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Jessica Quezada & Tiffany Wojtak

LRC 417
May 4, 2015
SIOP Lesson Plan
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Content Area: Science - Thunderstorms
Strand 6: Earth and Space Sicence
Concept 3: Changes in the Earth and Sky
PO 1. Identify the following aspects of weather:





Language Objective:
Students will be able to use the weather vocabulary words to explain the process of a
thunderstorm, and its environmental effects both orally, and through writing.
Content Objective:
Students will be able to explain that hot and cold air collides to create a thunderstorm.
Vocabulary Words:
Weather powerpoint
Tap. Tap. Boom, Boom by Elizabeth Bluemle
Thunderstorm youtube video
Jumping in puddles youtube video
Red and blue food coloring
4 clear containers

We will begin the lesson by introduction the content and language objectives to the students. We
will read them to the students and then have them read it out loud to ensure their participation
and understanding.
Building Background:
Afterwards we will have students talk to each other about the different kinds of weather they
have experienced. They will share their ideas in a whole group discussion. While the different
weathers are being talked about we will put images up on the board. As a whole class we will go
though the list of vocabulary words, which will include rain, thunder, lightning, puddle, and
environment. The words will be displayed on the board, and there will be images and sounds to
accompany them. As the different words are being discussed we will have students do actions
that correlate with them. We will read the book Tap. Tap. Boom, Boom by Elizabeth Bluemle
. Students will be asked to read along with us as they begin to remember the repeated phrases.
During the reading we will also ask questions such as:
What do you think will happen next?
What do you think caused the storm?
When have you seen a thunderstorm?
We will have students watch clips of thunderstorms and people jumping in rain puddles. After
the videos have been shown we will have students talk in a small group setting about the new
things they have learned on thunderstorms and mud puddles.
Students will engage in a science experiment that demonstrates how warm and cold air comes
together to create a thunderstorm. They will do the experiment in small groups. Students will use
a clear tub with warm water to represent the warm air. They will add red food coloring to one
side of the container. They will then add two ice cubes to the opposite side of the container to
represent the cold air. They will observe the behavior of the warm and cool air in their tubs.
Afterwards they will be asked to describe what they are seeing with their group.
Review and Assessment:
Students will be asked to independently write 1 2 sentence describing what they earned about
thunderstorms. They will also be asked to draw a picture about their writing. They will be
required to use the new vocabulary word.
Comprehensible Input:
During our lesson we will be using speech appropriate for students, and we will be checking for
understanding using the thumbs up/thumbs down hand signals. We will be using several mediums
to explain the content.
Effective Strategies:
During the read-aloud, discussions and science experiment we will be posing questions that will

ask students to predict, summarize, question and problem solve.

Students will have the opportunity to work in different setting such as whole group, small groups,
pairs, and individually to promote understanding of the lesson. We will provide adequate wait time,
and clarification in L1 if needed.
Lesson Delivery:
A variety of strategies will be used to engage students and support their learning. We will check for
understanding by using the thumbs up/thumbs down hand signals, students will also be asked to
actively participate in whole, and small group discussions.

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