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Greetings! I am a senior from Hamline University. I am currently doing a

feasibility research for my ENG 1800 class. The following questionnaire
contains a series of questions regarding the subject of my research: is it
feasible for Hamline University to conduct online tutoring services.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine Hamline students attitudes
toward conducting an online tutoring service at Hamline University. My target
group is students who are currently studying at Hamline University.
Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey. This survey should only
take 5-8 minutes to complete. Be assured that all answers you provide will be
kept in the strictest confidentiality. The information you provide will be used
only for research purposes. Thanks again for your time and suggestions.

1. What is your major?

--------------------------2. What is your education status?
Freshman (less than 32 credits)
Sophomore (32-64 credits)
Junior (65-96 credits)
Senior (more than 96 credits)
3. Are you currently employed full-time, part-time, or not employed?
Not employed
4. Do you live in on-campus student housing or in off-campus housing?
On-Campus housing
Off-Campus housing
5. Do you use the tutoring program or writing center at Hamline University?
6. How often do you visit the tutors (writing tutors included) per week?
Once a week
Twice a week

More than twice a week

7. How long you have to wait for tutors?
Under 5 minutes
6-10 minutes
11-15 minutes
Over 15 minutes
8. Are you satisfied with the tutoring program and writing center at Hamline
9. If you are not satisfied with the tutoring program at Hamline University,
please explain your reasons:

10. Have you ever heard of or used online tutoring assistance?

11. Would you feel it is easier to get help from tutors online?
12. How likely are you support Hamline University in offering online tutoring
Extremely likely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not so likely
Not at all likely
13. Do you feel that online tutoring assistance would better help you reach
academic success?

14. Do you think Hamline University should offer online tutoring?

15. Which of the following better describes your computer skills?
High-I am comfortable with electronic mail and web browsing.
Moderate-I can get by if there is not too much typing or special software.
Low-I don't like to use computers.
15. Please write down your expectations, suggestions, or concerns about
conducting online tutoring assistance at Hamline University.

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