Task Analysis

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Figueroa 1

Katherine Figueroa
Task Analysis
Description of task
The following word problem was written on a sheet and also read to 24 first
grade students in a first grade class:
Daisy was reading a book. She read 6 pages on the first night, 5 pages on the
next night and 4 pages the following night. How many pages did she read?
Students were then asked to answer the question and show their work.
The task given to students is aligned with the following standard:
Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction
within 10. Use strategies such as counting on; making ten (e.g., 8 + 6 = 8 + 2 + 4
= 10 + 4 = 14); decomposing a number leading to a ten (e.g., 13 - 4 = 13 - 3 - 1 =
10 - 1 = 9); using the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g.,
knowing that 8 + 4 = 12, one knows 12 - 8 = 4); and creating equivalent but
easier or known sums (e.g., adding 6 + 7 by creating the known equivalent 6 + 6
+ 1 = 12 + 1 = 13).
This task allows for demonstration of conceptual understanding and procedural
fluency. Conceptual understanding is demonstrated through the use of drawings
to represent the different addends. Examples of possible representations are
circles, tally marks, squares, and pages of a book. The different representations
allow students to visually show differences of each addends quantities or the
similarities in how addends can be connected. Another way conceptual
understanding is demonstrated in this task is through the use of relationships. An
example is number bonds. Number bonds show a relationship between the
addends (parts) that add up to a total (whole).
The task also allows for demonstration of procedural fluency. Procedural fluency
is demonstrated by

Students will
write an

Students will create
a model and/ or

Students will
attempt to use a

Figueroa 2
equation, make a
model or a
number bond to
represent the 3
Students will
have 3 addends
that they
added together
to obtain the
Students will
have the correct
total of the

representing the 3
addends correctly.

model or an

Students will have

have 3 addends
that they added
together to obtain
the total.

Students will have 3

addends that they
did not add

Students will have

an incorrect or
incomplete equation
due to
computational error
in the total or a
mistake when
writing the addends.

Students will have

the wrong total due
to failing to
recognize the three

There were 3 beginner level student responses. Beginner responses showed

that students attempted to use a model, equation or a number bond to solve the
problem. All three responses showed correct calculations. However, the
responses had an incorrect number of addends that the students did not add
together. The students did not realize that the three addends needed to be added
to reach the total. In one example, the student subtracted the addends. In the
other two examples, the students did not add them to each other.
The students had the wrong total due to failing to recognize the three addends
and the operation that needed to be performed, which is addition.
There were 3 transitional responses to the task. All three students created a
model of a book and an equation representing the 3 addends. The Students had
3 addends that they added together to obtain the total, which showed that they
understood that there were three numbers and the question wanted them to find
the total. However, the equation for the three students was incorrect due to
computational errors or the mistakes when writing down the addends. One of the
students added 6+5+4=16, another added 3+5+4=15 and the last added 6+5+4
to equal 14. All three equations were incorrect
There were 18 students in the class with sophisticated responses to the task. 15
students used a combination of models, equations or number bonds to solve the
problem. 3 students used only equations and 1 student used only a model to find
the answer. All of the 18 responses indicated the students recognized the three

Figueroa 3
addends and knew that they needed to perform addition to get their total. All of
the students added correctly to obtain an answer of 15.

Three fourths of the class, 18 out of 24 students, successfully completed the task
at a sophisticated level. Through a re-engagement lesson, I would work to help
all students understand how to solve word problems with three addends. The
students with beginner responses need to first identify what the three numbers in
the problem are and then what operation to do with them. I would make the focus
of the lesson identifying the addends in the word problem to create a model,
equation or number bond to solve it. Since we are working on addends, I would
emphasize that the numbers need to be added together and that we need to use
the plus sign. This will help the student that subtracted the answers. As we read
the word problems, I will underline the numbers so that the children see the
numbers they should use in their equation. It will help all the students, especially
the ones that used different numbers in their equations, to underline the numbers
in the problem and refer back to them. In this lesson, I would also introduce
finding the ten to help students add numbers correctly.

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