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Briefly discuss the eight dimensions of quality.

Does this improve

our understanding of quality?
Performance- does product met expectations
2) Features- additional attributes appealing or enhancing to product
3) Reliability- how well the product performs its intended purpose
4) Conformance- does the product meet its specifications
5) Durability- stress test or life expectancy
6) Serviceability- ease of maintenance and repair
7) Aesthetics- visual appeal : such as: color, style, shape, feel, sound, smell,etc..
Perceived Quality- either through marketing or reputation a perception of the
product is created, now days many potential customers research the net before
buying particular product.

An important part of a project is to identify the key process

input variables ( KPIV) and key process output variables ( KPOV).
Suppose that you are the owner/ manager of a small business that
provides mailboxes, copy services, and mailing services. Discuss
the KPIVs and KPOVs for this business.


KPIV's (key process input variables) variables such as customer interaction, product
compatibility, convenience and consumable demand of service. What are the methods for
of payment for services? Variables of employees, employees can affect the business positive
or negatively.
KPOVs (key process output variables): business facilities capabilities, overhead, process
variables to consistently provide maintained service. Variables of a marketing plan can
greatly effect small business.

Open the Reading Folder For Session III on the Assignments,

discuss Characterizing Process Data

Accurate data is very important since results may cause process changes; we sure want to
make major costly changes to the manufacturing process that is based off of inaccurate data.
Characterizing the data will help in making the best use of it.
Assuming the data is correct Characterizing will help to interpret it. Charts and graphs also
help bring a clear picture showing possible areas that need addressing or improvement.

Open the Reading Folder For Session III on the Assignments, and
discuss the Types of Process Data.


Only quantitative data can have a mathematical expression, that being said many things can be
giving a numerical value. Generally the qualitative approach works good to analyze nonnumerical things such as: identifying the supplier of a shipment or personal preferences, etc.
For example when contaminated meat was found sold at a certain grocery store and later resulted
in being traced back to a certain slaughter house, then from which batch, Qualitative analyses
could be used.

Open the Reading Folder For Session III on the Assignments, and
discuss Populations, Processes and Samples

Enumerative studies can give a quick glimpse on how products are being produced, but if
sampling just 1 days batch out of lets say 30 days of production relying on that small sample
could prove to be a costly mistake. I worked in a high tolerance machine shop where we
produced 10,000 parts per shift per operator; machines can change product specs by just a
slight change in temperature or barometric pressure. So obviously it would make sense to
be constantly taking smaller sample but more often, we actually sample tested 3 to 5 parts
every 15 minutes.
Multiple sample results looked at over time can also reveal other information such as
comparing relations that may affect the process like: comparing various operators,
comparing various weather days with various production days, comparing machines(could
reveal mechanical problems with particular machines) etc.. This is where control charts can
give a great visual aid as to what is happening.

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