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She Ships Relationships

angle: importance of relationships

Hola! Mrs. Choi says every start of her Spanish class.Mrs. Choi is adored amongst her
Spanish class students. Always, bubbly, and happy to teach, Ms. Choi is often listed as one of
the students most popular teachers, because in a minute or two, Ms. Choi can become any
students best friend.
It is a commonly known fact that many SIS teachers scream or scold their students for making
foolish mistakes or interrupting the class. However, when boys throw pieces of paper at each
other in Ms. Chois Spanish class, she tells them in a calm demeanor to quiet down, unlike any
other regular SIS teacher in the same situation.
Ms. Choi incorporates her buttery smooth Spanish accent with English to teach during Spanish
class. Anyone would be fooled to think that her first language was Spanish. During class, if any
student makes a pronunciation error with one of the Spanish terms, he or she is never scolded
or ignored by Ms. Choi. Instead, they are carefully guided through on how to correctly
pronounce the word. .
Ms. Choi always jokes around with students in a friendly matter, which makes every Spanish
class a special treat,said Sunny Oh (9)
Every class or anytime Ms. Choi is open to any points of question or opinion whether or not it is
even related to Spanish at all. All the time, Ms. Choi is engaged in trying to get closer with any
student. She promotes understanding the importance of relationships in order to get along and
deal with students with her decades of experiences. Several students admit this frequently as if
this is a fact.
It was my third period class and I was very dreary because I didnt get any sleep the previous
night, reoccurs Annie Kwon (9). However, Ms. Choi had brought in Mexican rice for the entire
class to share. This made my day. In fact, every A day is a joy because of Ms. Chois wide

Christina Choi moved to Ecuador from Korea when she was three, where there was a constant
threat of her town being tear gassed. However, living close and spending time with her family
would take away her fears of the outside. Unlike any other typical Korean parents, Ms. Chois
parents Hwa Choi and Shin Joong Ja, set up no strict policy in terms of education. Hwa Choi
and Shin Joong Ja valued the parent to daughter relationships greater than education. They
knew that true knowledge and wisdom comes from the idea that forming healthy relationships
goes further than getting bonus points on a test.

I think it is because my parents trusted me with anything related to education. My mother didnt
check whether or not I did my homework. She didnt even check my grades. She was happy
with the fact that I was stable girl, Mrs. Choi.
Unlike Ms. Choi did back in her high school days, SIS high school students are going through,
right now, intolerable stress filled times. Ms. Chois parents did not glue their eyes onto her
powerschool account. Though Ms. Choi cannot share the same experience in terms of the
unbearable stress levels, she does her best to coordinate her classes so that students are not
loaded with masses of homework. The forgiving and lenient relationship between Ms. Choi and
her parents enabled her to see the importance of the students well being rather than
educational purposes. Students have no reason to not befriend such a teacher.
However life was not spent always peacefully. During Ms. Chois high school years, the Choi
family faced a tragedy. It was the loss of a mother, Hwa Choi. The passing of Ms. Chois mother
happened not far from the event that Ms. Choi cherished the most. When Ms. Choi was apart of
the high schools dance team in her sophomore year, during the middle of the year, her entire
dance team went to a dance camp someplace far away. At this time, she was unaware that her
mother even knew where she was going to go because of the distance. It became a big surprise
to her when she saw her mother holding a box of snapple cans for Ms. Choi and her friends.
Her mother actually figured out where she was going, and drove a long way just to treat her
daughter and her friends with Snapple drinks. quote by ms. choi but to lazy right now to listen
to interview
Ms. Chois father decided later after the passing of his wife, sent Mrs. Choi to America in
Orange County, California to live with her relatives. Christina was able to adapt well to the
foreign surroundings without the protection of her parents because of being surrounded by
relatives who truly cared about her. In the duration of time that she was there, she formed a
special bond with her cousin, Esther. Fortunately, Ms. Choi was not lonely during her time at her
relatives house because Esther was always by her side. Ms. Choi recalled the time where she
received 20 dollars and Esther had told her that it was a large sum of money. Esther then
introduced Ms. Choi to a supermarket with automatic doors.
I remember that when the doors of the supermarket opened, my fantasy of America increased,
and so did my fascination, said Ms. Choi.
There both the girls bought several trinkets and toys.Not only did Esther make Ms. Chois
experience in America thrilling, but their relationship also opened up opportunities for her to
learn English faster.
Ones childhood cannot possibly memorable without loving pets. Christina Choi on the other
hand had enough during her high school years. She raised two monkeys, martin and ______.
Ms. Choi learned that some relationships are better off when something or someone is
released. She truly loved her pets and therefore, she viewed the release of things in a more
positive light.

Ms. Choi is more grateful than other people for the several opportunities in terms of different
relationships that were given introduced to her which formed the person she is today. Her
meddled experiences formed her not only into a wonderful teacher, but a warm friend. Ms.


