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LEGISLATIVE ETHICS COMMISSION STATE OF NEW YORK Locaron ALFRED Suri Stag OME BUTLDING «sur ook AES ‘PHONE: G18) 482-78977858 FAX: 8 426-850 NAY 15 2375 See he saan, seamen oF exxancrat, prsciosuns LES. ETHICS COWAT For Calendar Year 2013 1. Mane __John J. Flanagan 2 (o) Title of Position New York State Senator (@) Department, Agency or other Governmental Entity (c) addzese of veesent ctcice Room 805, LOB, Atbany, NY 12247 (@) office Telephone wumber (518) 455-2071 3. ta) factea,seatuy Maseled 1 maceteg please give spouse's ‘iad Wioidlie Poe Pain” “Mer sprticabte (b) List the names of all unemancipated chiléron. ‘Answer each of the folloving questions coapletely, with respect to calendar year 2013, unless another period or date is othorvise specified. Tf additional space is needed, attach additional pages Whenever a "value or “anount" is required to be reported herein, such value or anount shall be reported as being within one of the £6llowing Categorion in Zable Tor Table 11 of this subdivision as called for ia ‘the question; A reporting individual shall indicate the Category by Letter only. Whenever "income" is sequized to be zeported herein, the term "incom! Shall mean the aggregate net income before taxes’ from the source Sdontitied. ‘the tera “calendar year" shall mean the year ending the Decesber 31st preceding the date of filing of the annual statement. a (2) List any office, trusteoship, directorship, partnership, or position of any nature, waether compensated or not,” held by the Feporting individual’ yith any fir, corporation, association, partnership, or other oxgenization other than che Stave of New York Enclude compensated honorary positions; do Nor List membership or ‘unconpensated nonorary positions. If the Listed entity was licensed by any ctate or local agency, was regulated by any state soqulacory agency or local agency, or, as 2 regular and significant part of the Business or activity’ of Said entity, did business with, or had potters other than ministerial matters Before, any state oF local stave of Position organization ocal agency Director____ASJ Gonsulting LLC __ Secretary of State Conpany is inactive (©) 1st any office, trusteeship, directorship, partnership, or position of any nature, whathar compensated or not, held by the Spouse ot usenancipated child of the reporting individual, sith any tim, corporation, association, partnership, or other organization other than the state of How York. include compensated honorary. positions. If the Listed envity was Licensed by any stete or Yocsl agency, was regulated by any state regulatory agency or local agency, or, ae a regular and significant part of the business oF Setivity of said entity, did business” with, oF had matters other Ehan minioterial matters before, any state or local agency, List the hnane of any such agency. state or Position organization ocel Agency None 5 (a) List the nana, address and description of any occupation, ‘snplosment (other than the employment Listed under Item 2 anove) , trade, business or profession engaged in by the” reporting incivideal. "Te such “activity was’ licensed by any state of local agency, wes segulated by any state regulatory agency or. local agency, “or, es @ regular and significant part of the business oF activity af’ oaid encity, did business with, or bed setters” other Than ministerial matters before, aay state or local agency, 1igt the nana of any such agency. ere & Addcese tecal Position of Orgenisation Description agency (o) Tf the epause oF unessnciated child of the reporting individeal vas engaged in any occupation, eaploynent, trede, Business oF Profession ubich activity was Licensed’ ny any state or Local agency, was cegulated by any state sagulatory agency oF local, agency, Said entity, did business with, or had natters other chan ministerial matters before, any state or local agency, list the nana, addres and description’ of such occupation, employment, trade, business oF Protession and the name of any such agence? Mame & Address Toad, Position of Organization Description agency Consultant Northport School Dist. Consultant __ State Education Dept. Worthport School Distrit, Elvood