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Brianna Garcia

Humanities, Dooley
Shakespeare Essay
Poisoned with the Perspective of Love
Although Shakespeare was a person who was passionate about love, A Midsummer
Nights Dream shows us that everyone has a different perspective of what love is. The first
dictionary definition of love comes up as: a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.
(Merriam Webster, Love definition). There are many models of affection. Love doesnt have to
be towards a person. We were socialized to believe love is a necessary phenomenon, because it
gives us a touch of reality. Love can be a strong affection towards your pet, your favorite rock, or
a sport. Everyone has a different way of showing their love for another. For me love is power; it
can build you up or destroy you.
Shakespeare creates a variety of characters to display different types of affection towards
a person or a thing. The lovers chase after each other for the ambience of lust.
The first couple, Lysander and Hermia, fear they will be separated from each other. They
struggle to stay together and decide it is best to run off instead of marrying someone else, or
being sentenced to death. Their romance is a gasp for air. Without it, without each other, they
would die. On the other hand we have Demetrius and Helena and their relationship with each
other is a bit different. In the beginning of the story you can see that Helena has fallen for
Demetrius and is deeply infatuated with him. She suffers when she realizes he does not have the
same passion for her. Demetrius finds himself arguing with Helena after finding out she tricked
him to coming into the woods.
Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit. For I am sick when I do look on thee.
And I am sick when I look not on you. (Shakespeare, 195)
Demetrius has feelings towards Hermia, which creates a big love triangle in this story. Helena
becomes envious towards Hermia. In a dramatic twist, as the story draws to an end, Helena and

Demetrius fall for one another and Lysander and Hermia come back with a passion for each other
even stronger than before.
In another perspective, all of these lovers are hopeless romantics, people who believe there is
someone for everyone, that we each have a soulmate. When the story of the lovers first starts off,
each couple has a different perspective of the other, just like in any modern relationship.
Perspective can be a big deal and influence in almost anything. I thought I fell in love all of a
sudden things took on a whole new perspective. I started thinking bigger about things. I started
thinking I was more capable. I started making transformations inside because I saw a more clear
outcome on the other side of the actions. I started taking bolder actions towards more visions. I
started having more expectations of myself (How Does Falling In Love Impact Your
Perspective? (My Past Dependency) When you focus on the bad there will be no good, but when
you focus on the good of things, joy will manifest. All you need to do is change your
Lysander has a beautiful fondness for Hermia. He admires her, devotes himself to her,
respects her, and has a flame in his heart for her. Demetrius enjoys the object she makes, a sex
figure, lust, and someone he wont respect in a loving manner. Thus he is an arrogant soul. In the
play when Demetrius wakes he lays his eyes upon Hermia, O Helena, goddess, nymph, perfect,
divine! To what, my love, shall I compare thine eyne?... (Act III,2,1175) Demetrius sees
Hermia with his eyes, not his heart. Lysander sees her through his heart and sacrifices his life for
her. Both men have different perspectives of who Hermia is, and one perspective is better than
the other. They both may adore her, but not in the same way. In the play, A Midsummer Nights
Dream, Helena is desperate for Demetrius, she pleads for his lust; And even for that do I love
you the more. I am your spaniel. And, Demetrius, The more you beat me, I will fawn on you. Use
me but as your spanielspurn me, strike me, neglect me, lose me. Only give me leave,
Unworthy as I am, to follow you. What worser place can I beg in your love And yet a place of
high respect with me Than to be usd as you use your dog? (Act II Scene 1). Demetrius
attempts to get away from the frantic Helena, Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit. For I
am sick when I do look on thee. (Act ,1,211) After an odd turn of events Demetrius falls for

