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Topic 2 : Teaching Code Of Ethics

And Accountability
Learning Outcome
1. Explain the concepts of ethics and accountability in teaching.
2. Describe the Code of Ethics for the Teaching of Malaysia and teacher
3. Describe the integrity of the teacher and the teacher's role in the practice of
integrity in the teaching profession.
2.0 Introduction
Teachers are committed to provide quality teaching and learning programs (T & L)
and adhere to the strategies of effective accountability in addition to fairly implement
and achieve meaningful results. A teacher who holds a professional is an individual
who is trained in T & L, knowledgeable and skillful as well as to adhere to the rules
set forth in the work ethic. In Malaysia, the teacher must follow the Code of Ethics of
Teaching. Among the responsibilities that must be performed by a teacher including
obligations to students, parents, community and the nation as well as colleagues.
The teachers also need to have teaching accountability of teachers. Accountability is
described as responsibility to someone or responsible to something. As
understandable, accountability is an obligation to provide an explanation of an action
and performance to those who are entitled to the settlement. For example, the
school will make teachers accountable for student achievement through data
collection and analysis to systematically report and use data that is valid and reliable.
Thus, the teaching accountability purposes connected with the teacher's
responsibility to its professionalism. Accountability for a teacher includes
accountability to the students and parents, themselves, communities and the nation
as well as the teaching profession in general.

2.1 Teaching Code of Ethics

2.1.1 Concept of Ethics
According to philosophers, ethics refers to rules of behavior, human customs in
association with each other and this arrangement maintained what is right and what
is wrong? The word ethics or ethics is derived from the Greek word ETHOS which
means the norms, values, rules and measurements of good human behavior.

Reviews from other perspectives means of ethics are ethical moral principles
that include knowledge about the nature of good and truth (American College
Dictionary, 1964). According to Nikki (2009) are being regarded as an ethical code
of conduct identified in relation to human actions in certain areas and the Bascom
(2007) considers ethics as knowledge of a duty.
Professions Code Of Ethics
Professions Of Ethics Code is a regulation for professional help teachers comply
with the principles set forth to take care of the good image of their profession. This is
to ensure that the teachers did not do anything untoward and tarnished the image of
the teaching profession. There are three aspects that are key functions of
Professions Code Of Ethics:
Code of Ethics for Professional provides guidelines for every member of the
profession on the principles outlined professionalism. This means that every member
of the profession abreast of things to do and which should not be done.
Code of Ethics for Professional is the social control of society related professions.
This means that the ethics of the profession to provide knowledge to the community
so that they better understand the importance of a profession that allows them to
control professionals in their career field.
Code of Ethics for Professional helps professionals prevent interference outside the
organization profession about ethical relationships in the membership of the
Teachers who teach in Malaysia is committed to achieving the highest standards of
professional service in teaching and sensitive to students' ability of various cultural
background, gender, age or stage of development. Hence, there are the Code of
Ethics Teaching in Malaysia framed as a guide to all the teachers Malaysia.
Code of Ethics Training Malaysia
Teacher Code of Ethics is posted on the front page lesson book, and a code of ethics
is provided in the form of a pledge that all teachers will observe and protect the
image of the teaching profession as follows:
We, the teachers of Malaysia , is confident that the primary purpose of education is
geared towards the formation of citizens who are knowledgeable, loyal , responsible
and capable, which recognizes the importance of moving towards truth and towards
the fulfillment of a glorious and who believe in democracy, civil liberties and the
principles of Rukun Negara.

Through education, the community can help young children to understand their
culture, gain knowledge that has accumulated over the age-old and prepare them for
future challenges.
To realize the enormity of the responsibility of guiding young people to achieve full
development, then we accept the following conduct as a guide to enable us to
improve our profession moral standards are the highest.
(a) Responsibility towards the students
More concern for the welfare and safety of our students from other things.
Be fair to all students, regardless of factors of physical, mental, emotional, political,
economic, social, racial or religious.
Keep your professional or confidential information about students unless they are
entitled to know.
To assist or teach a student in the classroom itself or in the subject, the subject
being taught in the classroom without any charges.
Demonstrate how to dress, speech and behavior can give a good example to the
Maintain and improve professional competence through study tours, and attending
professional courses, conferences, meetings or seminars for teaching us to achieve
the highest quality.
(b) Responsibility towards the parents
Respect the primary responsibility of parents towards their children. Strive to
establish friendly relations and cooperation between educational institutions and
Consider all the information provided by the parents of the household or the child
as confidential and will not disclose it to anyone except to those who are entitled to
Provide information to parents in the interest of their children and to use the
information received from parents carefully and sensibly.
Refrain from using or affected by the social and economic position of the parents.
Prevent yourself from saying things or doing things that can affect the belief of
students to parents or guardians.

