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No es propiamente un sketch pero tiene posibilidades y da una idea de qu

1. Introductory Sketch
Crutches, an Ace bandage, a knee brace, and Band-Aids.
HOST: (Enter stage on crutches with a bandage wrapped around your head, a
brace on your knee, and Band-Aids on your hands.) I look ridiculous!
(Gesturing to the crutches and bandages) Dont you think this is crazy? You
see, my little sister loves to pretend that shes a doctor. Do you guys sometimes
like to pretend youre a doctor?
Well, yesterday I was in the garage and needed something off the top shelf. I
climbed to the top of the ladder, but I lost my balance and fell. Boy, did it hurt! I
even twisted my ankle. My sister heard the crash and came running. She took
one look at me and then ran back in and got all this stuff! (Put the crutches
aside and start unwinding the bandage on your head.)
She put this huge brace on my knee. She wrapped my head because she said
I could have busted it open. Then she put Band-Aids all over some little
scratches I had. Last of all, she insisted I use these crutches to stay off my
ankle. Can you believe it? I dont need all of this stuff. She definitely got a little
carried away, dont you think?
Youre probably wondering why I didnt stop her. Well, you see, the thing is that
my sister loves to take care of me. She isnt only my little sister; shes one of my
best friends. I really love her, and she loves to help me all the time. She helped
me a little too much this time, but I didnt have the heart to stop her. Shes a
really good sister, and she helps me all the time. She really takes good care of
me. So I just let her do her thing.
Have you guys ever tried to help your friends? (Pause for kids responses.)
Maybe youve helped them when they fell down. Or maybe you helped them
clean up their rooms. I think good friends help each other.

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