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Cita Maldonado

Leadership Conference
December 12, 2014

I think if I had the opportunity to go to the thirteenth annual TRIO Utah ASPIRE
Leadership Conference it would be a great experience. Not only would I just be
experiencing getting to go to the conference I would get to experience a lot of other
things. Id get meet other students who are participating in Trio programs and learn
things about them like why they joined TRIO and some tips for the future. Id get to be
around people with similar experiences as me and/or bright future. Ill also get to see the
Utah Valley Universitys campus, giving me an idea on if I would like to apply to UVU
senior year. Also Ive never been to a leadership conference, I could learn a lot of things
from it. With the friends that I already have in Upward Bound it would be another
experience that we would be able to share like the summer program. It would bring our
friendship even closer than it already is.

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