(c) Responsibility towards society and country

Prevent yourself from spreading the teachings that could damage the interests of
students, the community, the nation or the opposite of the Rukun Negara.
Foster in the students attitudes and values that can help and guide them to become
loyal, responsible and helpful citizens, respectful of differences of culture, race and
Respect the communities in which we serve and meet all responsibilities as a
citizen and is always willing to participate in any community activities.
To promote cooperation and understanding between teachers and parents as well
as educational institutions and the community.
Provide active contribution to raising the moral life, culture and knowledgeable
Adhere to proper behavior accepted by society and live our days well.
(d) Responsibility towards colleagues and the Teaching profession
Refrain from making any statements or comments that could discredit a teacher in
front of students or their parents or do something that can degrade a teacher.
Do not engage in activities that could affect our efficiency as a teacher.
Strive to fully discharge our responsibilities diligently and earnestly and keep it in
line with the professional and social progress.
Always ready to help our colleagues, especially those who are new to the teaching
Always monitor ourselves so as not to tarnish the reputation of the teaching
Be a member of teachers organization.
2.1.2 Concept of the Teacher Accountability
Accountability means to be responsible to someone or for any actions, decisions,
etc., and is prepared to provide an explanation and justification required ( Kamus
Dewan, 2007). But accountability is closely related to the discipline and the need to
justify and accept responsibility, decision or action taken.

Hence, the teaching accountability refers to the responsibility of a teacher to the

teaching profession. This work is related to accountability as in the implementation of
extracurricular activities and curriculum, compliance procedures, appreciating the
work ethic, responsibility and perform duties with full commitment and dedication.
Accountability means teaching responsibilities should be understood and
implemented by a teacher for teachers' professionalism. Accountability of teachers
that will be discussed include teacher accountability for student, teacher 's own self,
school, community and country as well as the teaching profession in general.
What is the difference between accountability and responsibility? The two words are
sometimes given the same meaning but actually mean different things. We can say
we are responsible for something but we do not need to have accountability to it. For
example, we are responsible for our children as parents. However, if we are not able
to send them abroad for a holiday, we do not need a justification for failure. This
shows that we do not have accountability for our children. However, as teachers we
are accountable for the academic achievement of our students. This implies that we
should give students the opportunity of learning to select and prepare materials and
activities appropriate to the abilities and interests.
(a)Accountability towards student

Accountability for students requiring teachers to educate students to a level of

excellence in academic achievement as well as their potential to form a whole that
produce students with a balanced and harmonious intellectually, spiritually,
emotionally, socially and physically. As teachers, we have an important role in
shaping the personality of students and teaching has a moral purpose as always
give importance to the character of the students. Thus, the responsibility of teachers
are to educate students to a high moral level and to be a good and useful citizens.
Therefore, the teacher always asked to give justification to the school or parents
when students are involved in discipline problems.
Teachers should use the practices of teaching and select materials for all students of
different race, gender, ethnicity, religion, ability, behavior or beliefs. Teachers need to
develop a range of skills in order to accelerate student learning and to create a
classroom environment that is conducive, safe and appropriate socioemotion
atmosphere. Teachers are accountable for student performance and to provide an
explanation if the academic achievement declined.
(b)Accountability towards oneself

Teachers that accountable to oneself should be knowledgeable and competent in the

subject area being taught. Effective teachers will constantly update themselves on
new developments. Therefore, he will continue to explore and discover new
knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in the field. In addition, knowledge of
child psychology, individual differences and general pedagogical have dominated
gum to cope P & P students at various levels of ability and inclination. Professional
teachers have gone through formal training to acquire the art of teaching. Among the
skills that teachers should have is delivering information effectively, interpersonal
skills, classroom management, discipline management, group dynamics process,
how are students motivation and students participation in T & L activities.
Accountability to ourselves in terms of commitment to the task, a positive attitude,
perform the duties in a fair and give equal learning opportunities to all students. This
is because, the teacher will model exemplary to the students. As a model, teachers
always maintain good behavior, have patience empathy, sincerity and honesty in the
discharge of his duties. For professional teachers, we should always present
ourselves as role models who have noble, patriotic citizens and has high resilience.
(c) Accountability towards parents

