher. The winter triggers demand for food, again in summer
the demand for food gets slow and steady for some time and become very less during the monsoon. This
process of demand and recessions is constant, only we need to learn to be adapting to changes.
Few days back one of my client said that this Diwali (Indian New Year) the season will be weak, there
will be slake in the demand of Wall Paint due to failed monsoon. He said he was in no mood to spend on
brand promotion. But I simply told not to panic; instead I gave him the example of Vegetable vendors in
the local roadside vegetable markets. In the evening phase of trading, as the Sunset nears, these vegetable
vendors start lowering the prices of different vegetables and also start shouting more and repeatedly the
prices of the remaining vegetables in their puller carts. What happens is, there are some poor people who
look for the cheaper prices of vegetables during dusk to buy them with whatever little money they have,
and there are some other type of buyers who deliberately go to vegetables market in the evening to buy
them at lower price in bulk! This is how I suggested my client the possibilities of market, the prospective
customer in the recession also! The inspiration is around us, only thing is to take note of it and imbibe it
in our practice for advantage. The example is only to show you reality, there is always high demand high
prize mechanism and law prize shouting high mechanism to keep ball rolling according to my way of
sailing through recession.
This is the time in fact to use your intellect optimally and get benefited marginally.
So kiss recession good bye and hold the sales counters tight; customers are waiting, entertain them!



Learning Curves


Importance of Persuasion Process : Written on 10th-Fabruary-2008

The way we convince everyone in normal life for different purposes, we need to persuade them when the
purpose is to sell something to them.
When it comes to selling-marketing, we need to understand Persuasion Process. If we carefully
understand this process, then we can apply this process to get maximum result out of our every
sales/marketing pitch. Whether it is direct marketing or traditional marketing, through mass advertising or
person to person selling we need to master Persuasion process.
In the World full of cut-throats competition with hundreds of similar Product Brands, we need to have
extraordinary marketing pitch in every media of marketing tools. There may be some question about how
to master Persuasion, and when and where to apply?
So friends let me give you some very simple and catchy examples which could make this easy for you.
For example; as a sales man you visit a household on holiday afternoon in midsummer. There is so hot
atmosphere, everyone out there are complaining about the heat and constantly try to dry perspirations on
their body. Meantime you dropped there with a pack of an Ice-cream. You presented the box to the family
and asked to open it and distribute the Ice-cream to all out there, as soon as those people start consuming
the Ice-cream, they will feel relaxed for few moments and also will ask you for the brand of the Icecream. Here you tell them the brand. Once it is over open a new topic saying; I thing you need a better
room cooler, this is one thing you people strongly require to cool your home which make you comfortable
in summer and relieve you from excess perspirations and fungal infections, if you need a better quality
cooler, I can suggest you one, and those out there will instantly ask, which one? And you tell them the
Brand you are selling!
Now see; the result will be instant, positive and with a little effort, the sweet and cool intake of favorite
Ice-cream changes the atmosphere for better. And as those people are at ease you can make them to
realize that they need a better quality cooler for their body and skin protection the way they appreciate
Ice-cream in summer to cool their tummy.
This is how you can Persuade people to buy your Cooler Product Brand. Do not directly make your pitch
for any Brand at all. First make them comfortable with you, for that you need to pamper them, either with
some freebies or with some very soothing and comforting words, if you have and art of doing that, then
you put your Brand pitch as a suggestion. As soon as you realize that the prospective client is picking it
up or start concentrating on your words and make further query about the Brand you suggested, you just
convey the most important benefits of your Brand USP (Unique Selling Points /Proposition) and see,
there will be mostly positive result at the end of the sale's pitch.
But today we cannot offer freebies and gifts all the time to Persuade prospective customers. So we will
have to create extraordinary Persuasive Marketing tools with carefully targeted pitches and Sales
Promotion through different media like; advertising, word of mouth publicity, Exhibitions, Direct mailing
etc. with highly persuasive sales pitches.
To learn Persuasion you will have to be more practical rather than being theoretical and you will need to
know how you are able to Persuade people for your monetary or professional gains you may sometime


Learning Curves


fail or less successful. Because everyone has some strengths and some weakness, enhance your strengths,
if you try to train your efforts to develop persuasion process which complements your strengths to sell
something, it will automatically dilute your weakness with the might of persuasive pitch.
In the ever growing capitalism world over one will have to learn to persuade people to meet their ends. In
capitalism, best only survive! And to be the best you will constantly need to upgrade your Products /
Services. Sometime it is possible and sometime it may not be viable, but through proper Persuasion
technique you could overcome your Brand's limitations to your competitors. And instantly make people
buy your Brands. World over so many Companies use persuasion process to sell their Brands, to
overcome pressures of competition as well as pressure of providing something new all the time and
consolidate their market share.
But always make sure that you are here to create new markets for your Brand/s and there is no place for
short sighted goals and approaches, since persuasion is the matter of concerted efforts and not the magic
stick you will need to upgrade and update required changes in your persuasion process according to
competition, product / service mix and the Market Conditions.
With concerted efforts, identified strengths of your Brand, strategically well defined campaign to support
your marketing and sales forces create a wholesome process which results in to achieved sales target with
healthy margins.



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