Ygb Extravaganza!

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Major American Writers


YGB Extravaganza!
1. Make sure youve annotated all of the following relevant passages in
Young Goodman Brown
2. Carefully read the following questions. You may choose which
questions to answer and which to skip. However, the sum total of
questions youve answered should equal 20 or greater.
3. All answers should be written on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to
write the heading of each section IN A SEPARATE COLOR with each
Long and Winding Road Setting in YGB (6 points):
a. Identify four words/phrases that are identified in the text.
b. How does the setting add to the meaning of the story?
c. How does settings imagery create the mood and help the reader
predict the nature of Young Goodman Browns journey
Whats in a Name? Faith, YGBs hotty (4 points)
a. Of all the names for a wife, why is YGBs wife named Faith?
b. Analyze the significance of the line, Faith kept me back awhile.

Howdy , Stranger! The Traveler Sitting Under a Tree (6 points):

apparently in the same rank of life a Goodman Brown and bearing a
considerable resemblance to him, though perhaps more in expression
than features. Still they might have been taken for father and son.
a. Is the man sitting under the tree Browns alter ego? Explain your
b. Interpret the description of the staff which bore the likeness of a
great black snake, so curiously wrought that it might almost have
seen to twist and wriggle like a living serpent. This of course, must have been an ocular
deception, assisted by the uncertain light. Why is YGB uncertain?
c. When the traveler states, I have been well acquainted with your familyI helped your
grandfather, the constable, when he lasted the Quaker woman so smartly through the streets of
SalemThe deacons of many a church have drunk wine with me; the select men of divers town
make me their chairman; and a majority of the Great and General Court are firm believers of my
interest, what do we begin to understand about him? Through this character, what is
Hawthorne telling us about evil?

Dont Mind Us! Deacon Gooking and the Minister (6 points):

a. Where are the two riders head and after they ride by, what
happens to YGB?
b. Why is this significant?

Major American Writers


c. Explain the statement, With heaven above and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil!
We Should Hang Out Sometime YGB and the bonfire (8 points):
high dameswives of honored husbands, and widows, a
great multitude, and ancient maidens, all of excellent repute,
and fair young girls who trembled...a score of the church
members of Salem village, famous for their especial
sanctity...these chaste dames and dewy virgins, there were
men of dissolute lives and women of spotted fame, wretches
given over to all mean and filthy vice, and suspected even of
horrid crimes. It was strange to see that the good shrank not
from the wicked, nor where the sinners abashed by the
a. What is happening when YGM arrives at his final destination?
b. Describe what YGB saw at the meeting and the significance of the above passage.
c. Explain the significance of Welcome, my children, to the communion of your race. Ye have found
thus young your nature and destiny.
d. Who or what is the figure? What does the dark figure represent?

Walk of Shame YGB and The Morning After (8 points):

a. How does YGB make sense of what occurred the night before?
b. In detail, explain how YGB treats the townspeople the next day.
c. How is YGBs life different from before?
d. YGB is an allegory. What does it represent?

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