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Monday 27th April 2015

Background Design and Artist Statement for website: 4 th May
Major Project: 12th May
Professional Practice: 18th May
Internal Degree Show: 2nd June (6-9pm) 3rd, 4th, 5th (10-4pm)
6th (10-2pm)
External Degree Show: 2nd-6th July
May 26th Northbrook show set up (week to set everything up)
July 1st-2nd London show set up
Tuesday 5th May exhibition meeting at 1:30, followed by tutorials. Send test images
we want on the postcards/handouts to Jordan. As a group we would have our own
individual postcards with our work on, handing out different versions with
information about the exhibition.
Information on the postcard:

Degree Show
Heptagon Logo


(Website and Email Links on the back)

Also discussed how much equipment from the internal degree show will get
transported to London.
Considered the layout of Room E183, each came up with different design plans.
Agreed as a group where we would like to present our work in the room, thought
about the lighting and to have a dark-space for projections/presenting work. Also to
have 2 standing OSB Boards, cut to size, (6ft.6) to present work on.

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