Teachers entrusted by the school administration and parents to perform the task to
ensure that their children be a useful to society and the nation. As an educator,
teachers have accountability for the development and progress of the students in the
school. Teaching and instruction will be given to form the character of students and
education available. Then, teachers should shoulder a heavy responsibility in
shaping personal and student personality. In addition, the teachers should establish
a good relationship with parents to support parents in whatever problems associated
with personality or academic achievement. Parents hope towards teacher role as a
model, counselors and mentors to their children is very high. Thus, the teachers
should play a role in guiding students as teachers character is an example to the
students. Ability of teachers to bear the responsibility would gain the trust of parents.
This belief will encourage parents to talk about a problem or an academic discipline
their children with teachers in a responsible and transparent manner. Good
relationships between students, teachers and parents will create a close
collaboration between them and the situation is very helpful in monitoring the
progress and development of students.

(d) Accountability towards community and country

Teachers have the responsibility of fulfilling the country as Malaysians based on the
principles enshrined in the National Principles. In the arena of education, teachers
are responsible and accountable to perform at their best in order to achieve the
ideals and aspirations of the National Education Philosophy. In addition, teachers
should be sensitive to the environment and communities affected abstain from
negative elements that may contaminate the good image of the school and the
community or country. Teachers should always be positive to increase the prestige of
the teaching profession in public life. The negative attitude of teachers will be able to
As agents of change in society, teachers need to constantly update oneself by
bringing changes to students and giving future generations a dynamic and proactive
in line with the aspirations of the National Education Philosophy and Vision 2020.
How can teachers achieve this? Teachers should always practice reading, acquire
knowledge through reading, internet search skills as well acquiring 21st century
skills, particularly in information and communications technology as the delivery
system is always interesting and effective.
As a model to be emulated by the students and the community, teachers need to
develop attitudes and values in the students so as to guide and nurture them to
become loyal citizens, responsibility and respect for all people of different cultures,
races and religions as well as having a high level of morality. In addition, teachers
should respect the communities in which teachers serve and fulfill their
responsibilities as members of society. Teachers are also encouraged to establish
strong relationships and partnering with parents and the community. Teachers need
to adapt and adopt an attitude of modesty while participating in social activities in the
community place of work in order to create harmony between the school and the
(e) Accountability towards colleagues and the teaching profession

In addition to responsibility for students, parents, society and country, teachers have
to established good relationships among colleagues and held each other in the
profession held by them. All teachers should respect the profession and always seek
to discharge their duties properly. They need to cooperate with each other in order to
protect the image of the profession. In addition, teachers should be prepared to
assist new colleagues in the profession.
To enhance the teaching profession, teachers basically need to master the latest
knowledge or content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogy smart
and pedagogical skills. The increase in professionalism through various strategies

such as attending courses, intellectual discussion, action research, accessing the

Internet and reading online will equip teachers with the knowledge and high skills to
perform their duties. Other aspects such as punctuality when entering the classroom,
guiding students preferably, manipulate and simplify the curriculum being offered and
taught by exploring approaches / methods such as teaching with the latest computer
-based solutions of problems (problem- based) and the rules collaborative and
cooperative. In addition, the increasing professionalism of teachers to the acquisition
of knowledge and skills in science education such as educational psychology,
pedagogy, sociology of education, technology in teaching and assessment in order
to find alternatives to help students learn effectively. For effective teaching, teachers
can also use the computers in learning, self-access and means of treatment as a
result of reading writing input virtual. Armed with additional knowledge and skills, the
quality of teaching will be increased. Increasing the quality of teaching that will
impact on the teaching profession and the community will respect the authority of
In addition, teachers should take the opportunity to make full use of existing facilities
in teacher activity centers, resource centers and local libraries to enhance the quality
of teaching and enhance the teaching profession. Through these facilities, teachers
can talk about a variety of teaching strategies, recent reforms in the education arena
with the teachers and smart partnerships with outstanding teachers and scholars to
improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools.
2.1.3 Teacher Integrity
The word integrity means wholeness or completeness, the perfection while there are
those who consider the integrity of the soundness of moral principle which refers to
the sincerity and honesty (Nillsen, 2004). But the meaning is most often used to
emphasize morality.
According to the Malaysian Institute of Integrity (2004), integrity refers to the inherent
superior quality and strong overall to individuals and organizations. Closely related to
the ethical integrity. Integrity based on ethics and ethical reflection in daily action.
Further, the integrity of the teacher as a public servant means that teachers need to
implement trusts and powers entrusted by the public interest. Public servants should
not be abused his power for personal, family, relatives or kin . As a public servant, he
must be transparent and sincere, and to undertake responsibility for his boss,
subordinates and to the other party (Malaysian Institute of Integrity, 2004). Thus, the
integrity of the teacher refers to the superior quality that exists as a whole and to
individual members of the solid education and educational organization based on
ethics and charter organizations. Each teacher practice and understand Professions