Koad, East Northsarz, NY 11731 Met any interest, in EXCESS of $1,000, held by the reporting individual, ouch individvel's spouse of unemancipated child, oF artnorship of which any such person 19 a wanber, or cozporation, Lt of more of tho stack of which ie owned or controlled by aay ech person, whether vested or contingest, an any contract made or executed’ by “state or local agency and include the name of the ‘entity which holds such ineorest and the relationship of the Separting Individsal or such individual's spouse oF such child to Such entity and the interose in such contract. Do NOT include’ bonds and fotes, bo NOT list any interest in any euch contract on wash Hinal payment has beeq made and ali cbLigations under the contract Gnceps” for guarantees arid warranties have bean performed, provided, however, that such an interest must be Listed if there hes bean an ongoing dispute during the calendar year for which this statement is Efled with respect to any such guarantees or warranties. Do NOT ist any. interest in a contact nade oz executed by @ local agency after Public notice and pursuant to a process for competitive bidding or @ process for compatitive requests for propesals. Batiey Relationship Contezcting Catagory Seif," waien eld “to Entity State or of Spouse or Interest in and Interest Local vaive of Chilg “Contract” in Contract agency Conteact (i Table 1) List any position the reporting individual held as an officer of any political party or political organization, as a member of any political "party committee, or asa political party district leader Tho torm "party" shell have the” sone meaning cs "party" in the election law.” the term "political ocganizetion” means any party or Gndepondent body as defined in the election law or any organization that i affiliated with ora subsidiary of a party or independent body. (a) If che reporting individual practicas Lew, iz Licensed by the GSpartnent of state aa a real estate broker or agent or practices 3 profession iicensed by the depaztsent of education, oF works 23 2 Renber or employee of 2 fim required to register pursuant to Section oneve of the logislative lav as 2 lobbyist, give a general description of che principal subject areas of matters undertaren Dy Such individeal. Additionally, if such an individual practices with Corporation, give s general deseription of principal subject areas of matters undertaten ay such firm or corporation General Practice with an eaphasis on Land Use and Planning (D) APPLICABLE ONLY TO NEM CLIENTS OR CUSTOMERS FOR WHOM SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON OR AFTER JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND TWELVE, OR FOR NEW MAPRERS POR EXISTING CLIENTS OR CUSTOMERS NITH RESPECT TO. THOSE SERVICES THA? ARE. PROVIDED ON OR AFTER JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND "WELVE: EE the reporting Andividea! personally provides services to any person ot entity, of works aa 2 panber’ or enployes. of # partnership poration that provides such services (referred to hereinafter 5 a "fimé), then identify each client or customer to whom the reporting individual perscnaliy provided services, of who was xefesced tol the firm by the reporting individsal, end from whom the reporting individual or bis or her” firm cerned fees in oxease of $10,000 during the reporting period for such services rendered in direct Connection with: (2) A proposed Bi11 ox cosotution in tho senate or a reporting period; jenbly during the (ii) A contract in an anount totaling $50,000 or more fron the state of any Stato agency for services, materials, or property: (48) A grant of $25,000 or moze from the state or any state agency during the reporting period: (iv) A grant obtained through. @ legislative initiative during. the reporting period; or (2) A case, proceeding, application or other matter that de not a ministerial matter before a state agency during the roporting period For purposes of this question, “xeferred to the fisn" shall mean having intentionaiiy and knowingly taken a specific act or series of acts to Incentionaily procure for the reporting individual's firm oF Knowingly solicit oz dizact to the reporting individual's firm is