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And what you should know to do it right | A metrology primer ‘The passing on or duplication of this document, use or disclosure ofits contents are prohibited without express consent. Violations wil be prosecute All ight reserved, especially regarding the granting of patents or the regstration of utlity made We reserve the right to revise tis manual (CariZeiss does not guarantee the contents ofthis manual or grant ‘animpled warranty for its vencible quality or its suitabilty for a specific purpose Carl Zeiss isin no way liable for any accidental or consequential ‘damage due tothe provision or use of this manual. Al product names referred to herein are registered trademarks oF ‘brand names belonging tothe respective proprietars. carl Zelss ‘A metrology primer Division of Version: 10. Industia! Metrology Date: ase D-73446 Oberkochen Order no. 12302-8102 Service Hotline: 449 (0)180 333 6337 ‘Glossary A glossary describes terms ‘briefly and succinctly. About this primer This primer was prepared for anyone who works with coordinate measuring machines and measuring software and would tke to learn the basis requlted for that purpose Its contents include: + Chap. 1 From caliper gage to CMM Why can neither caliper gages nor further developed singe ‘purpose maasuring techniques meet the demands of madera, mass production? How does a CMM work? + Chap. 2 From scribing to form measurement Survey of ciferent types of CMMs and thet range of ‘application, + Chap. 3. From probe tp to program - path of the measuring ata \Which components of the CMM jointly determine the probing location? + Chap. From vector to projected angle Just the very basis ofthe mathematics involved - so that you know what you're measuring and what the values output by the CMM really mean, + Chap. 5 From prabing to measuring result ‘What happens to the “raw measuring data* - how do the probe, the probe tip radius, the probing diection and ‘systematic deviations figure into the measuring result? + Chap. 6 What does CALYPSO actually do? ‘What do “inspection characteristic” and “measured element” mean in CALYPSO? 4+ Chap. 7 From planning to evaluating esuts- where am I? ‘What phases and stages are involved in the utlization of @ coordinate measuring machine? For your convenience... 12302-9102 this primer contains a glossary. A glossary 6 @ concise dicto- naty use to explain various individual tems. You mainly need the definitions it contains where the corresponding terms actually 3p- ‘pear And thats the reason why our glossary has been divided into sections located next to the terms it defines throughout the fol lowing text Simply measure (1.0) 12302-9102 ‘Simply measure (1.0) From caliper gage to CMM 7 From scribing to form measurement - different types of CMMs 15 From probe tip to program ~ path of the measured value es From vector to projected angle 37 From probing to measuring result 57 What does Calypso actually do? 75 From planning to evaluating results - where am I? 79 12302-5102 Simply measure (1.0) ane 12302-9102 Simply measure (1.0) | From caliper gage to cmMM In this chapter you wil fest read about moasurement using the “good old cakper ‘age. Why can neither the caliper gage nor more advanced single-nstrument measuring techniques satisty the requirements of modem mass production for high-precision machined workpieces? 'What i the bosic principle of coordinate metrology and what advantages does 2 ‘coordinate measuring machine offer in comparison to other measuring instruments? 4} 612302-9102 ‘Simply measure (1.0) 2 OS Measuring with the caliper gage 12302-9102 ‘Why measure? All of us are constantly invoNed with measurement. Every time you look ata clock, check the temperature eading on a ther ‘mometer or count your money you're measuring values or reading the results of measurements in one form or another In any case, what measurement relly involves is comparing some- ‘thing withthe most precise model or scale avallable. This becomes especially clear if we measure an object’ length by placing a scale next tot By the way: constantly improved methods of comparison using in- «creasingly precise models or scales is the basis for technical progress Because it i dificult a best (and sometimes even i= possible} to assemble products or interchange parts without rl- able models, exact measurements and defined standards. An effective division of labor would also prove impossible. Further- more, a technical product or activity can be evaluated and there- fore influenced only by means af measurement. Technical progress in tun enables increasingly improved, more ac- ‘urate and more convenient measurement technologies. The caliper gage The “good old caliper gage" characterized» eatvely long period of industrial and commercial technology. Generations graw up us- Ing this insieument Te caliper gage is based on 2 fundamental principle: the distance between two points isthe value to be measured, Tis fs done by sliding one