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Lesson: Main Idea

Acquisition Lesson Plan

Name/Grade: Layton/6th ELA

Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill --- Not for the


Standard RI 1/RL 1: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through
particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal
opinions or judgments.
Unit Essential Question: How can I summarize a text by using the main idea and supporting
Lesson Essential Question: How do I show the difference between main idea and supporting
Language Objective: SWBAT define, justify, summarize
ENGAGE: Read The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown
Key vocabulary to preview (3-5 WORDS): topic, main idea, supporting detail, summary

Teaching Strategies:
Before giving definitions and notes, students use The Important Book template to
summarize and practice identifying key ideas and details of an object. After a model
completed by the teacher, they work in groups to complete the task. (Objects to use: hair
clip (model), pencil, rubber band, paper clip, sock, band-aid, bookmark, key)
Groups share their The important thing about summaries. They must be able to
defend their choices on what the most important part of their paragraph or picture was
and how they determined which aspects were minor details.
Students take notes from PowerPoint presentation on main idea
Introduce vocabulary: topic, main idea, supporting details, summary
Video: Flocabulary Main Idea
Visual representation: Circles inside circlesthe biggest circle is the TOPIC, which can
be labeled in a word or two (example: Brushing teeth). Inside that circle is the MAIN
IDEA circle, which gives the most important idea about the topic (example: Brushing
your teeth is the best way to keep your mouth healthy). Inside the main idea circle are
multiple small circles with SUPPORTING DETAILS (example: the bristles on the brush
clean plaque and bacteria off teeth, the toothpaste leaves your mouth feeling clean and
fresh, the brush cleans between your teeth, it kills bacteria that can cause gum disease).
Video: BrainPop Main Idea

Summarizing Strategy:
EVALUATE (R-1 Assignment): In groups, students read the story La Lea Buena (Prentice
Hall Literature book, page 456) and then complete a modified Frayer Model on the story. In the
center is the title of the story. In the four quadrants: 1) topic 2) main idea 3) supporting details 4)
Graphic organizers
ESL mods:, oral reading and discussion
Visual Learners: Graphic organizers, ISNs
Linguistic Learners: Readings

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