whole ox substantial part, © person or entity that becomes a client of that firm for the pusposes af representation for a matter ao Gefined in subparagraphs (1) through (vor thie paragraph, a8 the inaividva. m xeporting individual need not eisclose ectivities perforned vhite lawfully acting pursuant to parsgraphe (c), (a), (fof subdivision seven of section seventy-three of this accicle. band The disclosure requizenent in this question shall not require Gisclosure of clionts or customers receiving madict! or dental services, mental health services, residential real estate brokering Services, or insurance brokering’ services from the reporting Individval or Ms or hor fim. The reporting indsvicval need not Adentity any cliont to whos Ae or ahe ox his or her firm provided Aegel representation with respect to Lovestigatian or prosecution by lay enforcement authorities, bankruptcy, or domestic relations nattars. With respect to clients ropresonted in other matters, where Gisclosure of a client's identity is likely to cause hata, the eporting individual shall request an exenption fron the Joint Connission pursuant to paragzaph (4) of supdivieion nine of section Rinety-four of cha executive lew. Only a reporting individual who First enters public office after July first, two thousand twolve, heed not report clients or customers with scepect to matters. for Uhish the reporting individual of his of her fiss*wes retained prior to entering public office, ciicne Mature of Services Provided None 10. (©) last the nang, principal address and generel description or the nature of the business activity of any entity in which the Esporting individual or such sadividual's spouse had an investment in Seeess Of $1,000 excluding investments a securities snd interests in Seal properey. List esch source of gifts, EXCIUDING campaign contributions, in ExGESS of 61,000, Zeceived during the reporting perioa for whieh this statesent is filed by the reporting individual or such individual's spouse ‘or unenancipated child from the sane donor, EXCLUDING gifts from a relative. INCLUDE the nene and address of the donor. The corm "gifts" does not include reimbursements, which Cort Ss" dofined in ieen 10. indicate the value and nature of each such site! category seit, or Spouse or Mane of nates Value of Child” Donor. Address oF cate cite (an Table 1) Edentity and briefly describe the source of any reimbursements for expenditures, EXCLUDING campeign expenditures and expenditures in Connection with official duties reimbursed by the state, In EXCESS ff $1,000 from each such source. For purposes of this item, the term Sreinbersenents" shall mean any travel-related expenses provided by nongovesnnantal eoureee and for activities velated to the reporting Individuai's official. duties such a5, sj Conferences, or factfinding events. The term "reimbursements" doe No include’ gifts reported under itea 3. Source eseription List the identity and valus, if reasonably ascertainable, of each interest ina trust, estate or other beneficial interest, including Eetirenont plans (other than retizenent plans of the state of New York or the ‘city of New York], ond deferzed compensation plans 2 a. (2.9. 401, 403(D), 457, otc.) established in accordance with the internal fevenue code, “in” which the REPORTING INDIVIDUAL held a beneficial interest in EXCESS of $1,000 at any time during the precoding year. Do NOT report interests ina trust, estate or other Beneficial interest established By or for, of the estate of; & category adentaty of valuct an Table 11) None he value of euch interest ehall be reported only if reasonably ascertainable. (2) Describe the tems of, and the parties to, sny contract, promise, or other agesement between the seporting individval and any Person, firm, of coeporation with respect to tne employment of such Individual after leaving office or position (other than a leave” of absence} None (D) Describe the parties to and the terms of any agreement providing for continuation of payments or Benefits to the REPORTING INDIVIDUAL in EXCESS of 1,000 from a prior eaplojer OTHER THAN the state. (Inis includas’ interests "in or. contriputions to a pension fund, profit-sharing plan, of life or health