scale along another one and "probing" two points, thus setting the scale toa postion which cortesponds to the actu al distance between the two probed points. ‘The distance hetween the two points can be measured inan order ‘of magnitude move exact than the naked eye could discern by compating the slight deviation between the two scales. What the caliper gage can not do (On the other hand, no further increase in accuracy can be achieved using this technique. Another method must be emn- ployed if, asis often the case, we need mare exact data Furthermore insufficient accuracy isnot the only deficiency ofthe caliper gage. Simply measure (1.0) 612302-9102 + Another shortcoming isthe one-sidedness or lacking flexiiiy ofits “data output". Other dimensions, ¢.9. angles, must be caleulated separately, Furthermore, many values required to assess a workpiece can neither be measured diectly nor derived from the measured lenath. ‘+The ize and shape ofthe caliger gage set certain limits: particularly smal or intricately designed, fiigreed workpieces {and exceptionally large objects can not be measured with a caliper gage. ‘+ Inaddition, the shape ofits jaws automatically excludes “probing” certain points from the start. ‘Avery large number of more modern, more accurate and more flexible measuring devices have been invented since the introduc- tion of the caliper gage. Unfortunately, none of them can over- ome all ofthe shortcomings Isted above. Furthermore, all of ‘them fal to meet the demands placed en metrology by modern mass production. sins. 93 CNC Abbreviation for “Computer N ‘merical Controllea. Refers to ‘methods of prodiction and mee surement in hich the machines are controed by nurenc date and programs 10 Demands placed on modern metrology 612302-9102 Products manufactured on modern assembly lines can no longer be inspected with 2 caliper gage. Even special gages custom- ‘made for the workpiace being checked are not suitable for this, purpose, since they become inappropriate as soan asthe product '5 modified only lightly or another product is produced. Particularly CNC production, flexible manufacturing systems and non cutting methods of manufacture place new demands on ‘measuring control regarding setup and routine production opera- tion, What must measuring instruments be able to do? ‘What kind of measuring instruments are required for modern me- ‘tology? These instruments must: + bo tast + perform automated operation + beable to directly measure or cakulate a very wide variety of dimensions, derived values and quality characterises + be able to measure smal, medium-size and lage workpieces witha basic or an elaborate design + be fleibly adaptable to new requirements + berelately easy to operate + operate with high relabily and repeatability. No traitiona, conventional measuring device can satis ll of these demands: Not only caliper gages, but also gages of every ‘ype and design, precision dal gages, height gages and multipoint measuring devices simply can not *fil the bill here. Simply measure (1.0) Coordinate Measuring — Machine Acoordinate measuring machine “contact <0.01 ‘Adaptive Touch Advanced Con- = tol Normal natal Sigh contaminated a aera 6123029102 Ifthe mechanical contact opens within a preset period of time: (depending on the machine type) after the probe was deflected by 2 minute angle on contacting the workpiece, the travel motors at motordiven CMMs) wil stop and the computer wil input the measured value. Position-independent trigger probe head (RST) In principle the RST isa miniature version of the tigger probe head (53) ts maximum probe weight i so negligible that no (weight-related) probe balancing is required. Due to its ightweight probe, ths probe system can also be used ‘on CMMs with very high acceleration values and under extremely adverse ambient conditions. {in connection with fong extensions, the RST Is especially suitable for deep Immersion into and maasurement of hard-to-access loca- tions, €g in car body subassemblies. Trigger probe heads with ATAC The piezoelectric elements ofa trigger probe head react different ly 10 various workpieces: the hardness of the materi its surface finish and any possible oil contamination result in varying signal characteristic curves. The size ofthe probe siylus may also play a role, ‘The force-time characteristic of the piazcelacic signa is recorded ‘and analyzed “online” by an extremely fast probe head electron- kes unit. The exact contact points then calculated from this value to this way, even the most cifcut probing concltions can be dealt vith reliably, repeatably and much more accurately than ever be ‘ore. The measurable workpiece spectrum has been extended; ‘ewer probing repetitions are required. A certain workpiece finish or surface quolity is usually assumed, However, ifa tigger probe head is equipped with ATAC, the ‘CMM can analyze the workpiece material based on the behavior ‘of the probe head, and therefore of the material. This information| Is then taken