Final Reflection Khan

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Faryal Khan

English 1102-068
Professor Hughes

Final Reflective Essay

4. Analyze and respond critically and creatively to the ideas and strategies in the writing of
others through reading a variety of texts, including academic discourse
Just as life greets us with new challenges, my life this semester has been checking
Black Board every day just to be greeted by the eyesores of new delightful writing assignment
prompts presented as part of my English 1102 course; which I take into thoughtful consideration
on exactly how long I should procrastinate before completing the assignment the night before it
is due. Over the period of this semester I was surprised to be met with assignment that were not
just argumentative based essays, but were written in a way which forced me to apply amusingly
creative and thought provoking critical sentences which could possibly hold the potential of
cracking a smile on the face of my professor. The first assignments in all my classes this
semester have been a breeze, regarding this class I had no trouble in completing the research
papers, however the final research paper was very new challenge.
To mediate means to form unbiased resolutions between two opinions on a topic,
also to write the mediation final paper, were not supposed to pick a side to argue on : but to
simply find a compromising solution between the two.

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