insurance? buy-out agzearents? severence peymenes? ete.) List below che nature and amount of any incone in EXCESS of $1,000 fron BACH SOURCE for the reporting individual and such individual's spouse for the taxable year last occurring prior to the date of Hing. Nature of income Sncludes, but is not” limited to, all, Sncone’ (other then hat received from the exployment listed under Ilen 2 above) from compensated enoloyment whether public oF private, directorships end other fiduciary positions, contractul arrangements, teaching income, partnerships, honarariuns, lecture fees, consultant fees, bank and! bend interest, dividends, income derived froma trust, real estate rents, and recognized gains from tthe sale or exchange of real-or other” property. incona fron. 3 Business of profession and real estate rents shall be reported with the source sdentified By the bitlding address in the case of real estate rents and otherwise by the nane of the entity and not by the 15. 16. pane of the individual customers, clionts or tenants, with the Sogregate net income Before toxer for each buslding addzess oF entity. The receipt of maintenance received in connection with = matrimonial” ection, alimony and ehila support payments shall not be sets category Spouse source nature of Aeoune (is Table 1) seit Law Practice aw Fines —Forenel i, arto, Senwarte,_ Wine, cartrna-a con, LLP ——— SPOUSE srCApOTE Str masuTeant List the sources of any deferred income (not retirement income) in EXCESS of $1,000 from cach source to be paid to the reporting Endivideal following the close of the calendar year for whieh this Aisclosure statement iz filed, other than deferred compensation reported in iten 1] hereinabove, Dererred income derived from the practice of 4 profession ahall be Listed in the aggregate and shall Lueatify ga the source, che nane of the firm, corporation, partnership or association through which the incore was derived, but shall not. identify individual clients. (ae Table DD List each assignnent of income in EXCESS of $1,000, and each transter other than to e relative during-the reporting periad for which this statement is filed for less then fair consideration of an interest ina trust, estate or other beneficial interest, securities of “real property, by the reporting individual, in excess of $1, 000, be required co be reported herein and is not Assigned or category reansterred © of value (an table 1) at below the type:and market value of securitics held by the Feporting individesl or such inaividual'e spouse from each 195uing entity in EXCESS of $1,000 at the close of the taxable year last ” cccurring pztor te the date of filing, including the name of che Gssuing entity exclusive “af securities held by the reporting individual issued by 3 professional corporation. Nhencvar en intorostin securities exists chrough a beneficial intarast in 2 trust, the securities held in such trust shall be listed ONLY IF the Eeporting individual has” Knowledge. thersof except where the reporting ndividuel or the reporting individual's spouse hae Exanstezred assets to such trust for his or her Renefit. in which event such Securities shall ‘be listed unless they are ~ not Becertainable sy the reporting individual because the trustees under an obligation or has been instructed in weiting. sotto Bisclose the contents of the test to the reporting individual Securities of which the reporting individual or the reporting individeel's spouse is the omer of record ut in which each Snaividvel or the reporting individual's spouse has no” beneficial Interest shall not be listed. Indicate percentage of ownership ONLY if the reporting persos az the reporting person's spouse holds more ‘than five percent (58) of the stock of a corporation in which the stock ie publicly traded or more than ten peresnt (108) of the stock Of 8 corporation in. which the stack 1s NOP publicly traded. Also List securities owned for investment purposes by corporation more than “titty percent (S08) of the stock of which is omned or Controlled by the reporting individual or such individual's spouse. For the purpace of this iven the term “securities” shall ean matuni funds, bends, sortgages, notes, obligetions, warrants and