Into account whan determining the probing point Simply measure (1.0) Measuring probe heads and scanning Scanning In coordinate metrology scan- ‘ning generally refers to contin ‘uous probing of contours with ‘dynamic measurement toke~ ‘over, resulting in a dense point sequence, 12302-8102 ‘The measuring probe head has a higher accuracy and enables the scanning of surfaces. Design of the measuring probe head A measuting probe head contains three paralielagram springs, tone foreach of the three axes, Le, X,Y and 7. These (usually stacked) parallelogram springs make it possible ta paralehadjust ‘the probe pick-up by very small amounts (e.g, 2.5 mm)in each ans, Each indvidual travel ads has Its own integrated length mnea- suring system; hence the name “measuring probe head” ‘The probe head can adjust itself inal three axes via the core. sponding paratelagram springs. Each ofthe parallelogram springs can aso be individually “damped” or locked to prevent further or Urwvanted adjustment in the cortesponding axis Simply measure (1.0) rection of trav Deflection © act= Reset 10 10 = data takeover in Zzeropposiion andat} presolected mea- suring force eas fe 1612302-9102 How static measurement works Static measurement is the measurement of individual points. The probe or stylus first travels tothe workpiece, Then, on probing the ‘workpiece, its pushed slightly away from the probe head pick-up ‘against the probing diection. ‘A probing status is recognized as soon as this probe deflection ex- ceeds a specified amount. Then the system is itched from the position control loop to the probing control loop and the CMM ‘artlage moves back untl the ength measuring system in the probe head has reached its zero (home) position a a preselected measuring force. ‘Then the measured values are read out by the path measuring sys- ‘tems and transferred to the conti! in coordinate form. Simpy essre(1.0) 31 How dynamic measurement works { a Dynamic measurements a scanning mode whichis possble only eum an | vith 2 meseuring probe heed. inthis mode of measurement, the \ Ce measured values are taken over or transferred with the probe head inthe deflected state. Fr this reason, dynamic measure= ment faster than state measurement. How is this made possible? Parallel deflection of the probe gener- ates 2 value in the CMM length measuring system which devietes slightly from the actual value. And exactly this deviation Is mea suted by the probe head length measuring systems! The measure iment is generated by simultaneously reading out the value of the CMM and the prabe head measuring systems and figuring both j (of them into the caleulaton, t Scanning is performed by “dragging” the probe stylus along the surface ofthe workpiece. Ths technique makes it possible to ac- quite considerably more probing points in a shorter period of time 10 facilitate the measurement and evaluation of cuniinesr surfec- 5, gaar whe or pratles. 32 } | { 12302-9102 Simply measure (1.0) ; | Length measuring system and closed loop Incremental system Incremental systems take into ‘account the increase or *Incre- ‘ment” and the decrease occur ring during travel to calculate the instantaneous length, Le. ‘only the difference in reference {0 the previous reading is mea- sured. 12302-9102 Length measuring system ‘A separate length measuring system is integrated in each aus This enables the CMIM to "know" where the probe head is Yocat- ced at any given moment. The values measured by the length mea- suring systems are continuously transmitted to the computer during probe head travel the diferent designs and types of systems used vary considerably ‘and will not be descrined here at length. One important point should, however be noted: the variety most commonly used are Incremental systems with a graduated grating as ther matarial, measure or standard of measurement. The ilstation on the left shows a photoclectonic incremental system: a small lluminated reader grating or reader head is ‘moved along the index grating or scale by the travel movements (of the probe head. This causes the grating gaps to open and close, thus generating ght signals whlch are then converted 10 electric signals. Finally, these signals are evaluated and converted ‘0.2 dimension equaling the distance traveled by the CMM cat- Hage. Angular-position measuring system ‘A rotary table also has a measuring system to measure its rotation (see "Coordinate measuring machines with a rotary table* on page 219). Since is fixed scale revolves in a circle around the o- tary table, the measured fength increment is equal to the angular increment. Automatic control ln CMMs with an electronic probe head contral, the length mea suring ystems are aso used to move the probe head to the car- rectlocation during an automatic measuring run ‘The CMM cartage is driven by precision motors in all three axes In the manual mode, the operator moves the probe head to the desired position by deflecting the oystcks inthe desied direction (of travel