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Nombre: ____________________________________

Let the following vocabulary help you to write your poemas. Also, you can use google
translate to help you find other words and listen to their pronunciation.
Yo soy I am
Me gusta I like
Me encanta I really like
Grande Large
Pequeo Small
Bajo Short
Alto Tall
Dbil Weak
Fuerte Strong
Corto Short
Largo Long
Viejo Old
Joven Young
Nuevo New
Mucho A lot
Poco A few
Divertido Fun
Aburrido Boring
Rico Rich
Pobre Poor
Gordo - Fat
Delgado Skinny
Simptico Nice
Antiptico Mean
Caro Expensive
Barato Cheap
Loco Crazy
Tmido Shy
Rubio Blond hair
Moreno Brown hair
Pelirojo Red hair
Negro Black hair
Chico Boy
Chica Girl
Estudiante Student
Atltico Athletic
Artstico Artistic
Tonto Silly
Amable Kind
Linda Pretty girl
Guapo Handsome boy

Artist Frida Kahlo Niche/Frame

Brazilian Soccer Player

Jugar to play
Ir to go
Hacer to do
Bailar to dance
Cantar to sing
Ir de Compras to go shopping
Mirar television to watch T.V.
Descansar to rest
Trabajar to work
Ir al cine to go to the movies
Pintar to paint
Hacer deportes to do sports
Nadar to swim
Estudiar to study
Dibujar to draw
Tocar msica to play music
Escuchar msica to listen to music
Leer to read
Hablar por telfono to talk on the phone
Practicar bisbol to play baseball
Jugar al ftbol to play soccer
El ftbol americano football
Jugar al voleibol to play volleyball
Jugar al tenis to play tennis
Jugar al golf to play golf
Hacer jogging to jog
Correr to run
Jugar al baloncesto to play basketball
Hacer gymnasia to do gymnastics
Andar en bicicleta to ride a bike

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