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Grotowski aimed to' bring audiences face to face with real characters and real -events.

In some early works Grotowski attempted to involve 'audiences in the play but found that
audiences refused to respond to pressure from' the audiences to participate.
He returned to the voyeuristic ideas of theatre as a spectator art form. He still required
audiences to be involved as spectators but used different seating and stage designs to give the
audience physical separation.
He used his plays to put into practice his 'latest' techniques in actor training.
Grotowski is above all an actor trainer/workshop leader investigating deeply the whole
process of acting.
Central to Growtowski's system of training actors is the idea that acting is not just a job but
a way of life. His main idea here is the need for an actor to consistently seek self knowledge
Voice and movement are seen as skills that need consistent and repetitive development. His
actors needed to research constantly and he made them go through rigorous physical and
vocal exercises everyday
He asked them to work. to eliminate selfishness, egotism, nervousness, vanity and anything
else that would prevent actors experiencing and learning from a self disciplined model of
work. ,
Evoking Silence
'The actor must begin by doing nothing' - he called this Creative Passivity. where actors could
remain in silence for several minutes they would begin to experience internal silence. By
making this silence happen, by 'evoking it' they could learn to concentrate intensely.

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