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May Newsletter

Donard N.S.
Donard Co. Wicklow
T: 045404884 Website:

Upcoming Events
Late enrolments accepted for
prospective junior infants

Enrolments - If anyone hasn't enrolled their child please

contact the office and collect an' admissions' form, for the
2015/2016 school year!

May 12
Nigel Gillis Photography
May 21st

Website- Our website is now published. Every newsletter and

important note will be published on the website. The website
is still in progress and will be added to over the coming
months. -
Thank you- We celebrated both sacraments of Confirmation
and Communion over the past three weeks. The children in
both classes did a great job - well done! We would also like
to thank the parents who helped out after each ceremony in
the Parish community centre with teas, coffees and cakes.
We would also like to thank the children who gave up their
time to sing in the choirs. These parents and children made
the ceremonies even more special by their contributions.
School council - A student council meeting took place this
term. The council discussed aspects that they perceive are
going well in school life and identified some changes that
could be introduced. The staff will discuss these ideas at our
next staff meeting.
5th & 6th class Adventure Centre -The fifth and sixth class
took part in activities in Baltinglass Adventure Centre on
Friday May 1st . The children really enjoyed these activities

'Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough'

- Og Mandino.

Hip hop demonstrations in

school for every class.
May 22nd
School will be closed for
election polling.
June 5th
School will be closed on
Tuesday June 5th

Parents Thank you to all

members of the Parents
Association who helped serve
tea and biscuits after our
Communion and Confirmation
Thank you to all who have cooperated in keeping children off
the grass in the mornings. We
ask for your continued support.
This is to help avoid accidents.
Standardised SIGMA T and
MICRA T tests will be
administered to students from
1st to 6th class during the month
of may.

Principal's favourite quote

and a great day was had by all. The children will now participate in some fundraising
activities to help fund the cost of their trip. The first includes a spellathon. We ask all parents
to support.
School tours This term will see the arrangement of school tours for all of the classes. The
following dates have been decided. Parents will be notified of costs as soon as possilbe.
Junior and Senior Infants - Russborough House June 18th
1st - 4th class - Tayto Park Ashbourne June 19th
5th -6th class - Viking Splash tour - June 18th
Hip Hop and Skip n Rope - A hip hop instructor will visit our school on May 21st . All classes
from 1st class to 6th will receive a lesson on hip hop. Nikki the instructor has her own
company and teaches hip hop to hundreds .
Also to allow students participate in a variety of activities Mark from 'Skip n Rope' has
agreed to facilitate sessions from junior infants to 6th class on June 23rd. Skipping has
proved to be one of the most beneficial exercises to increase fitness. These sessions will
give children new ideas of how to have fun while skipping.
Classes for 2015/2016 year - This forthcoming year will see an increase in our overall
numbers. If we meet our target numbers we will be eligible for an extra teacher. However if
this does not happen many classes will have to be split so that class sizes numbers are
equal. Parents will receive notification of particular splits in the coming weeks.
School open evening- Our school opening will take place on June 10th. Our music
generation teachers Sarah Noon and Michael will lead us in some singing with all of the
classes. Parents can have a chat and take a look around the classroom s to see some of
the children' s work.
Swimming - Swimming classes will continue for children from 1st class to 3rd for the next 6
Music Generation - music generation lessons are coming to an end this term. Sarah Nooan
our piano teacher will be with us for 2 more sessions -June 3rd and June 10th. Rebecca will
be with us for the next three Mondays and Michael our guitar teacher will be with us for 2
more Wednesday sessions also - May 27th and June 3rd.

'Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough'

- Og Mandino.

Principal's favourite quote

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