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The Bible in a Year


Psalm 35 to 41
Read this coming week:
Feb 7 Ex 20‐21, Ps 35, Mark 14 Feb 8 Ex 22‐23, Ps 36, Mark 15 Feb 9 Ex
24‐25, Ps 37:1‐22, Mark 16 Feb 10 Ex 26‐27, Ps 37:23‐40, Luke 1 Feb 11
Ex 28, Ps 38, Luke 2 Feb 12 Ex 29‐30, Ps 39, Luke 3 Feb 13 Ex 31‐32, Ps
40, Luke 4 Feb 14 Ex 33‐34, Ps 41, Luke 5

Reading Questions
For next week you’re reading Psalms 35 to 41. Answer
the following:
• Finish this line from 35 and consider how counter-
intuitive it seems “Great is the Lord, who
• What are three things that “the wicked” do in 36?
Do you ever do those things?
• What is disposition of the righteous person
according to 37? What is the righteous person
• What situation do you think Psalm 38 might
accompany in the life of David? In the life of
someone today?
• How long are you going to live? Would you be
tempted to ask like David in 39?
• God does not want sacrifice but rather a ----- ?
• Psalm 41 ends Book I of the Psalms. What was
Book I about?
7 Genres of Psalms
Throughout the Psalms, we find 7 basic genres of the
writings provided. Over the next few weeks we will look
at each of these genres in greater detail. Although
there is no “official” listing of genres of the Psalms, this
genre listing developed by Tremper Longman III makes
for a suitable and widely accepted listing:

1.) The Hymn – praises evoking communal worship

2.) The Lament – cries to God for mercy and/or
protection from evil
3.) Thanksgiving – returning thanks for answered
4.) Psalm of Confidence – expressing a sure hope in
God’s grace
5.) Psalms of Remembrance – recounting God’s works
in history
6.) Wisdom Psalms – expressing an archetype of
human life’s laws for the benefit of the hearer
7.) Kingship Psalms – Psalms that extol the kingship
of God, or of His Kingdom led by a divinely
appointed ruler.

Since you just finished Book I of the Psalms, browse

through the first 41 books and examine them for these
genres. See if you can find all or most of them in what
we have read already.
Please don’t throw this away. If you’re not going to use it, leave it for
someone else to use.

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