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The Tigers

Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and
speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder,
the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are
still in the air.
- Harry Grunwald
TIME Magazine Managing Editor

Seoul International School Newspaper

Vol I . Issue I

Seoul, Korea


April, 2015

Should Gun Control be

It was a normal day in Marysville Pilchuck High Schools
cafeteria. Students were lining

up for food, returning their trays
when they heard it a loud and
terrifying bang, followed shortly by many more. After pulling
out a 40 caliber pistol, 15-yearold Jaylen Fryburg had fired
multiple bullets before eventually turning the gun on himself.

Continue on Page 2

Korean Teen suspected of joining ISIS

By Daniel Shin

Badminton added as a
School Sport
Starting 2015 spring, SIS will
be adding badminton to the high
school extracurricular sports to
meet student demands. Despite
this addition however, badminton will not become an official
KAIAC Sport. Accroding to Mr.
Atanaskovic this decision can
be reconsidered in depending on
how successful this years season goes.

Continue on Page 7

A Korean high school

dropout was reported to have
crossed the Turkish border
into ISIS populated Syria on
Jan. 10. According to CNN,
18 year old Kim was likely influenced by ISIS propaganda
through social media and is
suspected to have joined the
Jihadi movement.
... Kim was a relatively
shy and antisocial kid ostracized by his friends, said
Mr. Lopez, AP World History teacher. My best guess is
that he joined ISIS to associate himself with the grandeur
and power that ISIS promises.
Though not officially confirming Kims departure to
ISIS, CNN has discovered
via the Korean police agency that Kims laptop showed
his interest in joining the Jihad Movement in Syria. Following pro-ISIS accounts,

retweeting ISIS propaganda

videos and occasionally posting desires of his own to join,
Kim had over 517 searches
and images affiliated with
Though I feel the deepest
sympathy towards Kims parents, if Kim did in fact join
ISIS I wouldnt be surprised,
Eric Song (10) said. The
era of wireless data and free
internet makes me see this
as an event that would have
happened sooner or later.
Kim was last seen leaving
a vehicle driven by an unidentified man near the Syria-Turkish border. The lack
of a struggle he showed along
with his general calm demeanor makes many Korean officials believe that this was not
a kidnapping but a voluntary
As reported by Korean
news agency YTN, Lawyer

Kang Yeon Jae believes that

... it is looking more likely
that [Kim] has joined the Islamic State.
Though Kim is the first
Korean suspected of leaving
Korea for ISIS, he is certainly not the first teen to join
the radical group. With the
recent increase of teenage
foreign jihadists, many like
SIS Communications teacher Courtney Caldwell agree
upon the increased negative
influence ISIS has on teens.
Teenagers spend more
time indulged in the media
and thus feel the negative
impacts more, Ms. Caldwell
said. The fact that teens feel
inclined to separate themselves from all forms of authority and stand out or look
cool makes this issue even
The fact that ISISs propaganda was able to influence

Koreans, 0.3% of whom are

Muslim, is considered by
many as evidence of ISISs
growing domination of the
media. According to a Time
article published last October, CIA sources claim that
ISIS has more than 2,000
foreign fighters from over 80
countries around the world.
ISISs spreading of propaganda on social media sites is
inevitably going to negatively
influence people all over the
world, said Grace Lee, an
MUN member. This is probably why there has been such
a radical increase in foreign
jihadist over the past years.
Let yourself be heard: If
you have any questions or
responses to any articles on
Tigers Eyes, please send
them to tigers-eyes@gmail.