while constantly keeping an eye on the path traveled by the probe head, However, for automated measuring runs the CMM itself must be ale to travel precisely to each desired location. The machine car- rlage motors can be controled exactly as required for this pur- 7 Simp esse (1.0 33 Position control loop : Simpler, exacter and more reliable contol can be achieved wath ‘losed loop control than with diect (open-loop) control The in- Closed loop formation provided by the Chas wn length measuring systems + can be used to move the probe head to the desired location. The ‘ina closed loop (contro), 9 contral, rive motors and path measuring systems ae here com ‘measured value Is fed back to Secu i fonds asec edeaed ee influence itself in such a way. ae fee eae thata preset value isreached or maintained, This functions a follows: i otor +The program or the operator determines the coordinates of the location to where the probe head shouid travel f +The length measuring system in the CMM reports the current position to the computer. +The computer compares the actual and nominal positions. I 1 ‘the nominal postion isnot yet reached, the drive control ' ‘outputs current to the drives unt the length measuring systems report thatthe actual and nominal positions are Identical Drive pe orrer Igontiol When the control informs the compuier thatthe preset nominal value and the actual postion agree, the next program step, €. IL probing I then processed, 34 F erzszsoe Soy eo. | Mao s123009102 Silene (1.0) 35 36 12302-9102 | Simply measure (1.0) ! | | From vector to projected angle Basic mathematics... some of you may get stomach pains at the mete thought of this subject matter, 50, bearing this in mind, we have done our best to explain terms ike ‘vector’ o ‘coordinate stem and many statistical tems as clearly and simply as possible. Because we beleve that this knowledge wil improve your measuring success. ‘Altera, such measurements can not be performed completely without math: 2g. you wll repeatedly be involved with projected angles. | rzso2.stoa Sin nese.) 37 Vector “A vector is defined by a dvecton ‘and an amount Gength). Vector symbolizing 4 three-dimensional inear movement 612302-9102 Vectors and normals Everyone knows what numbers ar: they can be used to specty lenats, sires or quantities (9. tee apples, a wheelbase of 24S m, an apartment with 87 sq.m floor area). Al ofthese figures specify one-dimensional objects: this means ‘hat all possible lengths or sizes can be arranged along a single line (a one-dimensional object). And for two randomly selected numbers you can always determine which of them is greater, i.e their proper arrangement on the number scale. {And since numbers can be arranged on a scale, they ae also sometimes referred to as scalor quantities. Vectors However, numbers alone are not always sufficient to clearly detine al functions. For example, if you want to describe the three-di- ‘mensional movements ofa robot, one-dimensional numbers alone simply won't do. Vectors are used to demonstrate the direction and length of a ‘movement. You might try imagining a vector as the displacement ‘of a point in a specific dection and by a specific length. And that’s the reason why vectors are often drawn 2s arrows. ‘Vectors can be added to each athe or multiplied by a number. This corresponds to the performance of different movements in succession or the repeated performance ofa single movement. The results of such “operations are than also vectors. Simply measure (1.0) Normal — ach plane defines exacty one ai rection perpendicular tots own suuface in three dimensionalspace. This direction i called the normal. Tangential plane ofa surface cinder) 612302-9102 Normal vector ‘The normal vector or as tis aso called, the normal is used to ‘characterize the inclination of a plane or a surface “around a giv- fen point” Normal of a plane ‘The normal vector of a plane fs the vector perpendicular to every random line running through that plane. Only one such direction exists in three-dimensional space. Each plane thus has exactly one normal which remains the same at every point. Normal ofa surface ata specified point ‘A normal can also be defined for a point on a nonplanar (ve. cur vilinear) surface: Thisis done by simply defining the normal ofthe tangential plane at the given point. The reason for this fs that ev- ‘ery point of a surface has only exactly one plane which both pass- 5 through that point and conforms to (or coincides with) the surface in every direction: the tangential plane. sing mes 1.0) 39 ‘The normal vector points tothe outside 40 1232 Where does the normal vector point to? For areas it makes no difference whether the normal points “up ‘or "down. On the other hand, ths paint can nat be viewed as unimportant in cases involving the surfaces and contours of solid bodies. The locaton of a sold bodys “innes* or “outer*surface isan ime portant cece of information when performing measurements ‘with automated coordinate measuring