The Steel Host

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The famed armoured formation of the Cadian 1 652nd, know n as the Steel Host, have a w ell deserved and

reputation. Every member of the formation must prove themselves as a Guardsman before they are trained for the armoured
corps, facing the foe w ith lasgun, bayonet and flak armour. These men are then expected to make a commensurately better
account of themselves w hen the formidable armour and arsenal of a Leman Russ Battle tank is at their command. Under the
direction of Commander Ovik, the Steel Host have proven themselves exceptional among the armoured formations of Cadia
so exceptional in fact, that high command insist that Oviks formation is accompanied by a Hydra to protect them from aerial
threats. During the defence of Alaric Prime, the Steel Host w ere decisive in numerous battles, w here their timely arrival and
the devastating fire of their guns turned the tide or broke the enemy.

1 Tank Commander
3 Leman Russ squadrons
1 Hy dra


Elite T ank Crews: The Tank Commander, and all v ehicles from this formation within 1 2" of the Tank Commander, hav e the
Preferred Enemy special rule.

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