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The Lunchroom Murder

On a Thursday afternoon there was a report of a gun-shot inside of Ernies Lunchroom Police
Officers came in and saw this. Ernie was lying in closest to the door there was a handmark on the
wall close to a mop and bucket. The floor was wet to where Mr. Ernie was. We had found
footsteps leaving the restaurant and had found 2 footsteps leading to the kitchen. One of these
footsteps were leading to the cash register and then the kitchen while the other leads straight the
the kitchen but in a peculiar way. Looking at the restaurant I found that there was a total of 5
people in completely: Mr. Ernie (lying dead on the floor), Person A, Person B, Person C, and
Person D. The Cash Register had also been left open and had a total of $8.75. Just by looking at
the picture of the crime scene I have reason to believe that the person sitting on stool C had done
it. But before i began I would like to state that Mr. Ernie who not only was a worker and
employee of his own restaurant but who was also a Racketeer. A racketeer is also known as a
mobster. This could be the motive as to why Mr. Ernie died. As a rule, living a life as a mobster
is dangerous, much like a gangster, with rivals who would want you dead. However this is just a
possibility there could have been another motive but this seems as to be the most significant to
My first piece of evidence is that handmark left on the wall. Whether it was left by grease or
because of anything else, that handmark shows that the culprit had been on the wall leaning and
shot the man at a point-blank range. That hand mark shows that the culprit had been leaning on
the wall with his right hand meaning that the gun was in his left hand. Because of this the murder
was most likely Left handed because as a rule people who use guns will use the gun with their
primary hand. Now because the Murder is left handed by looking at the silverware one can see
that person Cs silverware is on the opposite side. Which as a rule people who have their utensils
on the Left side are most likely to be Left handed, while people who have their utensils on the
Right side are most likely to be Right handed. Because A B and D all have their utensils on the
Right means they are most likely to have not been the murder for they were all Right handed.
I now would like to focus on the Cash Register and the Tickets. The cash register only had $8.75
inside meaning someone did not pay for their money, and after inspecting this image this
man/woman seems to have a possible explanation as to why. Looking at the Tickets you can see
that Persons B C and D all add up to $8.75. Now as a rule, people who usually pay together are
most likely to know each other. Now there is still another ticket left which was As ticket. A had
also not had eaten his/hers food. Normally people who do not eat their food are usually
distracted by something, in other cases it was because people could be worried. Because B C and
D all knew each other, and because one of them was a murder it could be possible that they had
planned something like this and were ready to start their plan. Possibly. This could also all be a
coincidence and C was the only person in this. You could tell however that Person A was trying
to sneak his/her way out of whatever situation she/he could have been in. You could tell person A
was trying to sneak out of this scene because Person As strides were too close to have been

running and were only half a footprint which most likely indicates that he/she was tip toeing, and
these tip toes lead into the kitchen. You can also see that While there was only 5 people there are
only 3 foot prints. Footprints Y had belonged to person A which leaves Footprints X and Y left. It
is most likely possible that Footprints Y had belonged to the victim himself because the victim
was actually a worker there and footprints start at the mop, go to the cashier (which was left
untouched only opened), and then to the kitchen. The murder was leaning against the wall and if
Footprints Y belong to Mr. Ernie then Footprints X had to belong to the murder. These footprints
also lead outside. But while there are 3 foot prints that now have their owners there were 5
people. The remaining people with footprints are B and D. It seems to be that the footprints
belonging to the other 2 were masked or covered by the water from the mop. As to who it was
that mopped the floor it was either Person C or the victim because the 2 were standing near the
bucket at the time.
I finish this report with my conclusions on who did what. I conclude that Person C was the
murder due to the silverware which shows that this man was Left handed as well as the murder
who was also left handed. I conclude that Persons B and D had some relationship with C,
however there is no evidence or signs of any crime they committed at all. Person A, I believe is
innocent in all this with evidence showing he couldnt have committed the murder. I would like
to finally say that i apologize for going over my limitations in evidence, I do however believe
that I needed everything in order to solve this. I also believe that as a detective one has to use all
evidence in order to have their claim justified. However these are only my beliefs, I just wanted
to apologize for over-exceeding my evidence limitations. But as for the murder of Mr Fannin
Ernie i would like to put an arrest warrant to who Person C is, and to interrogate Persons A who
might be able to clarify what happened at the scene.
-Fabian Ruiz (B4)

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