Helena, with Lysander waking and following along saying, And run through fire I will for thy
sweet sake. Transparent Helena! Nature shows art that through thy bosom makes me see thy
heart. Where is Demetrius? Oh, how fit a word is that vile name to perish on my sword. (Act II,
2,762) After expressing their love for Helena she becomes agitated and upset because she
believes they are playing a trick on her. The perspective of love changes for each person.
Demetrius and Lysander become desperate over Helena. After having a spell put upon the them it
changes how they see each other.
We are all socialized differently by our family, friends, loved ones, and every person who
crosses our path. Each changes something within us. Its an endless cycle of lending out a hand
towards someones aspect or mindset of something. We are socialized to feel secure and then we
are tested by lifes effortless games. There is an endless cycle of socialization, first you have
your beginning. You are born into the world of the unknown; no choice, no judgment, and no
information. This is when our identity forms, which is reflected in the next part of the cycle, First
Socialization. The First Socialization is taught from a more personal way, family, teachers,
friends, people who we love, trust and feel closest to. When I was younger I was taught that
falling in love was okay, and part of human nature. But as I grew, I was taught that I had to fall in
love with the right person and they needed to be criticized before moving on. My perspective
of love was contorted, twisted, and broken. Soon enough you need to take a stand and fall for
who you want, not what someone else wants. We are taught values, rules, how to act, how to be,
and in some cases, who to be; privilege of self and of others, empowerment, how to think,
medicine, work, school, etc. The enforcements give you guidelines of who you may want to be,
who you may turn out to be. The next three cycles of socialization are, Results, Direction for
change, and Action. The result stage would describe your feelings or emotions as a person. You
may experience anger, happiness, or love, by the actions you take. A direction for change begins
when you are your own person, or not your own person, take a stand for yourself, question
things, be different. Over a lifetime your perspective will always change. Then we have the last
stage, Action. You can either do nothing, or stand up and work for what you want, and be who
you want to be. If we direct this cycle to love, it shows we each have our own perspective of
affection, and how we are socialized to respect and care for a spouse. Some may be hopeless
romantics, but we all have a unique way of expressing it. A cynical lover is someone who has

been hurt before in a relationship and is skeptical of the next person to come along, which in
some cases can be a good thing. The lovers each were skeptical of the other, the wooer, but
also had a curious mindset.
In the story, A Midsummer Nights Dream, the lovers are all deeply devoted with each
other. Some say true love can never be broken, but as the tale goes on, Shakespeare shows us that
even with a little bit of magic your love can be broken. In the play and the book, after having a
spell put on each lover, their perspectives were shifted. Shakespeare was showing us how even in
immortal matters, your passion for an object can easily be changed by another person's action,
and we may blow love out of proportion. We crave affection. It can be scandal, thrill, lust and
secrecy. Love takes a journey through multiple strangers eyes, wraps around the mind and heart,
a small light, dark magic or beautiful magic. In the case of this story, it took a course of both
dark and light magic. Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, each of their hearts were taken
and messed with, distorted and given back. The lover's perspective shifted to the other spouse.
Even if you have a strong flame for someone it does not mean they will have the same feelings.
There are many types of love, its in your hands to determine how you will treat it.

"How Does Falling In Love Impact Your Perspective? (My Past Dependency)."Tony Teegarden
Dot Com. N.p., 16 Apr. 2010. Web. 01 May 2015.
Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 01 May 2015.

Final Humanities Essay Rubric

Dooley Hum 9
Structure: (75 points)
The introduction and thesis summarizes your upcoming argument in a clear and
concise manner

(0, 10, 20, or 25 points): 25/25

Evidence for your score (use a quote from your paper):

Although Shakespeare was a person who was passionate about love, A Midsummer
Nights Dream shows us that everyone has a different perspective of what love is. The first
dictionary definition of love comes up as: a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.
(Merriam Webster, Love definition). There are many models of affection. Love doesnt have to
be towards a person. We were socialized to believe love is a necessary phenomenon, because it
gives us a touch of reality. Love can be a strong affection towards your pet, your favorite rock, or
a sport. Everyone has a different way of showing their love for another. For me love is power; it
can build you up or destroy you.

Each paragraph begin with clear topic sentences

(0, 10, 20, or 25 points): 20/25
Evidence for your score (use a quote from
Although Shakespeare was a person who was passionate about love, A Midsummer
Nights Dream shows us that everyone has a different perspective of what love is.
Each paragraph's evidence is relevant and clear. The analysis following the evidence
explains how the evidence proves the topic sentence.
(0, 10, 20, or 25 points): 25/25
Evidence for your score (use a quote from your paper):
Topic Sentence: Demetrius enjoys the object she makes, a sex figure, lust, and someone
he wont respect in a loving manner. Thus he is an arrogant soul.
Evidence for topic sentence:

O Helena, goddess, nymph, perfect, divine! To what, my love, shall I compare thine
eyne?... (Act III,2,1175)
Craftsmanship: (75 points)
There are no spelling errors or punctuation errors (esp. comma splices, incomplete
sentences, incorrect semicolons)
(0, 10, 20, or 25 points): 25/25
Evidence for your score (use a quote from your paper):
Although Shakespeare was a person who was passionate about love, A Midsummer
Nights Dream shows us that everyone has a different perspective of what love is. The first
dictionary definition of love comes up as: a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.
(Merriam Webster, Love definition). There are many models of affection. Love doesnt have to
be towards a person. We were socialized to believe love is a necessary phenomenon, because it
gives us a touch of reality. Love can be a strong affection towards your pet, your favorite rock, or
a sport. Everyone has a different way of showing their love for another. For me love is power; it
can build you up or destroy you.

