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A Short Review by Adam Stone

The feature film anime by Satoshi Kon, Paprika(2006), is a very ambitious effort in exploring the
bizarre world of dreams in a feature film. Satoshi Kon has also directed films like Tokyo Godfather
and Perfect Blue.
The story largely revolves around a new invention that allows the user to enter the dreams of other
people, see and potentially manipulate them in terrifying ways. With Dr. Chiba and her alter ego
Paprika, Dr. Torataro Shima, Dr. Tokita and Detective Toshimi Konakawa all attempting to locate
this devise and destroy it before it can do any more damage to society.
The Style of the film was similar to traditional anime in my eyes but the colour was what stood out
for me, making it an incredibly beautiful animation with very smooth transitions and animations.
There were some points in the film where i struggled to understand what was going on but that
could just be down to my lack of experience in watching and understanding anime as a genre. The
sound design for this film was particularly interesting for me because it sounded so beautiful.

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