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University of North Texas

Art Education
I. Lesson Number: 6
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Title of Lesson: Home State of Mind Clay Objects
Duration: 2 class periods, 50 minutes each
II. Lesson Rationale:
Our idea of a home can be represented by simple objects that we see or think of on a daily basis. By
investigating our inner psyche, we can reflect on why these items inspire the idea of what we
consider to be our home; which is not only defined by a shelter but can also include our senses
Needs Work(1)
Student uniquely
Student somewhat
Student had partial
creates object from
creates object from
creation of object
Finished glazed
clay that is
clay that is
from clay that is
representative of the representative of the representative of the
idea of what a home idea of what a home idea of what a home
is. Displays good
is. Displays decent
is. Displays very little
craftsmanship and
craftsmanship and
craftsmanship and
use of technique.
use of technique.
use of technique.
Journal Reflection
Student makes strong Student somewhat
Strongly lacking in
connection to object makes a connection concept and object
and home concept
to object and home
connection through
through the
concept through the reflection writing.
people we are close to.
III. Key Concepts:
- Home is a state of mind.
IV. Essential Question:
- Why is home a state of mind?
V. Lesson Objectives:
- The student will be able to create a small object from clay that represents their idea of what
home means.
- The student will be able to reflect in writing how their object inspires the idea of home.
VI. Summative Assessment and Evaluation:

VII. Specific Art Content:

- Brainstorming with thumbnails
- Hand-building with clay
- Clay processes
- How to use glaze
- Connections of conceptual ideas and tangible objects
117.111. Art, Grade 3, Adopted 2013.
(1) Foundations: observation and perception. The student is expected to:
(A) explore ideas from life experiences about self, peers, family, school, or community
and from the imagination as sources for original works of art.
(B) use appropriate vocabulary when discussing the elements of art, including line,
shape, color, texture, form, space, and value, and the principles of design, including
emphasis, repetition/pattern, movement/rhythm, contrast/variety, balance,
proportion, and unity.
(2) Creative expression. The student is expected to:
(A) integrate ideas drawn from life experiences to create original works of art.
(B) create compositions using the elements of art and principles of design.
(C) produce drawings; paintings; prints; sculpture, including modeled forms; and other
art forms such as ceramics, fiber art, constructions, mixed media, installation art,
digital art and media, and photographic imagery using a variety of materials.
IX. National Art Standards
Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Elaborate on an imaginative idea.
Apply knowledge of available resources, tools, and technologies to investigate
personal ideas through the art-making process.
Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Create personally satisfying artwork using a variety of artistic processes and
Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and proficient use of materials,
tools, and equipment for a variety of artistic processes.
Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.
Elaborate visual information by adding details in an artwork to enhance
emerging meaning.
Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

VA:Re.7.2.3a Determine messages communicated by an image.

Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
Interpret art by analyzing use of media to create subject matter, characteristics
of form, and mood.
Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.
VA:Cn10.1.3a Develop a work of art based on observations of surroundings.
X. Interdisciplinary Connections:
113.14. Social Studies, Grade 3, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.
(18) Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The
student is expected to:
(A) express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences.
(B) use technology to create written and visual material such as stories, poems,
pictures, maps, and graphic organizers to express ideas.
(C) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation.
(19) Social studies skills. The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills,
working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. The student is expected
(A) use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and
consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a
solution, and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.
(B) use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather
information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a
XI. Resources, Materials and Technology for Teacher:
- Computer
- Internet
- Projector
- Smart board
- Kiln
- Storage Box
XII. Resources, Materials and Technology for Students:
- Clay
- Color-burst glaze
- Pencils
- Sketchbook
- Journal
- Paintbrushes
- Clay tools
- Vinegar
- XIII. Instruction and Its Sequencing:
- Day 1:
1. Introduction/Motivation:

Protection mats
Sink with water
Water spray bottle
Small cups


Group discussion while looking at a variety of global home images.

I think, I see, I wonder with student engagement.

Guided Practice:
Have students write down and make quick thumbnails of objects that remind them of their
- Brief overview of hand building skills.
3. Independent Practice:
- Students will make objects from clay that identify with their idea of what a home means.
- YouTube video on clay playing while students work.
4. Closure:
- Select students to share their ideas with the class about the objects.
- Students place objects in box to be fired by instructor.
5. Formative Assessment:
- Exit cards about something they learned.
- Observation of completed hand-building.
6. Accommodations for Student Differences:
- Provide visual instructions.
- Assist with brainstorming.
7. Classroom Management Procedures:
- Assign students to pick up sketchbooks.
- Assign students to pick up sponges, vinegar cups, clay tools, and mats.
- All students will wipe down tables using wipes.
- Have students pass out exit cards to be filled out and placed in designated spot upon departing.
- Day 2:
1. Introduction/Motivation:
- YouTube video on hand-building and glazing clay.
2. Guided Practice:
- Short explanation of what glaze is, how to use it, and the processes that the clay has gone
through to reach certain states.
3. Independent Practice:
- Students will choose their own color glazes, then will coat objects thoroughly 3-5 times before
placing in box to be fired.
4. Closure:
- Students will record in their journals a description of the object, why they chose it, how it
represents the idea of a home, and what other objects could be made to represent the same idea.


Formative Assessment:
Have quick question and answer session about clay processes before lining up to depart.
Accommodations for Student Differences:
Provide visual instructions.
Allow frequent breaks.
Allow child to stand.
Classroom Management Procedures:
Assign students to pick up journals.
Assign students to pick up paintbrushes, glaze cups, and protection mats.
All students will wipe down tables using wipes.
XIV. References & Resources:
Project Zero -
YouTube videos: Wedging Clay How and Why -
Clay Project: Score and Slip -
YouTube Video: How to glaze bisque ware ceramics -

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