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Laura Arias

Per. 2
May 4, 2015
Transcript Reflection
During my four years in Merced High School I had an overall positive
experience when it comes to my grades. My G.P.A. during this time period
was an average of a 3.56 and I was an average B student. These grades
earned me a spot in CSF (California Scholarship Federation), which has
helped me prove that I am on top of my work.
Im not going to lie, I did have the same amount of downs then ups. I
could have studied and focused more in the classes I had the most trouble
with. There were a couple close moments where I had a D and became upset
and frustrated. But that got me nowhere. I never had a D as a semester
grade and I wasnt about to start that in HIgh School. So I focused in the
subject I had trouble in to pull myself out of the hole I had dug.
Working hard got me into CSF (California Scholarship Federation). This
has made a quite big impact on my life. It is a way to show future employers
or colleges that I am a dedicated student that is willing to do anything to
achieve her goal. Trying to become a lifetime member for CSF is tricky but
not impossible. This means keeping my grades up and maintaining them

Overall I was very happy with my transcript and I earned what I

received. I could have improved and maybe had a 4.0, but this has taught
me that in order to go above and beyond you must be willing to give 110%!

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