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Jaime Farnsworth April 19, 2015 Math Lesson Analysis Observing oneself on a video is a humbling experience, Not only do you reflect upon what you were teaching, but also how you presented yourself in actions and language. It was eile ee ey interesting to pinpoint areas for improvement as well as get a glimpse into what next semester will be like preparing my teacher work sample. I am determined to learn from this experience and not become negative or too critical about my performance. I know that I have plenty to discover about teaching and I am eager to absorb all I can to become a great teacher. During this math lesson I felt my general presence inthe classroom was comfortable. oe p After reviewing the video I still believe my presence as a teacher was effective, I used a good teacher voice with proper amounts of wait time to allow students sufficient processing time. I coe See also used pitch in my voice to ask questions and give feedback which I felt was helpful for students. One thing I thought was interesting and effective was the use of hand gestures. I did not realize how much I use my hands to talk: hot: He fnach gt aff While teaching my lesson I chose to sit at the front of the carpet with a small easel. My intent was to give students an opportunity to get away from their desks and follow current teaching procedures in the classroom. After teaching this lesson T would have chosen to have students at their desks. This would allow more room for them and for teaching. I felt really ‘coupe andl her watdiieg the vido, Voculd wx thar students Sd war have ener rocen measure their shoe either. I think sitting at desks is more common in the older grades. Third grade should probably be a mix of both working at their desk and at the carpet, This lesson was not one of my best In fact, had a difficult time choosing which parts to leave in because I did not feel | adequately covered the objective. The objective ‘was too broad 1

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