Viewpoint 2

MARCH 2015

Losing the Grip on the

Trigger By Daniel Shin
It was a normal day in Marysville Pilchuck High
Schools cafeteria. Students were lining up for food, returning their trays when they heard it a loud and terrifying bang, followed shortly by many more. After pulling out a 40 caliber pistol, 15-year-old Jaylen Fryburg
had fired multiple bullets before eventually turning the
gun on himself.
Events like this cannot happen again. 14-year old
Shaylee Cehuckulnaskit, Gia Soriano, Zoe Galasso and
15-year old Andrew Fryberg were not victims of one student. They were the latest casualties of a nations unwillingness to listen, a nations stubbornness in adhering to
an outdated policy. Yes, you guessed it: the right to bear
Created originally to prevent the rise of an oppressive government, the right to bear arms has blossomed
into a topic of heated dissent. However, facts are facts.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection, there were over 32,000 firearm deaths in 2011.
When freedoms get in the way of public security, it is a

Cartoon by

time for shift in policy. Because

of the many conservatives in
America, a sudden ban on all
firearms would be irrational.
Rather, the US should move
away from state regulations and
instead, like Australia, develop
a national system for registering
and licensing all firearms.
dddThe US has always stressed the importance
Photo Courtesy to
of states rights. Though states
rights are important, a recent
regulation of guns. said Rebecca Peters, leader of the
study from Columbia UniverSurviving Gun Violence Project. We changed our laws.
sity directly attributed inconsistencies in state gun control
As a result, gun deaths in Australia have dropped by twopolicies to an increase of gun
thirds, and we have never had another mass shooting.
deaths. Furthermore, according
Many in the US fear that a policy on such a large scale
to the Boston Globe, 250 of the 1,020 guns in Massachusetts, whose origins were successfully traced, came will go against what many conservative citizens want,
from nearby states with less restrictive laws. If obtaining potentially highlighting a misuse of the governments
a gun is as simple as going into another state, the US will power. However, sources gathered from the Washington
Post found that in Australia, as much as 90 percent of the
see no favorable
public approved of the stricter gun laws after its favoraoutcomes.
A national movement is clearly desirable. In Austral- ble outcomes were seen. Once the US sees the benefits
ia, after the Port Arthur Massacre left 35 dead, tighter of national security, it will, like Australia, be intent on
regulations were implemented on a national level. Ac- maintaining it.
Australia went in the direction of uniform gun concording to the Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy
published by the Law Library of Congress, a third of the trol. Australias firearm homicide rate fell. When the staguns previously used in Australia were willingly handed tistics are so favorable, it is time the United States stop
mourning and actually take action. The US is losing its
back to the government in an enormous buyback.
[The Port Arthur Massacre] ignited an explosion grip on the trigger. If something is not done, children
of public outrage, soul-searching and demands for better will continue to pay for a freedom that elders enjoy.

SAT Scandals Worsen South Korean Image

By Sarah Kim
During the brief intermissions on SAT day in South
Korea, bathrooms bustle with
knowledge as students come
and go, so do the answers of
difficult questions. Students
walk back into the testing
center shamelessly after their
secretive discussions in the
bathroom, confidently (and of
course, illegally) change their
answers for already finished
sets, and then continue solving
through the supposedly difficult test.
Recently, South Korea has
been able to set many global records, whether it be regarding
sports, technology, or music.
According to the Educational Testing Service (ETS), last
May, the country managed to
set yet another record: it was
the first country in which allegations of cheating on the SAT
cancelled scores for all students
nationwide. The cancellation
shed light on cheating academic dishonesty in South Korea
and, gradually, labeled it as a
nation of questionable academ-

ic integrity.
And yet, despite the numerous investigations conducted to
catch possible illicit activities
of South Korean academies,
to nobodys surprise, another
SAT cheating scandal delayed
the test scores of over 1,500
students this October, just last
month. Such scandals have
been frequent over the past few
years, and since 2007, have led
to two cases of mass cancellations of scores.
The recentviolations of academic integrity have been
prominent among authoritative
individuals in South Korea long
before SAT scandals emerged.
From lawmaker-elect Yeom
Dong-yeol, who plagiarized
his doctoral essays in 2004,
to Seoul National University
professor Hwang U-Seok, who
faked and manipulated research
for his published scientific journals in 2005, the recent rise of
such wrong behaviors has only
served to solidify South Koreas image as that of a cheater

