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Julianna Mendez

Art Fundamentals
May 11, 2015

Service-Learning Final Reflection

ART 3119 Art Fundamentals, Spring 2015
Service Learning at Dominican University of California is a privilege offered to
students. Service Learning is an experience that allows one to learn both in and outside
the standard college lecture course. It is a requirement at Dominican University of
California that we enroll in one service learning class before we graduate. The courses
that are offered are service learning writing classes and the service learning art
fundamentals class. Service learning is beneficial because we have gained a greater
understanding of the art world, we are doing a service for others and feeling served in
return, and learning how to implement what we learn in the classroom in the real world.
Being a student in the service learning art fundamentals class has really allowed
me to gain a new understanding of the art world. I have learned and practiced the eight
studio habits of mind while making my own art work. The studio habits of mind that I
have mainly focused on are observe and engage and persist. I am not an art major, but I
have learned that art, is not at all as I remembered it to be. As a child, I remember
disliking art because all I could draw was stick figures. Whats really interesting is that
the eight studio habits of mind are important life skills and they are being taught through

art. The days we would go work with the students at Bahia Vista, I could see similar
experiences I had as a child in art class. Some students loved to make art, and would
make it in such a hurry just to see the final outcome. Other students would critique their
art, saying, I suck at art. I remember those words coming out of my mouth more than a
few times as a child, and even to this day. Somewhere along the way someone ruined art
for these students. Weve also worked with students who love drawing, are skilled, and
who make their own guidelines.
Working on my own art work, and seeing my own frustrations has really allowed
me to tend to the frustrations of the students at Bahia Vista. Helping the students deal
with their frustration, thus helping them have a more positive art experience has helped
me better understand how to deal with my art frustrations.
According to report Reinvesting in Arts Education (The Need, pages 27-33), art
education is beneficial in many different ways. Some of the ways that art education is
beneficial, is it increases academic achievement, fosters creative thinking skills, and
keeps students engaged in school (pg.6). As it stands the high school national dropout rate
is at a very high. 50 % of male students who come from low income families and are
minorities drop out. When the numbers are that high, we have to ask ourselves what it is
that we are doing wrong and how can we change these numbers? Schools in disadvantage
areas often times do not have the funds to provide art programs for their students. It
makes me think about all the kids who are at Bahia Vista, who are not fortunate enough
to be in a learning enrichment after school program.
Somehow we need to work on creating art programs in which all students benefit
from. Teachers are trying to motivate students, but find it hard when so many barriers are
set. Teachers are being asked to motivate students, improve their students creativity skills,
teach rigorous academic work, and worry about standardize testing. Teachers argue that

the increasing budget cuts are a reason why students are not being given art resources
(pg.30). Also some teachers argue that it is not only because of budget cuts, but that
students are being asked to know so much other information, rather than knowing basic
skills. The focus in education is how much you know, not how much you dont know but
can figure out. However, there are programs that are set to help students achieve. An
example is the program LEAP (Learning Enrichment Academic Program) helps
disadvantage students receive extra assistance that they may not be able to receive at
home. LEAP provides resources for students, and allows college students like us to teach
them art.
After looking at the complexities, and identifying the issues with our education
system, we note that students lack art in their educational lives. There is a correlation
between art and academic achievement. Some ways that we can make art a more active
part in the academics of students, is as educators creating more of an emphasis on art.
Creating more after school programs like LEAP, where disadvantaged students are given
the resources and learning enrichment they need. It is the time where we must invest in
art to motivate students and engage them in academic learning. Some ways in which the
arts can be integrated in education is by hiring art school teachers. Also as teacher, we
should try to incorporate art as much as we can in our lessons. This will help keep our
students engaged. I work at the Coleman LEAP Program and its been interesting to see
how much the students benefit from arts, and how much they really do love it. Art can
foster creativity, collaboration, and a more positive learning experience.

Works Cited

Readings 1-5: Eight Studio Habits of Mind

Hetland, Lois, et. al. Studio Thinking 2: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education,
Second Edition. Columbia University, New York: Teachers College Press, 2013. Print.
Reading 6: The Qualities of Quality, Chapter 2, pages 17-27.
Seidel, Steven, et. al. The Qualities of Quality: Understanding Excellence in Arts
Education. Cambridge: Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2009. Print.
Reading 7: Reinvesting in Arts Education: Winning Americas Future Through
Schools, (pages 27 33, and 37-43).
Presidents Committee on the Arts and Humanities. Reinvesting in Arts Education:
Winning Americas Future Through Schools. Washington D.C.: Presidents Committee on
the Arts and Humanities. May 2011. Print.
LEAP website:

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