Code of Ethics and charter customers by creating a culture of systematic

organization. Each member of the organization in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibility
As a teacher, very heavy responsibility in educating students with utmost sincerity
and honesty to create a generation that is useful to society and our country. Thus,
teachers need to have a good relationship with students based on sincerity and
compassion in order to provide the best education for them. In addition, close
collaboration between teachers and parents will foster cooperation among them.
This will facilitate the implementation of any development project in the school.
Teachers will perform his duties with integrity and trust and have a loving concern for
the students. Teachers also need to have a high level of persistence in addressing
the problems faced by students. In addition, teachers should always be gracious and
merciful in student problem solving.
In terms of T & L, the teacher should be responsible and obligated to give the best to
the students. Fun learning environment always thought to make up the human
capital potential and admirable display. Teachers who perform their duties sincerely
able to plan the best T & L in order to produce human capital with first class
mentality. If teachers are working in good faith, trust and caring nature of the
students, the students will definitely get the best education and emulate the
character of their teachers. Students formed are holistic in terms of mastery of
knowledge, proactive attitude, with high morality and a high venerated image.
In conclusion, good teaching does not necessarily depend on the technique but good
teaching is a result of the identity and integrity of the teacher. For example, the ability
of a teacher in relation to students and to their relevance to the subject based on the
knowledge and confidence of teachers and teachers' willingness to provide the best
service to learning.
From experience as a teacher, the stories and reflections of a good teacher led to
proof that all good teachers use the same technique, which convey the lecture and
some say not much; there are so horribly use materials and some imagination; some
are using rewards while others are using the fines. However, in every narrative, good
teachers share one trait, which put heart and soul and passion in his work. For
example, comments such as 'Mr A very enthusiastic in their subjects' and 'I can feel
the presence and involvement of Teacher B during her teaching' Thus, effective
teachers are those who are able to integrate themselves, subjects and students in
the matrix of life as they teach integrated and complementary. They were able to
establish a network of students, subjects with teachers so students can learn and
shape their own lives. The key to effective teachers have integrity and ethics to
accept responsibility without favoritism and certainly will be the teacher's
responsibility to the Lord.

Join activities
Based on experiences in school, flash back at one of the teacher that you admire as
a teacher of integrity. List the characteristics of the teacher of your choice to support
your view that the integrity of the teacher has.
2.2 Summary
Teachers need to have accountability for the profession and this will increase
the level of professionalism in teaching. If teachers are entrusted to
appreciate everything, all the teachers to carry out the responsibilities and
duties with full commitment. Accountability or responsibility of a teacher
includes accountability towards oneself, students, parents and the teaching
profession would be enhanced if the teacher was truly fulfill its role as an
educator effectively.

American College Dictionary (1964), Ethics, New York: Random House.
Bascom, J. (2007), Ethics or Science of Duty, USA: Kessinger Publishing.
Buku Rekod Pengajaran Guru.
Institut Integriti Negara (2004), Pelan Integriti Negara, Kuala Lumpur:
Kementerian Jabatan Perdana Menteri.
Kamus Dewan (2007), Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
Nikki Lamagna (2009), 'Ethic', diperolehdaripadahttp://thezenofdesigning.
com/2009/01 /22/defining-ethics/.
Nillsen, A. (2004), 'The Concept of Integrity in Teaching and Learning', Paper
Presented in Symposium on Promoting Academic Integrity,
Newcastle NSW,
24-25 November 2004, University of Newcastle.
Palmer, P. (1997), The Heart of A Teacher: Identity and Integrity in
Teaching', diperoleh daripada

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