To prevent escalated cheating in the future, it is necessary

to decrease the huge value put
on competitive studying in
South Korea. Once education
becomes a process and not a
competition, students will have
fewer motivations to cheat on
standardized tests like they do
According to Cable News
Network (CNN), the average
South Korean student studies 8
hours a day, while the average
Finnish student only studies 5
hours a day. Such research indicates the extraordinarily high
value given to education and
rigorous competition in South
Korea. This inevitably fuels the
vicious cycle of academic dishonesty, as the desperation of
South Korean students encourages them to cheat their way to
The problem lies in the governments inability to strongly enforce policies that would
minimize emphasis on studying. If the government were to
re-enforce the academy curfew

of 10 p.m. that was recently

cancelled, the pressure put on
students to be successful in
their studies would decrease,
resulting in a decline in the
number of cheating students.
According to the Korea
Times, only about 56% of academies complied with the curfew
when it was enforced, leading
to the policys repeal. Had the
South Korean government been
more stringent in regulating the
policy, the curfew would have
been effective in reducing the
level of cheating nationwide.
So, parents, how about going on a walk tonight with your
high school children, discussing ethics rather than locking
them up in their rooms to get
them to study?

Have YOU
ever cheated
on a school


Editor in Chief:
Daniel Shin
Managing/Copy Editor:
Daniel Shin
Daniel Shin
Mr. Coleman

In the interest of the school,
community, and society, The
Tigers Eyes exercises the right
to report on and editorialize all
topics, events or issues, whether
they be controversial or unpopular. The Tigers Eyes will refrain from publishing offensive,
illegal, invasive, or libelous material.

MARCH 2015


Discussions regarding annex ignite after new building constructed

By Daniel Shin

Previously used as the elementary school building, 4 floors of the annex remain largely unused.
ppppp20 classrooms, several lounges
and other facilities in the old elementary
school area, now called the Annex, remain largely unused since a new building
was established in 2013. In an effort to

use the space more effectively, the school

administration has ignited discussions regarding the structures future usage, most
notably, the prospect of changing it into a
fine arts center.

pppppThere have been a lot of false

rumors regarding the usage of the building, said Peter Kahl, Administrator for
Instructional Services. However, our
current dream is to localize all the art facilities there.
pppppFor art teachers like Jin Shin Ekin,
this idea is highly appealing due to the
proximity of the classrooms in the Annex. This would, in her view, better accommodate the art department, which
is currently spread throughout the high
school building.
ppppp[If we move to the old building]
there will be an increase in collaboration
time, Ms. Ekin said. There will also be
more exhibiting space which is essential
for art.
pppppDespite these discussions, the
school has not finalized any plans due to
the various safety and pragmatic issues it
must address.
pppppWere waiting to find an architect to see if we can make some changes
with the placement and sturdiness of the
walls. said Michael Colaianni, Director
of School. This architect will do a test
and if the walls are what we call load
bearing and hold up the building, we will

have less flexibility in restructuring and

conforming it for the needs of the art department.
pppppIf these consultations come to life,
the question remains on what will happen
to the current art rooms in the high school
building. Some, like Sung Chul Cha, Director of General Affairs, have suggested
specializing the floors into different academic categories.
pppppWhen considering these large
classroom transitions, we must consider
every aspect, Mr. Cha said. Though it
will be practical for the teachers of similar subjects to be together, every aspect
ranging from size of the classroom to air
conditioning must be taken into consideration for this change to be effective.

What do
think the annex
should be used for?

Gwyneth Paltrow, People Magazines Most Beautiful

Woman, Dies from Heart Attack
By Daniel Shin
Gwyneth Paltrow, 41, was
last seen by her brother on
Aug. 27, 2014 before driving
her kids to school. While driving, Paltrow became victim to
a STEMI heart attack, causing
her vehicle to crash, subsequently killing her and her two
Paltrow was born to actress
Blythe Danner and film producer Bruce Paltrow on Sept.
26, 1972, in Los Angeles,
United States. Though Paltrow
was accepted into the University of Santa Barbara, she
dropped out quickly to follow
her parents paths and pursue a
career in acting.
Paltrow was not a globally renowned actress until she
starred in the 1998 movie:
Shakespeare in Love, which
earned her both the Academy
Award and the Golden Globe
Around this time, she met
Chris Martin, whom she married and had two children
with. She took a hiatus from
acting to raise her children and
build a family until her 2010
comeback, where she acted as
Pepper Potts in the highly successful movie Iron Man.
Four years later, she split up
with Chris Martin and began
dating Glee co-creator Brad

