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Annotated Bibliography: After School Activities

Benavente, Janet. "After School Activities Can Change a Child's Life." After School Activities
Can Change a Child's Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2015. After school activities can provide
supervision that children do not have after school. Children from the time they get of school
most of the time are not supervised. This site, unlike the others explain how after school
programs are beneficial through supervision. It is seen through Benavente that after school
programs are beneficial for young children. Benavente gives an approach that the other
sources did not.

Gaughen, Shasta. Teen Addiction. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2002. Print. Teen Addiction unlike
Family Violence, does show the actual evidence between after school activities, or extra
curricular activities, and the link between them with juvenile delinquency. It mentions that
the arts assist with helping keep children off the streets. Arts of all kinds are very important
for children to keep them motivated in the right direction. This is helpful in giving evidence
for the paper. It also provides information on other activities that help with juvenile
delinquency as well.

Halpern, Robert. "The Future of Children, Princeton - Brookings: Providing Research and
Analysis to Promote Effective Policies and Programs for Children." - The Future of Children
-. Robert Halpern, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2015. Halpern displays an opposing side of how afters
school programs are beneficial. Instead of supporting after school programs, this site shows

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the cons of them. It beings up things such as funding, staff, and transportation. These
questions are not present in the other sources. Halpern brings new ideas to the topic.

Henningfeld, Dianna A., ed. Global View Points. Family Violence ed. Farmington: Gale Cenage
Learning, MI. Print. Family Violence by Diane Andrews Henningfeld demonstrates the
importance of domestic violence, and how it impacts children. Juvenile Delinquency is more
than children with misconduct, there is a justifiable cause for it. Things like divorce, family
abuse, drugs. etc from parents, and peers are the cause of it. It is a cause, and effect that most
do not realize. Delinquency is a high rising event, because people do not connect it with
things that it is mentioned in Family Violence.

Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Use: A Test of the Social Development Model 2.The New
York Sociologist (2007): 1-21. Web. An Evaluation of an After-School Programs
Effectiveness in Preventing Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Use is the best source that
actually explains the effects of juvenile delinquency. That it is not the actual juvenile
delinquency that is the problem, but inner city, homeless, drugs, and violence that makes up
the environment of the delinquent. This information gives evidence of actual studies done by
different police departments, and other government agencies. The site explains the social
development model. The social development model is the environment, and behavior that is
studied for juvenile delinquency.

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"Juvenile Delinquency." - Juvenile_famlaw_selfhelp. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. Juvenile
Delinquency is a huge problem, and definitely in the United States. A juvenile delinquent is
when children from the ages of 10-18 break the law. When this does occur, there are different
steps in which the law takes. This site is a government site from the judicial branch that
explains the law associated with those under the age of 18. Most of the time that juvenile
delinquencies are convicted, they are left to the system. This site explains in depth what
happens when they are.

Newman, Sanford A., J.D, James A. Fox, Ph.D, Edward A. Flynn, and William Christeson,
M.H.S., eds. "Fight Crime: Invest in Kids." Fight Crime: Invest in Kids (2000): 1-35. Web.
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids gives additional information on the time children spend after
school. It shows statistics, and studies that different educational programs have found, and
have taken place in. This site not only shoes that but, gives in great detail the effects of how
after school programs, and other community involvement activities have helped as well. The
author takes an approach that many sources do not take. Several of the editors take the
perceptive of trying to help the youth, instead of blaming them. Many of the other sources
show evident of how outside of school activities help youth, but the other sources do not state
how it has worked, and was beneficial.

"Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of
Medicine, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. This site gives information of how after school activities,
or extra circular activities are funded. Many feel that letting children learn through

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involvement through community etc. is needed; however, many question how these programs
are funded. The site is helpful on explaining, and giving great detail on the subject from a
government perspective. It also defines after school activities, and what they are. The site as
well gives information juvenile delinquency. Including the cause, and the prime time that
juvenile delinquency happens.

Rivera, Flavia J., and Timothy A. McCorry, eds. "An Evaluation of an After-School Program's
Effectiveness in Preventing Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Use: A Test of the Social
Developmental Model." An Evaluation of an After-School Programs Effectiveness in Preventing
Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Use: A Test of the Social Development Model 2.The New
York Sociologist (2007): 1-21. Web. An Evaluation of an After-School Programs Effectiveness
in Preventing Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Use is the best source that actually
explains the effects of juvenile delinquency. That it is not the actual juvenile delinquency
that is the problem, but inner city, homeless, drugs, and violence that makes up the
environment of the delinquent. This information gives evidence of actual studies done by
different police departments, and other government agencies. The site explains the social
development model. The social development model is the environment, and behavior that is
studied for juvenile delinquency.

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