machines, Afterall a Body can only be probed from the outside. However, the CIM can not see the workpiace the way we do. For this reason, there i a convention stating thatthe normal must al ways be specified pointing away from the body (Le. outward). Example: a cylinder Thus, for example, a cylindrical surface may represent either the petiphery ofa cylindrical bore or the outer surface of a peg. Inthe fist case the CMM must probe the cylinder from the inside and, Inthe other case from the outside. “The surface normal points toward the “inside* ofthe cylinder (out ‘outward from the workpiece) inthe fist case and outward from the ejinder inthe second case. Simply measure (1.0) Planes, straight lines and points 12302-9102 To understand how measuring elements and geometric tems are used in CALYPSO, you should have 3 general idea of the elation ship between points, straight lines, planes and geometric figures in three-dimensional spac. How are geometric objects defined? Forel (e.g, equations) can be used to designate geometric ob- jects. sts of spatial points. The corresponding geometric cb- Jectls then equal tothe set of al points which satisfy the ‘equation. An example ofthis is the set of al points which have distance of 7 cm from point M — ie. the spherical surface which surrounds point M and hasa radlus of 7 cm. More commonly, however, several points on the geometic object ate specified along with the kind of geometric object involved, CCALYPSO can automatically recognize what kind of geometric ob- jects involved based on the points measured. The minimum number of points required to clearly define a geo metric object can always be exactly determined based on the laws ‘of mathematics. One point lss andthe object is indefinite. One point more and the object is generally no longer definite. “Gener. ally" here means thet the “one point too many* which has been specified may coincidental belong to the object previously de fined, however, thisis not necessarily the case, For example: + 2 points define a straight tne. +3 points (not located on a single straight line) define plane, + One straight line and one point (nat located on the suaight line) define a plane. +3 points (not located on a single straight tne) define a cil, + 4 points not located in a single plane define a cylinder. + 4 points not located in a single plane define a spherical surface, singly mes. 41 Coordinate systems "Right-hand rule” The relative location of the X, Y andes ofa Cartesian system ro sembles.a ipod famed by the tum index foges and mide finger of your ight hand. 612302-9102 The position of spatial points can be specified using a cocrdinate system, One simple example of how this s done is the coordinate Grid on a city map, Ler’s assume for example that you're looking for Main Street in Anytown USA, The street directory of your city ‘map indicates that Main Steet is located in square “FG. You then ‘move your finger from left to right until you find column “E* and from top to bottom until you pinpoint square *F5*. That's where Main Street must be located. Cartesian coordinate system ‘The most common form is the rectangular, three-avls Cartesian coordinate system. Tivee aligned reference aves are here located ‘at ght angles to each other atthe zero point. These three axes ‘are usualy designated as *X, ¥ and 2* “The direction of an ais usually indicated by an arrowhead. The ‘axes must have a poste orientation i. the relative postion of the X,Y and Z ans must be the same as thet of the thumb, index finger and middle finger of your ight hand (right-hand rule), ‘This rule is important. Without it misunderstandings might oceur since, theoretically speaking, the third axis could also point inthe opposite direction. ‘Simply measure (1.0) Ny The coordinatés lead up to the point 12302-9102 What do the coordinates tell us? ach spatial point forms aright parallelpiped in connection with the XYZ-axi tripod. The lateral sidos ofthe paralllpiped in the thee aves are the coordinates Like the cky map mentioned above, they tell you how far you must goin a given ans to reach the point concerned. Example: a coordinate measuring machine (On a coordinate measuring machine, the three axes of the ma- chine coordinate system can easly be recognized by the direction In which the probe head is traveling: The transverse carriage tray- ls cross inthe X aus, the bridge runs back and forth inthe ¥ ‘axis and the quill moves up and down in the Z axis ‘The zero paint af the machine coordinate system is defined by the manufacturer. tis located at the “top rear left comer” of bridge-type CMMs when viewed from the front, As a result all coordinates measured except for the X coordinate are negative in machines ofthis ype. The coordinate measuring machine initaly defines the coordi nates ofa spatial point in the machine coordinate system. Howev= «ar, these coordinates can also be converted to any other coordinate system, €.9, one wich is oriented on the werkpiece sell Seng mess. 0) 43 XN