Despite the fickleness of

her romantic life and acting
career, Paltrows hobbies remained relatively consistent.
From a young age, Paltrow
was interested in the culinary
arts and exercising. Along
with the creation of Goop, a
website where she gave weekly tips on eating a healthy diet,
Paltrows belief on the importance of health manifested itself in other forms. For
instance, she created various
videos and books devoted to
encouraging people to exercise and stay healthy.
Even with the stress and
busyness of an acting career,
she tried her best to eat healthy
and exercise as much as possible, said her brother, Jake
Paltrow, in tears. The unexpectedness of the death was
too much for us to handle.
The rarity of a healthy
and active 41-year old woman dying from a heart attack
left doctors baffled. However,
after an in-depth examination
was done on her body, it was
revealed that genetics had a lot
to do with the untimely passing.
Though Bruce passed
away from cancer, he also had
a relatively weak heart, which
I believe had a lot to do with
Gwyneths death. If someone

cares for his or her

body as much as
Gwyneth, I think
our only plausible solution is to
look at genetics, said her
mother, Blythe
Paltrow is
survived by her
brother, Jake
children, Apple
and Moses Martin; her mother,
Blythe Danner;
and her loving
fianc, Brad Falchuk.
In lieu of the
traditional sending of flowers and
cards, Falchuk has
asked for the public to donate to the
American Heart Association, in an effort to prevent further
heart diseases from

The Pup

And its


We are all connected

is that a good thing?
Korean government increases
warrants for cyber surveillence
by Heewon Kim

ppet show

In a transparency report released on Jan. 23, Daum Kakao
Corporation announced that
the amount of warrants issued
by the court for access to user
data has more than quadrupled.
This coupeled with the attention
gained last year when multiple
news oultets had reported that
the corporation had been cooperating under government orders has led to public outcries.
Citizens are noticing the
increased amount of cyber surveillance, and the government
will need to find a set of clear
standards or guidelines to manage the surveillance process,
said Judy Moon (9), an avid
user of KakaoTalk.
This issue is not something
that has only been affecting
Daum Kakao. The increase in
warrants has also affected Naver. Search and seizure warrants
for user information increased
6.3 times from 1,487 in 2012
to 9,342 in 2014 for Naver, according to the report they re-

leased on Jan. 22.

The increasing amount of
warrants means that the government is trying to step up their
game in cyber surveillance, and
citizens definitely havent had a
positive reaction to this, said
Jeesun Shin, an interior designer who uses KakaoTalk as an
essential communication tool
for work.
Some citizens who used
Kakao Talk decided to leave the
app and join Telegram, another
messenger app. As of Oct. 21,
2014, Telegram had over 2.6
million users in Korea. KakaoTalk users at Seoul International
School also have something to
say about this issue. After conducting a survey of 9th grade
students at Seoul International School, 63.6 percent wanted their privacy protected, or
thought that the cyber surveillance situation was a problem.
In order to prevent ourselves from making the same
mistake, we will make privacy

our top priority when there is

discord between privacy and
law, said Lee Sirgoo, co-CEO
of Daum Kakao, in an article by
Yonhap News.
As a result of the citizens
concern for their privacy, Daum
Kakao has added privacy features such as a Secret Chat
mode, end-to-end encryption,
along with consistant transparency reports, all under the supervition of the Privacy Policy
Advisory Committee.
According to Korea Joongang Daily, Seongjin Choi, secretary general of the Korea Internet Corporations Association
said that the main objective of
cyber surveillance is to balance
the safety of the public and individuals privacy.
Although citizens cannot
predict what will happen to cyber surveillance in the future,
they can wait for time to pass
to see how the government will
react to this recent outcry.