stocks of any class, investment interests in Limited or general partnershioe and certificates of deposits (CDs) and euch ather evidences of Sndebeedness and certificates of interest aa are vaeily referred to Feported only if reasonably ascertainable end shall not be reported Af'tho secusity is an interact ina general partnership that vas Listed “in, item 8 (a) or if the security is corporate stock, NOT publicly tzaded, in a trade.or business of a reporting individual oF 2 reporting individual's spouse. Percentage of corporate stock owned or controlled Catagory of (itmore then Market Value 34 of pub= as of the close Alcly Prades of the stock, or Eaxable yar sore than ast occurring 20y EF stock prior to Self/ Iasuing Type of not. publicly the filing of Spouse entity Security traded, ie held) thle statement (dn Table 11) List below the location, size, general dature, acquisition date, market value and percentage of ownership of any real” property in 18. 1. which sry vested or contingent intorest in EXCESS of $1,000 is held. by the feforting individual ox the reporting sndivideel's spouse. Riso” List real property ‘owned for investment purposes by 2 Corporation more than fifty percent (S08) oF the stock of which is Sened of eontvoliea by the reporting individual or such inéivicual 's Spouse, po NOT list say zeal property which 1s the primary or ondary personel residence of the feparting individva: or the Teporting individual's spouse, except where there is a co-owner Who is other than a relative category selty percentage of Spouse! Generel Acguisition of Markot Coxporation. Location Size Nature Date Ownership Valve Ge ur Vast srourring prior to” the date of filing, in EXCESS of $1,000, Including che nane of the debtor, type of obligation, date due’ and the nature of the collatersl securing paynent Of each, if any, Gneluding securities ceported in item 16 hereinabove. Dents, notes ‘type of Obligation, category Date Dee, and Nature of Nana of Debtor of collateral, if any ‘Anount lun table TI) Hone List beloy all Liabslsties of the reporting ndividval and such Endivigual's epouse, in EXCESS of $10,000 ex of the date of filing Of thia statenant, other than Lisbilities to a relative. Do NOT Lise Liabilities inourred by, or guarantece mado by, che reporting individual or such individue's Spouse or by any’ proprietorship, partnership or corporation in whieh the Eeporting individual or euch Endivicual's spouse has an interest, when incurred or made in the Ghdinary course of the e#ade, business or professional practice of the reposting individual or such individual's spoure. Include the ane of the creditor and any collateral pledged by such individual te secure payment. of any such lisnility. A reporting individual Shall sot List any obligetion to pay maintenance in connection with wo a matrimonial action, alimony or child support payments. Any loan Sesed in the ordinary course of business bye Financial snstitucson fo finance educational costs, tne” cost of howe purchase or Stprovneate “for a primary or secondary residence, ox purchase of & personally ovned motor vehicle, household furniture or appliances Shall be excluded. If any. such reportable Liability has been Guaranteed by any third person, List the liability and nano the Suaranter cacegory None of Ceaditoe ‘Type of Liabitity of oF Guarantor ona collateral, if any aroune (ae table I) None The requizenenta of lay relating to the reporting of financial masts caceaary & Tone category Bg i counder § 1,000 Category C — § ©1000 to under § 5,000 category 0 © § «5,000 te undor $20,000 Category & —-§ 20,000 to under § 50,000. Category £ $50,000 to under § 75/000, Category 6 $75,000 to under § 100,000 Category # 3 100,000 to under 5 150/000, Category 1 $150,000 ta under § 250,000, Category J § 250,000 to under § 350,000, Category K 3. 380,000 to under § 450,000, Category L $450,000 to under $ $50,000, Category N $850,000 to under $ 650,000, Category N $650,000 to under § 750,000, Category 0 5 750,000 to under § 850,000, Category ® —-§_850,000 to under § 950,000 Category @ 5. 