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Jaime Farnsworth April 19, 2015 and was too unfamiliar to students. I think I needed to take baby steps to help them understand the pieces of both line plots and measurement. This lesson should have been a review. I now see that you do not need to cover a whole standard in one lesson. As a teacher you need to r _how much is too much for any given lesson. I would begin by creating my lessons by building on background knowledge with just one new concept. These lessons help students to reach the Zone of Proximal Development without being overwhelmed. The My Math Program sets this step-by- step process to aid teachers in preparing to teach math. I now realize that | should have aligned my lesson with this program. All semester I have been trying to avoid the My Math Program because I thought it fell short in having enough hands-on activities and meaningful questions. 1 have come to realize that teachers should use this Program as a guide and incorporate other ideas to increase meaningfulness. My Math also insures that we hit all areas of the curriculum and not overwhelm students. [oad he eyert fay Not only was the lesson too overwhelming I also did tot fee! like I was as well prepared for students’ answers. I did not expect students to drink 23 glasses of milk in five days. This was my opening question and totally threw off the rest of the lesson. I just kept digging a whole to try and compensate for the large, unexpected answer. All of my line plots went from zero to seven, ‘not to 23! So, Thad to redo my line plot numbering. It was a mess, and working on that small whiteboard was a disaster. Now as I look back, I should have stopped the lesson and asked a different question. Something that was more finite like, “what's your favorite number between ge se zero and ten?” I would have received more precise answers and been able to prepare accordingly. This has been a rewarding and humbling experience to watch myself teach. I have been learning from some of the best teachers in the district, for the last three semesters, and still cannot perform as well. I realize it takes many years to acquire the ability think quick on your Zz

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