MARCH 2015

Survivor of the
30 Hour Famine


by Daniel Shin

Imagine a world without starvation. A world where food comes and goes at your
leisure. One call of a phone can bring you a nice, hot, sizzling pan of pizza. Oh wait,
thats your world, isnt it?
Now picture a completely different world: a world without food. Picture a world
not knowing when your next meal comes from. Picture a world without the joy of
stuffing a burger into your mouth, and not knowing the refreshing feeling of chugging a homemade blueberry smoothie.

The sound of the page turning, the weight of the book, the satisfaction
after closing the back cover of a thick book; all of that is indescribable.
- Soomin Lee (9)
The beauty of a hardcover book is the authenticly satisfying feel one
gets from reading it. No electronic device will ever be able to replicate
- Grace Lee (10)


Last Friday, GIN brought those two polar worlds together in an event called the
30 hour famine. There, students were encouraged to go as long as they can without
food for 30 hours. Skipping a meal is a big deal in itself. But many were unable to
fathom the difficulty of skipping 4 meals worth of food. Though it may seem difficult
however, sophomore Eric Song (10) proved last Friday that it is far from impossible.
an example ly
had to set
IN m
e wo
Being a G
e on the
and quittin
poor imag
the school
ok bad bu
an that ho
make me lo
ong (10) sa
club Eric S e that 30 hours of de main driving
the knowle hild for 30 days was

E- Book

Photo Courtesy to

I personally believe E-books are better because they give more mobility
when reading. You can adjust the size, text, brightness and many more.
- Brian Sohn (10)

Regardless of the motivation, the fact is

that for every 30 hours a Tiger fasts, a starving child in Africa is given 30 days worth of
food, shelter, and water.

I know people will rave about the feel of hardcover books or whatever
but lets be honest here. We enjoy reading because of the text, not the
- Sarah Kim (10)

Mr. Kip Deshazo: A mans grasp that exceeds his reach

by Daniel Shin

Who is tall, nice and catches and

spreads dreams? The common answer for
kids around the world would be the Big
Friendly Giant, the fictional protagonist
in Roald Dahls famous novel The BFG.
Students at SIS, however, would believe
that the answer is not the BFG but Kip
Deshazo, a seventh grade math teacher.
Though he may not be as tall and as big as
the Big Friendly Giant, he does share one
trait with the giant: he is a dream catcher.
As a child, Mr. Deshazo did not know
what he wanted to be so he became many
things: a high school and college athlete,
a hotel manager and consultant and a
middle school teacher. Despite the contrasting nature of these professions, all
are testaments to Mr. Deshazos go-getting character. It is precisely this driving
force that has helped him persist against
hardships and better establish himself as
a disciplined, discerning and adaptable
Hints of Mr. Deshazos ambitious
personality originate from his childhood,
when he took up pole vaulting. Taking advantage of his short 157 cm height, Mr.
Deshazo recalls practicing on his front



Hotel Manager

lawn, where his father had constructed

him a pole-vaulting pit.
Not many people I know did pole
vaulting, Mr. Deshazo said. [But],
among the many sports I played, I liked
pole-vaulting the best because of its intricacy.
Though he may not be able to do full
extensions or lifts today, Mr. Deshazo acknowledges that he wouldnt have had the
experiences he gained from pole vaulting
without his aspiring personality. As it
turns out, this venturesome characteristic
of his would take him far. Having tasted
the potential success of taking risks, Mr.
Deshazo was more than eager to accept
a job as a consultant during his college
I came to Hong Kong as a consultant
for a one year deal, which is not something that many people did. said Mr.
Deshazo, a nostalgic expression growing
on his face. Before I knew it, one year
had turned into twenty five and that was
the beginning of an unusual adventure.
For Mr. Deshazo, what kept him going
was the thrill of not knowing what was
coming next and then adapting according-



