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Review Book 3 Units 9 12.

Get requires infinitive in the next verb, have does not.
+ someone + to repair (infinitive form) + my car
Have + someone + repair (base form verb) + my car


Its always the same.
Get + my car + repaired
past participle
Have + my car + repaired
past participle
1. Grammar. Do you know where? Make sentences using the information
given. Page 59.
a. (Passive - have / shorten my skirt)
b. (Active - get / take my ID photo)
c. (Active - have / fix my motorcycle)
d. (Passive - get / cut my hair)
e. (active- have / cook dinner for them)
2. Vocabulary. Fill in the blanks. Page 60.
cut down on keep up with put up with get along with look forward to come up
with break up with take care of
a. I _________________ my girlfriend last week.
b. I really ____________________ to meeting my relatives that live abroad, I
never met them, and Im excited about it.
c. You really need to __________________ eating unhealthy foods.
d. James is so irritating. I cant _______________ him.
e. I have too much work. Sometimes Its impossible to________________
with all this work.
f. She __________________________ a great idea for tomorrows event..
g. I dont ____________________ with my brother. We fight all the time.
h. He needs to_________________ of the pets while his parents are away.

One thing you could do is + (to) borrow + money.
What about (preposition) + borrowing + money.
It might be a good idea + to borrow + money
3. Grammar. Complete the suggestions for possible solutions. Your friend needs
money. Page 61.

One thing he could do is _____________(get) a bank loan.

What about _________________ (work) on the weekends.
It might be a good idea _____________ (sell) his motorcycle.
What about _____________________(save) more money.
It may be a good idea _______________ (find) a higher-paying job.
Another thing you could do is _______________(move) to a cheaper place.

Time related words

For is followed by a period of time
Ex: for 4 years, for a long time.
Since is followed by a date, year, day, but not a period.
Ex: since Monday, since 1994.
In refers to specific years or decades
Ex: in the seventies, in 1994.
Ago compares one moment in the past with now
Ex: 20 years ago
4. Grammar. Fill in the blanks. Page 65.

Many italians arrived in America over 100 years ___________.

The couple was together__________ 50 years.
______________ 1929, there was a big crisis in the United States.
We have been friends ___________ 1994.
___________ the 1970s, a lot of people wore bell-bottoms.
___________ the 1990s, grunge was big.
U2 has been together _____________ 1979.
I have lived in Atlanta ________ about 5 years.
They have been living there __________ so long.

5. Vocabulary. Match. Page 66.

1. ( ) Last year, Martin Scorcese finally received an Oscar for his movie The
2. ( ) The avian flu has been spreading all over the world.
3. ( ) The tsunami destroyed many coastal regions in southern Asia.

4. ( ) The cell phone was invented in Sweden.

5. ( ) Martin Luther king was shot.
A. epidemic / B. achievement / C. invention / D. disaster / E. assassination.

With by and within use Future Perfect ( will + have + p.p.), because the action will
have ended before that time. Ex: By the end of this year we will have finished this book.
This means we are going to finish the book not at the end of the year but before that.
6. Complete predictions using Future, Future continuous or the Future perfect.
Page 67.
1. By 2050 , Somebody _______________ (discover) the cure for Aids.
2. In ten years, televisions _________________ (use) Digital technology.
3. In the future, Pollution_________________(become) an even bigger
4. Sometime in the next century, people _____________ (drive) flying cars.

Until, by the time, once, as soon as, the moment.

Until - up to a certain point, and no longer. Ex: Until I got a job, I was unemployed.
By the time - use past perfect ( had + p.p.) to talk about events completed before another
event in the past. Ex: By the time I got this job, I had already finished school.
Once/ as soon as - a second event happens right after a first one. Ex: Once I got a job, I
felt good.
The moment - things happen at the same specific moment. Ex: The moment I left my house,
I started raining.
Before and after - mean exactly what it seems.
7. Choose the correct answer. Page 73.
a. (as soon as/ before/ Once) I had my own apartment, I was really immature.
b. (until / the moment / by the time ) I moved to Chicago, I had already been
c. (once/ before / by the time) I got my own car, I started to be more
d. (by the time / before / after) I got my paycheck, I was able to pay all my
8. Vocabulary. Page 74.
ambitious rebellious argumentative conscientious sensible - naive


Mark is a _______________ guy. He always pays attention to every detail.