950,000 to under 51,050,000 Ceeegory R $1,050,000 te wader $2,150,000 Category 5 91,150,000 eo under 52,250,000 Category T $1,250,000 Co under $1, 350,000 Category 0 51,380,000 to under $1,450,000 Category ¥—§1480;000 to under $1,850,000 W___11350,000 to ander 51,650,000 category, Gategory ¥ 81,650,000 to under $1, 750, 000 Category ¥ $1,750,000 to under $1,830,000 category 2 $1,850,000 to under §1, 950, 000 Category AA $1,950,000 Ee undes $2,050,000 estegary BL $2,050,000 te under §2, 150,000 Category CC $2,150,000 te under $2,250,000 Category DD $2,280,000 to under $2, 350,000 Category BE $2,380,000 to under §2, 450,000 Category FF $2,450,000 to under $2,530,000 Category 6 $2,550,000 to under $2, 650,000, Category Hii $2,650,000 to vader $2,750,000 Category 21 $2,750,000 £2 under $2,880,000 Category JZ $2,850,000 to under $2,950,000 Category KK $2,950,000 Co under $3,030,000 Category ut $3,050,000 ta under $3,180,000 Category m@® $3,180,000 to under $3,230,000 Category WN $3,250,000 Eo under $3,350,000 Category 00 $3,350,000 to under $3, 450,000 Category PP $3,450,000 to under $3,550,000 Category 00 $3) 550/000 ta under $3, 650,000 Catagory BR $3) 650/000 ta under 93, 750,000 Category $5 $3) 750/000 ta under $3,850,000 Category TT $3,830,000 to under $3,950,000 Category UD $3,980,000 ta under $4,050,000 Category W $4,050,000 te under $4,350,000 Category Ww $4,130,000 to under $4,250,000 Cacbgory xx $4,250,000 to under 94,350,000 Category YF $4,330,000 ta under 94, 450,000 Category AAA $4,530,000 Lo under $4,650,000 Category B88 $4,650,000 to under 54,750,000 Categery CCC $4,750,000 to under $4,850,000 Category ODD $4,880,000 to under $4,950,000 Category EEE $4,980,000 to undor $5,050,000 Category FFF $5,050,000 to under $5,250,000, Catagory Gos $5,180,000 to under $5,250,000 Category HHH $5,250,000 to under $5,350,000, Category TT $5/350/000 to under $5,450,000, Category J9J $5, 850/000 to under $5,550, 000 Category KKK 95,550,000 to under £5, 650, 000 Category LLL $5,650,000 to under §5, 730, 000 Category Wat $5,750,000 Eo under $5,830, 000 Category 1H 55,850,000 £0 under $5, 950, 000 Category 000 $5,350,000 to under $6,030, 000 Category PPP $6,050,000 to under $6, 130,000 Category 090 $6,150,000 to under $6,250, 000 Category RRR $6,250,000 eo under $6,350,000 Category S85 $6,350,000 to under $6,430,000 Category 117 $6,450,000 to under $6,550, 000 Category UU $6,550,000 Eo under $6, 650,000 Category WY $6,650,000 to under $6, 750,000 Category wit 56,750,000 to under $6,850,000 Category 1X 56,850,000 to undor $6,950,000 Category YY 56,950,000 to under $7,050,000 Gatogory 222 $7,050,000 to under $7,150, 000 Category ARMA 57,150,000 to under $7,250, 000 category BBBB $7,250,000 to onder $7, 350,000 Category CCCe $7,550,000 Fe under $7, 450,000 Category ps0 $7,480,000 to under $7,850,000, Category BESE §7,550,000 to under 7,650,000, Category FFFF §7, 650,000 to under 57,750,000 Eategory Goes §9/750;000 $7,850,000, Catesory SHR $7,050,000 57,950,000, Category 111 $7/950,000 38,050,000, Category Jus3 $8,050,000 58,150,000 Category HKEX $8,150,000 58, 250,000) Category LULL $8,250,000 58, 350,000, category Mee $8,350,000 $8, 450,000 Category wHHIN $8,450,000 $6; 550,000 atogory 0000 $8,550,000 $8, 650,000, category PREP 38, 650,000 138,750,000 Category G090 $8,750, 000 58,850,000 Category RRAR $8,650,000 58,950,000 Category S555 $9,950,000 439,050,000 Category 2PTT 59,050,000 $8, 180,000 Category UU $9, 150,000 $9, 250, 000 Category VW §3, 250,000 $8,350, 000 Category Wik $3,350,000 $9,450, 000 Category XXXK $9, 450,000 38,350,000, Category WY §9/580/000 59, 630,000, Category 2272 $9, 650,000 39,750,000 Categary AAARA $9,750,000 39,850,000, Category BBOES $9,850,000 59,950,000, Categary cccce $9,950,000 co under $10,000,000 Categary 00000 $10,000,000 or over masa ti Category & Tone Category 8s a counder § 1,000 Category C$ 1,000 to under § 5,000 Category § 5,000 to under § 20,000 Category = § 20,000 to under § 50,000 Category F $50,000 to under § 75,000 Gatogory © $75,000 to under § 1005000 category # $100,000 to under $150,000 Gstegory I$ 150,000 to under § 250,000 Category J. § 250/000 to under § $00,000 Category K 500/000 to under $750,000 Category L$ 750/000 to under $2,000,000 Category € $1,000,000 te under $1,250,000 Category $1,250,000 to uncer $1,800,000 Category 0 $1,500,000 te