ly. It is this aspiring aspect of Mr. Deshazo

that would help him reap the most of his
time as a hotel manager. In his 25 years,
he had visited a variety of countries, met
new people, and most importantly, had
grasped the importance of being able to
prioritize and see the big picture.
In hotel managing the things you have
to do are countless, Mr. Deshazo said.
You really have to prioritize and know
which issues are...worth spending more
time on.
With such a wide spectrum of professions, Mr. Deshazo cannot help but reflect
on the variety of lessons and values he
has extracted. He acknowledges that the
experiences he cherish all stem from his
venturesome character.
What did I learn from all of these different experiences? wondered Mr. Deshazo aloud. It was the importance of not
being afraid to put yourself out there and
do things that others havent done... It can
take you a long way.
Now a math teacher at SIS, Mr. Deshazo tries to be a role model and actively
encourages his students to meet their full
potential. In doing so, he is giving back to


the world what it has given him, a lifetime

of adventure and thrill.
I remember when I was taught by Mr.
Deshazo in 7th grade, David Choe (10)
said. He was always encouraging us to
explore different aspects of our study.
His students are not the only ones who
think such way. Many of the teachers he
works with also view him as a man unafraid of risks and novelty.
What I remember about Mr. Deshazo
when I used to work with him in middle
school was how willing he was to look at
teaching in a different perspective, said
Ms. Knoer, high school teacher. He was
a man who was unafraid to try things differently for the sake of helping his students.
So who is Mr. Deshazo? Is he the kind
yet firm teacher that his students see him
as? Is he the steadfast soldier in the search
for discipline? We dont know. Only he
does, and thats all that matters. One thing
however, is for sure. Mr. Deshazo didnt
write his bucket list. His bucket list wrote

MARCH 2015


SIS Adds Badminton to Sports Offering

By Rachel Kang
Starting 2015 spring, SIS will be
adding badminton to the high school
extracurricular sports to meet student
According to Ivan Atanaskovic,
Athletics and Activities Coordinator,
this change is due to the schools recent realization of badmintons popularity among students. Although
no official survey was conducted,
badminton is famous for being the
long-time favorite sport of Korean
We know that badminton is a
popular sport of Asians, including
Koreans, Mr. Atanaskovic said. So
far we have been receiving very positive responses.
Indeed, students including Garam Lee (11) and Jason Choi (10) are
glad to see badminton introduced to
With this decision, SIS is allowing more students to learn healthy
ways to release stress through physical activities, Jason Choi (10) said.
Garam Lee hwoever, sees beyond
the physical benefits of having a badminton team.

Even if badminton is only in its

developing stages this year, students
who make it into the team will learn
to interact with new people and learn
leadership and cooperation, Garam
Lee (11) said.
Cheryll Lambie, who will be the
new badminton coach, also views
this initiation positively.
Badminton is a good alternative
for students who do not play tennis
or soccer. I think its a very good idea
to have badminton in this school. In
fact, I dont know why it hadnt been
added already, Mrs. Lambie said.
Badminton has also served as a
beacon of hope for other sports to be
passed. Currently in discussion include a ping pong team, and maybe
even a football team. However, Mr.
Atanaskovic emphasized that badminton along with any other newly
proposed sports will not be added to
the list of official KAIAC sports yet.
There will be two major differences between badminton and other
official KAIAC sports. First, there
will be only one co-ed team with a
maximum of twenty people. Sec-

ond, there will only be two practices

per week at Tiger Gym 1 in order to
avoid gym conflicts with other sports
Mr. Atanaskovic went on to say
that SIS could propose to add badminton as an official KAIAC sport
in the future if the school deems this
introductory year as a success. Chess
became an official KAIAC sport last
year in a similar process and the SIS
chess team now competes three times
a year.
More information concerning
coaches, practices, and tryouts will
be available on the bulletin board before spring.

Eddie Choi (10), recoils after his successful smash

in a friendly game against fellow Badminton team
member Nick Yeo (10).