My kids are very _______________. They need to learn more about life.
Hes always speaking loud and fighting with people. Hes so ___________.
Young people tend to be very ______________. It is part of growing and
becoming an adult.
e. Sophia is always thinking about money. Shes really __________________.
f. Robert knows how to make the best possible decisions. Hes ____________.

To talk about regret in the past use: should + present perfect.
Ex: I should have stopped smoking.
Hypothetical situations work as follows:
If + subject+ past perfect (had + p.p.), subject + could or would + present perfect
Ex: If I had stopped smoking, I would have lived better in the last ten years.
9. Grammar. Write a sentence expressing regret (a, b, c, d ), and talk about
hypothetical situations (e, f, g, h, I, j) Page 75.
a. I didnt move to Chicago.
b. I didnt work for an international company.
c. I didnt go to Europe.
d. I didnt buy a car.
e. I didnt save enough money, I didnt buy my own apartment.
If _______________________________________________________
f. I was immature, I didnt think about the future.
If _______________________________________________________
g. I went to New York. I met my wife there.
If _______________________________________________________
h. I was too ambitious, I didnt think of my family.
If _______________________________________________________

i. I left Curitiba, I went to Sao Paulo.

If _______________________________________________________
j. I took some courses in France, I found a good job when I came back.
If _______________________________________________________

Infinitive clauses
2 ways:
If you start with a verb = infinitive form.
(In order) to run + a business, you need to be conscientious.
infinitive verb

If you start with a noun, put for before that and the infinitive after the noun.
(in order) for a business to be succesfull, it needs to offer


infinitive verb

10.1 Grammar. Infinitive clauses and infinitive clauses with for. Page 79.
a. __________ a business __________(be) successful, it needs to provided good
b.__________(establish) a new nightclub, its important to know young people
and what they like.
c. ___________ me______________( be) happy. I need to work with something
I really like.
d. ____________ (travel), you need a passport.
10.2. Grammar. Correct the mistakes. Page 79.
a. For run a profitable business, its important to be conscientious.
(Wrong or Right)
b. To a coffee bar succeed, it needs to offer many options to its clients.
(Wrong or Right)
c. For a store to succeed, it has to be conveniently located. (Wrong or
d. To find a job, you need to look at the ads in the paper. (Wrong or
11. Vocabulary. Remember these words. Use synonyms or explain them. Page 80.

h. industrious
1.( ) It means thin.
2.( ) It means beautiful.
3.( ) when something ( a product) has a reasonable price.
4.( ) a person that can convince others.
5.( ) A very active person.
6.( ) An intelligent or smart person.
7.( ) It may refer to a book or an article, if they are good.
8.( ) Someboby who has a lot of information about a specific subject.
9.( ) A charismatic person.
10.( ) It means difficult or hard.

Because, Since, Because of, due to

Because and since mean the same Followed by: noun (subject) + verb.
Ex: Because it has good food
Because of and due to are followed by: noun(object) and but no verb.
Ex: because of the crowds,
For is also followed by: a noun (object) and no verb.
Ex: the restaurant is famous for its foods
The reason (why/that) is followed by: is later in the sentence.
Ex: The reason we like the restaurant is the service.
10. Grammar. Fill in the blanks with because, because of, since, for, due to, the
reason why or that. Page 81.

_________________it is affordable, that hotel is always packed.

I dont like Chicago __________________ it has a crazy weather.
_______________ we play basketball is to have fun.
Coca cola is famous _________________ its soft drinks.
I like the BBC _______________ it always provide me with the latest news.
_____________ good results in sales, they are now thinking about
expanding the product.
g. ________________ the hurricane, a lot of houses were destroyed.
h. I got home late _________________ heavy traffic.
i. Greece is known ________________ its historical sites.

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