ILSTJ - Exercises Conjunctions I

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Exercises Conjunctions I

1. Complete the sentences. Use although + a sentence from the box.

I didnt speak the language well/he has a very important job
I had never seen her before/we dont like them very much
it was quite cold/the heating was on
Id met her twice before/weve known each other a long time

Although he has a very important job, he isnt particularly well-paid.

__________________________, I recognised her from a photograph.
She wasnt wearing a coat ___________________________________.
_________________________________, I managed to make myself
e) _______________________________________, the room wasnt warm.
f) I didnt recognise her ___________________________________________.
g) Were not very good friends _______________________________________.
2. Complete the sentences with although/in spite of/because/because of.
a) Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.
b) ____________________ all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
c) _____________________ wed planned everything carefully, a lot of things
went wrong.
d) I went home early ___________________ I was feeling unwell.
e) I went to work the next day _________________ I was still feeling unwell.
f) She only accepted the job ___________________ the salary, which was
very high.
g) She accepted the job _______________________ the salary, which was
rather low.
h) I managed to get to sleep _________________ there was a lot of noise.
i) I couldnt get to sleep ____________________ the noise.
Now use your own ideas to complete the following sentences>
j) He passed the exam although
k) He passed the exam because
l) I didnt eat anything although
m) I didnt eat anything in spite of
3. Make one sentence from two. Use the word(s) in brackets in your
a) I couldnt sleep. I was very tired. (despite)
b) They have very little money. They are happy. (in spite of)
c) My foot was injured. I managed to walk home. (although)

d) I enjoyed the film. The story was silly. (in spite of)
e) We live in the same street. We hardly see each other. (despite)
4. Use the words in brackets to make a sentence with though at the end.
a) The house isnt very nice. (like/garden) I like the garden though.
b) Its warm today. (very windy) _______________________________________________
c) We didnt like the food. (ate) _______________________________________________
d) Liz is very nice. (dont like/husband) _________________________________________

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