Family Insitiution: by Danielle Krattiger

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Family Insitiution

By Danielle Krattiger

Three Main Functions of a Family

-Provide shelter/food for a child (raising the
-Carry down the culture of the family
-Provide identity to the members of the family

History of the family institution!

-Family has been around since mankind first started. It
is a
branch of history from prehistoric to modern times. The
family serves a basic role in all societies.
-People started focusing on the history of the family in
late 1970s, with the study of Anthropology and
The study of the family was most popular in The United
States, and Canada.

History of the family institution

-According to the U.S. Census Bureau, a
family is "a group of
two or more people who reside together and
who are related by
birth, marriage, or adoption"
(U.S. Census Bureau).

Types of Relationships!
-Endogamy: Marriage between members of the same
category, class, or group.
-Exogamy: Marriage between members of different
categories, classes, or groups.
-Monogamy: Marriage between one man and one
-Polygamy: Marriage between one man and more than
-Polyandry: Marriage between one woman and more
one man.

How has the institution changed over

Throughout history, the family institution has
drastically changed. From single parents,
adoptions, same-sex parents, all the way to the
rate of divorces, the institution of a family has
changed. Between 1950 and 1970, the divorce
rates were lower than they are today. Fewer
women were unmarried between the ages of
20-24. Even though there are changes in families,
the family itself is not even coming close to

What has caused various institutions to

Technology has been a big factor that has changed the
family institution. People are becoming more openminded
with same-sex families, adoptions, surrogates, and
divorces. The economy also affects this institution to
change. With the family institution changing constantly,
women are becoming more independent, and

Features of the institution that has

In the past 50 years alone, we have seen a
dramatic rise in divorce, blended
families (gay parents), and children born out
of wedlock. Starting in the 1920s, people have
had enhanced freedom, and started to have
interracial marriages. In the 1960s, womens
rights influenced women that they dont need a
man, causing more single mothers and fathers.

Features of the institution that has not

Families still have a father or mother in one way or
another. The definition of a family has not
changed. Families are important because it allows
them to pass down their culture to their children,
and their childrens children. Overall, the family
institution has not changed drastically. The only
major change would be same-sex marriages and
single parents, and I most people wouldnt
consider that a change.

How I would improve the family

If I had to improve the family institution, I would
want people to be more accepting with gay
marriages and single parents. Unfortunately,
our society looks down upon people that fit into
those categories. I would also have parents be
more active in their childs life. I feel like theyre
all too busy with work, and not paying attention
to their childs childhood.

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