Hola! Christina Choi says every start of her Spanish class. Ms. Choi is adored amongst her
Spanish students. Always bubbly, and happy to teach, Ms. Choi is often listed as one of the
students most popular teachers, because in a minute or two, Ms. Choi can become any students
best friend.
It is a commonly known fact that many teachers scream or scold their students for making
foolish mistakes or interrupting the class. However, when boys throw pieces of paper at each
other in Ms. Chois Spanish class, she tells them in a calm manner to quiet down, unlike any
other regular SIS teacher in the same situation. This shows that she truly cares for her students
education and feelings.
Ms. Choi incorporates her buttery smooth Spanish accent with English to teach during Spanish
class. Anyone would be fooled to think that her first language was Spanish, only to figure out
that her native language was Korean. During class, if a student makes a pronunciation error with
one of the Spanish terms, he or she is never scolded or ignored by Ms. Choi. Instead, they are
carefully guided through on how to correctly pronounce the word.
Ms. Choi always jokes around with students in a friendly matter, which makes every Spanish
class a special treat, Sunny Oh (9) said.
Every class or anytime Ms. Choi is open to any questions or opinions whether or not it is even
related to Spanish at all. Ms. Choi is engaged in forming and maintaining fruitful relationships
with her students. She promotes understanding the importance bonds in order to get along and
deal with students with her decades of experiences.

It was my third period class and I was very lethargic because I didnt get any sleep the previous
night, reoccurs Annie Kwon (9). However, Ms. Choi brought Mexican rice for the entire class.
This made my day. In fact, every A day is a joy because of Ms. Chois wide smile.
Children grow up to look like a replica of how their parents raise them, because ones family has
a significant impact on their childrens growth. Clearly Mrs. Choi, this friendly and popular
teacher, through multiple experiences with her parents has become the person who she is today.
Ms. Choi moved to Ecuador from Korea when she was three-years-old, where there was a
constant threat of her town being tear gassed because of the several dangerous people in her
town. However, living close and spending time with her family took away her fears of the
outside. Unlike any other typical Korean parents, Ms. Chois parents Hwa Choi and Shin Joong
Ja, had no strict policy in terms of education. Hwa Choi and Shin Joong Ja valued their parent to
daughter relationships greater than education. They knew that true knowledge and wisdom
comes by forming healthy relationships and knowing that relationships go further than getting
bonus points on a test.
I think it is because my parents trusted me with anything related to education. My mother didnt
check whether or not I did my homework. She didnt check my grades. She was happy with the
fact that I was stable girl, Mrs. Choi said.
Thanks to her parents leniency towards educational standards, Ms. Choi did not undergo the
intolerable stress her students at SIS are going through. Ms. Chois parents did not glue their eyes
onto her power-school account. Though Ms. Choi cannot share the same experience in terms of
the unbearable stress levels, she does her best to coordinate her classes so that students are not
loaded with masses of homework. The forgiving and lenient relationship between Ms. Choi and
her parents enabled her to see the importance of the students well being rather than educational
purposes. Students have no reason to not befriend such a teacher.
Ms. Chois parents decided to send Mrs. Choi off to America in Orange County, California to
live with her relatives from when she 10 to 12-years-old . Christina was able to adapt well to the
foreign surroundings without the protection of her parents because of being surrounded by
relatives who truly cared about her. In the duration of time that she was there, she formed a
special bond with her cousin, Esther. Fortunately, Ms. Choi was not lonely during her time at her
relatives house because Esther was always by her side. Ms. Choi recalled the time where she
received 20 dollars and Esther had told her that it was a large sum of money. Esther then
introduced Ms. Choi to a supermarket with automatic doors. There both the girls bought several
trinkets and toys. Not only did Esther make Ms. Chois experience in America thrilling, but their
relationship also opened up opportunities for her to learn English faster. This relationship meant
farther than fun and games. It was the cultural experiences that were introduced to her, which
made this one of her few wonderful experiences in America.

However life was not spent always peacefully. The Chois family faced a tragedy during her high
school years. It was the loss of a mother, Hwa Choi. The passing of Ms. Chois mother happened
not far from the event that Ms. Choi cherished the most. When Ms. Choi was apart of the high
schools dance team in her sophomore year, during the middle of the year, her entire dance team
went to a dance camp someplace far away. At this time, she was unaware that her mother even
knew where she was going to go because of the distance. It became a big surprise to her when
she saw her mother holding a box of Snapple cans for Ms. Choi and her friends. Her mother
actually figured out where she was going, and drove a long way just to treat her daughter and her
friends with Snapple drinks.

It was just a really a nice moment. You know, she doesnt speak the language and she doesnt
know the culture, but she always did whatever to make me feel like I belonged there, Ms. Choi
said in tears.

Ones childhood cannot possibly memorable without loving pets. Christina Choi on the other
hand had enough during her high school years. She raised two monkeys, martin and another
female monkey. Unlike raising dogs, cats or fish, raising the monkeys were far more
complicated. Ms. Choi learned that some relationships teach certain levels of responsibilities, in
different ways. She truly loved her pets and therefore, she viewed the release of things in a more
positive light.
Ms. Choi is more grateful than other people for the several opportunities in terms of different
relationships that were given introduced to her, which formed the person she is today. Her
meddled experiences formed her not only into a wonderful teacher, but a warm friend. Choi does
not skim the surfaces of relationships, rather, she goes deeper and tries to find special qualities in
each individual. She is a woman who does.

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