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Merced High School

P.O. Box 2167. Merced, California 95344 (209) 385-6466

December 31, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Yazmin Curiel-Ruth. As
Yazmins World History teacher I had the opportunity to work with her on a daily
basis. Yazmin displays all the qualities that teachers desire in their students. Not
only is she courteous and respectful, she is a hard worker, a natural leader and
strives for excellence in all she does.
Yazmins hard work, study habits and positive attitude earned her my respect as
well as that of her peers. Her quick grasp of subject matter and difficult concepts is
very impressive. I was impressed because her World History class was a class of
high achievers in which she was an obvious leader.
Working with Yazmin has been an extremely positive experience for me. Its not
only a joy to work with her on a daily basis but also to watch her grow and mature
into a delightful young adult. Yazmins leadership abilities, her respect for others,
and her positive attitude will surely make her an asset to any university or program
with which she is involved.
If I may be of any further help in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Jonathan Dibblee
Merced High School

Home of Scholars and Champions

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