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Introduction ‘The Koi and the Crane is a computer animated short inspired by traditional Japanese artwork and the potential stories represented in traditional Japanese fans. The project derived from an interest in creating delicate world out of traditional mediums such as paper, using contemporary 3D software. This, developed into further research into paper fans, and Japanese artwork of which is often uses P: canvas for illustratio From here, the idea of creating a story based on the to ming, and the idea of bringing 2D in reality, to life, while maintaining illustrative feel both narratively and visually | have conbined the Japanese style with my own for what I aim to be a different take on traditional artwork, The Story The clack hand turns to midnight in a quiet closed Japanese Antique shop. The resting fons shut tight, then reopen to reveal a room full of paintings that have come to life. A-crane from o large fan leaves his fan home to hunt for prey. He spots two koi carp swimming together lovingly in a distant fan. The crane swoops into the fan, and scoops up one, of the Koi to take back to his nest. ‘The remaining Koi breaks rhe rules of his fan and escapes it and embarks on a resuce mission to save his love. WOT they be abfe te reunite before Wheir He is up? Modelling Lnvirenments: Qoatique Shep Modelling The Fan worlds: The Rei Qer Modelling the fan worlds: The Grams nest ¥ 4 _ Ww lier eS The Crane's nest consists of « Japanese inspired tree wth large fruits in the troes, simple grass layers and a nest, where the Crane drops the koi into, during the animation, “Surface shader texture and glow out tests Modelling the Fan worlds: The Qubterpiy Cond Modelling the 4 Fan worlds: Gerry Trees r ) ae For the Cherry Tree fan, EV curve tool was used to create twisting shaped trees. Glow-out attribute under the surface shader texture nodes was tested out fo create th right atmosphere for this fan { ) The goal for this fan was to create a gentle blurred hazey feel with autumn colours. Modelling the fan worlds: The @fessoms This world is actually inside of a paper lantern. Going through the blossoms fea tured simple trees, and following blossom petals. 3 Blossom petal colours were mod: elled along with the trees. Modelling: The Fan The ie on. clapeu ihe antique shop wé elled to be able to open of an actual RiQGiNg: The fan To create the opening one of retin. ing mechanism, central nt animated using the sel driven Fan World: Concepts e Japanese Waves Blossom trees Ko Poo! e f sS rane est Ghemyties Buterfy Pond Dynamics The Qutterffies For some scenes, including butterfly pond, large amounts of buiterflies were needed. To do this, dynamics were used. Firstly, the Butterfly was modelled. The butterfly takes @ fairly simple shape, with long feelers to emulate butterfly designs in japanese art. Butterflies in Dynamics Twirfing @foscoms To make the blossom scene, dynamic blossoms were created. This was achieved using curve flows, where multiple petal paths were made, and twisted together, to create a swirling effect Post Production Ofter Cpfects After Effects was used to compile the scenes together and to also create the ‘fan world’ effect This was achieved by layering render layers and using 'tracke mates’ ond blending styles. After fpfects ees experimenting with a p painting overlayed in different to create a more painterly and ¥y look.

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