Framework For Classroom Management

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U.S. History Class
Class Rules
All electronic devices, including cell phones, should be put
away BEFORE you enter the classroom.
Be seated at assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.
Homework is due at the start of class.
Raise your hand to be recognized before addressing me or
the class.
No gum!
In order for true learning to take place, Mr. York needs your
full attention. Having your electronic devices out takes away
your focus from what is being taught.
You are in my class for a limited amount of time. We cant
waste it waiting for everyone to take their seats.
If you try to complete homework during class, you will miss
out on what is being taught that day and fall behind.
Questions and whole group discussions cannot be clearly
understood if there is additional talking taking place.
It makes a mess that is hard to clean.
If all your homework is turned in on time, 10% of your
homework average will be added to your lowest test grade.
Better learning atmosphere = increased learning
Verbal Warning/Correction
Parent Contact
Office Referral

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