under $1,750,000 Category ® $1,750,000 to under $2,000,000 Category 9 $2,000,000 te under $2,250,000 Category R $2,250/000 te under $2,500,000 Category § $2,500,000 te under $2,750,000 Category 7 $2,750,000 te under $3,000,000 Category 0 $3,000,000 to under $3,250,000 Category ¥ $3/250,000 to under $3,300,000 Category W $3,500,000 to under 53,750,000 Category x $3,750,000 te under $4,000,000 Categoey Y__ $4,000,000 co under $4,250,000 B Category & $4,250,000 te under $4,500,000 Category AR $4,500,000 to unger $4,750,000, Eategory BE $4,750,000 to unuer $5,000,000, Cotesory € $5,000,000 to under $5,250,000 Estesory GD $5)250,000 to under 25,800,000 Cstegory BE $5/500,000 Lo under $5,780,000, Eetegory EF $5,780,000 to under $6,000,000, Category GC $6,000,000 to under $6,250,000, Category HH $6,280,000 to under $6,500,000, Category 1 $6,500,000 to under $6,750,000, Estecory Jo $6,750,000 to onder $7,009,000, Category KK $7,060,000 to under $7,250,000 Category LL $7,250,000 to under $7,300,000, Category HM $7,500,000 te unger $7,730,000 Category NN $7,780,000 to under $6,600,000 Category CO $8,000,000 to under $8,250,000 Category €2 $8,280,000 to undor $8,500,000 Category G9 $8,500,000 to andar $8,750,000, Category RR $8,750,000 ta onder $9,000,000 Catagory 88 $9,000,000 to under $8,250,000 Cetecory 77 $9/250,000 to under $9,509,000, category WU __ $9,500,000 or over LEGISLATIVE ETHICS COMMISSION STATE OF NEW YO! MAIL: LEGISLATIVE OFFICE BUILDING + BOX 75 ALB ‘LOCATION: ALFRED € SMITH STATE OFFICE BUILDING « SUITE 2691» ALB ‘PHONE: (516452 785717895 FAX: 18) 4266650 sQuroRaNDREW) A a oe ee BOO uestion 19 AMENDMENT FORM LEG. 5 CONN SESE aan For Calendar Year_2013 Please complete the form. Ifa colum is not applicable specify NONE. 19, List below all abilities of the reporting individual and such individual's spouse, i EXCESS of $10,000 as ofthe date of filing of this statement, other than liabilities to 8 relative, Do NOT list liabilities incurred by, or guarantees made by, the reporting individwal or such individual's spouse or by any. proprietorship, partnership oF corporation in which the reporting individual or such individual's spouse hat an i ‘when incurred or made in the ordinary course ofthe trade, business or professional practice of the reporting individual or such individuals spouse. Include the nanae of the creditor and any collateral pledged by such individual to secure payment of any such liability. A reporting individual shall not ist any obligation to pay maintenance in ‘connection with a matrmonial action, alimony or child support payments. Any loan issued inthe ordinary course of business by a financial institution to inance educational ‘costs, the cost of home purchase or improvements for a primary or secondary residence, or purchase ofa personally owned motor vehicle, household furniture oF appliances shall be excluded. If any such reportable liability has been {guaranteed by any third person, list the lability and wame the guarantor. est, Category Name of Creditor ‘Typecot Libility of or Guarantor and Collateral fany Amount (dn Table Temi. evsmal lon LM pavener NY 12207 / [lb Date (monthiday/year a. LEGISLATIVE ETHICS COMMISSION STATE OF NEW YORK 7 \otttch ASME Sh cence Ce RECEIVED MAR 04 205 QUESTION 5(a) AMENDMENT FORM °Y for Calendar Year _2013 LEG ETHICS CoM Please complete the form. If a column is not applicable specify NONE. 5. (a) st the name, adress and desripton of any oocupation, employment, (other than the employment listed unde tem ? above), rade, business of profession engaged in by the reporting individual. it such ‘cviy was lceneed by any stale or local agency, was regulate by any state eguiatory agency of local fpency, of, a a regula and significant pat of ih business or acti of sai entity, cid Business with, ‘rhad matters oer than ministerial maters belo, any stale or local agency, Ist the name of any such agency. Name & Address State or Position of Organization Description Local Agency of counsel Forchelli, Curto, __Law Practice et al, LLP 333 Earle ovington Blvd. Uniondale, NY 11553 Name John J. Flanagan ‘Title of Position:__Senator Sh —— Date (month [day year)

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