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Lesson Overview

Designing a Community Map Lesson 6


Friday, May 1, 2015


Brian Schultheis


Community Map Construction

Grade Level(s):



1 Hour

Subject Area(s):

Math and Social Studies

State Standards:

5.G.3: Understand that attributes belonging to a category of

two dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of
that category. For example, all rectangles have four right
angles and squares are rectangles, so all squares have four
right angles.
5.G.4: Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy
based on properties.
D2.Geo.1.3-5: Construct maps and other graphic
representations of both familiar and unfamiliar places.
3.0.A.1.b: Construct and interpret maps using elements,
such as title, compass rose, simple grid system, scale,
legend/key, date, and author.

Unit Goals (enduring
Lesson Goals:

The students will demonstrate their knowledge of twodimensional figures by designing a community map
utilizing different shapes to represent different venues.
1. We can recognize a two-dimensional shape is classified
into a category and its subcategories.
2. We can group shapes that share a single property, and,
then, among these shapes, group those that share a second
property, etc
3. We can construct maps by using various map elements.

Anticipatory Set:

Introduce and Model New

CAST 2006

1. In place of the days warm-up, the teacher will check-in

with the students to see how far they were able to progress
in constructing their community maps during yesterdays
lesson considering the teacher was out that day.
2. The teacher will review the map elements that need to be
included in their final copies.
3. Together, the teacher and the students will review the
procedures for creating the key, including the fact that the

Adapted from

map items should be color-coded rather than labeled.

Provide Guided Practice:

Provide Independent

4. The teacher will instruct the students to continue

working on their maps.
5. Should any students be done with their final copies, they
will be permitted to get on Stride Academy or quietly play
math games while they wait for the rest of the class to finish
their maps.
6. As the students are working on their final copies, the
teacher will move around the room, meeting with every
partnership to see the progress that was made during
yesterdays lesson and provide any assistance necessary.
7. Once the students finish their final copies, they will be
permitted to get on Stride Academy or quietly play math
games until all of the students have completed their maps.
8. With about 15 minutes to go in the period, the teacher
will instruct the students to return to their desks.
9. The teacher will inform the students that they will be
completing a quiz using the Socrative application in order
to see how well the teacher was able to teach them (which
shifts the focus off of their performance).
10. The teacher will call the students by row to get an iPad
from the teachers desk.
11. The teacher will have the quiz displayed on the
projector so the students know the Room Code to enter into
the iPad.
12. The teacher will instruct the students to enter their first
name, and any students with the same first name should
also include their last initial.
13. Once the students are ready, they may begin taking the
14. Once the students finish the quiz, they may quietly play
math games on the iPad until all of the students have
finished the quiz.
15. Once all students finish the quiz, the teacher will call
them by row to return the iPads to the teachers desk.
16. As closure, the teacher will have the students go on a
gallery walk in order to view all of the community maps
that were created.
17. The teacher will ask the students to ensure there is a
marker on every desk.
18. The teacher will inform the students of the days
winning row and dismiss them by row.

CAST 2006

This lesson is part of the geometry unit. This lesson was

designed to put together everything the students have
learned in the shapes portion of the geometry unit thus far,
Adapted from

as well as to put into practice the social studies concepts

reviewing during this unit. The teacher will use observation
techniques throughout the lesson to assess the students
understanding. The teacher will provide any necessary
support if he witnesses a student struggling in any way.
Summative/End Of Lesson

This lesson is part of the geometry unit. A summative

assessment will be provided at the end of the unit once all
concepts and standards have been covered. Instruction will
be adjusted and implemented accordingly based upon
formative assessments throughout the unit. The students
community maps will be used to assess their understanding
of the geometrical shapes and map elements that were used
to construct the maps. The Socrative quiz was administered
in order to assess whether the teachers SLO was achieved.

Materials (including technology, texts, manipulatives, audio-visual)

Community Maps PowerPoint presentation
Community Maps Project directions sheet
Colored pencils
Rough draft paper
Final copy paper

Reflection (include discussion on time management, engagement, assessment

data outcomes)
I was shocked when I found out that there was one partnership that had yet to complete its rough
draft. The partnership was not able to complete its rough draft yesterday because the student
who left because of an early dismissal on Wednesday was absent yesterday. That left all of the
work for the other partner to complete. In addition to that, the student who was left to do all of
the work was pulled for enrichment during the second half of yesterdays period. Luckily, it only
took a couple of minutes for them to put the finishing touches on their rough draft, so I was able
to conference with them and get them going on their final copy quickly into the period.
However, that delay put me behind schedule in the lesson plan because they were not able to
complete their final copy quickly enough to leave enough time for the students to complete their
Socrative quiz. As such, I decided to ask the GATE teacher if I could keep her students for a
couple of minutes following lunch in order to complete the quiz. Luckily, she agreed to allow me
to keep the students in order for them to finish the quiz. I will talk more about this in my SLO,
but the students performed masterfully on the quiz, which enabled me to achieve my SLO.

CAST 2006

Adapted from

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