M - B ' C N: RS Ryan S Lass EWS

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M RS .


The red folder is your childs Take Home Folder.

It will come home every day filled with important papers and some of your childs work. It
will need to be returned every day. Please
make sure to sign the daily behavior chart and
review how your childs day was each day.
Your child has been bringing home his/her
bag of books (book bag) each night. Please
read a book each night and send the books in
the bag back to school every day!! They are
using them to read to self and read to someone during Daily 5. Thank you for your help in
making sure the bags come back each day.
Book bags will NOT go home on Fridays.

Dean Road celebrates and acknowledges good

character. This is very important in our classroom.
We are learning about the 7 Habits of Healthy Kids
now. This week we learned about Syngergize
Habit 6. Please talk with your child about how we
can work together nicely.

Important Dates!
May 11: Library Field Trip @ 11 a.m.
May 13: Career Day
May 19: End of the Year Program (9:45)
and Picnic
May 21: Last day of school for students
May 22: Last day of school for teachers
Career Day
Next Wednesday for Career Day, the
school has sent home a few flyers asking students to dress up like the career they would
like to be when they grow up. Just a reminder that this will be happening this week!
End of the Year Program and Picnic
Thank you to many of you for responding to my e-mail with items for the picnic. I
think everything has been covered! Also, just
a reminder to make sure your child brings sunglasses on the 19th to wear in the program. I
will be sending home an invitation for both
during the first part of next week.

What are we learning this week?

Reading: We are continuing our reading series
and will be focusing on skills, specific letters, and
word wall words. We will be finishing up our unit
on fairytales this week. We will be reviewing short
and long vowels again. Our skills are asking and
answering questions, labeling, making connections, retelling, blending, and reading poetry. We
will reviewing sight words for the remainder of the
school year.
Math: We will be reviewing addition and subtraction again this week.
Discovery: We will be learning about the solar system and space this week.

Please practice your childs lunch number with

your child!

Follow our class on our blog for pictures and

updates from the week:

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