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Merced High School P.O. Box 2167" Merced, California 95344 (209) 385-6466 $$$ 22. Baa 2107 Meron, Calo 8364 (200) 385-6466 February 3, 2015, To Whom It May Concer | have been asked by Stephanie Flores 10 submit this letter of recommendation on her eho Lhave known Stephanie for 4 years and had the pleasure to have her 88 one of my students in a freshman Fitness for Life class Stephanie is a quiet, somewhat reserved, but very effective student who has been done rel in her academic endeavors. She is a soft-spoken, refined, respectful young woman who hee high standards for herself and adheres to those standards. She isa conscientious, capable sod responsible student who takes pride in her work and always meets het commitmente inns dependable cooperative manner. A bit sy in her demeanor, she gets along very well with her peers and is well liked and respected by all wino know her. A valuable and dependable member of the school's MECHA Club she can be counted on to give her fll effort at ll tenes Stephanie is planning to pursue a future carer in Cosmetology. She is sincerely concemed young woman and has been involved with Volunteer services atthe local Boys Giro Club. ‘Stephanie's integrity is above reproach. Her exemplary personal traits, good judgment and consideration have made her an excellent school citizen. Stephanie is well prepared Wat the academic skills, maturity and solid work-study skills to be very successful in her futne endeavors, | am confident that Stephanie Flores will be a hardworking successful contributor to society in the future, Val Fogelberg Val Fogelberg Instructor Merced High Schoo! a cestebiissned 1895: MERCED HIGH SCHOOL Wome of Scholars and Champions 105 West Ove Avenue, Merod CA 95344 (202) 385-6465 January 27,2015 Te Whom it May Concern tis with great pleasure that recommend Stephanie Fores. | have ha the privilege of knowing her forfour vears Stephanie has lays displayed a high degre of integrity, responsibilty and ambition, She has always ‘exempiied herself asa leader and not afollower, Her dedication to younger students is wonderful and she has ‘et a wonderful example for them 2s wel as provided them with support during the dificult transition to high school. Sheisan honest, determined ard self-motivated young woman who achieves the goals she has set for herset Stepnane’s accomplishments do not end there. The qualities which shine in her as leader aso help her to be an intriate and valuable member of a team. Stephanie works with her fellow mentors to plan activites for her ‘mentees and she is always respectiul of rer other mentors opinions and ideas, Shei also a member of the "Merced MECHA and honors her commitment t the club by respecting their schedule and attending all meetings. Her good judgment, and mature eutlook, ensures net only a practical approach to her endeavors, but 2 passionate approach as wel as Stephane Is 2 young woman who always gves 110% in every aspect of her ie. Stephanie would be an asset to any collage or organization. Investing inher future in any way be it academic oF Financials aninvestment that wil be returned tenfold and | am heppy te give her my wholehearted recommendation If you would ike to dscuse Stephanie further please fee free to contact me via e-mail at or by phone at (208) 385-6865. Thank you dea tre 7 ‘anda DeLeon ELD Teacher EVERY BEAR COUNTS.

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