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Design For Learning

Instructor: Grace Culbreth

3rd, Michael
Lesson Title: Time Word Problems
Curriculum Area: Math

Grade Level/ Cooperating Teacher:

Date: 4-15-12
Estimated time: 25 minutes

Standards Connection: Alex 3rd, Mathematics 16.) Tell and write time
to the nearest minute, and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve
word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in
minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram.
Learning Objectives: When students are given an exit slip of two
problems they will be able to identify and solve 100% of the problems
Learning objective stated in kid-friendly language: Today we will
be learning about going backward in time within word problems
Evaluation of learning objectives: The students will be given an
exit slip with two time problems on it. They will be able to solve 100%
of the problems on the exit slip.
Engagement: 1,2,3 all eyes on me! I want everyone to put away his
or her science journals and listen closely to me remember last week
when we went over all those math problems about time? The students
will raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good boys and
girls! Well today we are going to learn about going backward in time.
Why would we need to go backward in time? I am passing out a
brainstorming sheet. I want you to brainstorm all the ideas you have. I
will give the students a few minutes to work on their own. Now I want
you all to come pare answers with your partners. I will give the
students about one minute o converse their partners. Student Y what
did you and your partner come up with? The students will raise their
hands and answer appropriately. Very good we would need to go
backward if we wanted to know how long we need to get somewhere.
We would use it if we need to know how long we needed to bake
something. Can anyone think of another time we would need to go
backward in time? The students will raise their hands and answer
appropriately. Very good boys and girls!
Teaching: I will go to the elmo and put the project the problem on the
board for the students to see. Mary is having a party at 6:00 she needs
to make cookies before. If it takes 45 minutes to make the cookies
what time would Mary need to start making the cookies so they will be

ready when the party starts? I will give the students a few minutes to
think about this problem. Student H what would we want to do first?
The students will answer appropriately. Very good first lets draw a
timeline. What would we put as the starting time? The students will
raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good we do not know
yet. That is what we are trying to find. So what will we put at the end
time? The students will raise their hands and answer appropriately.
Very good we would put 6:00 at the end of the time line. So how would
we find the start time? What do we need to do? The students will raise
their hands and answer appropriately. Right we need to go backwards.
So what should we do first? The students will raise their hands and
answer appropriately. Good lets just go back 10 minutes, if we go back
10 minutes what time would that be? The students will raise their
hands and answer appropriately. Good 6:50, how many more minutes
do we need to go back? The students will raise their hands and answer
appropriately. Good 35, so lets go back 10 more minutes what time will
that make it now? The students will raise their hands and answer
appropriately. Very good it would be 6:40, and we still have 25 more
minutes left that we need to use. So what should we do now? The
students will raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good we
need to go back 10 more minutes. So what time would it be now? The
students will raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good
boys and girls it would be 6:30. How much more time do we need to go
back? The students will raise their hands and answer appropriately.
Very good we still need to go back 15 minutes. So lets break that up
and just go back 10. What time would it be? The students will raise
their hands and answer appropriately. Very good it would be 6:20. Now
how much more time do we need to go back? The students will raise
their hands and answer appropriately. Very good we need to go back
just five more minutes which would make it what time? The students
will raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good 6:15! SO if
she needs to start making the cookies 45 minutes before the party
starts, what time does she need to start them? The students will raise
their hands and answer appropriately. Very good 6:15! Now lets try an
easier one together. If Daryl needs to get home by 5:30 for dinner and
it takes him 15 minutes to walk from his friends house, what time
does he need to leave his friends house? What should we do first? The
students will raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good lets
draw a time line. This time do we have a starting point? The students
will raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good that is what
we are trying to figure out. So what is our end time? The students will
raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good 5:30. So it takes
him 15 minutes to walk home, how should we break this up? The
students will raise their hands and answer appropriately. Good we
could do it by 5 minutes, we could do it by 10 and 5 minutes or we
could do 15 minutes all at once. Lets start by going backwards just five

minutes at a time. So we start at 5:30 and go backwards 5 minutes.

That would make it what time? The students will raise their hands and
answer appropriately. Very good 5:25! And if we go back 5 more
minutes what time would it be? The students will raise their hands and
answer appropriately. Very good 5:20, so how many minutes have we
gone back already? The students will raise their hands and answer
appropriately. Very good we have gone back 10 minutes so far so how
many more minutes do we need to go back? The students will raise
their hands and answer appropriately. 5 more minutes. Good job! So if
we go back 5 more minutes what time would it be? The students will
raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good 5:15. So what
time would Daryl need to leave his friends house if he needed to get
home by 5:30 and it takes him 15 minutes to walk home? The students
will raise their hands and answer appropriately. Very good! 5:15.
Opportunity for Practice: I will write the problem, if Sally needed to
get to school by 7:45 and it takes her 25 minutes to get to school from
her house, what time does she need to leave? I put a problem on the
board and I want you all to solve it on your own in your math journal.
When you are finished I want you to work with your partner and see if
you all got the same answer even if you solved the problem differently.
I will give the students efficient time to work on their problems alone
and with their partners. While the students are working I will be going
around to look over their work. Okay boys and girls I now want you to
work with your partners. While they are working with their partners I
will go around and ask them if they solved it the same way or not. Very
good boys and girls! Now I want student Y and student F to come and
solve the problem on the board for the students to see. The students
will come to the board and write their answer and solution on the
board. Very good! I like your work.
Assessment: Now I want everyone to put away his or her math
journals and I will give you a sheet of paper. I want you to work on this
on your own and hold it in the air when you are finished. I will pass out
an exit slip that has two problems on it for the students to complete. I
will give the students a few minutes to complete the two questions on
their own. I will collect when they are finished.
Closure: Now that you have complete the exit slip I want everyone to
take out their math journals and look at the backboard and complete
the problems on the board. If you do not finish these problems before
lunch you will have to stay through P.E. Do not dill dally! I will give the
students time to complete the problems on the backboard, and write
them in their math journals.
Materials/ resources:

White board
Exit slip
Math journals
Back board

Differentiation Strategies: For the students who understand these

problems I will give them harder problems to complete after their exit
slip. These problems will be going backward in time but will deal with
hours instead of minutes. For the students who are struggling with
these problems I will have a timeline already drawn for them where
they will need to fill in the times.
Reflection: The students struggled with this lesson more so than the
first lesson. The content was a little too much for the students. I think if
I were to do this again I would break this lesson up into different days,
and make the lesson more engaging for the students.
Data Analysis: Half of the students were proficnet, but the other half
struggled with the assessment.

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