Evidence is cited correctly

(0, 10, 20, or 25 points): 25/25
Evidence for your score (use a quote from your paper):
O Helena, goddess, nymph, perfect, divine! To what, my love, shall I compare thine
eyne?... (Act III,2,1175)
"How Does Falling In Love Impact Your Perspective? (My Past Dependency)."Tony Teegarden
Dot Com. N.p., 16 Apr. 2010. Web. 01 May 2015.
Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 01 May 2015.

Sentences are dynamic; they vary in length and use multiple structures (especially
concessive sentences or NPA's)
(0, 10, 20, or 25 points): 25/25
Evidence for your score (use a quote from your paper):
In the story, A Midsummer Nights Dream, the lovers are all deeply devoted with each
other. Some say true love can never be broken, but as the tale goes on, Shakespeare shows us that
even with a little bit of magic your love can be broken. In the play and the book, after having a
spell put on each lover, their perspectives were shifted. Shakespeare was showing us how even in
immortal matters, your passion for an object can easily be changed by another person's action,
and we may blow love out of proportion. We crave affection. It can be scandal, thrill, lust and
secrecy. Love takes a journey through multiple strangers eyes, wraps around the mind and heart,
a small light, dark magic or beautiful magic. In the case of this story, it took a course of both
dark and light magic. Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, each of their hearts were taken
and messed with, distorted and given back. The lover's perspective shifted to the other spouse.
Even if you have a strong flame for someone it does not mean they will have the same feelings.
There are many types of love, its in your hands to determine how you will treat it.
Creativity: (50 points)
The thesis infers a hidden meaning beneath the obvious facts of the subject
(0, 10, 15 or 20 points): 20/20
Evidence for your score (use a quote from your paper):
Their romance is a gasp for air. Without it, without each other, they would die.

Each paragraph creatively interprets the meaning of the evidence to further prove
the thesis:
(0, 5, 10, or 15 points): 15/15
Evidence for your score (use a quote from your paper):
My perspective of love was contorted, twisted, and broken. Soon enough you need to
take a stand and fall for who you want, not what someone else wants. We are taught values, rules,
how to act, how to be, and in some cases, who to be; privilege of self and of others,
empowerment, how to think, medicine, work, school, etc. The enforcements give you guidelines
of who you may want to be, who you may turn out to be. The next three cycles of socialization
are, Results, Direction for change, and Action. The result stage would describe your feelings or
emotions as a person. You may experience anger, happiness, or love, by the actions you take. A
direction for change begins when you are your own person, or not your own person, take a stand
for yourself, question things, be different. Over a lifetime your perspective will always change.
Then we have the last stage, Action. You can either do nothing, or stand up and work for what
you want, and be who you want to be. If we direct this cycle to love, it shows we each have our
own perspective of affection, and how we are socialized to respect and care for a spouse. Some
may be hopeless romantics, but we all have a unique way of expressing it. A cynical lover is
someone who has been hurt before in a relationship and is skeptical of the next person to come
along, which in some cases can be a good thing. The lovers each were skeptical of the other, the
wooer, but also had a curious mindset.
The conclusion wraps the different layers of meaning into an easily summarized (yet
still complex) series of thoughts:
(0, 5, 10, or 15 points): 15/15
Evidence for your score (use a quote from your paper):
In the story, A Midsummer Nights Dream, the lovers are all deeply devoted with each
other. Some say true love can never be broken, but as the tale goes on, Shakespeare shows us that
even with a little bit of magic your love can be broken. In the play and the book, after having a
spell put on each lover, their perspectives were shifted. Shakespeare was showing us how even in

immortal matters, your passion for an object can easily be changed by another person's action,
and we may blow love out of proportion. We crave affection. It can be scandal, thrill, lust and
secrecy. Love takes a journey through multiple strangers eyes, wraps around the mind and heart,
a small light, dark magic or beautiful magic. In the case of this story, it took a course of both
dark and light magic. Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius and Helena, each of their hearts were taken
and messed with, distorted and given back. The lover's perspective shifted to the other spouse.
Even if you have a strong flame for someone it does not mean they will have the same feelings.
There are many types of love, its in your hands to determine how you will treat it.
Final grade: 195/200

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