2012 Jesus Panel Flyer

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finally the beginning:

reflections on the final volume

of pope benedict XVIs
jesus of nazareth

The momentous third and final volume in the

Popes international bestselling Jesus of Nazareth
series, The Infancy Narratives, details the stories
of Jesus infancy and boyhood, and how they
are relevant in the modern world. Our panel
will engage and reflect on this final work as we
prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 7:30 pm

DSPT, 2301 Vine Street, Berkeley
Thomas Cattoi, PhD

Associate Professor of
Christology and Cultures,
Jesuit School of Theology of
Santa Clara University,


Fr. Bryan Kromholtz, OP Fr. Anselm Ramelow, OP

Assistant Professor of
Theology, Dominican
School of Philosophy and
Theology, Berkeley

Associate Professor of
Philosophy, Department Chair
of Philosophy, Dominican
School of Philosophy and
Theology, Berkeley

(888) 450-3778

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