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Designed by Courtney Coffman

Education: 426
Teacher Candidate: Courtney Coffman
Date: April 1st 2015
School: Hurricane High School
Grade/Subject: 9th Grade Health
Lesson Topic: Hypertension

Students will identify signs and symptoms of Hypertension

Students will demonstrate how to take blood pressure


HE.HS.1.09: Analyze how personal health practices affect the function of body systems in
preventing premature death.
HE.HS.1.06: Analyze the impact of genetics and family history on personal health
HE.HS.1.07: Identify universal precautions and explain why they are important
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health.
Standard 7: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and
avoid or reduce health risks.

Overall Time: 90 minutes
Time Frame:

20 min review of the heart muscle and signs and symptoms

30 min lesson on hypertension
30 min learning to take blood pressure
10 min recap of lesson


Teacher / Student led discussion

Teacher modeling/demonstration
Guided Instruction
Student participation


Learning Differences: Students with learning
differences will be provided additional
instruction during any worksheet or activity.

Attention Differences: The activity will be

done step-by-step as a whole class. We will be
able to stay on task during this teacher led
Motivational Differences: I will use different
types of motivational strategies to keep each
student motivated during the activity such as
questions, discussion, and individual
Physical Differences: I will use any different
techniques necessary for students with a
physical difference. Students with a physical
difference will be paired with someone that can
help them complete the lesson. They will
receive any additional time needed.
Communication Differences: Students will be
seated while I demonstrate the activity for all
to see so no one will become confused during
the lesson. Students will also be given a hands
on demonstration of blood pressure.
Multiple Intelligence (check all that apply):
_X_ Verbal/Linguistic
__ Spatial
__ Logical Mathematical
X Body/Kinesthetic
__ Musical

Sensory Differences: I will allow any students

with a sensory difference to sit closer to the
SMARTBoard. I will allow them any
additional time needed on the worksheet if
necessary. The activity will be done step-bystep so students do not get behind.
Behavioral Differences: I will reinforce
proper behavior to display during the lesson.

Ability Differences: Students with an ability

difference will be given additional time and
help if needed along with teacher guided help.

Cultural Differences: I will explain through

scientific findings, what race and gender are
more likely to have hypertension and the
importance of heredity.

Enrichment: Students will be asked questions

throughout the lesson to assess knowledge of
the content.

__ Naturalistic:
_X_ Interpersonal
X Intrapersonal
__ Existential
__ Others (explain)

Students will be asked questions to review the previous days lesson.
Body & Transitions
Students will be taught a lesson on hypertension and the signs and symptoms of
Family heredity will be discussed
Students will be given a work sheet to be filled in during the lesson
Students will demonstrate the ability to correctly take each others blood pressure.

Review todays content.
The last half of class will be students being hands on and taking each others blood
Students will be instructed that the knowledge gained will be on the upcoming test given
by their teacher.
Students will be asked why hypertension is and if it can be related to foods we eat, the
way we live our lives or if it can be hereditary. ( class discussion)

Students will be asked questions during the activity to make sure that they understand and
are keeping up with the information that is being provided. Students will fill in a
worksheet during the lesson that will help them complete the summative assessment.


Students will be put into small groups as both educators walk around and teach the
students how to take blood pressure. Students will then take turns taking each others
blood pressure and will record the date they receive. We will then discuss healthy choices
to help maintain or lower our Blood Pressure.

White Board
Blood Pressure Cuff
Visual Aids

If Student Finishes Early

Students should be on task with teacher and not finish early.

If Lesson Finishes Early

If the lesson finishes early students will be asked to explain how hypertension effects our
lives and what we can do to lower it.

If Technology Fails

Students will verbally discuss hypertension and be told how to take blood pressure.

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