coordinate plane 61202-9102 Coordinate planes Coordinate planes are important for describing the location of ob- Jects in space, Two coordinate axes describe a single plan: + TheX and ¥ axis form the YPK plane, +The ¥ and Z axis form the 2 plane, ‘+ The Z and x axis form the XZ plane. CCoorinate planes are important in coordinate metrology because ‘they are used to specty the diection of a straight line in space (as well asthe drecion ofa vector: This is achieved by determining the angles at which the straight ne intersects the coordinate: planes. For more deta, see “Projected angles” on page 4.47. Coordinate planes are always shown in drawings as if viewed from a perspective drecty opposed to the third, unspecified ads Le. the viewer seems to be looking directly Tat the tip of the ar- row head" of the third corresponding axis from the front ‘The illustrations on the lll show the position and the representa tion of the VY plane. Don't be confused by the direction of the 2 axis ~ 2 coordinate system can also have such an orientation. In most cases, however, the Z ais will paint upward. Simply measure (F.0) Planar dimensioning of a workpiece Spatial dimensioning of a workpiece 12302-9102 Planar coordinates IF the points on a flat or planar workpiece ate specified with coor- dinates, this is refered to as. dimensioning. Inthe example shown on the left, the X axis is located along the longer edge and the ¥ axs runs along the shorter edge at a 90° angle to the X aus Of course, each ans has is own separate scale, Aswith the ely map, the coordinate par (20, 40) specifies a location: you start at the zero paint, i. the origin of the coordi- nates, move 20 mm ta the right (in the dtection ofthe X avs) and ‘then proceed 40 mm in the direction ofthe Y as, you wil each ‘the desied point Spatial coordinates Coordinates are used exactly the same way in three dimensions f ‘the points of Interest do not lie on the surface of our workpiece, ‘an additional dimension is required: the Zaxs. Three numbers are therefore specified These three coordinates (e.g. 20, 40, 5) ‘mean: Starting from the 2ero paint, move 20 mm in the direction ‘of the X axis, 40 mm in the direction of the ¥ als and § mm * downveard*, Le. opposite the Zax. In our example that might be the depth ofa chile. Sin ese.) 45 Polar coordinates 46 612302-9102 Polar coordinates ‘The Cartesian coordinate system is not the only one used. If the elements to be measured are grouped around an origin (ea. il holes, it maybe easier and make more sense to spacily the radius and angle, + Planar pols coordinates ‘With planar polar coordinates the location ofa point Is specified in terms of ts distance from zero point 0 {the poke, ie its ralus specified along with the angle between the ray extending from the zero point to point P and one axis. + Spatial polar coordinates With cylindrical coordinates “height 2" Is simply added to the planar polar coordinates. With spherical coordinates the location ofa point is specified by the angles between the ray extending from 2ex0 point Oto point P and two axes at right angles to each other ‘as well as by the length of this ray ne example of a spherical coordinate system is the feriiar ‘method of indicating points on the surface of the earth in terms of their longitude and lattude. The length of the ray from the ori- in (the center ofthe earth) fs not, however, requied here since it ishere self-evident that these values refer to points on the surface of the earth, Polar coordinates on a workpiece If working drawing specifies distances and angles, i is obviously practical to use a polar coordinate system. ‘A point of origin or “pole must be determined for this purpose. ‘imaginary line Is then drawn from the pole tothe poiat of in- terest. This ne has a definite length and forms a definite angle with a preferred direction, the polar axis Its easier to convert coordinates from one system to another if this polar avis coincides with a coordinate axis of the Cartesian co- ordinate system, ‘The coordinates ofthe point are called ‘+ Distance (radius) R + Angew ‘The angle always indicates rotation proceeding from the polar as, ina “mathematically postive direction” ie. counterclockwise Simply measure (1.0) Projected angles Projection The projection ofa point isthe ppoine where the lines of projection intersect the projection plane. The: projection of a geometric object is the set of profections of all its points. ‘The around plan and front wews are profectons 12302-9102 Now you've learned quite abit about the basic mathematics in- volved. But what about proected angles? Projection ‘What i @ projection? Lets take an example al of us are familiar with 3 slide projector. As we know, this device produces an image using ays of ight which pass through a partially transparent side and then impinge on a plane, e.g. a projection screen “The texm ‘projection’ fs used in exacly the same sense in geome- ty. A thiee-

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