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Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

Rhetorical Analysis of RAW FOOTAGE Eric Garner KILLED After

Cynthia Reyes
University Of Texas at El Paso

Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

Cop Block Badges Dont Grant Extra Right. Retrieved 2009 -2015, from
Cop Block is an organization that helps raise awareness and provides support to victims of
policeabuse and other related institutional injustice. They document police actions whether they
areillegal, immoral or just a waste of time; involving all individuals engaged in the problem
tryingto solve usually recording the defendants and later sharing the information collected. They
worktogether towards transparency and to cause a significant impact on issues of police
accountability. Cop Block serves as a resource for education and awareness on individual and
civil rights. has a quote saying We do not hate cops they are just firm believers
that all human beings should have equal rights and should be enforced not just for ones
convenience but for future generations.

Although this Website is based on Creative Commons, I find this website a useful resource to
share experiences with the hope to find the help one needs. Having in mind that its not biased,
rather objective to stopping Police Brutality. The information shown on is based
on articles and videos about past cases as well as the services the Website claims to help with.
This Website will help as another resource for those who have an interest in stopping the wrong
use of the power officers are granted.

Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

Shoichet & Lavandera (2015, March 8). CNN. After Texas police officer shoots Mexican
immigrant, family searches for answers. Retrieved
Ruben Garcia Villalpando a 31 year old man who lived in the suburban of Dallas TX with his
wife and four children. Villalpando was an illegal alien, who was a victim of the abuse of
authority an officer enforced. The author of the article reports that Villalpando was unarmed,
police say an altercation erupted after he disobeyed an officer's commands during a traffic stop.
This conflict between the two individuals caused the officer to take further action and shot
Villalpando twice in the chest. His wife is now looking for answers regarding her husband death.
Will there be any action taken regarding the homicide? Will there be justice enforced in her
husband death? Will the case be taken seriously or toss it aside because of her husband's
immigration status and the fact that the man who opened fire was a police officer, not a civilian?
These questions are what now swirl through Marta Romero's mind.

This article cannot be taken as a first source since the reporter was not to witness the event. The
story is not biased; the reporter focused on family members testimony and police reports. The
goal of this article is to inform about a case of authority abuse. Reading about a newspaper
article case on my topic made me want to stick even more to my topic and find out about more
police brutality cases.

Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

Brunson, R. K., & Miller, J. (2006). Young black men and urban policing in the United States.
British journal of criminology, 46(4), 613-640
In an Article by Brunson & miller (2006) scientists try to figure out if there is a correlation
between African Americans and police forces. In addition it analyzes the incidents that 40
African Americans experiences with police officers. They try to see just how African Americans
perceive police officers and how police officers perceive these individuals as well (Brunson &
Miller 2006). Furthermore, it is stated that African Americans are frequently at a disadvantaged
and have been subject to police misconduct. This purpose of this article is to help understand if
there is a reason (more than just racial) why police officers tend to misuse power against

This article can help to clear the reasons why police officers act different towards different kinds
of groups. Additionally it can help to try and eliminate further police misconduct.

Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

Udosen, A. M., Etiuma, A. U., Ugare, G. A., & Bassey, O. O. (2006). Gunshot injuries in
The article Gunshot injuries in Calabar, Nigeria: an indication of increasing societal violence
and police brutality Illustrates the increasing violence with police brutality in Nigeria.
(Udosen,Etiuma,&Bassey 2006) The accounts of discharge from lethl weapons are particularly
high and a groups of scientists attempted to discern why. In addition scientists were able to
calculate the percentage of times that people get shot in either the lower limbs, upper limbs,
head/neck, chest, or the abdomen. (Udosen,Etiuma,&Bassey 2006). Furthermore, it is stated in
the article that perhaps the shots are accidental misfires and are not made with harmful intention.
This, however, this illustrated that there is a potential problem with the way the government
trains its police officers. (Udosen,Etiuma,&Bassey 2006).

The purpose of this article is to show the possible outcomes of the increase in violence in the
police force. It also proposes a potential answer and solution to the problem with the violence.
This article can be of use in the sense that the general public can be made more aware that police
brutality is not always intentional.

Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

Smith, B. W., & Holmes, M. D. (2014). Police Use of Excessive Force in Minority
Communities: A Test of the Minority Threat, Place, and Community Accountability
Hypotheses. Social Problems, 61(1), 83-104. doi:10.1525/sp.2013.
The article Police Use of Excessive Force in Minority Communities: A Test of the Minority
Threat, Place, and Community Accountability Hypotheses. Investigates further the problem that
society faces with police brutality. The authors try to tests their theory that police use more
coercive behavior when the target is a minority group (Smith & Holmes 2014). The authors of
the articles propose three possible hypotheses for the amount of police misconduct. Among these
three the one the stands out the most is the one that proposes that police officers are more
inclined to commit police brutality when these minority groups are in larger numbers and when
they are segregated (Smith & Holmes 2014). The purpose of this article is to discern as to why
police officers feel the need to use highly coercive force and what causes them to increase in

This articles could be particularly useful because it proses three possible explanations for the
peace officers misconduct as well as scientific evidence to supports the potential claims.

Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

Amalcar Scott, R. (2015). The Etiquette of Police Brutality. Crisis (15591573), 12-17.
The article discusses police the history of brutality against minorities in the U.S. since the 1960s,
focusing on the use of excessive force by police as a means of quieting the disenfranchised. It
starts with a conversation of someone telling an officer to beat and shoot the man arrested; to
have no mercy and make up a story the victim tried to hurt the officer. It includes specific cases
of police violence against African Americans including Eric Garner, Kenneth Chamberlain, and
Prince Jones, reasons why police commit these acts and the repercussions they face, and a
discussion of responses to police brutality during the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. The article
states that in many of the police brutality cases police were cleared of any wrongdoing or faced
relatively light or unspecified punishments.

The act of police officers abusing of the power granted and not being fairly punished or given the
legal importance it deserves, is a situation that I imagine leaves police feeling comfortable in
deploying any act of violence. Well of course, if it leaves them standing when all the smoke from
the gunfire has cleared. However, for much of the populace, that knot in their chests when a
squad car sidles up next to them in traffic is the twinge of sheer terror. For the purpose of this
magazine will serve as another form of resource to have information on how police brutality
does not get the attention and importance it needs.

Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

NEEGANAGWEDGIN, E. (2014). Racialized Policing: Aboriginal People's Encounters with the

Police. Labour / Le Travail, 73352-354.
Comacks book expresses her thoughts about the Canadian police and policy structure, referring
to it as a racialized policing. According to Comack officers are assisting in the governance of
race and racialization instead of keeping order in society. Comacks book also talks about how
indigenous people are judged based on appearance and are victims of officers assumptions.
Indigenous men are profiled by officers as criminal suspects, they are usually accused of being in
the drug trade or in a gang. In the other hand Indigenous women are perceived as sex workers.
This book helps its readers understand the challenges faced by indigenous people when trying to
cope with the justice system Canada operates with.

The purpose of this book is not to attack the police, but rather to make a call to see a broader
systematic issue in the treatment of Indigenous people by the justice system. With her research
one can see the point of view Comack is trying to get across, beyond police actions the real
problem is that Indigenous people are seen as inferior people. This book was very helpful for my
research because it proves that racism is an issue in many countries affecting the justice system.
Not only do colored skin people suffer from police brutality but all one that is not considered to
be as equal as the authority committing the pervasive act. Till this day Racism knows no barriers,
not even what we entrust as the justice system.
Police. Labour / Le Travail, 73352-354.

Running Head: Erick Garner Killed By Chokehold

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