Swimmer Park Tae Hwan

fails doping test
By Sarah Kim
25-year-old South Korean swimmer
and the countrys only Olympic swimming champion Tae-hwan Park failed
a doping test given by the International
Swimming Federation (FINA) on Sept.
3, 2014, a few weeks before the 2014
Incheon Asian Games. Parks management agency Team GMP stated that Park
had received a few hormone injections
on July 29, 2014 at a local hospital. Team
GMP said Park was unaware of the fact
that his doctor, with surname Kim, administered injections containing banned
According to Yonhap News Agency,
Team GMP officials are currently blaming Kim for giving Park a 4ml injection of Nebido. Because it contains the
male hormone testosterone, Nebido was
banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2004. Kim, however, argues that he
was unaware that testosterone was a prohibited substance.
In an interview with ESPN News,
Team GMP said Kims hospital offered
to give Park free chiropractic treatments
since last July, and injected the Nebido
without informing Park of what the injection contained. Many passionate fans
and athletes have been upset by such irresponsibility.

I am very frustrated at the

doctor because when it comes to
professional sports, it is important for both the athlete and the
doctor to engage in strict precautions, Eric Song (10) said.
In this case Park Tae-hwan was
being as cautious as he could to Park Tae Hwan seen jumping off for his bout in the 2012 London Olympics, just 3
avoid banned substances, but the years before his conviction of failing a doping test
doctor did not meet this level of Photo Courtesy to
alertness. Such recklessness on
legal substances. From Ben Johnson, a es filed against him on Feb. 6, Park still
the doctors part can ruin the athletes en- sprinter who received doses of banned awaits a doping hearing later this month.
tire career.
steroid stanozolol in 1988 to Lance Arm- Regardless of the results of the hearing,
However, others believe Park is the strong, a cyclist who took illegal perfor- Park may be excluded from the Korea
one to blame, deeming it his responsibil- mance-enhancing drugs erythropoietin, Swimming Federations list of swimming
ity to take care of his own body to make testosterone, and cortisone throughout award recipients or ruled out of the 2016
sure no illegal injections are made.
his entire career, numerous athletes were Rio de Janeiro Games.
Personally, I think athletes have the found taking in illegal substances to boost
fundamental responsibility to manage their performances.
their own bodies, said Ariel Lee (10),
In general, it is crucial but extremely
member of the girls varsity swim team. painstaking for any athlete to constantly
I realize that there could have been some monitor and be cautious of what submiscommunication between Park and his stances he or she is taking, said Cindy
doctor, but Park should have double and Presse, varsity swim coach. But the
triple checked the constituents before punishments for the doctors and athletes
getting an injection of any sort.
involved in the consumption of illegal
Though this is the first time Park Tae- drugs and injections have to be very sehwan has ever been involved in a doping vere in order to promote greater attenscandal, according to the Korea Times, tiveness.
many other famous athletes around the
Though the Seoul Central District
world received injections containing il- Prosecutors Office dropped all charg-

Photo courtesy to

Small Talk 8

MARCH 2015

Photo of the Month

Tel: 031-759-1711
Hot Dog:
Hot Pastrami ... 7,500
Cheese Dog ... 4,500
Chili Cheese Dog ... 6,000 Chicken Breast ... 6,500
THE Dog ... 8,000
Cheese Burger ... 6,500
Potato Wedges:
BBQ Cheese ... 7,000
Original ... 3,000
Chilli Cheese ... 8,000
Chilli ... 5,000
Bacon Cheese ... 8,500
THE Burger ... 10,000
Beef ... 7,000
Chicken ... 7,000
Veggie ... 6,000

Leo Lee (11), takes photos around the school for his photography ABC assignment.

Beef ... 6,000
Chicken ... 6,000
Four Cheese ... 5,000

Tiger Quotes to Ponder...

Any job very well done that
has been carried out by a person who is fully dedicated is
always a source of inspiration.

If oppurtunity doesnt
knock, build a door.
- Milton Berle

I cant change the direction

of the wind, but I can adjust
my sails to always reach my
destination. - Jimmy Dean

- Carlos Gohsn

to do what you
Just dont give up trying
there is love
really want to do. Where
ink you can go
and inspiration, I dont th
- Ella

Photo Couresy

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